
(18 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

thanx zurf.I will have to get one.It may not sat what Iwant it to but it will tell the truth.


(18 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

Congratulations on the weight loss.But i have an extremely stupid question Zurf.What kind of scale do you use.My health-o-meter gives different readings depending on where it is in the house.I can weigh 210 one time and a foot away weigh 230.I keep trying but food tastes too good.I was 160 when I quit smoking the first time.If I had a scale that was accurate that would help.Mine is a piece of you know what


(4 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

I laugh about it now,but my father used to always say" f*%@ing Joey,your going to give me a heart attack someday"Well he died of a heart attack in 1984.I wasn`t a bad kid but I was a wise ass.It took a long time to get over that quote.Thanks to his strict rules and not taking any S#@& from me.I never got arrested or into any kind of trouble.Even with the drugs and alcohol.Thanks dad.


(4 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

In one post I said how 6 words changed my outlook on playing.It doesnt apply just to playing.All it takes is a simple statement to change ones outlook.An interview with Billy Graham on 20/20 did it for me.Having a history of substance abuse makes it difficult  to meet my own expectations sometimes.In this interview he said"just try to live a good clean life and you will be just fine".That did it for me.Knowing full well I will never be an angel.That statement put some light at the end of the tunnel.Now I know not to set my limits too high.Just getting through the day is good enough for me.My cup is half full,not half empty.19 years clean and sober helps too.


(33 replies, posted in Acoustic)

Danny Kortchmar (kootch)-He got me to love playing rythym guitar.!st my abilities are so limited that I cant handle lead.Mainly a strummer.An article about him in guitar player magazine in 1983 changed my whole outlook.He said "someone has to play the song"Those 6 words made me love playing even more.To accept my limitations and work on my strengths.Sometimes all it takes is a short quote to change your outlook forever.If I didnt buy that magazine back then,who knows


(24 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

I too didnt play for a while.Believe it or not,it was the tab sites that got me back in.All this music at my fingertips.Now i have 5 three ring binders full of tabs at my disposal.When I get too stressed there is nothing like playing to relieve it.Makes you(as in me) appreciate it even more when you get back to playing on a regular basis.WELCOME TO CHORDIE


(24 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

As sad and tragic as her death is.That was hilarious.Thanx. That is her mini me


(11 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

i am on facebook,but I dont lie about myself.Actually my profile is quite dull.I do keep an eye on my daughters facebook account.If you mhave trouble sleeping,just read my facebook page and you will fall asleep in no time.


(12 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

I bought the trick black soap and the 8 foot frankenstein monster from the same comic book ad.The black soap was a piece of black something held in by a sticker.The frankenstein was an 8 foot piece of plastic with a picture of the frankenstein monster on it.My parents wouldnt let me tack it up on the walls of their brand new house and tape wouldnt hold it up.If you look on the back of the box of the Gretsch Americana series it has a spoof of those ads.One cool thing was the batman periscope from a box of Kelloggs OKs cereal.My mother sent away for it for me.Anyone remember that.Yogi Bear was on the box

The conversation is getting too depressing because of my Amy Winehouse post.Lets lighten it up.Remember watching commercials when you were small.Then you got the product and it didnt happen like in the commercial.I don`t mean toys or products that dont perform like in the commercial.I mean the stuff that cant ever happen.After bugging my mother to get Imperial margarine,I ate some and didn`t get a big crown with the music.Another one is when I opened a bottle of Ajax and a white tornado didnt come out.The most recent was in 2002 when my daughter(gabbytrout)asked me to get her fruit gushers.She braced up and her head didnt turn into a piece of fruit like in the commercial.What commercial gave you all your first dose of reality?


(14 replies, posted in Acoustic)

It`s amazing what a guitar can do.And it has nothing to do with music.Like a common bond.


(24 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

I did my share of substance abuse.Came out clean.19 years in august,drug and alcohol free.Leader of a band I was in didnt fare as well.I lost too many friends that way.I have no intention of joining them.


(43 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

coffee.I put an extra scoop in the coffee maker when I make it.I tried tea but it bothers my stomach.So its coffee coffee coffee for joeyjoeyjoey.I had to throw that one in.Also.i`m from massachusetts.Home of the Boston tea party


(24 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

Nothing more.It is a shame that someone could die at 27.A waste of talent.Sounds awful to say but it is true.


(20 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

I forgot what the discussion(argument) was about,but my wife said"if you feel that way,why did you marry me?"I said "it seemed like a good idea at the time".Poor choice of words.Some people have no sense of humor sometimes


(20 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

heres one for ya,"there are times I think my hands would look nice wrapped around my wife`s neck but I dont act upon it".Long story.48 hrs on msnbc had a guy who killed his father.He said he saw the extension cord and thought it would look nice wrapped around his neck so he did it.Thats when I texted the comment to my friends and bandmates.One thought I was serious and things werent the same after that.Oh I am not in that band anymore.


(10 replies, posted in Acoustic)

dont let finger pain discourage you.It wont last forever.And of course practice practice practice.My own daughter got through the pain and now doesnt feel a thing.Take your time and keep trying.Just remember that every player started out the same way.Good luck. I KNOW YOU WILL DO GOOD.


(67 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

just got the stickers in the mail today.Thank you so much.Now the weather is getting bad.Maybe tomorrow I will put them on.Thet are great thanx again


(11 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

I just did that with my laptop.I took a sledgehammer to it.Then threw it in the trash.Why you ask.It stopped working after I spilled a full mug of coffee on it.It was completely gone.It was destroyed because I had personal information on it.If someone could get it and fix it,the info would be there.Now it cant be fixed. If the Who played with laptops instead of guitars,that is what it would be like.Also,they dont break easy.I threw it off my deck into the driveway and it didnt damage it.That is when the sledge came in.Now its dead along with my info


(11 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

same here.You are all like a family now.


(12 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

this trick works.Look at the mirror from the non-reflective side and see the difference.I look great from that side.Try it.It works for me.You know i am telling the truth because my pants arent on fire


(12 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

variable lenses are what I wear.Not that I have a choice.After a while reading glasses just didnt cut it.They did for reading but not for seeing.I did put up a fight until I was 44.Then I had to admit defeat and buy reading glasses.


(8 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

Dino,I saw youre age on the how old is everyone post.Not only was I born the same date as you,But my older brother was born the same year as you.Is that a major coincidence or what.Either way,hope your birthday was great. Take it easy JJJ


(6 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

Has anyone ever seen that show"HOARDERS" on T.L.C. They have had a marathon all weekend.Makes me look into my music room and want to get rid of things.So far I have given away a RAM amp from canada.A sears silvertone acoustic (the sunburst one) that how many had for thier first guitar.(mine was).A sears acoustic,a peavey acoustic(the one with the bridge),A burswood electric and a Fender ag-10 sn.The one with the 6 in one headstock.Next is some furniture and antique toys and games. I still have 8 others plus 6 amps left.Not to mention the trouts things(she is not wanting for anything).Back to the original subject.I am not a hoarder but I didnt know how easy it is to build up so much stuff.I am hoping to get the music room back into a usable space again.We play down there now but with more room down there it will just make it easier.My original plan was to decorate it like an applebees or 5 & diner so I accumulated all these old things.Some I will keep but most will be gone soon.Anyone else run into this situation and how do you handle it.


(67 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

I mailed you the cash today.If you could let me know when it comes that would be great.My real name and address is inside and on the back flap of the envelope.The left corner says joeyjoeyjoey so you know who it is.Thanx  Joe. P.S. the windex and paper towels are ready