The person to inspire me to write my first song was Syd Barrett.
I listened to his insane but well thought lyrics and thought to myself if he can get away with stuff like " I know a mouse and he hasen't got a house, I dont know why I cal him Gerald"
Then I could too, so my weird song writing began in 1985.

that is who inspired me to write. My favourite songwriters that I have taken a little bit from them I tihnk are:

Roger Waters.
The corries,
Shane McGowan from the pogues
Pete Towshend
John Prine
Jake Burns
Joe Strummer
Red hot chili peppers

there are so many great writers, some that have already been mentioned,
Johnny Cash, TOm PAxton, Steve Harris, ac/dc , ray davies, paul weller, dylan,

good topic Hannah.



(7 replies, posted in Songwriting)

I dont think I saw a topic called "critic" because I think the one you might have wrote regarding critisism is called " new year wish" ?

Ye mention in there about critisism.



(3 replies, posted in Songwriting)

Love the lyrics Lieven,
Also the chorus' are great



(4 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

I think I mentioned in my Ali Bain and Phil Cunningham review of their concert in November that three Scottish girls from Elgin are the first in the word to get a degree in " folk music".
I am not too sure where in Scotland the university or college is where they got it though.

Also other colleges in the UK do Music degrees.



(7 replies, posted in Songwriting)

yep Roger
I agree wit hyou on the commenting on every song.
And people do put a lot of efort into sings and should not be brought down.
I do sometimes mention things that I tihnk might improve a song, or in my eyes it would but that is not to say it is right, but then on the opther hand it might help someone that never knew they needed help,lol.

I never saw any thread called critis I must say.
But I do like critisism, but it is not for everyone so I do not tell everyone what I tihnk of their songs.
one reason being what I said. They might be happy with what they have and are not looking for comments, might just want to share.
Another reason is they might not like what I say and I really do not like hurting peoples feelings so I am learning to keep quieter much more :lo:
also If I write something bad or something the writer does not like then it will look bad to other people reading and make them think I am some sort of loud mouthed heartless son of a newt.

I think if someone asks for comments esp[ecially critisism then fine, give them it,lol. but trying in a nice a way as possible..

Geeeez, I think after typing that I have just learned something new, or realised something more about myself.



Spice girls
Take that

And that's just the start lol
I dont really hate them, well ok, yes I do. Madonna is not bad I suppose but she is full of herself and treats people like dirt so I think not much of her at all for that.
The rest of the bands I mentioned I have no time for them at all.

Also in the list any boyband or girls band that have been manufactured and groomed by a so called music guru.



(19 replies, posted in Acoustic)

hi gifted, welcome to the chordie site and forum
and happy new year to yourself too.

What you describe is what we have loads of in Scotland, but I know they do havce loads All over the place.
They are caommonly known as folk nights, or folk sessions.
Now, just because it is called "folk" it is not always folk songs that get played although the ones I go to it is 87.4% folk music. But ye get country, blues, acoutic rock etc.

They are great for building up confidence and also to get out and have a laugh with like minded people



(33 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

SouthPaw41L wrote:

Yeah I'm hooked on that album too. Good stuff!!! I'm especially fond of "My Darling Hometown."

I learned that too. I play that on the mandolin using chords, it sounds great on it.



(29 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

22 replies so far and no one that I have seen has mentioned these two films

Tommy.....soundtrack by the who
Stephen King's Maximum overdrive, music by AC/DC

also the soundtrack to the animated classic
When the wind blows.... it has music by roger waters, david bowie and more.
and I think there was a best selling soundtrack for
The Lion King



(33 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

I, like others have favourite songs that vary day from day or week from week.
But for the last month I have been completely hooked on John Prine's album " fair and square" so I think it would be one from that and since I have just learned a few of them I would say
either the song " long Monday" or "Other side of town"



(7 replies, posted in Songwriting)

I love the lyrics Rebel.
good work



(9 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

I had wonderful tonight for my second song. I had love is all around for my first.
but if I wee to choose today I would choose
My own song

A womans place




(30 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

I have a request for my own funeral that is written down and in safe hands.
I want   Freebird  to be played and also  Everybody hurts

And if possible I want the words up on a big screen for everyone to sing along.



(32 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

If you want blood, ac dc.
Live after death, Iron Maiden.
The thin lizzy one that I canny remember the name
Hanx, Slf
dig the new breed, the jam
Live after leeds, the who



(8 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

I just got bak from my trip away. 5 parties in 3 days, hard going but good fun from what I remember.

Hope everyone on the the site has a great 2008.




(8 replies, posted in Songwriting)

great lyrics Alex,
can I just point out one thing though?
It is not too bad and maybe it is meant?

the whole song makes it sound like you alone are leaving someone but in the chorus on the second line you have
aboard that ship that we went on.

would it not be better " the ship I went on"?

just a thought, your song and you can sing whatever you want. I just spotted that pretty quickly.

Even with that though, great song.

strange chords too, but that is not a bad thing. Now I need to hear this before I attemp it.
youtube calling I think,lol.
Will try it next week when i get back



(16 replies, posted in Acoustic)

Excellent JErome,
I never really thought about this before,
but now all my help, or lots of it will be aimed at you for theory, James for Lyrics and Toney for things, things I have no idea what I am talking about, could be quite a lot of things now,lol.

Cheers though. You are right with the choices of people I think.
People can write lyrics, even me but JAmes' portfolio speaks for itself, Toney is a musician that does it for a money, a pro like you said so he must know stuff, and then yourself as you have proved with the musical theory part of it with progressions, scales, chords etc.

What a team!!!
this is not to say others cannot answer questions because so many contribute here and I dont think I would just listen to one or two, but if one or two or three all said the same, or agreed with other posts then it has to be good advice.
Hmmmm, does this make sense? in my head right now as I type it all makes perfect sense.



(7 replies, posted in Songwriting)


I moved this topic to the chat section as I thought you were talking about countries and not country music.When I realised ye were talking about country music and ideas for writing country songs I moved it back lol




(16 replies, posted in Acoustic)

jerome.oneil wrote:

Just for the record, the guys I listen to are James and SouthPaw.


but Jerome,
I listen to you lol I like your advice. You always seem to give great answers to people, or it looks like it

I am thinking should I just go straight to james and toney now?

I like listening to everyone



(31 replies, posted in Acoustic)

oh dear something that doesnt often happen.

I have actually missed all of this since the last time I posted saying this site was getting them from other sites.

I think I just missed a cracking oppoprtunity for a one sided argument.

I am sure someone has answered you to what you asked me about why do you not just go to the original site but I will say my bit, or repeat what someone else has said.

Why go to the original sites when you can get them from one site? here!. and if the song is not here then we rely on members to "ADD SONGS" to the site, then the site will have them.
  What you asked is like saying to a person why go to a supermarket? why not go to  a butcher then go to the fishmonger, the nafter that go to the newsagents, then go to the freezer shop then go to grocers, after that you need a pair of trousers, so you have to go to a clothes shop, oh yeah and you just remembered you need food for your plants in the garden ,well it is off to a garden centre now.
Are you getting the message son?
having things in one place is a good idea.

so, if there is a song not in chordie but you find it in another site, the ndirect chordie to it by using the resources and adding a song.

Also, have other sites got the option of making your own songbook? have they a forum to discuss stuff and get help?

If so, then feel free to disappear if not and you like the site then why try to bring it down?

I am going to lock this site now so there are no more arguments or potential arguments that there is no need for,
But if you would like to discuss it more please feeel free to email me



(24 replies, posted in About Chordie)

Since that last post there has not been much or any spam,porn or sporn on the site.
I have not had to delete any, it is mostly just wee silly things that members post so far that is getting moderated.
But should there be a need, I tihnk it is a good idea for a new time zone.
It was mentioned before and I am sure Per will seek one if he feels the need.



(25 replies, posted in About Chordie)

I do not think this is possible




(8 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

A lovely name. My niece is called hannah too.
I wondered quite a few times as probably has a few here.
But, I tihnk I am going to stick with Rebel or LR. but ye never know.

I cannot think of anything for my name.

K eep
E nding
N ow

short names are rubbish



(8 replies, posted in Songwriting)

roger great song and I am sure he will love this song.
I am presumming you have let him see it first before posting it here?

Superb song for a great guy by another great guy.



(3 replies, posted in About Chordie)

Hi Lowe.

I am still learning the Mandolin just now but on the 11th of this month I thought the exact same as what you just asked.
Even thought you can change the chords to madolin,uke etc. It is good to have a chart for chords for different instruments.
I found this one
a chart of chords for the mandolin and I printed it out and keep it handy. there are more than these that are shown, but I am sure there are links to other mandolin chords. That link gives you the main chords.

I would also like to see a mandolin chart like the guitar chart where you can click on the chord for variations.
