(25 replies, posted in Songwriting)

thanks, TD.

Yeah, they keep you on your toes!

Did you hear it on my website?

When I go there it isn't up yet.

- oh, okay. there it is!



(25 replies, posted in Songwriting)

Well, after much help, and some consternation, I have recorded this song and posted it on my website!

Oldnewbie pats himself on the back

I hope you like it.  It isn't perfect, but I was pretty excited to be able to record again, and I kind of rushed it out there. When I get some better mics, I will repost it, but you should get the general idea.

Thanks for looking!


(24 replies, posted in Guitars and accessories)


Thanks for all the info!

I think I'd rather have a plain, satin finish, but that guitar is purty!

I like the sound and the one at my local shop seems to play nice.

I have heard of other people "boning" their guitars, and I have questions:

1. How much does it cost (can I do it myself?)

2. How does it affect the sound and/or playability?

I really appreciate your input. It is always good to talk to someone who actually owns one. The more I see and hear, the more I am leaning towards this guitar.

Thanks, again!


(8 replies, posted in Songwriting)

Shopping carts. cool. I rather like shopping trollies better!

what a nice song. great concept, well written and easy enough for a newbie to play!



(9 replies, posted in Songwriting)

I just want to hug your neck, Old Doll.

Nothing more blue than un-told love, secret hurts.

Bless your heart.

Awesome tune.


(13 replies, posted in Songwriting)

Good call, James!

arkady gave me a link to it, and I have it installed!

Now, if I can just find my stupid microphones!

(Had an electronics melt down about six months ago, and had to replace computer, printer, and a lot of other crap. I put everything right where I would know where it was... smile )


(55 replies, posted in Acoustic)

I hosed myself when I first started, two years ago.

I had a Mel Bay book from which I learned my first three or four chords, and it showed the "F" chord played on the first four strings, so I never even knew there was such a thing as a barre chord.

Once I learned about this whole world of pain, I had learned "F" and "Bm" open chords, and just "cheated" my way around them.

Now I am going back and learning how to play the barre chords, because I have realized that I am missing a lot of music by not being able to play them.

A professional once told me that there is no "illegal" way to make a chord, so there is no such thing as "cheating". I live by that! smile


(8 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

Awesome, arkady! Thanks.

I just downloaded Audacity 1.2.x, and will be installing it this evening, and checking it out

I really appreciate the help!


(23 replies, posted in Songwriting)

"clinkers" are what give our songs character, James!

Each installment is a unique work of art!

(at least that's what I keep telling myself big_smile)


(13 replies, posted in Songwriting)

Thanks Patrick, and James.

I am trying to figure out how to record on my new computer (I think I need an application that I no longer have). Once I master the electrons, I will be posting some more stuff.

feedback rocks!


(51 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

topdown wrote:

The Carpenters? I mean how how can a list include Zepp, Kiss, Aerosmith and then.... The Carpenters!?

We have to convene a meeting of the Man Council and seek immediate revocation of your Man Card. I mean .... the Carpenters? Don't know if I would have admitted that in public big_smile

Just Kidding - pssst don't tell anybody but I used to kinda like Hall & Oates

What can I say, Topdown, I'm like a tootsie pop...

beneath the hard and crunchy shell is soft and sweet inside! smile

I did put the Carpenters last...

you can never be too rich... or too thin - Karen Carpenter


(10 replies, posted in Song requests)

Yeah, I play Gordon's version, too. I don't quite have the strum pattern down like him, but I sort of fake my way through it. It is a pretty quick strum (for my hand, anyway!) but it is very repetitive, which helps hold it.

Nice song.

Howdy, clansman. Hope you have as much fun here as I am.

You will find a lot of folks like us, who didn't start until later in life. (I've been playing a little over 2 years and am 40 y/o). You are in good company!

I hope you stick with it!


(51 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

I already let the cat out of the bag on another thread, but...

The Carpenters.

can't get enough of "close to you" [ETA] - and "don't you remember you told me you love me, baby"

And, unfortunately, The Heebie Geebies (Bee-Gees)

How can you not move your booty when you hear the lead-in to "Staying Alive"?

"Well, you can tell by the way I use my walk, I'm a woman's man, no time to talk..."

Oldnewbie passes out from the falsetto singing and falls off of the desk on which he was dancing, ripping his white suit pants

A limit of 5 on an "of all time" list is kind of tough:

1. Kiss
2. Beatles
3. Rush
4. CCR
5. The Band

Okay, I put Kiss before The Beatles. I was still young when the Beatles were in their prime. Kiss was more my speed back then. I didn't really start appreciating The Beatles until my 30s.

My next 5 would be:

6. Led Zepplin
7. Rolling Stones
8. CSN&Y
9. Aerosmith
and, my guilty pleasure:

10. The Carpenters

(there, I said it).



(74 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

yeah, but, instead of Haggis, they have Chitterlings (pronounced "Chit-lins")


(13 replies, posted in Songwriting)

Thanks, Doll, I tend to be obsessive, which doesn't help me limit my time on stuff once I get immersed.

Hopefully the newness will wear off while my wife is still speaking to me, and before my daughter gets married!


MM - Thanks, I would like to record Pocket Aces. As soon as I get my computer act together, I'll get it posted.

Oh, and BTW - Whatever is on my site, is for the consumption of all. Please feel free to download or record your own versions to your hearts content. (It is actually an honor that anyone would want to do that!)


(7 replies, posted in Songwriting)

Played it last night. Seems to flow really well. I like the sound and the feel of it!


(20 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

No offense here, Strat!

How boring would life be if we all agreed on everything all the time!

Hey, there, guitar slinger. Hope you find as much fun here as I have!


(8 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

Okay. Next question!

I used to have some software that "came with" my old computer. I used it to make some low quality CDs, just so I could hear myself play.

Old computer died, no more software.

Is there some inexpensive (i.e. shareware?) audio recording software that will allow me to record through my existing sound card? (I know there is, but don't know what I am looking for...)

thanks, guys. (and gals!)


(5 replies, posted in Acoustic)

Obviously, the size of the box has a lot to do with it.

I am thinking of buying a jumbo. The first time I played it at the music shop, I wanted to turn the volume down! And I thought it wasn't only louder, but warmer, too.

Me likey.


(20 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

topdown wrote:

I am having a hard time keeping my mouth shut here, but my Mama always said, if you can't say anything nice....(I just deleted a long rant and typed that instead) smile

I'm with you Topdown... I have been trying to keep politics away from my guitar place!



(24 replies, posted in Guitars and accessories)

I think my guy has it for around $650.


(24 replies, posted in Guitars and accessories)

I have been eye-balling that exact guitar at my local shop.  Man it sounds good.

Do you think it is "structurally" sound? I know the sound is great, but do you think it is well built?


(25 replies, posted in Songwriting)

I think Neil Young once said "it don't have to be complicated to be good" or something like that...