(6 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

Classical Guitar wrote:

Bill I use Firefox and have never had an issue with it and have used it excursively. What ever form of windows you use, run cclearneer. It is the #1 download, and use the free version and not the paid. There is no difference in how it works and it will clean your Firefox and it will work on any site. Here is the download site to use:  https://www.ccleaner.com/ccleaner

The best site to download Firefox is :  https://www.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/download/thanks/

If you have any other problem email me.

Well, I followed the instructions on how to switch, but got as far as "activation", but there was no "go to store" option, so I stopped, Doug.

Here's the deal: My res on my screen is presently at 1766x1026. This is perfect for me to see all my desktop icons as well as the stuff at the bottom of the screen. It allows also for optimal gaming. Firefox completely mucks this up. I finally got back to Chrome with the above res settings and, except for that up-scrolling when I want to down-scroll, it's fine. Because it took both of us 30 minutes (trial &error) to get these settings back, I guess I'll just put up with the scroll thing.

Thanks anyway, Buddy.



(6 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

Wish it were that easy, my friend. I already run CCleaner and that doesn't fix the problem. Thanks anyway! smile



(6 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

Hi Everyone

Because of a scrolling issue that google Chrome has never been able to fix, I switched over to Firefox which doesn't have that problem, but now Firefox doesn't show images - only writing. Same with going to websites such as SoundCloud - I have to LOOK for where to click now.

I think the problem is that I have Windows 10 S, and it isn't allowing me to download Firefox unless I switch to Windows 10 Pro which costs $125.00.

I guess what I need help with is:

1. Confirming that this is the problem

2. Your suggestions as to a browser (other than Chrome) which doesn't have scrolling issues.




(12 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

I threw myself out of a band once and this isn't something I'm proud of.

One night about 7pm I got a call asking if I could sit in with some guys who were playing a gig at the local AmVets (veterans organization) club. They'd be playing mostly country and mainstream rock 'n roll (Creedence and the like).  Their drummer was in jail (having just been arrested) and all I had to do was show up and play - I could use his kit.

When I arrived, here's what I found: two 15 watt amps with 2 inputs, one for the lead/rhythm guitar and one for the bass. The other amp was used for the PA.

The drums consisted of a bass drum, a snare drum, one tom-tom and one cymbal.

I just assumed that the bass drum was anchored. It wasn't, so I had to chase the thing all over the dance floor (no stage).

At the first opportunity, I told the guys it wasn't working out and left.

Guess I should have stayed, but in retrospect, I don't think I could have done much to help and they were only playing for the gate, so they probably only made 15 dollars total.

Could have been worse, though. I might have had to play "Wipe-Out" on that kit.



(7 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

I thought I liked "Rap" when I first heard The Sugarhill Gang : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vQObWW06VAM

THEN I thought I liked "Rap" when I heard this guy: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=63ZIf2H9S0E

And lastly, I laughed and rode my bicycle to the cadence of these guys: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eBShN8qT4lk

I never knew it was going to be turned into a "Protest Art Form" featuring lyrics my wife would divorce me over. Also, it is my belief that here is one example of words which can kill.

If you listened to any of my above examples, did you catch the "common thread" running through them?

Right: Funny, musical and ....... SATIRICAL.

I majored in Satirical English Lit in college, so I like to think I know whereof I speak. Matter of fact, I majored in everything lit in college.:)

So, that's my story about the rap "genre" and why I grew not to like it.


(474 replies, posted in Bands and artists)

Of course. It IS all about the music and your point is taken, my friend. Guess this is just my "traditonalist" coming out. If I'd admit, probably some jealousy too;  as long as I see a guitar being played the normal, traditional way, okay, but when I see fingers dancing around....okay, I admit it - I'm jealous. And old. "GIT OFFA MY DAMN LAWN, YOU KIDS!" smile

But, yeah - it bothers me. Maybe it wouldn't if I played worth a spit, but there it is.

Thanks for remembering us drummers up there in your very eloquent defense, my forever friend! smile



(6 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

Well, I lost your cell number, Doug. Wrote you an e-mail, so maybe you will see it.

Sorry, but if ever you need something to be done or go wrong, just hand it over to me and I'll take care of it! smile



(474 replies, posted in Bands and artists)


I liked the song - very pleasing to listen to - but I think I prefer guitarists to keep their fingers where they belong: over the sound hole and on the strings.

CG, is there a Segovia "competition" of some kind and would they allow this style of playing?

Again, a very relaxing tune, I just prefer normal playing style, I suppose.



(6 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

I will give you a call later on this evening, Doug.



PS: I will also hunt up that "web-cam".     


(9 replies, posted in Poems)

That one would make the grandkids laugh, Phill - especially the "pooped upon their heads" part. smile

I agree with Jim and CG, it's funny, clever and witty and the fact you came upon it in the shower proves a song or poem idea could hit us anytime and anywhere!



(18 replies, posted in Poems)

You left off the part about having "to have them all pulled out after the Savoy Truffle", Phill


Here's a little tune from the Colonies, Phill to cheer us up a little. It's okay to smile and shed a "happiness tear". I did.

Love you my brothers and sisters.



(8 replies, posted in Electric)

I agree. Also I'd be afraid to play one of those things for fear of putting my eye out.



(12 replies, posted in Poems)


So much of what we write is self-centered. It's about what happens to us, not what happens to others. This poem of yours offers the rest of us an insight we might not otherwise experience, even if we were to meet face-to-face. Your words have given me a new hope that people will care about us if we tell them it's okay to do that.

Thank you, Jan, and Jim we send our sincere condolences to you and yours on the passing of your brother. If and when you are moved to do so, maybe you will favor us with a song in which you write about him.

Your friend



(6 replies, posted in Poems)

Nice, TF. Dreams are so complex, I never expected them to be so succinctly described, but every line in your poem makes sense. Is it any wonder there are so many songs about dreams and dreamers?

Mine are so vivid, I write them down and keep a folder describing them.

They can also make me angry.

My "flying dreams" for example: When there's a jet stream (in my dream), I can somehow "launch" myself into it and the next thing I know I'm flying/coasting like one would see an eagle do, and it feels great! Until I look down and see the people going about their daily lives, working in their gardens, etc. and unimpressed to the point of ignoring me flying overhead.

"Hey!", I yell at them. "I'm up here - flying! Are you up here flying? No you are not, so how about some applause peppered with some 'ooohs and aaaahs"? If I wanted to, I could play 'Malaguena' on my guitar while I'm up here! Can you do that??? No, you cannot do that! What's the matter with you people, anyway???? I'm gonna fly someplace else!!  A place where I will be appreciated for my efforts!!! Oh, now you're pretending you can't hear me, is that it? Buncha cretins!"

So, yeah. For me, my dreams are an outlet, and except for the people who don't appreciate me for being able to fly, are quite pleasant about 75% of the time and your poem, TF, puts it all in perspective for me.



(6 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

Yes, BGD, i do have Skype on my machine here, and I should also have a video camera, though I have not used it in a few years.

Do you have something on YouTube which shows how y'all set this up? It sounds like fun and I would like to participate, I just need the "Idiot's Guide" to how this is done.




(12 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

I know. It's a sore subject with many of us, isn't it, but whatever the reason (or how you word it), have you ever been asked to take your stuff and  "Hit The Road, Jack"?

For me, the answer is "yes", and without pulling any punches, I'd like to tell you about it.

Back in 1969, I was still in college, working full time as an "orderly" (male nursing assistant) at our hospital here in Carrollton  and supplementing my income (no Dondra yet, but soon) playing Friday and Saturday nights with The Watchmen. Sometimes our weekends were coveniently booked, sometimes not. Sometimes both nights were at the same club, but other times we'd play one night here in Carrollton, and the other night might be 50 miles away. You take what you can get, right, brothers and sisters?

One particular very dry spell saw us idle for about 2 and a half months. No gigs for The Watchmen, so I took what I could get and joined (temporarily) an all-black band called Dyke And The Blazers. Their drummer had been called up to serve in our National Guard and no one knew how long he'd be deployed.

A friend of  a friend got me an audition. It was to be a "live" try-out and in addition to what was on the song list, what would get me the gig was being able to play the drum solo from the James Brown tune, "Cold Sweat, Part !!" - could I play it, asked my friend? I could and got the job: a white drummer in an 8 person black soul music group. Interesting times. "Most peculiar, mama."

In the deep south state of Georgia, this was highly unusual and word got around fast. I did not officially "leave" The Watchmen and if things needed to be "worked out" (gig conflicts), they could have been, but that wasn't the problem. The problem, as you may have guessed, was Bill's decision to play drums in The Blazers.

One night, at a Watchmen gig, our lead singer asked me to let a friend of his sit in on my kit for a few tunes.
Sure. No problem.

But that was it for me. My replacement had been auditioned and given the job using my set. After that night, even though my manager and I talked several times when I checked in regarding jobs, I never played for them again.

If I had been asked not to sit in/ play for the new band, I would have still gone ahead, but no one bothered to even let me know of the displeasure. I was simply there one night and not there anymore after that. Also, in 1970, I lost my college student deferment, joined the US Air Force, married Dondra (for the first time) and became a father, so "DENSITY" took care of that little problem. smile

Even Pete Best got told the other "boys want you out of the band". I was left to draw my own conclusions. Still, I'd been with The Watchmen since '65, and I wouldn't have traded those years for anything.

How about you, brothers and sisters? Care to share? Got questions?

Your Friend



(474 replies, posted in Bands and artists)

Oh my. I just recently checked the Meola level in my blood and noticed it was low, TF, and this really charged it back up. Your presentations always seem to fill a void in my musical life, my friend. Whether it's this or someone I've never heard before, once your contributions make it here, I will then seek out more by whomever it ios you are featuring.

Thank you, my friend, for this one as well!



(1,560 replies, posted in Bands and artists)

Glad everything's okay, Mr. Badeye. You are an icon here and - as you see -  were greatly missed. It's good we didn't have to send the Blues Brothers out on a mission to find you! smile



(17 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

You're good for my ego, Jim!! smile

Just thinking of all the fun I'm having and all the stuff which goes with it:

1. It makes me want to practice when y'all kick in your comments

2. Forming them callouses is a secondary benefit smile

3. At some point, I'll have to make those B7's, B's and Bm's!

4. Got me some friends that will listen to what I sing and play without having to threaten them at gunpoint!

And there are more, I'm sure. Just haven't occurred to me yet.

Thanks my friend and thanks, family. It's like the sun just started shining.



(8 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

Mr. BGD,

Along with Zurf and Lady Amy, you may have created a "sonic" monster! I am having so much fun with the Snowball, the guitar and soon the amp! The accoustic will be amped as soon as I can find the correct pickup, Z.

https://soundcloud.com/user-830135866/l … de-coconut

I don't want to give the impression I am fishing for compliments (truly, I hear nothing complimentary unless y'all think it's me having a good time), so what I would like to do is maybe just get y'all to go to my section of SC every now and then and see what's new and comment as you see fit - or don't - it's fine.

A thing about the "funny" stuff. With all the errors, I just thought it was easier to sing and play funnily for now.

There are about 5 songs I want to do for you which are serious in nature, but those need serious practice as they involve more than 2 or 3 chords, so they will be in the future and include Jim's "Soul Stability" (I haven't forgotten, brother!:) ).

Anyway, a little bit of trivia to go along with "Coconut". If you've ever heard Nilsson's original version, you may have heard someone in a high-pitched voice singing "Dooooctor!". That was Harry's friend John Lennon.

Love You Guys and Ladies!


PS: Let it run after that last chord to hear the forceful exhalation indicating I made it through that last take! smile


(17 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

I will add stuff as I can, my friends.

Thanks very much for the encouragement and advice as I work my way through songs I find easiest to chord thus becoming more comfortable with the recording process.

At some point, I would like to try adding in Audacity utilizing some of its features, but it's going to need to be a "layering" process, utilizing what that site offers a bit at the time.

Also, I need to work something out here in the room to make me feel less "crowded" - sitting directly in front of the keyboard with the mic in its stand in front of the monitor. This gets in the way of the "sheet music" which is displayed on that monitor.

I will post a pic later, but it's a very "claustrophobic" setting which makes it uncomfortable to sing and play the guitar. I need to relax more.

Again, I will work it out somehow and hopefully will see and hear improvement as I fix the environment.




(17 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

Yes, dear friend - I had you and Brian in mind when I decided to do that one particular verse. Not only you two. but any of our family we can round up for a special "Night On The Town".

Thank you, my brother - for the comment!



(580 replies, posted in Bands and artists)

I think my addled brain just stumbled upon a (for me) profound thought: These lyrics are a prime example why - for some people - music is necessary in creating such a work.

By themselves the words are just so much confusing (IMO) drivel. aren't they*? Even in the comment section, one person has decided the lyrics are about porn. Me, I don't interpret it that way and, as of this writing, haven't really decided what they "mean". But then, I'm just a lowly drummer - one third of a rhythm section - and I don't dwell on such things.

To borrow (and destroy) from Omar Khayyám's Rubaiyat "The sometimes misfiring brain synapses, and having synapsed moves on." wink

In other words, with KC - for me it's always been about the music.




(4 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

You know those fold-out ones, right?

With the soft rubber "sleeves" which protect the guitar's finish?

How come they can't just glue those things in place? It's not like one is going to need to take them off for any reason, so just glue them into place as part of the manufacturing process, what's so hard about that??

On my way to buy some Gorilla glue and while I'm at it, I'll chase those damn kids off my lawn, too! smile

Your cranky old friend



(17 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

Baldguitardude wrote:

Help you through what Bill? You’re practicing, right? You’re having fun, right? You’re learning, right?

Then you’re doing it perfectly. smile

Keep it up!

Okay. Thank you, Sir! smile

Thanks to all for the comments.
