Most guitar amps have an effects loop. I've never had any luck with them. I always get weird modulating sounds out of them. Maybe I don't know how to use it correctly. I have no idea.. I've always plugged my guitars into the effects and then plugged the effects into the amps guitar input. Does anyone here do this differently? Does anyone use an effects loop with success?
127 2011-05-16 01:08:02
Re: COUPLE OF QUESTIONS ON A SONG (5 replies, posted in Acoustic)
boom chicka boom chicka boom
bass du bass du
Is this a song that's normally associated with pole dancing?
128 2011-05-14 02:44:36
Re: Thinkin about learning to play the mandolin (11 replies, posted in Other string instruments)
Its the same tuning as a violin, GDAE low to high. That reverse "bass" tuning causes the 7 fret intervals as opposed to the five fret spacing on a normal guitar. There are a bunch of two finger chord options. All of the frets are really close together.. its quite a bit different from playing a guitar but if you consider it as a really short scale guitar with an alternate tuning, its not too bad. I love the sound of a mandolin, even if I play one like a guitar player would. Now back to the original question: How easy is it? That's based purely on your desire to learn.
129 2011-05-13 02:04:41
Topic: Capos (4 replies, posted in Guitars and accessories)
First off, let me say, my goal is not to support or advertise a certain manufacturer of Capos. I started out by using the type of capo that had the elastic band that wrapped around the back of the neck and was not at all easy to use. Since then, I've moved on to the "alligator jaw" type capo that is two pieces of metal held together with a hinge and a spring (ie: Kyser and others). Is there a better capo option out there or is this as good as it gets?
130 2011-05-13 01:48:57
Re: What is going wrong??? Help needed. (11 replies, posted in Acoustic)
AND...Sometimes these players are actually tuned to something other than standard E tuning. OR..They are playing those chords the way their daddy (or Mama) taught them on a front porch in Waynesboro. In any case, you're going to hear certain notes more than you would if the chords were played in standard notation. Unfortunately, most renditions of songs are written in standard notation, which is why it is so hard to learn some Beatles songs for example.
P.S. We will try to help you out here. Welcome to Chordie!
131 2011-05-11 02:18:17
Re: Who NEEDS a pick guard? Warning: Rant. (14 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)
Two words - Monte Montgomery
This old Avarez/ Yairi has a cedar top if I'm not mistaken. Cedar is a softer wood than spruce and more easily damaged, but still leaves you wondering what's holding this guitar together. Sounds great though. His guitar reflects his playing style. I'm certain that he's not the least bit concerned about how the guitar looks. He's concerned with the sound and playability.
132 2011-05-11 01:54:53
Re: American Strat or Mexican Strat? (35 replies, posted in Electric)
Well, I suspect that the original question here may also be about resale value.. Of course the American Strat will command a higher resale price. Is it a better guitar? Like Buzzwagon, I also had 1960 replica MIM Strat. There was absolutely nothing wrong with that guitar. It had tone to die for, even with the stock pickups. It played like a dream. The finish was flawless ( for those that care about that). The only reason that I don't have it now is that I traded it for a USA Tele that my friend had frustrations with. He wanted that Strat. I had two Strats but didn't have a Tele. Had he not suggested it, I'd still have that MIM Strat.
133 2011-05-05 02:35:34
Re: movable shape (7 replies, posted in Acoustic)
Well.. I never had lesson one so I play Am with the index finger and the next two. Barred F tho is index finger all the way across the first fret and the E maj shape below it. If you're playing the Am shape below the index finger on the first fret you've got a B flat minor. Sorry if I'm stating the obvious. I might just be confused about the question. Sure wouldn't be the first time !
134 2011-05-05 02:26:12
Re: Gigs (12 replies, posted in Acoustic)
Detman, funny you should say that cause I've played party's, funerals and weddings all in the course of a week. Its an odd and awkward mix. If you ever end up in the Florida Panhandle Let me know, we'll play some guitar in a place I know that doesn't allow egos, confusion or politics! P.S. It won't be at a church but it might be on a Sunday........
135 2011-05-05 02:11:35
Re: Best Acoustic/Electirc for $1000 (1 replies, posted in Guitars and accessories)
Wow... Where to begin..Opinions being what they are and knowing full well that everyone has one...My only recommendation is to find a good shop with a quiet room (no 12 year old metal heads nearby trying every pedal!), and try everything in your price range. I won't suggest a brand. I know what I like. I don't know what you like. Names aren't everything. Sometimes I wish they'd hide the head stock while you do the test drive. You might be surprised by what you take home. Good luck.
136 2011-05-04 00:56:26
Re: Gigs (12 replies, posted in Acoustic)
Me and a friend were just guys that brought guitars to the German American friendship club and tried to play songs that everyone knew. After several of these get-togethers, we decided to take our guitars to Goetheplatz in Frankfurt to see what we could make playing on a bench in the shopping district. We made more than enough for train money, dinner and beers. After several of these trips, I was hooked.
137 2011-05-03 01:02:48
Re: Shows we hate (22 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)
Ugly Betty and anything related to "reality" TV. Makes me want to hurl...
138 2011-05-02 00:45:17
Re: the wedding get out (30 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)
What's all this fuss about a wedding? I didn't get an invite!
139 2011-04-29 03:50:51
Re: Converting Capo'ed songs... (28 replies, posted in Acoustic)
Ok then, following bushy's trend here..... Am I the only one who owns Jacob Dylan's second album? There's some really good stuff there that doesn't fall far from the tree.
140 2011-04-29 03:44:36
Re: how old is every one? (275 replies, posted in Electric)
Were you at the brontosaur BBQ I had a few years back?
141 2011-04-27 23:48:13
Re: Elecrtic newbie (14 replies, posted in Electric)
I'm with Butch. Tele is the way to go. Its a very honest and straight forward instrument that won't dissappoint.
142 2011-04-26 01:01:58
Re: dropped tunings (7 replies, posted in Acoustic)
There's a gentleman out there by the name of Alan Horvath. His website explains many open tunings and has chord charts for each. His page for 'Open G' is here -
On that same page is a drop down menu for other tunings and other stuff. He's helped me alot. I hope I didn't violate any chordie rules by posting this address. Let me know if I did!
143 2011-04-26 00:49:18
Re: Aria guitars (15 replies, posted in Guitars and accessories)
I had an Aria Pro II electric back in the 90's that played really well. It had a Strat style body and a pointy headstock. The neck was thin and fast. One of my nieces has it now. I wonder what its been up to... Just looking at Ebay, the "Pro II" came in a whole bunch of varieties!
144 2011-04-18 01:05:40
Re: just curious (9 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)
I haven't been there since last summer but am anxious to get back..Tuba's right. This is not a place to bring your young'uns. I've seen too many wide eyed 13 year-olds go blind when the great grandma at table 2 decided to remove all the clothing above her waist at the beckoning of whoever happened to be playing the guitar. But other than that, its a great bar!
145 2011-04-15 02:26:12
Re: Paul Reed Smith (6 replies, posted in Electric)
Carlos Santana and PRS are a match made in heaven. A perfect combination.
146 2011-04-15 02:11:55
Re: J-200 for an OM1000 (3 replies, posted in Chordie's Market Place)
$2500.00 US
147 2011-04-14 01:53:47
Re: J-200 for an OM1000 (3 replies, posted in Chordie's Market Place)
Ok. Lets try again. This guitar is now for sale. Nothing wrong with it. It's just too big for me. There was a time when that didn't matter. As long as I had a J-200, I was golden. Now, it needs to fit as well as being "king of the flat top guitars". Email me for pics and details. Thanks.
148 2011-04-14 01:31:44
Re: just curious (9 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)
ya'll know all the words to "You Don't Even Call Me By My Name" don'cha?
149 2011-04-14 01:28:31
Re: just curious (9 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)
Well,... Here goes............ I suggest that Tubatooter and myself sponsor a Chordie Southern Guitar Playing Symposium at the Flora-bama Bar on any date we can all agree on !!
150 2011-04-14 01:21:06
Re: where have all the drummers gone.... (6 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)
Doc's list is pretty darned good, but every drummer that I've ever known has been a meth junkie that would sell their kit in a New York minute for another hit. Except one. Anthony (From South Florida) is absolutely the best drummer on the planet, but he's also insane. I'd play with him over the meth heads any day and everyday if possible.