Wrote this little untitled poem tonight. I will most likely turn it into a song in time.
Untitled - Jeff Gilpin
A blank page tells a story
That words cannot express
When thoughts are tangled
Words a little mangled
A blank page is what says it best
Hearts are not so fragile
Though our minds might disagree
When our hearts are broken
The aching pain unspoken
Hidden from the whole wide world to see
Yet you’re out there somewhere
Living your life day to day
Living your lifelong story
A blank page or a heartache away
People just keep on going
After all sorts of stops
When they just don’t want to
Or even when they want to is when they’re
Waiting for that other shoe to drop
Out in the middle of nowhere
The greatest of songs could be sung
And nobody will hear
Have a laugh or shed a tear
Except for the singer when all is said and done
Yet we’re all out here somewhere
Living our lives day to day
Living our lifelong story
A sweet song or a heartbreak away
Erase all the words you’ll get a blank page
Break your heart you’ll get a good cry
But keep on keeping on
Like the words to that song
That you’ll carry in your heart until you die