(5 replies, posted in Poems)

Wrote this little untitled poem tonight. I will most likely turn it into a song in time.

Untitled - Jeff Gilpin

A blank page tells a story
That words cannot express
When thoughts are tangled
Words a little mangled
A blank page is what says it best

Hearts are not so fragile
Though our minds might disagree
When our hearts are broken
The aching pain unspoken
Hidden from the whole wide world to see

Yet you’re out there somewhere
Living your life day to day
Living your lifelong story
A blank page or a heartache away

People just keep on going
After all sorts of stops
When they just don’t want to
Or even when they want to is when they’re
Waiting for that other shoe to drop

Out in the middle of nowhere
The greatest of songs could be sung
And nobody will hear
Have a laugh or shed a tear
Except for the singer when all is said and done

Yet we’re all out here somewhere
Living our lives day to day
Living our lifelong story
A sweet song or a heartbreak away

Erase all the words you’ll get a blank page
Break your heart you’ll get a good cry
But keep on keeping on
Like the words to that song
That you’ll carry in your heart until you die


(9 replies, posted in Songwriting)

I had some time tonight and was able to get a good enough recording. Hope you all like it. https://soundcloud.com/jets60/my-hourglass-of-sand     


(9 replies, posted in Songwriting)

Thanks you two. Yeah, relationships with daughters can be tricky. Hopefully, she'll get over it. She asked for time which led to the song title.     


(4 replies, posted in Songwriting)

Agree with Jim - Very nice!     


(9 replies, posted in Songwriting)

Thanks Brian - Should have it up sometime this weekend.     


(9 replies, posted in Songwriting)

This is a song I just wrote about a little rift that is going on between my daughter and me. Fingerpick song somewhere between 60-80 bpm (haven't settled yet) 4/4 time. I'll try and get it recorded soon.

My Hourglass of Sand Jeff Gilpin


[C]Upstairs writing words

[G]Whatever comes to mind

[C]What I’ve gained what I’ve lost

And [F]what I’ve left behind

[C]Trying, thinking of what to say

[G]To drive her hurt away

But [F]words are sitting here to stay

Until she comes back a[C]round


[C]Problem’s that she’s far away

[G]Yet she’s in my thoughts to stay

[C]Taking up her residence

My [F]mind her unmade bed

[C]I see her just sitting there

[G]Me, she doesn’t want to hear

[F]But it keeps her picture near

Refreshing my mind’s [C]eye


And [F]I know that she knows

[C]But that’s just how it goes

While the [F]days just flow on and on

My [G]hourglass of sand [F]


Wonder [C]when or if she’ll come around

[G]Maybe come on back to town

[C]Hopefully I’m a little spry but

[F]Likely tired and catching five

[C] The continent divides

[G]But I’m not trying to hide

[F]She knows where she can find

Her old man growing [C]older


Solo on chorus F C F G F


[C]Until that time I guess

[G]I’ll stay here in my mess

[C]Where only I can find

[F]A way to mend this tear

[C]I’m good at fixing stuff

[G]Hoping that I’m good enough

To [F]fix the gulf between us

And to make us whole a[C]gain


Chorus x 2 end fade on verse chords



(9 replies, posted in Songwriting)

Hey Trevor. This is a very well-written song. You captured the pain of many things that happen when love is lost or no longer there. I also liked your chords, very fitting for the heart-felt theme of the song. Touching performance as well. I heard it a different way in my head before I listened. Great vocals and musical arrangement. Very polished and professional sound in my opinion.  Well done!     


(8 replies, posted in Songwriting)

Thanks Jim     


(8 replies, posted in Songwriting)

Thanks, Jan and Pete. Jan, I am breaking in my Volt 276 audio interface which I actually got right before we left for vacation. Both my guitar and my mic for vocals are plugged into that interface, and as you noticed I'm getting a much cleaner sound by using it. I'm still working to switch from Audacity to Ableton Live Lite for my audio software but I'm not quite there yet. I'm taking my time and enjoying the change as I get to play with new toys. smile     


(8 replies, posted in Songwriting)

Finally got a good recording I like. Have a listen and let me know what you think. https://soundcloud.com/jets60/saint-lucia     


(6 replies, posted in Songwriting)

Another great song Jim! Well done!     


(8 replies, posted in Songwriting)

Thanks Jan. I plan on recording it this weekend. It's a great place and I had a great time. It was our first real vacation away in a long time and my first time in the Caribbean Islands.     


(8 replies, posted in Songwriting)

I just returned home from my first ever trip to the Caribbean Islands, specifically to Saint Lucia. I had a wonderful time there but unfortunately, I was not able to take my guitar. I had a lot of song ideas that came to me while I was there but this is the first I've managed to write. So I hope you all like it. It is a little long but story songs are sort of like that sometimes and this did actually happen. I will work to get this recorded as soon as I'm able but feel free to give it a try on your own.

Saint Lucia By Jeff Gilpin


Intro - verse chords - Dm Bb F C


[Dm]Sounds of the surf at the start of the day

[Bb]Walking the beach as the waves break away

[F]Looking for treasure washed up on the sand

[C]Refused by the sea to land where it lands


There’s nothing else to hear all around

Beach chairs are empty no people sound

Palm trees, sea almond trees gently sway

Going to get busy here later today


[Bb]One of my favorite parts of the [F]day

Peaceful awaking

[Bb]One of my favorite parts of the [F]day

There’s no [C]mistaking


I see a path on the side of the beach

Meanders on over where locals all meet

No noisy tourists walk over to play

Mostly the resort is where they all stay


This time of the morning resort is prepping

Cleaning up trash tables resetting

Making things ready for all their guest

Who’ll sit on their beach chairs that look to the west


One of my favorite parts of the day

Peaceful awaking

One of my favorite parts of the day

There’s no mistaking


But I’m taking that path to wander on over

My morning walk no sun on my shoulder

The sand just same the waves the same too

Trees on the beach, mango, cashew


A waking up local waves and says hi

We talk about trees, the weather, the sky

He passes on knowledge all about his bay

Cracks open some almonds explaining the way


One of my favorite parts of the day

Peaceful awaking

One of my favorite parts of the day

There’s no mistaking


We talk for a while about all his dreams

About his tiny hut and his future schemes

Starting out simple but his dreams are grand

Going to make gold out of his piece of sand


I see the dream he has in his mind

See he believes that he’ll keep trying

Keep working hard keep doing right

That might just payoff but not overnight 


One of my favorite parts of the day

Peaceful awaking

One of my favorite parts of the day

There’s no mistaking


Sun starts to peek in through the trees

Warming the up day with humidity

He shares some local fruit that has grown

On his stretch of beach where he calls home


We talk some more and we feel the rain patter

Doesn’t last long as clouds start to scatter 

We say our goodbyes and I wish him well

And I end up with another story to tell


One of my favorite parts of the day

Peaceful awaking

One of my favorite parts of the day

There’s no mistaking

Maybe move them inside your head now.     

Love the video Jim. Your song was great as a duet and both singers did a fine job. Well done.     


(6 replies, posted in My local band and me)

Left you a like and a comment as well Pete - Enjoyed both the song and performance.     


(10 replies, posted in Songwriting)

Thanks Scott - It kind of fit as the chords came after the lyrics.     

Thanks, Jan - Yep - I got a little ahead of myself, but once I got started I couldn't help myself. I kept going until the song was out and posted. big_smile     

Hey Richard - I enjoyed Ghost Train, especially the wonderful performance by you and your son. I could see how much fun you both had making music together and it showed in a very polished song in the end. I'm sure you'll come back many times to visit this song. Well done!     

Here is my song Another Ghost, and how I play it. I would love to hear some other versions I anyone else whats to try it out. - https://soundcloud.com/jets60/another-ghost     


(10 replies, posted in Songwriting)

Here is how I play it: https://soundcloud.com/jets60/another-ghost     


(10 replies, posted in Songwriting)

Thanks, Pete and Jan. Yes Ma'am, I try and follow the rules. big_smile     


(10 replies, posted in Songwriting)

Thanks, Brian - Yep - I am a little early but I still need to record it once I'm ready. I wanted to find a song I wrote with the word ghost in it or maybe in a cover and nothing really fit. Then I thought about the other day when I was out giving my lawn the first mowing of the year and saw my friend's wife and mine talking. I later found out that my friend, the neighbor from the song, was not doing well and that he most likely wouldn't make it through the night. I haven't heard of seen anything since but I ended up putting up my mower then, after she told me, thinking the noise might be bothering him. I'm kind of unsure what to hope and pray for now. I want him to get better, but I also want his suffering to end. Anyway, I wrote this for the next month's offerings and as a memory of my friend.     


(10 replies, posted in Songwriting)

A song I put together for May's Featured Song Forum.

Another Ghost Jeff Gilpin


Intro picking G7 followed by D7


[D7]Hey neighbor where’d you go

I remember seeing you all the time

You’d be working in your yard

I’d be working on mine

But we’d stop work in the middle

Set aside our weekly chore

Catch up on all the goings-on

In each other’s [G7]world


Another ghost

Among the many

Friends I’ve lost

And I’ve lost plenty 

Are you still around

Have you come to boast

How great it is now

That you’re a ghost [D7]


The truth is that I don’t even know

Whether or not you’re with us still

If you’ve made your final peace

And climbed that big old hill

What awaits us all I guess

Once our journey’s done

Settled in upon us

After our earthly [G7]run


Another ghost

Among the many

Friends I’ve lost

And I’ve lost plenty 

Are you still around

Have you come to boast

How great it is now

That you’re a ghost [D7]


I know before too long I’ll hear

The news of if you’re well

Neighbors will start sharing

Pass on the news after a spell

Who knows I might see you

Outworking in your yard again

And I’ll come over catch us up

All about how we’ve [G7]been


Will you be a ghost

Among the many

Friends I’ve lost

And I’ve lost plenty 

Is that really you

Have you come to boast

How great it is now

That you’re a ghost [D7]


Hey all - I'm going to give it a try. I roughed out the words this morning (no chords yet). I'm relating it to the goings-on in my neck of the woods. I have a friend and neighbor fighting the big C who I haven't seen for a while but heard from his wife that he's not doing well. Here's what I have so far:

Another Ghost

Hey neighbor where’d you go
I remember seeing you all the time
You’d be working in your yard
I’d be working on mine
But we’d stop work in the middle
Set aside our weekly chore
Catch up on all the goings-on
In each other’s world

Another ghost
Among the many
Friends I’ve lost
And I’ve lost plenty 
Are you still around
Have you come to boast
How great it is now
That you’re a ghost

The truth is that I don’t even know
Whether or not you’re with us still
If you’ve made your final peace
And climbed that big old hill
What awaits us all I guess
Once our journey’s done
Settled in upon us
After our earthly run

Another ghost
Among the many
Friends I’ve lost
And I’ve lost plenty 
Are you still around
Have you come to boast
How great it is now
That you’re a ghost

I know before too long I’ll hear
The news of if you’re well
Neighbors will start sharing
Pass on the news after a spell
Who knows I might see you
Outworking in your yard again
And I’ll come over catch us up
All about how we’ve been

Will you be a ghost
Among the many
Friends I’ve lost
And I’ve lost plenty 
Is that really you
Have you come to boast
How great it is now
That you’re a ghost