what about Leon Russell. Leonard Cohen.And any song you want.My saying is"if you want to hear a song exactly as it is done,buy the record or listen to the radio"


(22 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

So far a lot of rain and wind.Gabby trout is sleeping down the cellar just in the huge tree over her bedroom should fall.My trees are fine.It`s my neighbors trees I worry about.I guess now is a bad time to remind myself to patch the floorboards of my f-150.


(14 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

If you play with a pick made from toenails,would it be called a toe jam


(22 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

Amy,my wife is from buffalo(north tonawonda) to be exact.She has family in South Alabama.Is that close?


(22 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

Dino, my wife felt the earthquake.I was driving a truck when it happened and didnt notice a thing.Remember,what we would call a hurricane here is a windy rainy day down south.Just like 2 inches of snow is a catastrophie down south and a minor inconvenience up here.An earthquake here is probably nothing for you.Have a good weekend everyone


(22 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

The national weather service is predicting a major hurricane will hit the eastern seaboard.Everyone please make sure to keep emergency supplies.I have mine,Extra strings(electric and acoustic),batteries for my tuner and batteries for my pignose amp.Also food and water


(31 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

I think were alone now -tommy james and the shondells plus a whole bunch of any songs by Leonard Cohen.My favorite all time artist


(17 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

As far as guitar playing goes there is "hope youre feeling better" by Santana on the Santana Abraxas album. One song I never tire of hearing.


(3 replies, posted in Guitars and accessories)

These things are old.I was mainly after the cabinets and cable setup when I bought them.So I got more than my intended purpose from them.What I want to know is what is a good replacement.I will replace both and keep one as a spare.


(3 replies, posted in Guitars and accessories)

While jamming this afternoon,I had a speaker blow on my P,A. system.What should I replace them with.I dont want to spend a fortune for them.I am currently using Bell & howell projector speakers.I will replace the speakers and keep the cabinets.Any ideas.I need help.Have to do this by next weekend.Thanx  Joe


(9 replies, posted in Acoustic)

Hope Marion gets well and continues to get better


(14 replies, posted in Guitars and accessories)

Everyone by now has heard my thought on strngs.Whatever is cheapest,as long as it starts with a 10.


(58 replies, posted in Electric)

Jerome 12 mpg.You had the economical one.I have wet dreams of that.And mine is the 300 six


(58 replies, posted in Electric)

funny dino and jerome.I have 3 yamaha acoustics,a mex strat and an epiphone dot. Cheap is good.I also have a 1992 f-150.Altogether,wouldnt be worth the price of a good  american strat or les paul.


(58 replies, posted in Electric)

Expensive doesnt always mean good.Example,a 1967 gretsch corvette.The worst guitar I ever owned.350 in 1984.It was awful.Poorly balanced, didnt sound that gooe,just a nightmare.I wanted a gretsch so bad I bought the first one I found.Its long gone and I dont miss it


(1 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

Ever notice how music stores have a shelf or box full of discontinued or items they dont sell anymore dirt cheap.I love looking through those boxes.That is how I get most of my strings.Last week I found the ultimate find in one of those boxes.A  SEIKO QUARTZ TUNER. I bought one in 1982 and it served me well until february.In the past 6 months I have spent a lot of money trying to find a replacement tuner.None were what I liked.Call me old but I loved the old  quartz tuner..I don`t know or care if it was used or not.It works great and it only cost $8.99.The one I bought in 1982 was $30.00.No matter how you look at it, I scored big time. When it comes to tuners,this was like hitting the lottery or finding the holy grail.Hopefully I will get another 29 years out of this one.If I find another one I will buy it and hold on to it.I cant find them anywhere and now I have another.


(9 replies, posted in Acoustic)

I always run into that problem.Just getting older and being overweight doesnt help.I have tried the history of pain killers and Aleve seems to work.I dont know what the actual drug is called to buy a generic.My job makes it difficult to heal properly when I get hurt,so it takes forever to heal. I tend to brace and bandage until it doesnt hurt as much.(bad advice).For other reasons,I avoid any prescription or heavy duty pain killers.But ease up on whatever causes it and see if that does it.Like the old joke"Doctor,it hurts when I do this.Then dont do that"


(24 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

Linda Ronstadt,Three Dog Night did nothing but covers.Even the beatles did a lot of covers in the early years.It is refreshing to hear a song done with a different twist. Just a matter of taste I guess.Another good source is Hank Williams Jr.He can take a song and blow it out of the water.


(24 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

i love strange or different covers.My motto is,if you want to hear the song exactly as it is done,buy the cd or listen to the radio.I like to take a song and make it mine.Plus it compensates for my shortcomings as a player.Try this one the decembrists covering a Leonard Cohen song.(thats no way to say goodbye)Theres a show on public radio called Highway 61 revisited that plays only covers.WUMB 91.9 in boston-worcester.


(22 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

Ive had GAS for as long as I can remember.I always check craigslist for toys.Even if I have no intention of buying.It is always stuck in my mind,what if someone is selling an american strat or les paul dirt cheap because they dont know what they are selling.I dont want to miss that.Like my peavey audition 30 for 15.00.I am always looking.If a really good deal is there,I dont want to miss it.  M.y name is joeyjoeyjoey,and I have GAS.Just thought I would fart around with that statement a bit.


(33 replies, posted in Acoustic)

that is true.I have a hard enough time with two.Like I said it was an awful joke but I couldnt resist


(58 replies, posted in Electric)

Gee deadstring,I think it depends on if they`re electric oranges or acoustic apples or vica versa


(33 replies, posted in Acoustic)

This is an awful joke dguyton,but the temptation is too strong to resist.Either way,if anyone deserves a hand, its Django. Oh i am gonna burn for that one.


(58 replies, posted in Electric)

Two different worlds.!st,a good electric is easier to play.Think of a car with power steering being an electric.A car without power steering would be an acoustic.The sounds are not at all alike.All those knobs and switches are there for a reason.To give different sounds.Its good to have both.Especially on the days when you don`t feel like fooling around with plugs and cords.When I was young I only wanted to play electric.Now I do both.Good luck


(33 replies, posted in Acoustic)

If you read the credit`s on the sweet baby james album,you will find Danny Kootch Kortchmar`s name on there.Also on Don Henleys I cant stand still album.Amongst many.