
(13 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

brilliant first post Old doll.
and all true. and now that all the " survivors " are here sitting on comouters now we will all get overweight when we should actually be outside playing ( or walking to the pub)

And welcome longbroader, feel free to talk about whatever in this section or share help etc in other sections, or just keep reading.



(9 replies, posted in Songwriting)

great wee song Daddy.

Just reading those lyrics and I am thinking of a violin in this song and guitar and badhran and anything else people can jam with



(9 replies, posted in Songwriting)

Like daddy says,
this is better than saying goodbye

I love the lyrics, especially the words " I lost my beating heart to you"
such a simple few word with such meaning.

Good stuff



(17 replies, posted in Songwriting)

james you really do believe in a lot there dont you lol

great song mate
well done


good idea lol


(8 replies, posted in Songwriting)

im going to join in this too lol
Like daddy says, they are not wrong, no song is wrong no matter how it is wrote what is wrote or why it is wrote.
If you really want t ostop then stop but dont stop because you think they are wrong.

I read lots of songs on here and only post a comment to perhaps a couple a week out of loads upon loads. Not only in songwriting but other sections. I would love to reply to every single post in here, but I just have not got the time to. Sometimes I have not even got the time to read every single post and then time goes by and then i read posts a few weeks after. By that time I dont reply because I see it too late to reply.

So do what you feel is right mate


I have just read your song about the clown and if you dont post anymore songs then how can we read great lyrics like that? especially someone that is european and cannot speak or wrtie english lol (quotting yourself on that lol)
dont give up Lieven


(35 replies, posted in Acoustic)

i used to change mine one at a time but only so it was easier to retune the strings.
But now I just take them all off and give everything a good clean.
I have noticed any trouble with the truss rod at all

But it does sound like a good cause to change one at a time.



(74 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

im a ten minute walk away from Loch Lomond which is in  balloch which is part of alexandria which is in West Dunbartonshire, which is in Strathclyde area on the west of Scotland which is that wee great country just north of England which is in the UK, west of Europe.

But I do not want to be too precise where I am lol



p.s. Ye can see my house on google earth


(3 replies, posted in Songwriting)

lol lol
I really have no idea why but I love those lyrics man.
Obscured yet great to me.



(22 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

NELA wrote:

Why not start off small and do things per region. I don't know how things lay out across the big pond but here in the states you could have several "MINI CHORDIE STOCKS" all in different locations. IE: Texas, Oklahoma, Arkansas, Louisiana, Mississippi. Or, North Carolina, South Carolina. Georga, Florida. Or, any others. Just a thought.


glasgow,balloch,edinburgh,hamburg,london,cork,dublin,birmingham, lol

I dont think i would save money to  fly over to america for this, not that I wouldnt want to but having family and a wife that thinks I should go abroad with her would stop me.
If I were to get a passport then I would have to say goodbye to many days up in the hills of scotland as she would force me to abroad with her. lol
She has been trying for 13 years t oget me abroad and if she found out a guitar site got me abroad the nit would be bye bye piece of paper saying I am married lol



(47 replies, posted in Acoustic)

rstauffe wrote:

sorry i did not mean to offend any one !!!! my point was to pratice and learn the chords absolutly fantastic musicians use capo's for various reasons but try to learn the chords  your feet are safe i was not stepping on toes

thanks for that Randy
And appologies from myself if I seemed a bit cheeky in my reply.

Sometimes we get the odd person coming in and thinking their way is gospel, nothing else will do etc, your post seemed to have looked like that, sorry.

but yeah, learning more and more chords is good and very usefull thing to do.
But stil....:lol: give me that capo lol



(22 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

great stuff topdown and guitarpix.

I met someone that comes into chordie a few weeks ago but they do not post  anything, only reads the things we all type and he enjoys reading it. He noticed me because I had a chordie t shirt on and told me what a great site it was, when i told him my user name he looked shocked that he met someone from a website that he goes to.

BUT, this March hopefully all going well I might get to meet my Ma, my Irish MA all of oor irish Ma, Old Doll.
Old yin, I will send ye an email later when I get round to remembering,lol. I am coming over on the 14th March until 17th. My mate is getting marrried on the 15th then flying out to australia straight after it leaving me his whole house for the rest of my stay. So hopefully meet up with ye.



(4 replies, posted in My local band and me)

would this be georgia the country or georgia as in the state in usa?

im not in either of them.



(22 replies, posted in Acoustic)


I have been playing for quiet a few years now and I still have no desire to go onto the electric. Just when you think you have done everything you want to something else will pop up.
Or just keep doing what you are doing. When you think you cannot get any better that is when you are not thinking right. No matter what stage you are at on a guitar, the more you play the more you improve.
So no need to change to one of those horrible electric things, acoustics sound much better lol ( waiting for all the electric guys now to tell me how wrong I am)



(47 replies, posted in Acoustic)

I bet they work good Al, but for that price they bleeding well better lol
£20 for a capo? I thought my "KYSER" capo I got for a tenner was good enough. it works fine on my 6 string guitars and my 12 string.

I tihnk on ebay ye can get a kyser for £12 -13 inc. p&p

but if they are really good I might consider one of these sometime



(1 replies, posted in Songwriting)

Guitardoc's thread on " has this een done before" made me think of an idea I had a few years ago but I have no idea how to do it or how it would turn out.

Lieven has started creating a song online, just like the word games and what a great idea that is. This is creating a song with chords with input from anyone from anywhere just like I had in mind.

My idea was a bit more technical I think.
I was wanting to put down drums, bass, rythum guitar and lead guitar and vocals all from different people.
Each file would have to be e mailed to someone that wanted it then they added on their part be it guitar, vocals bass etc.
After a new part was added it gets sent back to a host for the mt osend it back out for another instrument to be added. ( am I expalining this properly?)

Person #1 creates a rythum guitar part for the song and records all of it with some info on verses,chorus, breaks etc. then he emails it to host.
host then send it out to person#2. they then play along withit and record over the top, adding another track. then sends it back to the host.
Host then sends it to person#3. they then maybe will add drums etc etc etc and so on.

I think it would be very hard to do and would take ages. Maybe the drums would be better to start with so everything fits in better.???

So, this is why I have done nothing wit hit as I dont know where to stast but I think it is a good idea.
it would mean everyone having the same program for recording on so they can put a track over a track. A bad thing is if everyone has not got at least an 8 track then a lot of quality from the sound would be lost.

anyone up for hosting this idea feel free and good luck



(20 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

i am mostly playig stuff from my songbooks here

http://www.chordie.com/publicbooks.php? … &sort=



(47 replies, posted in Acoustic)

rstauffe wrote:

once you learn all basic chords  abcdefg  you do not need a capo. the capo is for changing the tone of the music not the key people use the capo as a cheat, because they can not play the chords in the key ,way to much. push yourself to learn the chords and you will be happier with yourself i use a capo to change the tone not the chords
good luck
happy pickin'

This is the most ridiculous reply to a question I have read on chordie.
You have a lot to learn about humans.
We are all different with different ways of talking,thinking and living and  and and  and wait for it…………………..playing the guitar, as well as other instruments. So for you to reply like that is very wrong indeed and I hope no one listens to you.

Cheating you say if you use a capo? So eric clapton cheats? David gilmour? Pete townshend? I have even seen angus young playing an acoustic with a capo on. Are all these guitarists not professional enough for you?
As has already been said the capo is used for various reasons as well as maybe your point of view on it.
So before you get help up onto that big pedestal that you managed to climb up and look down upon the mere cheats of society and tell them whats what instead of just giving a helping hand on your own advice, think first. I am sure your parents must have taught you how to do that?


you might be able to get the instructions from an online forum.
Or contact the company and tell them you have lost the instructions, they might send you a new set.

I am hoping to get a wee 4 track for my birthday on the end of Next month.
A workmate bought one yesterday for £150 but ebay do them for £120. It is a Boss digital 4 track thingy and looks not bad.
I Have a 32 track studio on the computer but something like this is good enough for what I intend to use it for.
I will end up having to buy it myslef sometimes thru the year when i can afford it though, Usual!



(6 replies, posted in About Chordie)

he may well be lol

ye'll never know....or will ye?



(2 replies, posted in Acoustic)

I have a baby orzark.
It is a weird looking guitar but you get quite a good tone off it.
Problem wit hit because of the shape you must always always wear a strap, even when sitting down



(1 replies, posted in About Chordie)

there is no chapter for open tuning.
You can discuss it in acoutic section or even electric section, whatever you play. Or you could discuss it in the chat section.
We could not have a section here with songs. If anything there could be a section with a list of songs for people to click.
There has not been any interest really for open tuning stuff.
You can play anything open tuned any, so maybe best just chat about it in chordie chat section and if there is a lot of people wanting to talk about nothing but open tuning then I am sure the powers that be will consider it.

The problem wit hopening a new section all the time is where do you stop?. If a new section was to get opened for every request made then the forum would probably be into it's thrid page by now.



(9 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

i think I might be greedy
I want three.
These things are fantastic. I have never seen anything like them. Heard very similar sounds but probably not with the one instrument.
cheers for the link, it is now in my favourites



(1 replies, posted in Acoustic)


I would say the best thing to do is to go into the public songbooks and have a look.
In there you can look at different categories of songs that people have made up.

Best think to do is to get yer sister on the computer and let her browse through.



(33 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

hope ye had a great time bonedaddy

all the best
