
(14 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

Without getting into details and for future reference.What is considered taboo or bad language on chordie?.I try to keep my posts clean and want to continue to do so.


(11 replies, posted in Other string instruments)

Bushy,its a blast to play with.It looks just like a banjo with a guitar headstock.It feels wierd with the shape of the banjo body.Try one out first.Especially a dean.The necks on the dean steel body and 6 string banjo is a little different than their regular guitars.It has a raised area near the headstock that  takes some getting used to.I don`t know why it`s there.It just is.Oh and it is heavier than a guitar.Also you can play it around the campfire.It strums and fingerpicks great.And it is a lot more durable than it feels with the banjo head on it. Hope that helps you.Have a good one


(11 replies, posted in Other string instruments)

I have one.A dean.I love it but don`t get the use I thought I would out of it.Standard tuning.No other skills needed.


(45 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

Organ and piano


(11 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

The beginning of the Joey Bishop show from the 60s. "JoeyJoeyJoey, son of a gun".

Dan Fogelberg.Not the lame 80s Fogelberg you heard on the radio.Go deeper into the albums and you will be amazed.                                                                                                                                               Leonard Cohen :Almost anything.If anyone has been covered by everyone it`s him.


(23 replies, posted in Acoustic)

Stupid trick.Try tuning an octave lower.As long as the strings are in tune to each other it should sound fine.It will take some of the tension off the strings and make it easier to play.It may even give it a deeper gritty sound(best way to describe it).Give it a try.The worst that can happen is nothing.


(8 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

That is great.I would love to meet some of this family.Anyone in the worcester area?


(29 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

Of course for the chicks.It didn`t happen like that.Although in 1985 it payed off big time.I met my wife.She didnt even know I played.In a conversation it was nice to say I did something else besides working and drinking.


(1 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

After trying to get the dean steel body resonator clean.My wife gave me her can of Zep stainless steel cleaner.The stuff she uses on the dishwasher and the refrigerator.It worked.It removed MOST of the icky stuff.I used some chrome polish and tried old fashioned Johnson paste wax.It came out good.It will never look new again with some of the pitting but it looks a lot better.While I was at it i put new strings on it.Piece of advice.Johnson paste wax works great on my red strat.If you ever use it,just don`t put it on where you rest it on your thigh.It will be so slippery you wont be able to play it sitting until it wears off.


(4 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

Dino.I have had two convertibles and as long as nothing was falling from the sky,I had the top down.My four wheel drive explorer gets its share of use in the winter.For 9 years my daughter didnt know of anything else but to ride with the top down for 3 seasons of the year.My red strat and my yamaha sj-180 are convertibles with the top down.The fender acoustics are convertibles with the top up.To me they just arent worth having.They will just sit.


(4 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

I saw a great fender acoustic guitar for sale.I was ready to buy it when it dawned on me that I just gave away the one I had.Along with 4 others and an amp.I held on to my favorites and the ones I actually use on a regular basis.I gave away 2 fender acoustics.Not the cheap 100 dollar ones either Nothing worse than going to guitar center just to look.Kind of like buying a dirty magazine and just reading the articles.Has anyone else had the same experience. Having all these toys and not being able to play with them.When I was young,my father had a convertible and I never saw him put the top down.Same thing.Why have and not use.


(139 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

Last week jamming I got the oppurtinity to do Bed of Coals by Warren Zevon.One of my favorite singers.While I was at it.I snuck in every Warren Zevon song I printed up on this site.The bassist and drummer didnt mind.Hopefully I can work some of it in our list. Also,nothing is worse than trying to play hurt.It seems to happen a lot to me as I get older.Guess it comes with age.


(21 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

Wouldnt a strat drink beer(Corona if it`s a mexican,Bud if it`s an american) and a tele would drink tequila. A martin or a taylor would drink Jack Daniels.Think of it.What would your guitars drink.What kind of music do they play.That will help decide what they drink.Use your imagination.

dino48 wrote:

Not good,butch hope they can fix you up. I am left handed but play right but I can also play left handed but not as well. You can also give some thought too playing keyboards.

Sorry to hear also.I am also left handed but I play rihht handed.(didnt know there was such a thing as left handed guitars at the time.Hope it goes well for you.


(21 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

You should have the guitars discuss it with each other and decide who goes.Does that sound like a good idea z.All kidding aside,you do develop a bond with a guitar.My ric,yamaha sj-180 and gibson falcon amp I have had since before I met my wife.As a matter of fact,I was still living at my mothers house when I had them.Go back even further,my father was very much alive when i bought the ric.He died 27 years ago.A bond and memories.What more can a guitar bring?


(8 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

an aged white falcon is a thing of beauty.Not beat up,but aged.Look at Chris Isaacs at foxwoods casino(hard rock cafe).I stared at it for about 10 minutes.Nothing like being a foot away with a window seperating you.So close but yet so far.I still want my chrome to shine.


(21 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

I love my guitars too.Especially my rickenbacker.What`s not to love.When was the last time your guitars whined at you for something.When did a guitar complain that you do nothing around the house after you come home from working 12 hours straight.When was the last time......you get the idea.No matter how well or bad you treat them they give you unconditional love(unless you smash them).Just a little TLC and they will stay your friends for life.Here`s another one for you.Do you ever picture them conversing with each other when no one is around.The ones you had forever telling the newbies they can be replaced.I always pictured my ric and yamaha acoustic telling the newer ones how they seen them come and go over the years.When a new guitar thinks it will nudge out the old timers.The old timers tell them who is going.Wow,I think I hijacked this post.NOTE:NO NEW GUITARS WERE HARMED IN THE WRITING OF THIS POST


(8 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

it`s not sticky or gross and it doesnt affect the sound.Just looks awful.I like my guitars to look good.Not aged or road worn.As a matter of fact I touched up the wear spots on my rickenbacker with(SIT DOWN WHEN YOU HEAR THIS).A black sharpie.It looked 100% better.To each his own.Some of us like the worn look.Some of us dont.I would really like to get the chrome to shine again the dean. Only I can touch up a vintage ric with a magic marker.

Haleluliah by Leonard Cohen.Nothing to do with religon.First song that came to mind.Disect the words and see


(8 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

My Dean steel body resonator gets this film on it from sitting for any period of time in its case.It doesnt come off easy.The last time I paid an auto detailing shop 60.00 to get the film off.I used to use turtle wax chrome polish on it.I cant use any abrasives on it because I dont want to damage the nickel plating.Any help will be appreciated.Thanx in advance   JOE   jjj


(33 replies, posted in Acoustic)

I am partial to yamaha myself and my daughter is partial to her Ibanez.Why dont you try out everything the music store has to offer in your price range,and decide for yourself.Nobody has to play it but you.Also dont worry about what it says on the headstock.If you like it,then it is a great guitar.


(27 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

ABBA- lets be real who doesnt like them.When I was young it would an embarassment to admit it.I told gabby trout that in the 70s,people would change the station if Abba came on and they had friends in the car.If abba came on and no one was in the car,they would crank it up.How many can say they arent guilty of it?


(22 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

she may know those areas.I`ve only been there once.I can remember the 9 hour drive each way.I will ask her when she gets home.Shehas commented on how you are up to your neck in snow the whole winter .Our rough winter is an average day over there.


(5 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

I lucked out.It was still a bad storm but not as bad as predicted.Didnt get a drop of water in my playing area.Now I can sleep good tonight knowing my family and equipment is safe.(IN THAT ORDER).The house can be replaced.My family cant