lol lol lol

I agree with you to a certain extent. But I do not like hearing young kids swearing. They should learn other words to use then when older they can swear as much as they like.
I swaer a lot but not in front of my kids, I wouldnt want them thinking swearing is ok, so much they start swearing then they go to school and swear then just get into trouble for it.

And your question, who said?
Well, Queen Victoria I know banned the word C**t. she didnt like it so she decided it was an offensive word. It was widely used once in the UK but now it is probably the most taboo sweary word you can get. I dont know why. Maybe because of the letters? it makes it a sort of hard sounding word, and aggressive word.
the ye get B*****rd, in the dictionary, means something, but is classed as a swear word in the content it is used.
S*it I was told before was something to do with boats years ago for loading stuff in the part under the deck where they storedstuff that had to stay dry. But I cannot remember whatthat was and propbably a load of crap.
crap, that is classed by some as a swear word but no way is it, bollox also,

ye just have to accept that this is the way society is.
I dont like it, but I accept it.



(23 replies, posted in Acoustic)

Jerome is correct. The option for posting pics on the forum had to be removed to stop the idiots posting pics of porn.

But you can do what I done and post them on to a site like flickr and then put a link in t he chat section for people to go see your intruments.

here is a pic of nearly all the intruments I have. I have a few more since this was taken about 2 years ago.



(3 replies, posted in About Chordie)

monstamamma wrote:

I understand that there are many musicians in the world and many who believe it's their right to be here..( this is part of occupational hazard )  and there is only a certain amount of space but I am astonished to find no mention or post of Karen Dalton..
I can only assume it was because she played a long neck banjo?
Or is she too obscure?

Hi Monstamamma and welcome to chordie.

the reason Karen Dalton is not on CHORDIE is because no one has added a link of any of her songs to chordie.
If you would like to see songs from her on Chordie then go to resources and click ADD SONG.
It will then ask you for an address to where chordie can pick it up from.
Chordie works as a search engine, no songs are put directly on this site.



(11 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

Like rebel says for the U.S a woman automatically take sthe surname of the husband as well unless she opts out of it.
And like evsynator says, in the UK you can go by whatever name you like, including your first name.

I remember seeing on the news years and years ago about how a scottish couple had a baby while living in Germany. They wanted to name their kid ????? ( i cannot remember the name) but the German authorities did not accept that whatever they chose was a name so they were not allowed to register the name they wanted in Germany.
In Scotland you can call your child anything at all, you can even make up a new name, i.e. Frezitickle.

Some kids now are not even taking the name of their father, but instead taking the name of their mother, especially when the mother and father are not married.

I like the idea in Sweden where a child is born they take the name of their fathers first name, so I f this was the case in Scotland my son would not be called jack godwin but would be Jack Kenson.
How does that works for the daughters in Sweden?

end of the day it is only a name. A name does not make someone who they are lol ok, sometimes it does, but it shouldnt.



(9 replies, posted in Bands and artists)

I see the 70's in two different sections here.
Early 70's for me is glam
mid to late 70's was punk.

Although late 70's there was a lot of "disco" music but I just see this nonsense as POP.
And POP was around before the 70's as was Rock and funk. These two categories of music have been around since the 50's and will always be around so I would never class any decade after the 60's as being the rock or pop decade.
There will be no doubt a decade or two that will be named something but really it is rock or pop.
Like Punk, it is really rock. Grunge from the early 90's is really rock. Glam is rock as well but they dressed in glittery tatters lol

As for the 2000's so far, I would have no idea what to class this decade, not even early 2000's.


Old Doll wrote:

Cheaters have a very low self esteem. or over inflated egoes,


are you talking about me cheating when playing that chord?  lol



(1 replies, posted in About Chordie)

no afraid not.
The songs with tabs are taken from other sites.
There is however an option to look for songs only with chords.
When click on whatever letter of artist you want look to the left and click CHANGE. there you have an option to list songs only with chords and not the tabs.

hope that helps you



(7 replies, posted in Acoustic)

me either happy,lol, maybe just the way people type it so ye can still see the "dash" to show the string is still there? lol


ah I see temus.
I would rather just play D then lol,
but see the way it shows F#/D on the chord chart on your song, I love that sound from that chord, it goes very very well with G



(8 replies, posted in Songwriting)

Hi Jets

can I be honest here? thanks.

I love the lyrics to the verses, they are superb. The chorus lyrics ,hmmm, well, I just dunno about them . They are not bad, I tihnk it is when reading the words just seem different ( I have no idea what I am talking about here exactly, somewhere in my head I tihnk I know what I am finding hard to say lol)

ok, but these chords?????? I need to hear this getting played, just like most other songs that I think the chords do not go. It is probably just the way I play them maybe?
so go on, get it on pix's youtube site for chordians or rogers myspace site.



(21 replies, posted in Songwriting)

see if you do not have a cam of some sort before chistmas this year lol I am going to send you one as a present lol

I might forget this so someone hold me to it.


i thought the F#d was easy, I cheated and just player the top three strings,lol



(21 replies, posted in Songwriting)

nothing to do with the song but I will second that for the dalwhinnie.
I pass by that distillery quite a fw times a year ( this is near where I go up north to my mates cottages in the middle of nowhere at the spey dam)
I still have never been a tour round it to get a free dram lol this will change this year.

p.s. Southpaw, I hope ye dont watch my videos and give me advice lol ye will have to sit and type for hours on my chord techniques lol


(17 replies, posted in Songwriting)

James as Lena said
Lovely recording.

Hearing a song that you think looks good is so much better when you actually hear it and it is like this. Excellent work!

oh yeah and very very good singing, I like yer singing voice a lot


hi temus and welcome.
I quite like this too, I really like the chords you are using.



(7 replies, posted in Acoustic)

hi happyfeet and welcome to chordie.

This page you were looking at is "TAB"  the dashes are representing strings.

the page you were looking at is more of a lead guitar notes so it looks like it is not actually chords that are shown, however sometimes on tab format chords are shown by having the correct numbers on the correct strings.
The numbers on tab are the frets that are held down.

some people prefer tab as it gives you every note in a tune if written down properly rather than just having what chord it is in.

hope I have explained that ok for you


Al, ye could go to any football park in the UK, even the junior leagues.

and Jerome, I totally agree with you on the word bollox but that is really not a sweary word. I have said that all my life, my whole family said it while I was growing up even my teachers in school said it.
I think it is one of these great words you use to replace a true swear word.


I swear like a trooper lol
I see them only as words to express things or how strongly you feel about something or just use it because I sue it that much I cannot help it lol
But I do not swear in front of my kids for some reason, I do not know why even though I see nothing wrong wit hit. Maybe because the way I was brought up? Kids were hardly allowed to talk never mind swear. And it is not nice to hear young kids swearing, so if I swore in front of them how could I tell them not to?
I think a lot of it from the afro americans is exagerated. We see and hear them in films a lot but it is mostly showing gangs or rappers like you said. But if you watch a lot of films with mainly white people the swearing is rife, films like " trainspotting" stock lock and 2 smoking barrels" and many more.
Also the british punkn bands liked to use the odd word now and then and others would just swear constantly like the exploited, they are always Effing and C'ing on stage.
Maybe we hear more americans because of the volume of films that come from america?
so it is bound to make them look like they swear a lot more, but you walk down the streets in glasgow at 11:45pm on a friday,saturday,thrusday.....any night and you will hear just as bad as anywhere else.



(51 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

oh dear, some really awful songs you guys are mentioning lol
why would anyone admit to the likes of some of these? I would never admit to any of them as I hate them all lol

But my song that I love that people hate is played at every scotland football game, Sang by B.A Robinson. It was the Scotland world cup song for 1982 " WE HAVE A DREAM"
it really is a bad song as songs go but it is funny, and done wit hgreat style and is great to sing while intoxicated at a scotland game. lol

and how about " I wish I could fly" by Keith and ORvill the duck? such a sad song.

and I used to love Clive Dunn's " grandad" when i was a kid.

oh yeah, lol they are all coming out now.

and dare I say this even though I depsise the band and what they are all about. And also that I have made it clear I really really object to manufactured boy and gorl bands but..... Boyzone done a really good cover of a few songs like "Father to son" and "you say it best" just glad they did not write them but I can listen to them singing them



Oh how I wish no one asked this.



(2 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

i like a song with meaningful lyrics but I do love some songs that it is the music that makes me listen to it and not the lyrics.
Tyhen there are some songs that the music is not up to much but the lyrics are great, I would still listen to a song like that.

a bit of both really but when you have meaningful lyrics and a great tune then you have the perfect song, or I do



(21 replies, posted in Songwriting)

well I gave ye 5 stars.

I was expecting an acoustic guitar for some reason. lol I just think everyone plays with an acoustic1



(24 replies, posted in Bands and artists)

I have no idea what would be my favourite beatles song, I dont even think I could shortlist it to 3 never mind 1 or 2.

ermmmm, na I dont know, so many great ones, if I chose one I might change my mind.

but in the list would be
Yesterday, let it be, seargant pepper's lonely heart club band, and your bird can sing, hard days night, hey jude, all you need is love.

my favourite might not even be in that list ,lol



(22 replies, posted in Songwriting)

dont liste nto all these people saying this song is good or great, I think it is amazing!!!
This choris you have done is maybe the best lyrics I have read in ages.
This is a very very wel lwritten song and like James said, I also want to hear this song getting thrashed out on myspace or youtube.
Sorry mate but I might even steal this whole song or at least the chorus.
I love it.

I do not know much about the dixie chicks, ,,,, ok ,I know nothing of them apart from a documentry I saw on TV last year sometime. Dont like them much from what I heard but I like thier attitude. or is it someone elses attitude coming through them?

Get recording daddy. I have to hear this



(13 replies, posted in Songwriting)

hannah they have said it all really!
great lyrics girl!

But, lol can i say one thing? ok thanks.  lol It is not bad...honest

See in the chorus, you have  " and I" then you have in brackets   ( hold on) ?
well usually when i see words in brackets I see it as backing singers lol
so when i was reading your wee song and had this tune in my head, and I got to the chorus and sang into myself " HOLD ON" after I was singing in my head " AND I.
I thought it was going ok until I got to  (STRUM A FEW SECONDS)
this made me think, surely these are not lyrics lol It never took me long until I realised that " HOLD ON" was not the actual lyrics.

Nothing wrong with your writing, you have wrote it and explained very good. It is just me lol

well done
It is good to know I can laugh at my silliness



(17 replies, posted in Songwriting)

well said james and not just because of your not so old age, this should apply to all ages
