
(6 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

Am I suffering from burnout?Lately I have been too tired to do anything.After working 60 hours a week I am too tired to do anything.Lately Ihave been cancelling any jam sessions and not doing much of anything.I will get some playing in for about an hour a week,mainly on my days off.Last week I put off all jamming until the end of the year.Has anyone ever had this problem? If so,what can be done about it?Thank you in advance  Also I am 51 and not a spring chicken anymore


(35 replies, posted in Electric)

I have a mex. strat.My daughter has a mex. strat with a humbucker in the bridge position.They were both used and dirt cheap.200 for mine 170 for hers.Cheap strats are out there.You just have to find them.I have tried both of them in stores.No real difference.You can always upgrade a mex. with american parts.Almost like upgrading a squier with fender parts.An american strat will be more expensive used or new.You can get a new mexican for cheaper than a used american.Hope that helps


(109 replies, posted in Electric)

my cousin Paul.He died in a car accident a long time ago.I decided I always wanted to play guitar before my time was up.He played.There was no bond or friendship between us,just cousins.That`s it


(18 replies, posted in Acoustic)

Jerome is right.Be patient and don`t get discouraged.Eventually it will come to you and the pain will disappear.If you have any friends or family that play,ask them for tips.Most guitarists will be more than happy to answer any questions.When I first started learning,I would ask questions.Only once did I run into a player with a snotty atitude.Almost every time they handed me their guitars and said go ahead.I do the same with mine now if someone asks how it is.Then in time you will be handing yours to someone and letting them try it.It feels good


(13 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

topdown wrote:

My Father was a very good golfer. Before he died, he gave me an old putter which I still have and use to this day. A stranger at a golf course offered me $300 for this putter several years ago - I declined. I only play golf a couple of times a year at best, the rest of the time, the club is collecting dust in my garage or the trunk of my car. I don't think I'd take $1,000 for this piece of steel, hickory and leather - one day, it will pass to my kids.

My point is, the value is not lost without it being played, indeed, the value is likely greater for the son than it would be for a buyer. Who knows, maybe your friend's kid or grandkid will discover that guitar one day and be the next Stevie Ray.

You said you used it a couple times a year.You do use it.This gets no use at all.Not all my guitars get used regularly but I do use them.He also has no kids and never will.If he learned to play it would be different but he has a differemt outlet.None of them involves a camper,boat or guitars.Not a bad thing.Just the way it is


(13 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

I really have no desire to own a les paul.They weigh a half ton and are painful without a good strap.My point is that somebody does want one and would appreciate it and give it the treatment it deserves.Also,this friend never had anything good to say about his father.Theyre are people that would love to buy those.It`s just a shame they are sitting doing nothing in the hands of a non player.


(13 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

Is there any sight sadder than a fine guitar in the hands of a non player.Hear me out.A friend of mine`s father passed away a few years ago.among some of his belongings he ended up with were a camper,a boat,a FENDER AMP( I don`t remember which model but it was big and old) and A GIBSON LES PAUL. That`s right he was left a boat. Seriously,he was left the Les Paul and the Fender amp.He doesnt play and has no intention of learning.Yet he has these two fine vintage pieces doing nothing.I personally have no desire to get a les paul but his should be in the hands of someone who can appreciate what it is. I understand sentimental value and that but this is a waste.Only another player can understand my point of view.Almost when you see the rolling rock telecaster on display in a liquor store.It may be a squier but it is still something that should be played. Who`s with me

The way to check if the filter caps are no good.1-turn it on and let it warm up. 2-turn the volume all the way down.If you hear a buzz or hum,then the filters are no good.Turn up the volume and there may be some noise.Its up to you if its an acceptable level.


(7 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

Hank is one of those artists that no one realizes how much they have actually heard by him.When you hear a hank song,you say to yourself,Hey i`ve heard that done by so and so.A lot I have heard done by others and not him.


(10 replies, posted in Guitars and accessories)

I have heard of them but know nothing about them.Maybe you should try Harmony cemtral and see if there are any reviews on them.Good luck with everything.


(37 replies, posted in Acoustic)

I always thought every time you pick up a guitar you are still learning.No matter how long you have played.


(10 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

thanks  you everyone for the well wishes.We have a nice weekend of going out to eat planned and just spending some time together. Thanx again


(10 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

putting off playing this weekend.My wife and I are celebrating 22 years of marriage today. Oct 14th 1989, 25 years if you count living together for 3 years. 26 years together.Life is good


(16 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

happy birthday


(13 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

Did anyone mention CHORDIE


(21 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

Bob Kiloran. The man who taught me to play.He`s gone now.Died young but he instilled on me patience,humor and understanding while teaching me.I never became a master on guitar but he will always be remembered.  Thanx Bob.


(9 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

Baldguitardude wrote:
tubatooter1940 wrote:

I'll never forget the wife with one leg who competed on "Dancing With The Stars".
She could do the two step but it took her twice as long.


Finally! A "like" button.

Heather Mills was going to sue sir Paul but her lawyer said she wouldnt have a leg to stand on.


(9 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

This is his 4th time.Who was the 3rd.I only remember two before

season of the witch-Donovan?  Thriller-Michael Jackson. And anything from Rocky Horror Picture Show. Do yourselves a favor and watch it this month.


(11 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

maybe i`ll bring my yamaha sj-180 in the sunshine.Take it to lunch.Maybe a ride in the country.Also,its 6:25 pm and pouring rain.Maybe the sunshine will be put on hold.

ihave joked about the guitar police and guitars talking to each other when no one is looking so here goes.Do you have a bond with certain guitars.I have a bunch but only have "THE BOND" with a few.I have had others that played and sonded great but the bond wasnt there.Kind of like an old friend who you can trust with anything.Some are indispensable,others you can take or leave. I have had two fender acoustics and 2 strats.All that remains is one strat.The other strat went to my daughter.The acoustics played and sounded great,but the feel(bond) just wasnt there.The strat had the bond.Only 4 guitars have the bond.The rest are fine instruments but they dont have the bond.Everybody know what I am talking about? THE BOND=when you play a guitar and it fits like a well worn pair of jeans. Example My favorite guitars are a pair of jeans. The other guitars are like a suit. The jeans are comfortable and I can wear them all day. When I have to wear a suit,I cant wait to get it off and get back in my jeans.


(35 replies, posted in Acoustic)

HELPFUL HINT: to keep an ovation or applause from sliding off your lap.Use a rubber jar cap remover.It will keep it from sliding and they are dirt cheap or usually given away.Also if you are in the middle of a gig and someone needs a jar of pickles opened and are willing to pay 500.00 for the favor,You will be all set.

What would you do if the guitar police came and told you that you could only keep one of YOUR guitars.The rest have to go.Which one would it be.If it is an electric,you can pick one amp.NOTE:one of the guitars you already own.Not what you wish you had.Think long and hard.Everything else has to go.My choice would be my 1984 yamaha sj-180.Probably has a book value of 30.00 in the shape it is in.It is still my favorite of all my family of guitars. The ric,strat,gibson falcon would be gone.Plus all the others.I have no idea what the guitar police are doing with the stuff they take.


(3 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

That is great.It`s also true


(14 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

I always thought if you hear it on regular t.v. before 9 pm it wasnt swearing.