hello and welcome clansman.

Yer not alone in starting in yer 30's. I work with a wummin that has just got her boyfriend a guitar, he is about the same age as you I think. Maybe he is you? lol

ye can get lots of help in here if you ask. Some advice might go way over your head, some might seem silly and simple. But whatever ye need to know from chords to scales, formatting songs, finding songs, anything, Just ask



(25 replies, posted in Acoustic)

the saw doctors songs "the green and red of mayo" only has two chords. Well, it has one more for the break but mainly 2 chords


(11 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

thinking about it slang and dialects are either the same or go hand in hand with one another



(11 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

no need to appologise.
It is difficult to tell things when you dont actually live in a place. I should know, I am always saying things that are wrong, lol

I know what you are saying though about accents. You still get people with very strong scottish accents but will pronounce their P's and Q's. and would never pronounce the word House as hoose. So it is not really accents. There are many accents in scotland ( even though on the telly they all sound the same)
It is ..... it is.... I just forgot what I was going to say.........
Na forget it.
aye, so slang is when yer not speaking proper english, or like I said and Lieven has found too, Londoners ( the cockneys on the east of london) have rhyming slang where they will pronounce the words but say things like dog and bone for phone, just like a secret code. I dont see why though, it is much easier just to say phone.



(9 replies, posted in About Chordie)

Hi Scottandrobin

If you create a new songbook, even naming it the same as you had your old one, you can swap songs from songbook to songbook,
So if you create a new one you can copy or move all those songs into your new song book.



(11 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

well I thin kit looks like the word slang mean differently in america than it does in the UK
A slang word is more like dialect  I think in some ways.
i.e  the word house in glasgow will be pronounced hoose and mouse will be moose although you do get another animal called moose,lol.
other words are

to be drunk ...... blootered  which would be pronounced bloot- urd

to speak slang is to not speak proper english.
The Londoners ( the cockneys) have their own slang, it is called "Rhyming Slang "
blood and blister.........sister
dog and bone......the phone
china plate...... mate ( which is usually shortened to just "china"
trouble and strife.....the wife



(25 replies, posted in Acoustic)

another good place to be for playing an acoustic guitar is at one of the many folk festivals. Get a tent and a few friends and get away for a weekend. Apart from going in the pubs and halls to watch and listen ye can have a great time at a campsite and have a great jam session with other instruments sometimes.
I tihnk 2nd weekend in August there is a really good festival just north of Perth, and I thin kit is mainly a bluegrass festival but when ye get to the camp site it is anything goes.
Also Jura on the last weekend of september, always good and the last weekend of July for the one here in balloch.They have open mic afternoons in some of the pubs.



(7 replies, posted in About Chordie)


You mean self adhesive labels, dont you? lol lol
(sorry, I work in a printers that print "stickers" and they hate that term, they always call them self adhesive labels)

welcome to chordie by the way
and my thoughts on stickers on guitars are the same as Russell's.

it could change the tone but maybe no one would notice.



(46 replies, posted in Bands and artists)

stiff little fingers, the alarm ,the clash,
without SLF you would have had a completely different greenday!

and without the clash, you would have had a different SLF.



(25 replies, posted in Acoustic)

I used to think this too. I didnt think I would be good enough.
To overcome this play in front of friends in your house or theirs and ask them for their honest opinions. Or just go give it a go, see how you get on. If it is an open mic night thing where you get on stage and yer not too sure then find yourself a wee pub like the scotia in glasgow that have nights like these but you can sit on the seat, no need to go on the spotlight.
I go to a place on a thursday night sometimes  that is a folk session but people play anything ( it is all acoustic) just a big jamming session. If people know what your playing they will jam along, if they dont know then they sit and listen.
YOu can get loads of friendly advice from nights like these. Tell them why you are there and they will help you out if you need help.



(2 replies, posted in About Chordie)

dam good idea.

that would make it easier to keep track of all these original songs from the chordians that like to share.
There are some great songs in that section.



(6 replies, posted in About Chordie)

cheers Per



(6 replies, posted in About Chordie)

what sort of web site addresses were you posting?



(6 replies, posted in About Chordie)

kanija wrote:

Another suggestion - Enabling sorting options in songbooks:
Every time I log-on to play my guitar, I really need to search for those latest songs I've added. I wish there was a "sort by date added" option.


Keep on the good work!
Ronen @ Israel

that could be a good idea.  i like to know what newer songs I am trying to learn.

I have overcome this by making a new songbook called " new songs" and when I learn them or get bored withthem I transfer them into whatever other book I think they should belelong in.



(13 replies, posted in Acoustic)

that was a superb link,
thanks for sharing it.
Very interesting parts in that.
I am now thinking apart from the scottish the egyptians are also fantastic inventors, so much came from there thousands of years ago and although changed through the years, they started a lot first.




(87 replies, posted in Other string instruments)

also Fisherman's blues by the waterboys ( and also covered by a canadian band called KILT)

and drop kick murphys use a mandolin a lot in their punked up folk songs.



(7 replies, posted in About Chordie)

BillZ wrote:

I am speechless.  I have been searching the net for more than two years looking for songs and music.  This is hands down the best location that I have found.  You guys and fantastic.  What an incredible find.  I am soooo excited that I can't explain it.  This place is gonna really help me with music that I can use.  I have been stumbling around looking for sheet music that I can actually use.

Words fail me and I don't know how to express my thanks for the wonderful job y'all are doing.  Thanks for being a breath of fresh air in my music!

hi Billz and welcome.
Glad you like the site, a right bunch of friendly folk here all helping each other as well as some banter in the chordie chat section.



(10 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

hi alan,
he was from Ayr wich is in Ayrshire funnily enough lol
What a guy he was. I never got much of him in school like they do today or like they still do in especially southern Scotland, I have only read a little about him, read loads of his poetry though. Some i tihnk is utter nonsense, or was at the time of reading it. But the lifestyle this guy had is what I want, He was a drunken womaniser ,lol Is that not just everymans perfect life? lol

And Alvee,
that was a superb link there, cheers for that. if you click on the music format thing ye get a bigger text for the sheet music. My wife is going to love this page when i show her, will be good for her fiddle.




(13 replies, posted in Acoustic)

the reason for the shape on an acousitc is because the man that invented this shape was going away from home for lengthy periods without a woman, so he made it this shape to remind him of his wife. At that time it did not even have strings on it or a neck, it was just a body so he could hug into it at night to feel like he was in his own bed. A few months later he added a neck and and a head so he could kiss it goodnight. After another few months he was getting bored as the guitar was just lying there like a plank of wood as some wives do ( so I am told) He did not like this so he thought for a while then decided to put strings on it to twang away with.
Tarrra, we have the guitar!
this is why it will remind some men of a woman's body, and if it is in perfect working order it always has a g string on lol

yeah, you guessed it, I have no idea either why it is this shape but I would say for the tone and for comfort.
If you look up pics on google for a baby ozark guitar you will see they are not all the same shape. the baby ozark is more like an paddle for a boat. This was invented by a  tribesman in the amazon, he was bored with his paddle and decided he could do more with it so he made......... OK, I iwll not go into that again. I have no idea why the baby ozark is not the same shape as most guitars lol



(10 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

I am suffering severely from a right good hangover, not had one like this in ages.
We had a few guitars in here last night and a banjo and mandolin and violin on the go ( not all at once, there were only 4 of us)

Scots wha hae is a superb song, only heard the corries doing it though I tihnk.

I never knew that Burns wrote most of Auld Lang Syne Al, there ye go , I am still learning new things all the time, lol

The only version I could find of the old way to sing it was from that wee paisley guy Paolo.

But he does it very well. It is still very similar to the modern version but there is a difference




(2 replies, posted in About Chordie)


this is a brilliant link. Thanks for posting it. It will help others imensely I think.
It often gets asked in here about reading tabs, so I am going to give them this link to either this thread or straight to your link.

I dont need it, but I know a lot do




(10 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

Since it is Burns day today ( From Robert Burns the scottish Poet that was born 249 years ago today) I am sitting here eating my haggis neeps and tatties ( haggis, turnip and mash potatoes).
I never done the traditional thing and addressed the haggis before slitting it open while reciting the Robert Bruns Peom "address to a Haggis". mainly because I am eating it on my own and my wife can reheat hers when she gets in from work lol

So anyway. ( just finished my dinner now) I was listening to my cd ( the free one I got wit hlast sundays newspaper) it has the song that I am sure everyone in the world knows, one that Robert burns never actually wrote himself but he gets the credit for it, " auld Lang Syne"
We all know how it is sung as well, mostly at new year, but I knew of this version I have for a while now but never heard anyone singing it.
The way it was origianlly sung is completely different to the version we all know today. And I got to say ,the folk version that I now have is 30 times better than the auld lang syne we sing at new year.
I want to learn this version and sing it anytime, not just new year.

Anyone else heard the "folk" version of this great song?

also on it a song I love,also from Rabbie burns, and one I use as my signature here is " a mans a man for a' that". this I think I must learn too.



(16 replies, posted in Acoustic)

that link you gave in your second post on this thread took me to the page what my next guitar will be.
I am sure it is the same. I played one of these in the Co op in Clydebank a few months ago, thinking my wife was going to get me it there and then.
In there they were £239 ( about $480). I loved the sound from it.
My birthday is at the end of February but I want so much yet need so little,lol.

So I dont know if I will get it eh nor just go out and buy it anyway and get other pleasurable things for my birthday like a pair of hiking socks or an O.S map of North Scotland around the SAndwood bay area/ cape wrath area.

I would recommmend these guitars andI only sat and played it in the shop for about 27 minutes



(13 replies, posted in Songwriting)

I dont mind the length of a line on the song, this would indicte to me ( whether right or wrong) that it will be sung quicker than if it were split into two lines.
Also it takes up less space lol

I kinda like the lyrocs here, not too sure about all of them at first read, but I like this Lieven, As you know I love silly lyrics, but these are not all silly, it is a great idea for a sing without actually swearing and making it known you are saying beep, and beeping instead of swearing.
Superb idea, the more I tihnk about it, the more I like it.
I might, but probably not, steal this idea, maybe even the whole song. But knowing me I will not find the time at the moment and then it will be gone. sad

ah well, keep up the song writing Lieven, the more you do the better ye get. it is just like biting yer finger nails, the more ye bite the better ye get, or something like that

yes, whisky is good! ( and it is a weekday with work tomorrow )



(13 replies, posted in Songwriting)

and Lieven
I have nothing else new to say that these three wise guys have told you.

I never even got to read the song, but I do not think it should have got deleted, if it was rubbish I would have told you, but I would not expect you to go in a huff about it.
I have wrote and still write terrible songs. My wife hates me playing my songs.

I do not post a lot of songs in here as I tihnk most of mine are either  unsuitable or unfinished. Mostly theyare all unfinished, but if they were finished then I would put them here for opinions, and if 20 people told me it was not very good or they didnt understand it, I would not delete it.

C'mon, get it back and do not delete any more
