
(24 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

Hi lena

No thanks on the job offer lol
I was an assisant manager in a garden centre for 11 years so I have done my time with flowers and petals and buds and composts,bird tables, shrubs,trees, advice,deadheading, repotting, lawncare, weed control, putting on a friendly smile when i was angry, dealing with silly complaints, taking care of thousands of ££££'s that was not even mine,

Na, I like my job in the printers, there are no flowers apart from the plastic ones when you walk in the door.


Oh yeah, I have my flight booked for Ireland.

I will send ye an e mail and tell ye all about it.


I agree with Russell here but I think if you are recording and making any money out of it, no matter how little a record company has the right to sue.
If the song is over 50 years old I dont think the record company can do anything. Best check on that first though if you plan to make money from selling cd's.

If it is just for a demo to hand out to get noticed then I cannot see how anyone can sue unless they get really pernickity and say your demos are making you get gigs and from the gigs you earn money because you handed out someone elses songs. hmmmmm,
If it was me, I would go for it and make them but then I like to differ from silly laws.
And with silly laws differing in different countries yet the whole world can hear the same thing it makes the silly laws even sillier.


and  i am still none the wiser what a guy called ed has to do with frogs. But i do know what happens when you combine frogs,straws and air. sad


roger waters.......probably in my top three of songwriters if not the best.

there are so many great songwriters it would be impossible to mention them all that I admire, even if I do not listen to their music.

and then it will come down to personal opinions. everyone knows Lennon / MCartney but not everyone likes them, so ye will get people saying they were overrated etc.

Oh yeah another one of my all time superb writers and will defintely be in my top 3 is
Pete Townshend

but then back to this Lennon/Macca thing, msot of the songs were written by Lennon but they were put down as the two of them, just like Richards/Jagger. they do not write every single song together but share the credit.


I am completely lost with this one. lol



(22 replies, posted in Bands and artists)

i think for music attmosphere and enjoyment the best ever gig I have attended has got to be stiff little finger for their 25th anniversary at barrowlands.

But close contenders would have to be ( as mentioned and often forgotten or never heard of) Runrig in the barrowlands in 1987 ( before they became very commercialised, when they sang a lot of gaelic song that know one knew what they were singing about but knew the words) just after they released " the cutter and the clan".

Also U" at the glasow secc in the late 80's.

and last but not least, every big contry gig I have been to. simply superb! timing, tightness, attmosphere, efverything about a big country concert gig was just fantastic.
as I have said somewhere before,
for the best sound, it has to go to John Prine in the royal concert hall in November last year.
that place really has a super duper sound system in there. it was not bouncing about with attmosphere but the sound blew me away.



(5 replies, posted in About Chordie)

hi ryser
thanks for the comment/thread.
You can add songs if you like from sites that wil guarantee you the correct tabs/chords if you like

Also there is the option in chordie for you to correct the chords if you think they are wrong.
Now, you mention "tabs", this may well be the case that some tabs are wrong in CHORDIE, but since this is CHORDIE dedictated to CHORDS and not TABS, you can always correct chords.

The site is what it is.

Some people like tabs only , some like chords only. But if people want to complain about tabs being wrong then they should conplain to the origial site they werre put on.

i am sorry if I sound a bit off, but this is for chords. There are quiet a fe tabs on as well, so I see this as a bonus for people that like chords as well as tabs.

all the best

p.s. this is my personal point of view as a chordie user and not as my admistrative status


(12 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

Hi Les
Good to see you back,
I was going to send you a message thru bebo but I deleted that account and thought.....

well, glad yer ok and yer back



(24 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

well i never buy roses, especially at valentines day. I see it as I do all other days like vals day, easter, mothers day, fathers day, christmas ( but that is for the kids) it is all comercialised nonsense for companies to cash in.
People are forced to think they have to get a card for someone or a present just because of what day it is. Easter cards!!!! I only seen them in the last 5 or 6 years, cashing in!!!!
As for valentines day, you should not need one day of the year to tell your wife or burd or hubby or boyfriend that you love them.
When I was younger, not so long ago lol Valentines day was for secret admirers to give an annonymus card to someone they fancied. This is ok to give a card then, but husbands and even wives are being forced to spend money on their loved ones just because it is made out to be the right thing to do.
Me and my wife have an understanding on this, We agree not to get each other anything. I did get her flowers this year but not roses.
As for taking a loved one out for dinner on this day, Restaraunts near me chuck an extra £5 or so onto the bill just because of the day and silly people pay it and say it is worth it????????? if they were to get an extra fiver thrown onto the bill on any other day the ownder would be told where to go, but oh no, not on this day. The guy is made to feel like he cannot make a scene. I would and I have done before a few years ago. the only difference that night in the restaraunt I used to go to frequently was there was a candle lit on the table. A  wee thin scrawny candle, a candle not even worth 50pence.
( am I living up to the good name of a true scotsman here by being tight fisted? lol )

some advice though if ye got yer burd some flowers.
Cut about an inch and a half off the bottom of the flowers before sticking in water, or get a hammer and bash the flower stem at the bottom.
Because when flowers get cut from the ground they start healing where they were cut so they cannot absorb as much water as they should to last longer. And it is the same when you take them out the water buckets in the shops, once they start to dry they start healing.

bash them and add that wee sachet of food ye get with them and they will last longer, also change the water every couple of days.


hi.....again lol

I have answered this in " about chordie" section.

please try to refrain from multiple posts.

I am locking this one



(13 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

thats a not bad looking ovation you have there, pity the label inside is ripped off.


hi oldlaughing lady

and welcome to chordie.

And thank you for reporting this.
It seems like a bug.
The original did start with the F chord, but like you say when you transpse it, it goes wonky.

per the chodie creator si the only person that can fix this.
I am sure he will sort this out as soon as he can.

Anymore bugs or problems it is always good to report them with a link like you have done

thank you



(11 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

Hi Daddy
do you mean when you go into the songwriters section it will have a subsection within with all chordians who have submitted their own songs under their own name?

That really is a question for Per.
I dont know if he reads every single part of the forum so I would suggest asking in " about chordie" for that suggestion.



(11 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

hi daddy
Arkady is right.
I done this ages ago with a song. only annoying thing like he said is it is filed under the "original" songs name. you cannot change the title.
I think this was asked before in " about chordie" and I might be wrong but I tihn kPer said he would look into this in a month or two. I tihnk he will look into it when he has the time.
And as said, do not make this a public book. It will have to remain private for your eyes only.



(8 replies, posted in Acoustic)

hi etc04

I have a  STAGG 12 string acoustic and I love it.
I do not play it as much as I want to.
Like it was said, it does not suit every kind of style of msuic but a few good tunes are

wish you were here...pink floyd.
hotel california..... eagl4es
hotel yorba....white stripes

and many many more

It is even better if you have a 12 string guitar and a 6 stringer jamming together, ye get that certain oooomf sound from the two together. They compliment each other very well.

the bad thing about 12 strings is finger plucking, or lack of it. I cannot do it at all, but then I am bad enough finger plucking a 6 string,lol

they are good, I like them.



(5 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

welcome back Hannah.

I did notice you were a bit quiet, another few days and we would have been sending the search party out lol

glad yer pc is repaired.



(8 replies, posted in About Chordie)

the_brodie wrote:

I have noticed very recently that tabs and chords have been added that are from the Ultimate Guitar website.  I do not agree with this because quite frankly, nine times out of ten the files from that site are either

a)badly formatted



c)just repeats of the same files that have already been posted.

Just thought that i would let all my fellow musicians out there realise this because in my opinion, Ultimate Guitar is not a good site, so why can't we just go back to having the files not from that website, where at least you had a chance of getting the correct chords/tabs.

well, if most of the chords are from there that are shown in here then that is because people have directed chordie to it. They have added songs to chride from that site.
Songs do not get put directly onto chordie, instead it is used as a search engine.
you do not say why you do not like ultimate nor do I really care to be honest, all I am bothered about is songs on chordie and if they come from ultimate then so be it.
If you find they are wrong on chordie there is the option to correct it yourself so we can all see how you think a song should be, be it right or wrong. at the end of the day yo ucan do what you like, try the chords shown or amend them using the option at the bottom of every song. and if you still think someones version is wrong you can go to source and see what the original page from the original aite was like.

So if there was no Ultimate site then if what you say is true, then there would not be much on choride either

cheers for the input though



(47 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

oldnewbie I am finding myself agreeing on a few things, not all but a few.
Why do we spell catalogue as we do? it looks more french!
Why do we have to have the letter U after the Q all the time?

the letter U is not really needed in the language at all, or langwage but then how would we spell putter? lol

and what is it with all these silent letters? like philosophy? why not filosoffy?

and why od we have to have a name for jelly/jello, why not just lengthen the name and call it " the wobbly stuff" lol

i could go on all night with this.

but, the marathon that was in the UK was the exact same as a snickers, just a different name. Americans might have had a version of marathon that was or is like you describe but not what we had.

oh yeah and i took no offence at all in any of your reply. lol ( they are great arent they)



(51 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

have you got any ammo? I just ran out after hearing someone playing girls aloud



(47 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

I missed this first time round, so I am adding my late post now lol

I will always see Jelly as jelly as in the wobbly jelly stuff that americans call Jello.
Biscuits will always be biscuits as in digestives, custard creams even choc chip cookies are biscuits here.

What I want to know is why do Americans have different names for things when they were called biscuits before all those nations settled on american land.
And chips will always be chip and not french fries. And crips will be crisps and not chips.

And why did we have to get our beloved "MARATHON " bars changed to SNICKERS to go in line with everyone else?
and not just things you eat, Oil of Ulay is now known as ???????? whatever they called it.

next they will change the name of a MARS bar to JUPITER lol

and I never call tomato sauce "ketchup" it is tomato sauce, always has been always will lol

and why pronounce it "to- mae- to"?  it is "to- matto" always has been always will be lol

and why do I have to go on and on?

ye even call alluminium slightly different. Is it Allumium or something like that? lol it is alluminium, always has been always .....




(10 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

greetings and welcome Tone freak.

Ye say 20 years ago ye were a kid? I am 37 and I am still a kid lol

have fun on the forum



(9 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

I hope this does not turn into a full scale argument with different folk with different political beliefs as most discussion like this can turn out to be.
So please folk, stick to facts and not personal opinions



(20 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

no they dont but I tihn kthey should, if anything it would make scottish football more entertaining to watch lol

and american football in my opinion might be a bad game but ye canny get away from it, it is a great day out. I went to see the scottish claymores in edinburgh a few years ago and I loved the entertainment but it is nothing like it is over there.

now, how about american football players in kilts wearing high heels?

that would be entertaining



(6 replies, posted in About Chordie)

Welcome rdot

glad you like the site and I hope you get as much info here as you can.
I f you want to know something just ask in the relevant dection, if you are not too sure then just pop into chordie chat section for answers or just or banter.

you can learn a lot in here from people that like to help others ( which is most of us) you can get help with scales, strumming patterns, chords, strings, guitars, and a lot of other stuff that I know nothing about



(20 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

Tennessee Strat wrote:

I am sorry to have offended anyone here, but please keep in mind that this topic is located in the Chat Corner. And I did finish my post with a musical reference.

Play on!

Hi, and echoing all those other posts.
Glad to see those gusts of winds didnt distrupt your computer or guitar playing.

And i see no need for you to appologise, although I see topdown had typed something and then edited it, this is what must have made you say this?
anyway, he has edited it now,
but. lol politics?????  joking, say what ye like as long as there are no arguments.
If I was to disagree witheverything I read I would be constantly moaning about politics, scottish history, football ( as in the real football and not yer american padded up softy softy game) and last but not least religion. If I had my way I would ban everyone that thought differently from me, but then wheres the fun in that? lol

I am thinking my dad might have been passing thru Tennessee sometimes through this week.
I tihnk i will go send him an email
