
(28 replies, posted in Acoustic)

All I can say is pratice practice pratcie, ONE SONG AT A TIME!! lol

I think I know about 30 songs without looking. I have been playing for about 17 years.
My problem is having all those lyrics/chords in front all the time makes me lazy.
I do learn the odd song now and then through repeated playing over and over, and when i am in work I continue to sing the song to learn the lyrics, I play it in the car.

I cannot even memorise all of my own songs that I have wrote. I tihnk I would only be able to do about 3 of them.

I think your problem is probably the same as mine, having too many songs at once.



(18 replies, posted in Acoustic)

Hi and welcome.

The Martin neck may be slightly wider causing your ingers to touch other strings, but think back to when you started playing. I bet your fingers hit other strings on a guitar and you had to train your fingers not to. You might not think of it as training them not to but rather play without buzzing etc. This is still training. And maybe you just have to train again for a wider neck?
But if ye cant be bothered then how about a Fender? some of thier necks are slim, low action and very easy to play. The best sounding guitar I have played has been an old fender from the 60's.



(1 replies, posted in My local band and me)

hi specialkins, welcome to chordie.

You have found the correct place to advertise for fellow musicians in your area.
SAdly, I am nowhere near you, it sounds like fun.
You know exactly what you want and what you want to do and I wish you all the luck wit hit,
like you said, no matter what you do, just have a bloody good time


sounds likie a good prject russell, good luck wit hit.
are you posting it on the nett when it is finished


great link.
I have never heard of this Stanley guy but now I am glad it is in my favourites.

But still, Flea still tops it for me. I have looked for something worthwhile in youtube for flea for those that dont know what he can do.
All I could come up with was this link, but I have seen him do much better with a solo doing all sorts of styles.



yep russell very true. as i said , my mates amstrad 4 track.. it was a tape and it got really bad after 4 tracks, but the digital is suppose to be better, I just dont think I need it.

I also lose quality on my 16 track guitar pro 3 after 4 tracks and that is on my pc, but i tihnk that has more to do with my crap sound card than the actual program


danspr wrote:
upyerkilt wrote:

Although it is a 4 track I can get 32 tracks down on it, but 4 is plenty for my needs.



Something to do with bouncing tracks onto others. I have not recoded more than 4 tracks on it, but my mate has done this on his old amtrad 4 track. Once you have recorded tracks you send them all to one track, or something like that.


my number one bass player of all time has to be FLEA from red hot chili peppers. He can play every sort of style there is, especially his heavy rock funk style that he has perfected so well. And also reggie,jazz,blues,pop,rock,blues anything.
And apart from being the best ever bass player he is also a superb trumpet player, he is an excellent musician



(9 replies, posted in About Chordie)

hi sinjin and welcome to chordie, glad you like the site

But no need to thank us for submitting chords/tabs. Chordie take the tabs and chords from other sites, but you can direct chordie to those sites if there is a song on another site you see but would like to see it in chordie with the chordpro format ( the way you see the lyrics with the chords on chordie)

You have came to the right place for help though. In this forum everyone helps everyone no matter if they are beginners to very experienced players.
We have people that can help with writing song, with scales, with chord progesions, easy songs, challenging songs, practically anything to do wit hthe guitar. Also if you play or would like to play other stringed intruments we have quite a number or other stringed intrument players,
Or there's the chordie chat corner where you can chat to fellow musicians.

Whatever your reason for being here I hope you find it useful , informative and most of all enjoyable



(10 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

I think dead kennedys song " holiday in cambodia" was also banned. this was wrote during the famine of Cambodia in the early 80's
brilliant song though

an amazing riff that has been used by a lot of musicians comes from BoDidley. I dont know the song he done with it, I was told by Jake Burns from stiff little fingers that it was originally Bo. jake stole it for a song on his solo album "drinking again" But also ( and now lots will think "ahhhh, I know what one ye mean now") George Michael used the same riff for his song "Faith", also covered by Robbie Williams. Quite a few songs have used this riff and it is a superb one

But i think any from Ac dc are just probably the best Rock riffs you can get.


Tim0473 wrote:

lol yeah ... my buddie actually bought it before it hit the airwaves ... and I was like, GnR?  What the heck do they sing?  He started playing Welcome to the Jungle ... and I was like Holy **** dude  ... I actually thought they were going to be like LA Guns ... but man was I wrong

if you listen to rocket queen by g'n'r and the nlisten to L.A guns song ... ??????? hmmm ,lol, cant remember the name but on their first album, you will hear the same riff. My guess is when Traci guns was in guns'n;roses before they made it big he probably made the riff up and then took it for another song with LA guns.



(33 replies, posted in Acoustic)

another option to make your pick/plectrum is to make a hole in them so you finger and thumb make skin contact.
I think you can also buy plectrums that have holes in them already.
Since your skin touches skin there is no way the plecky can slip.

As for Russell saying hold it tighter, this will give you cramp in your hand after a while, unless you exersise your hand with some weights and really build those muscles up lol

yeah, a hole in the plectrum is my answer.


hi gnarly
welcome to chordie.

I dont live in georgia, I just thought I would ask what Georgia is it? is it the state in USA or is it the country Georgia?

( an old guy) lol


(14 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

great subject.

I do know that the scottish clans used to go into battle with the bagpipes playing.
The playing of the Bagpipe was banned in Scotland after the uprising of 1745. They were classified as an instrument of war by the loyalist government. They were kept alive in secret. Anyone caught carrying pipes were punished, the same as any man that bore arms for Bonnie Prince Charlie. In 1746, in York, James Reid, a piper who bore no arms against the English king was tried for treason. The court came to the conclusion "no highland regiment ever marched without a piper and therefore his bagpipes in the eyes of the law, was an instrument of warfare" He suffered death on the 6th November 1746.
After the ban was lifted, Highland Bagpipe playing  really began to emerge. They became very popular with Scottish Soldiers who carried the instrument the world over making the sound of the instrument more popular and encouraging others to learn.

Before that King William also banned the Irish from playing their pipes too.

Now onto a folk song that got banned that I love,
A song by an english folk singer "Harvey Andrews" he wrote a song called " the soldier" and released it on a 7" vinyl record in 1971 or maybe 1970 or 72, thereabouts.
it was based on a true story of a young soldier on duty in Northern Ireland, He was guarding the railway station when a package burst through the wondow from outside. It was a bomb. The station was filled with people and the soldier never had much time to evacuate the place so he threw himself on the bomb and sacrificed himself, muffling the bomb so more people would be saved. It describes his thoughts as he lay on the bomb, it is a very sad song. it ends with the words " and the rebels clapped and cheered as they sang their rebel song, thats one soldier less to interfere where he does not belong"
So anyway, the British government decided this was not a good advert for the british army and banned the song not only from the radio but from being made. A few did get out. I know 2 people, ex soldiers that have or had this song.
I love this song and I play and sing it on the guitar. I tihnk I might record this and put it on youtube.

And one more, that not only should the song have been banned but the whole band,
Frankie goes to hollywood's RELAX. because of the words it got banned from rdaio one, but never got banned from the shops which is a shame.
They did do a good cover of Springsteen's " born to run" though so they done something useful in their short lived bandlife



(13 replies, posted in About Chordie)

Russell_Harding wrote:

how do i take a screenshot? do you mean print the page?

Hi Russell,
By taking a screenshot this does mean printing what you see.

If you click "PrtSc" on your keyboard, then go into Microsoft word or other program and right click mouse and paste it will give you a screenshot



(31 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

my two favourite sounding chords are A7 and C7.

A7 because it sounds so much better than A, but A still has to be played in certain songs, but I always see if I can replace it
And C7 because it is good for going from C to C7 to another chord, sort of fills a space.
A bit like oldnewbie has described I think, it sort of pushes the song onto a new part.



(12 replies, posted in Guitars and accessories)

It sounds the same but I dont think mine is a pandora, it is korg toneworks PXR4.
Probably just about the same.
And yes you can record, you can mix it down on to what russell has said " audacity".
But I dont like audacity much. It is ok to record one track, so for recording singing and playing at the same time it is superb for that, it also has things to balance out the music.

I Have a few things now I can mix down onto so now I am spoilt for choice.

I will respond to you email I got, so I can give you some good news.



(13 replies, posted in About Chordie)

flashing ads?

I never get any flashing anything on this site.
If you mean pop up ads then just turn on your pop up blocker.

if ye dont mean that then i am lost to what you mean



(12 replies, posted in Guitars and accessories)

evsynator wrote:

following this with interest and thanks for the usefull link with the recorder . is there a good free mixing studio online as well ? preferably with a few effects . i am very interested in doing a bit for fun . thanks .

tried to send you an email but your addres does not seem to work


jerome.oneil wrote:

If you do not have the rights explicitly granted to you, don't record it.  The only music you own is the music you wrote.

sorry jerome,
I am disagreeing.
I just got a new 4 track and I will be recording myself doing other artists work as well as my own.
I will not be making money out of it so I will never be sued, and even if they did want to sue me, the only money they could sue me for is the money I have made ilegally from another persons work, So that means they will pay all those court fees to sue me for £0.00 since that is how much I will make by recording their songs.

I think an artist would be delighted that someone likes the music so much that they want to try it themselves, but when one person makes money on what another wrote....then he has the right to be annoyed and take it to court.

So, my first song today will be John Prine's "Other side of town" with guitar, vocals, mandolin and I might try a note or two from the violin. Although it is a 4 track I can get 32 tracks down on it, but 4 is plenty for my needs.



(12 replies, posted in Guitars and accessories)

Roger thanks again
You just inspired me to go looking. I dont really know why I didnt think of this before since I tell people constantly to go look things up on the net, it is suprising how much things you get F.O.C

I went here   http://www.roemersoftware.com/free-sound-recorder.html

and got a free recorder and it works great. I will have to muck about with the settings for the recording since I have one on my sound card, and another one on this free program as well as two volume controls on the 4 track.
So once I get these sorted for all my recording and playback etc then I will have it sorted.

Also, a good thing about this free recording program is it converts the music straight to MP3

I hope to get all these recording levels sorted soon. I got this feeling the 4 track is going to work out better than my 32 track studio on my pc. But i can still do stuff on the 4 track then enter them in the 32 track and add on any effect I want.

Cheers Roger.
When I do my first decent recording from all this I will e mail you it.



(12 replies, posted in Guitars and accessories)

thanks Roger for looking into that.
I know I can play the 4 tracks at one time allowing me to mix etc while the song is being recorded but I do not know what to use to record it with. My recorder on this pc only records about 30 secs at a time, unless I am being really thick and it is easier than I think.
I have never used the computer to record apart from wit hthe guitar pro, but that would mean more settings on that program.

Is there an option just to record anything on to a pc that I am not seeing?

I could ask my father in law next, but I am just so impatient.

I have now recorded 4 songs. This has taken about 6 hours I tihnk, and they could have been done better if I was not so impatient.



(5 replies, posted in About Chordie)

ahhh ok, so you call chords and tabs by the one word...tabs! lol
fair enough, I can see why you want to have a feature to add URL's to your songbook, but I dont like the idea lol. many might, I jst dont smile



(12 replies, posted in Guitars and accessories)

Hi all, ( or all that is reading)

I got a gift from me mrs' da ( my father in law)
He gave me a 4 track recording digital gizmo. a PXR4.
I have recorded one song so far on it, but I have a few questions if anyone can help.
And I have the instructions but not all is so clear to me. I dont know if it is just me or the instructions written in a secret code for record producers, lol

Anyway, for mixing down.
I can put it on my computer but i cannot get the song all in one file, when i save it to the computer it saves each individual track.
Is there a way of mixing down on the actual unit itself and then saving the complete song onto the computer?
I have guitar pro 3 ( a 32 track recording studio) on my computer and I took these two tracks and put them in guitarpro and made the tracks as one file that way. Seems like a long way for a short cut.
The song has turned out really good though and I even managed to put an extra effect in the song. ( i recorded me doing eric bogle's " now i'm easy)

and now that brings me onto the effects, I spent over an hour reading and trying but I just cannot work out this effects thing on it. it has 100 built in effects and 100 spaces to preprogram your own but I cannot work it.

So anyone got one of these things and nows a quick easy way to explain to me these things?

