
(19 replies, posted in Songwriting)

Hi Ark,

Love the new page. Lunar spirits is beautiful. Another one for my relaxation  CD. { You will send it ?}

Thanks in advance.

Also loved Old Town. I cant ever remember hearing this before!

Lovely stuff

Thank You!

Old doll.


(10 replies, posted in Songwriting)

Just listened to Soap on a Rope.

God bless me i must have lived a very sheltered life ! I remember as a child
buying me Dad soap on a rope as a gift. Thank God for my innocence, then and now i guess.

Old Doll.


(10 replies, posted in Songwriting)

Aloha Daddycool,

Sunshine Pineapple and sandy beaches. I could with right now i tell ya!

In any language.

Well done to you Sir!

Old Doll.


(8 replies, posted in Songwriting)

Hey Gangsta Docs!.

Well done!

Old Doll.


(13 replies, posted in Songwriting)

Lovely guitar work Marcalan.

Beautiful in its simplicity.  "From my finger tips to your heart" Is exactely how we should feel music.

Looking forward to hearing some more Gems from you.

From the Emerald.

Oiche Máith.

Old Doll.


(6 replies, posted in Songwriting)

Good ditty James.

It reminded me of this guy.
I remember seeing him on Dragons Den. One of the few tv shows i watch.

His sauce made him a millionaire.

Old Doll.



(10 replies, posted in Songwriting)

Lovely song Jets.

I  have visited where my Dad was born. Liverpool in England. A fantastic city, also home of the Beatles.

But Galway/ Waterford / Arklow are still my favourite places  to visit . My Grandparents original birthplaces. 
I ofton wonder  when Im  there am i walking in the footsteps of my ancestors.

Its a good feeling.

Old Doll.


(10 replies, posted in Songwriting)

Hi James,

Ive listened and like it.  My own eyes have also become forgetful. They have forgotten how to moisturize themselves!

I use natural  tears in a box to keep them from feeling dry. Another angle on forgetful eyes!

Thank You!

Old Doll.


(14 replies, posted in Songwriting)

Hi Phil,

A splendid piece. I would love to see Pixar  Animation doing something with this.

Old Doll.


(44 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

Hi kapa54,

I do feel sorry for you in this plight.  2 drinks are allowed here in Ireland  also, why?  I feel strongly, If your drinking dont drive.

There should be a total ban on alcohol behind the wheel of any vehicle. I personally can drink bacardi and feel no sence of drunkeness at all. Yet a couple of glasses of white wine leaves me legless.

I was called to ICU last week to our local hospital. I had no drink taken, came up to a red light, at a very big intersection, stopped the car.   I then seen  a green light to go, as i thought, pulled away to proceed realizing only then i went on a green filter light for traffic going right. I was heading straight  through this intersection . The drivers around me must have thought i had a death wish.
I was so distracted with my thoughts as to the news i may hear from I C U,  I wasnt concentrating. I should not have been behind the wheel of a car.  So there are lots of reasons other then drink for accidents.
Mobile phones ? in gods name what call is so important it must be answered while driving? I can totally ignore my phone both landline and cell. If its that important they will ring back.
drinking coffee ? applying make up ? eating ?  I even seen a guy reading  a newspaper in slow traffic once ? all in a moving vehicle ? these fools  should have there licence removed for stupidity alone.

For many years just untill this year, a person here could go to the test centre, do there test, FAIL, and go right back behind the wheel to drive on home ? in the name of god , if they failed why was this allowed. They now have to have a fully qualified driver with them. BUT,  so many now take there L sign down as not to be caught . I believe this makes them even more dangerous on the road, with or with out  a drink.

We lost my sons girl 2 years ago. All of 20 years. A beautiful girl with so much to offer.    My nephew also had his hand degloved.
he was run off the road by a drunken fool, His car went down an embankment flipped over into the river. The drunken driver never stopped. It was a fisherman seen what happened and went to his aid. Thank God. In the rural area where he lives, he could have been there for quite some time without aid.
My neighbours girl reversed and drove over her fiancee killing him in the process again after being drinking.

Every driver should be given a compusory vist to rehab centers, to see the carnage and what remains of the human form from drink /or dangerous driving.

Many years ago my first driving instructor said this to me! This car and driving can give you great independance and the joy of travel. but, it can also kill you and others. I never did forget this piece of advice.

There have been six road deaths already this bank holiday w/e here,  and were only half way through it!

As to the fools who use there heads as a brake and not there seat belts, they also need locking up!

Kapa this post is not meant to berate you. but there are a lot of young people here on chordie. To all of you i say" Please please dont drink and drive".
Your safe arrival and existance is more important.

Old Doll.

I enjoyed all,

I would love to hear them all again on completion.

Very well done,Zenbutcher.

Old Doll.


(4 replies, posted in Songwriting)

Ah you were definitely a cowboy Daddycool,

In another life. lol

Well done,

Old Doll.


(8 replies, posted in Songwriting)

lol James,

One would want there teeth well screwed in when singing this song!

Well done!

Old Doll.


(23 replies, posted in Songwriting)

Great Melody Jets,

Just listened to the recorded version.   Thank You,

Old Doll


(11 replies, posted in Songwriting)





Well done to all.

Old Doll.


(14 replies, posted in Songwriting)

Goodmorning Kap54,

Your well hasn't run dry in the writing dept! Splendid piece.

Old Doll.


(11 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

Whoo Hoo Padráig,

The first Irishman ever to win 2 majors! So proud of our Rathfarnham Dub!.
You got the finger out! lol

Heartiest Congratulations.


(7 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

Fertile imagination Sir! lol

Thats Mrs Clause your thinking of.

Goodnight From a windy Emerald!


(21 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)


What are you like? lol There was i writing something real serious,

i read your post, and totally lost my chain of thinking i was laughing so much. Ya Divil!

Here ya GO! would i let you down?  dont be up all night reading this now!


This one is in case your badly stuck, "ya poor creatur"!.

http://tooltray.com/Tow-Ropes%2C-Jump-L … s-5mm2.htm


Old Doll.


(8 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

ILuvJefferyNeroHardy ,


Some questions for you!

Whats your biggest fear at the moment! Usually this is the key to all your feeling?

How do you know people critisize you after knowing you  only a few seconds?
Do you dress or present youself in a totally weird manner? giving a wrong impression to others?
Are you being overly sensitive?
Do you smile when people approach you, to make them welcome in your space?
Are you in love with another,  and dont know how to deal with this ?
Do you feel you create the distance between you and others.
Do you feel relaxed and enjoy others company ever { excluding the 2 you mentioned

I do feel if you communicated your thoughts and feelings you would not feel so sad and isolated.
You think your sparing your parents added stress by not relating your feelings to them. Well i can tell
you in all honesty as a parent, i would be more stressed looking at my child knowing there unhappy.
You need to break this mould of holding on to stuff.. The world aint gonna end because you release your fears.

Its perfectly ok to cry when you lose a favourite thing { Person or oblect.} But when your crying, please know exactly why you are! Everyones tears have a natural sedative to them, so crying can be balm to the mind and soul.

You and only you  can know  what your thoughts are in these times of crying.

Might i suggest you fill your spare time with what you love to do. Give yourself a project. Ive been doing this all my life.
it can be big or small/
Write a list of things you would like to achieve in life. Then start with the smallest.
To be happy you need to think happy.  We become introverted with To many heavy thoughts about ourselves, then this shows in our body language.
Your body will display whats going on in your mind. If the thoughts are happy it shows, and vice versa.

I know from your post your an intelligent sensitive person. Writing this post gave you the avenue to express. Get your self a large notebook and keep writing, when your feeling both good and down.

I wish you great success in all you do in life. My private Email is here for you. Please feel free to use this any time.

The biggest warmest hugs to you. lol

Old Doll


(21 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

Hi Docs,

I used get loads of the stuff.  The  last big money one i got, i sent the number of the Local Fraud squad back to them.

i never did hear from them again! Very strange as i had been left 25 million dollars and a small diamond goldmine, lol

The strangest ones i got was requesting me to have an extension done on my Manhood ?. 3 to 5 inches i was offered ?
I have now begun my  Quest For Authentic Manhood ! lol

Very stange but enlightening  journey for this Old Doll.


(7 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)


"Or maybe a nice pair of High Heeled Construction Boots for the woman that has everything.".

Your wish is my command!! lol lol. Now where did i leave them  diamante  construction Boots ! lol

Up on the roof Old Doll.

Hi Badeye me young Segosha,

You must get permission from your  Mam to read this now! don be getting Old Doll into trouble.

An elderly couple was attending Mass.
About halfway through, the wife leans over and says to her husband,

'I just let out a silent fart; what do you think I should do?'

He replies, 'Put a new battery in your hearing aid.'

Love to you and Gem.

Wouldnt ya think id nothing else to do in life? lol

Old Doll.


(6 replies, posted in Songwriting)

What can i say?

Bring your gizmo James to The Fiddlers Green Festival" In beautiful Northern Ireland.

They love all kinds of music and gizmos there.

There will be loads of shouts to the barman/lady " Hey, Give that Guy with the Gizmo more Guiness.:lol: I kid you not
a Grá.
Well you know im totally in love with the sound of the Auto Harp. James, such a lively instrument to listen to.

Your song is great as always.

Old Doll.

A boy asks his granny, 'Have you seen my pills, they were labeled
Granny replies, stuff the pills, have you seen the  size of the dragons in the


Little Billy asks his dad for a telly in his room. Dad reluctantly
Next day Billy comes downstairs and asks,'Dad, what's love juice?'
Dad looks horrified and tells Billy all about sex.
Billy just sat there with his mouth open in amazement.
Dad says : 'So what were you watchin'?'
Billy says, 'Wimbledon.'