Mask and canisters? Half the fun of doing autobody was inhaling the fumes.

Preparation is the key to a good job. If you do go to a body shop, see if they are painting any cars thatcolor to begin with. They may give you a braek on the price of paint since it is already mixed and in the gun. You will have to do all the prep work still.

If you use spraycans, I was partial to krylon(oil base). It dries fast and was easiest to work with.  RUSTOLEUM IS AWFUL. It runs like you wouldnt believe. Spend A couple dollars and practice on ajunk piece of wood first. The last time I spraypainted anything was a box for my daughterin 2003. I used krylon. I don`t know if it is still made or not. Let me (us) know how it goes

I took a course in autobody. I also painted a bureau once with the same methods as a car and it came out pretty good. Here  goes. Sand down any scratches with 220 grit first. Then use 400 grit on the same scratches. Prime the scratches and Then sand the whole body with 400 grit. On a car it is supposed to be wet sanded. I wouldnt do it on wood . I took this course 30 years ago. If anyone has any corrections,do let me know. You may want to try it on a junk piece of wood first. Spraying is another thing. Hope this helps some. Good luck


(23 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

It`s that simple. Was it a real one? An emenee or a vintage martin. Did you learn to play on it, My first was a Sears Silvertone acoustic. The sunburst one. I didnt learn ro play on it,but it was my first.


(16 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

Look around first to see if you can find it cheaper at a local music store.After you figure in shipping charges,it may cost you more in the end. It won`t hurt to do some research first. The worst that could happen is nothing. I prefer the instant gratification of getting it at a store.


(6 replies, posted in Acoustic)

I just bought one. I`m still trying to figure it out. I am trying to find scales in standard tuning


(15 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

Congrats Dino. It`s a great feeling to get a bottle of champagne for the price of a can of beer. Sounds like you did


(56 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

cj- I hope my last post didn`t  have anything to do with that last post.If it did then I apologize to you. I was commenting on how the whole post was civil no matter how anyone believes. No dig or hidden meanings, just take it for face value. What I meant about the other way around is for people that I know personally. It is a long story that doesn`t belong on a post.


(56 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

Baldguitardude wrote:

<= Amazed that this discussion is still civil. Well done, Chordie folk.

That amazed me too. I don`t push my non-beliefs on anyone. Unfortunately it doesn`t work the other way around. That wasn`t the case here .People spoke their minds without laying into anyone else. Imagine if the rest of the world could handle a situation that way.  Thanks to everyone for making this a great site.

This morning on facebook, Hot Topic asked the question. IF YOU COULD LISTEN TO ONLY ONE BAND/ARTIST FROM NOW UNTIL THE END OF TIME WHO WOULD IT BE?  After a lot of thinking, my answer to myself was LEONARD COHEN. Who I listen to the most. Who I play the most when I practice .Who has the most CDs in my car! So who would it be for you? It sounds easy but it took a lot of thought.( Also, my 14 year old daughter Gabrielle shops at Hot Topic. I`m more of a Wal Mart type. I feel old when I take her there.)


(3 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

Everybody knows what a pignose is.Dont they.The cool little great sounding amp.Runs on 6 aa batteries.I have one. I also have the less celebrated Pignose 30/60. An american made amp that is a ball to play.Until it breaks.Mine did last year in the middle of a set.Luckily it was at my house and I had a backup.This sat for over a year broken.Had a good sales week and decided to get it fixed.65.00 later.It is a great sounding amp. Once I get that pignose DIRTY sound,it`s hard to play anything else.We call it the big pig to distinguish ti from the little pig.The battery operated one. How many others can appreciate a pignose amp. I love mine and am looking forward to putting it back in service.  Thanx for listening


(23 replies, posted in Acoustic)

beamer wrote:

I am the worlds worst for playing covers "the correct way".  EX:  One night 2 friends sat down, I pulled my guitar out and she asked to sing HOTEL CALIFIORNIA.  I said OK. I paly this song to the note, just slower and a slight diff rythem pattern.  It messed her up cause she went right from memory and not listening to how I played.  It took her a min or two to adjust.  Once she did, it sounded amazing!  Wish I had taped it!

Trouble is,,,, most PPL are slaves to the click.  I still am trying to master it!!  It is a must if your recording tracks, jamming with new friends.  I have found most pple are resistant to changing what they have learnt "by the book / original version"  If you can find a few ppl who encourrage you and are willing to do your way a bit,,, KEEP THEM AROUND FOREVER!


I like the way you think. My theory is that if you want to hear a song exactly as it is done, buy the cd or listen to the radio.  That is why some covers are better than the originals and vica versa.  That is a problem with jamming too. People want to sound exactly like the original. I prefer to put a different twist to make it my own and to compensate for lack of ability somewhere. I too like playing HOTEL CALIFORNIA, but it will never sound like the original. Maybe if I can get the eagles to play with me and turn the volume off on my amp,I can pull it off. Until then, I will play it the way I like to make it sound the best I can.


(15 replies, posted in Acoustic)

I use 11s on my yamaha sj-180. 12s on my other acoustics.On my electrics I use 10s. My daughter Gabrielle uses the exact same strings I do. Not a personal preference but because I buy them by the 10 pack when they are on sale.No special brand,just the store brand at GC.When she needs strings,she goes into my guitar tool box and takes those.Including picks, cords and anything else she won`t buy for herself.

You know dino you just made me think of something.Being a politician,you would think he would be good at laundering.I wasn`t setting him up for a dig about laundering.Just a stupid meaningless question. Maybe that`s why he hung up on me. I used to love asking stupid questions like that at work meetings and situations like that. Some were stupid and some were rude and offensive.

Did you ever call in on a radio talk show to comment or ask questions.What is the most irelevant stupid question you ever asked? I can`t remember who the politician was but I called in and asked if he had a front or a top loading washer. I never did get an answer.They hung up on me.Even after it went on the air.


(56 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

I`m a non-believer myself.But to quote the great Linus Van Pelt. "There are 3 things you don`t talk about,politics,religon and the great pumpkin".


(9 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

I just noticed I spelled BUFFOON wrong.


(19 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

Gee Roger. I have the same problem.When I quit smoking,all my clothes shrunk. Too many twinkies didn`t contribute to it.My size 34s shrunk up to a size 40.


(9 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

As boffoonish as Roy Clark portrays himself on TV.He is a major player.Watch him play guitar or banjo on an old repeat of hee haw and you will be amazed


(13 replies, posted in Electric)

They are pricey and hard to find,but a tweed covered Gibson Falcon.I have an early 60s model.All tube,30 watts,great reverb and tremolo and a look that can`t be beat.I bought mine in 1984 for 85.00.I still use it.Look on ebay.You can find a newer one from the mid 60s.Have no idea if the guts are identical or not.


(16 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

Happy belated birthday


(1 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

I have.I have seen him on tv.I think it was channel 5 news.As soon as you said blues guitarist and 12 years old I knew right off who you meant.(although I didnt know his name).I`m a Worcester native myself.


(10 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

happy new year


(13 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

Sitting around doing nothing.Wife is sick and I worked 10 hours.On the plus side there is a three stooges marathon and also a big bang theory marathon on.Big bang is my favorite show.As long as they dont show shemp or joe,the  stooges marathon will be great too.Happy new years to everyone.