
(27 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

mood thread?
well i am in a mood mood


(19 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

hi para
welcome back.

ye still seeing that girl or have you moved on and seeing another new burd?



(2 replies, posted in About Chordie)

because not everyone posts. You get lurkers that will just read.
Also, I tihnk when you see 90 people or 10 people etc online in chodie that is the amount logged onto chordie and not just into the forum



(3 replies, posted in Songwriting)

great lyrics.

good job



(15 replies, posted in Songwriting)

lovely song daddy.
I tried to do something like this when my son was born and then when my daughter was born but the correct words just never came to mind,

well done



(55 replies, posted in About Chordie)

u4ea wrote:

First of all, this site is incredible and helps us all!

Is there anyway to change the fonts in the songs and especially to bold the fonts for the chords?

My old eyes just ain't what they used to be!

Either way, this site is awesome and very much appreciated!


hi U4ea,

I dont think you can change the font in the songs but you can change the size of the font if that helps.

and welcome to chordie



(15 replies, posted in Songwriting)

i keep reading and listening to songs in this section after so many people comment and say it all, leaving me nothing to say but repeating what others say. Maybe this is why I do not comment so much in this section now?

but I will have to repeat other posts on this.
james this is a fantastic beautiful number one song lol

I love the lyrics and I am thinking I am going to try this out. I will also create a new folder in my favourites to save other peoples songs from here. So many I have tried and liked then completely forgotten about them. But I love the lyrics so much on this I know I do not want to forget it.


Keep them coming



(14 replies, posted in Songwriting)

great song roger, a bit sad too but a very good song, well done.



(46 replies, posted in Bands and artists)

I originally said this but ended up editting greenday's post rather than me quoting from it, the part about "since when were the who punk", sorry greenday, I clicked on the wrong option. I clicked edit instead of quote.
Will not happen again. So i went in and editted it out as you never typed what I typed, below is what I typed.
confused? yea me too lol
but tony had quoted my post although it was under your name.
I must be more careful,appologies


I thought that too at first but I am with Tron on this one, the who although seen as mods were in fact 60's punk.
They had attitude, agression, they were for the young people, they stood against the government. their lifestyle was much more punksi hthan greenday ever were or will be.

I do think greenday are not bad but their earlier stuff is by far better then their commerialised stuff. but in no way were they or will they ever be in the top 5 best punk bands of all time.



(32 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

just thought of another great few lines...from the jam.... down in the tubestation at mightnight

for those that dont know, the song is about a guy getting mugged and beaten up while down the tubestation at midnight, one of the last verses goes;

the last thing that I saw as I lay there on the floor
was a jesus saves painting by an atheist nutter
and a british rail poster read have an away day
a cheap holiday, do it today
dont want to go down in the tubestaion at midnight
the wine will be flat and the curry's gone cold


(32 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

some of my favourites are

She looks as lovely as she's ever going to get.... living colour, love rears it ugly head

I know a mouse and he hasnt got a house I dont know why I call him gerald, he getting rather old but he's a good mouse.    Pink floyd.... The bike

regrets I've had a few but then again too few to mention.... I dont have to tell anyone what this song is do i?

loads more but these three wil ldo just now



(242 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

happy birthday when it comes tron.



(5 replies, posted in About Chordie)

4saddler2 wrote:



hi ,
if you go to resouces and then go to add song, it will tell you how to



(5 replies, posted in About Chordie)

great idea daddy,
Per is the only one that can do this, probably why it takes a bit of time.

But I am with you on this one. I have also added songs to the index and could not remember what they were. I came across ones that I had added some months later then remembered I had requested these ones,lol.
So it would be good for songs that are waiting to be added to be shown somewhere, but I dont know how easy or if this would be possible.

we will have to wait on Per.



(58 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

my night out was the best i had this year so far, not that there has been many nights out lol
The meal I had was the tastiest meal I tihnk I have eaten, if not the best then it was really close to it. I dont even know what it was called that I had. I even took a photo of it lol yes I know I am a saddo! lol But it looked perfect.
It was a slice of haggis on the bottom then a slice of apple then a slice of venison then a slice of black pudding then another slice of apple and on top another slice of venison with a peppercorn sauce all stacked up and measured mabye about 10" high. served with mashed totties and veg.
hmmmmmmm, I want to go back now and get it again.

Then after that in the pub there was a 3 piece band, guitar,violin,mandolin playing all sorts. Irish,scottish and poppy sort of stuff done in a folky sort of way wit hthose instruments.

A very good night it was thanks.



(16 replies, posted in Acoustic)

stanleyjames wrote:

Wish You Were Here.

I know just about everyone with an acoustic plays this song, but I am a long time Pink Floyd fan, and it was an achievement for me. Saw Roger Waters concert last fall, and what a show ...and yes: I truly enjoyed WYWH.

I am slowly picking up on the guitar, not spending enough time to get really good at it, but those who hear me play say I am getting more confident and a better player each time I pick it up.

The song that is my goal now is Patience -- GnR. easy to strum along and singto , but am working at those little fills and riffs.

Patience by G'n'R I tihnk is quiet easy but see trying to sing it......

I saw Roger also but in Dublin and hopefully going down england this year to see him again. I just wish he would play in scotland.

as for a goal( which is what the topic is about and sorry for nearly highjacking it)

i am trying to remember all the lyrics to "a reason for it all" by eric bogle. the chords are easy enough, and the lyrics should be. I am nearly there though...i think



(12 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

i use the name familyguy in my hotmail address. I made it up in 1999, and that was before i knew about the cartoon.

I prefer the simpsons, but familyguy can be really funny too, but i cannot think of any really stand out funny parts, then again right now i just cannot think



(4 replies, posted in About Chordie)

hi rod

Are you talking about when you print the song, the chord diagram does not print out or do you mean you cannot print the chart of chord diagrams?

If it was option one then When Per readds this he will look into it. It may be a bug.
Recently chordie went thru some changes, so there might be one or two slight glitches that have not been pick up on.



(7 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

hi noize and welcome.
I see you are not that far away from me, Although I have no idea where Tulsa is in "OK" ( as in Old Kilpatrick) I am just about 8 miles away in balloch.

yes I knew ye never meant OK as in old Kilpatrick.

where else? hmmm, tricky question that is, but I would rule out the moon lol

hope you enjoy the forum and contribute to it.
If you write any songs then ye can share them with the rest in songwriting section, or get help.
Or get help anywhere else in here or give help



(5 replies, posted in Other string instruments)

pity you said do not suggest ebay, lol

I dont know why you said this, maybe you hate them or maybe because of posting? if it is to do with posting, you can get it as pick up only, but les chance of selling it.

also, have you tried advertising in the likes of the big supermarkets like asda,tesco etc? they usually have those boards that people sell things on, I hear they are mostly very good for local selling.

what sort of banjo is it and how much and where are you?

ye never know, someone here might want to buy it.



(2 replies, posted in About Chordie)

hi pfiddle and welcome to the site and forum.

My wife also plays fiddle, if you have any sheet music for trad. irish that you could email me that would be fantastic.
She is playing by ear and improvising with me playing, but she is wanting to do more sort of harmonising with the fiddle rather than just play what i am playing.
She has been playing for a couple of years, had some training and learned her scales.
Any other help would be good. Hse keeps going on about getting a fiddle book with the music but we have not found any yet, apart from stuff online but she likes to see it first to make sure it is in the same key I am playing ( mostly G's and D's) but the books we find are all higgilty piggilty



(13 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

James McCormick wrote:

Ironically, the man who became known as St. Patrick was actually born in Roman Britain!
So, he is not a native Irishman . . .

St Andrew the siant of scotland was not even scottish either. I think he was russian or somewhere over eastern europe

i dont think any of the patron saints came fro mthe country they are saints for are they?



(8 replies, posted in About Chordie)

thanks roger, I was not about to reply again.

And bubbo, can you give more information on this? can you give a link please to see what you are talking about



(8 replies, posted in About Chordie)

hi chris
soory to hear that.
Hmmm, only other thing I can think of is to take a screen shot and send it to Per the chordie admin. It might be a bug or some other simputer thing that I have no idea about




(9 replies, posted in About Chordie)


You can already get the text like this by going to edit song, there you see the song laid out like the way you like to see it. It is chordpro that throws those lovely chords above the words.

I like and prefer the way the songs are laid out, but thats me. Maybe some other would just like the way you are showing?

If I wanted a song like that I would go into edit and copy and paste into word, but then thats not handy for your chordie songbooks.
This is why we have a scroll option as well in chordie. So if you cannot see all the song on the screen and wish to play along you can use the scroll option. I use this a lot too
