
(4 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

I have a fender jazz bass. Well ok, it is a fender copy jazz bass.

It has served me well for 20 years. and someone else 20 years before me. My mate is using it in his band just now.

So gnomefry, I play both, or used to until my mate " borrowed it"

I first thought of playing the guitar when i was 12. it had too many strings lol so i moved on to the bass when i was about 13 or 14. I started 6 strings when i was about 21 ish
I do play a lot more guitar than bass, even when i do have it. But i do love getting the 50 watt amp out and slapping some chili peppers stuff on it.


for those that only come in here or elsewhere on the forum other than "about chordie" or the new place Per has created " chordies editors" then I will spread the word.

per is looking for a few people to help out.
It is very very easy and does not take much time ( unless you are me with a bottle of wine and trying to get out of watching silly womens programs on telly with my wife lol )

Chordie is going to change but before it does we need a few more people to try the new things out.
what is it?
It is a new layout where you can add songs directly from a chordie page. i.e you will see all the albums that john prine ( or any other artist) has brought out. on each album it has a list of songs from the album. If chordie has it just now then there is a link to the song. Or if chordie has not got it then you can add the song yourself.
This does not mean you have to add everything and edit everything. It is in its test stage just now but a few more people testing is better than 2 or 3.

it is a big change in chordie and really does look much better and much much easier to find songs from artists and add them.

I posted this after seeing not a lot of replies frm Per's request. with over umpteen members on board using the site I thought more would be interested.

for deatils go into "about chordie section" or "chordies editors " section



(23 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

badeye wrote:

I have a cool one by The Who  called " Who Came First", it's
Pete Townsend standing on a thousand eggs. Also the Bob
Marley "Kaya" album with the Ganga picture on the back.Hey
this is a cool thread.


Sorry badeye,
I did not know this album aso I had to go look it up. It is in fact a Pete Townshend solo album. But I bet it is still great. I see Ronnie lane is on the second track. I think I might have to get this




(10 replies, posted in About Chordie)

hi TIm

here is what you might be looking for. If not then I dont know,lol




(1 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

no idea paddy.
I have tried a few songs and they seem ok with me.
can you give us a link to a song that it was doing it with you



(23 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

appetite for destruction....guns'n' roses  ( the one that got banned not the updated version)
ummagumma....pink floyd
Dark side of the moon....pink floyd
piper at the gates of dawn ( the back of the cover) .... pink floyd

Highway to hell......acdc

tommy....the who

sgt peppers.....beatles

geezo man, there are so many good ones I am only a bit thru my list



(4 replies, posted in Song requests)

hi dave

Hopefully this will help you

I have got the song but I have not listened to it in a while so I dont know if all the lyrics are here or not

http://www.sing365.com/music/lyric.nsf/ … E50028D131

if not then just copy and paste these ones and add the rest in yourself.



(2 replies, posted in About Chordie)

hi kostasaris and welcome to chordie

what a bummer it is not having blue ink in your printer, but never mind.

I had this problem when my printer ran out of cyan a while back. I asked if the blue could be changed to black so I could print out the song.


hopefully you can get your answer in that link.

I never did get round to doing it, I ended up buying more ink a few days later.

Another thing I do ( like just now while my printer has NO INK) is I use my printer at work. lol



(11 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

eagleeye5851 wrote:

Don't let other people post using your name. It confuses people as to whom they are speaking with. Either advise your friend to get their own name or let everyone know inadvance that someone else is using/will be using your name.

excellent advice eagleeye



(10 replies, posted in About Chordie)

Hi Tim

I had already e mailed Per to ask him about adding a song before reading this reply.

Per has replied. Something I knew what was going to to happen but never knew exactly what. Chordie is going to go through quite a lot of changes with the way it looks and how you can do things with options etc. We will be able to add songs to chordie from where you are looking for it. Also the layout for artists and songs etc is going to change. It does look very good, in fact I think it looks excellent.
It might take a while, but I am sure it will be worth it.

So if we can all wait until these changes take place then see if there is anything has been left out. No doubt someone somewhere will always want something to suit their needs, but there is nothing wrong with that, if enough people ask for something and it seems like a good idea then I know Per will look into it. Even if one person comes up with an idea that no one else has thought of, it could still be looked at.

after Per has set the new look up, a few of us are going to spend time going through it trying different things to make sure everything works fine before unleashing it to the world.

I will keep people updated on the progress when it starts and if anyone asks anything that might be getting changed.




(26 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)


I have heard of his name, probably with his link to floyd. But it is only the name I am familiar with , so I clicked that link, and I tihnk ye have a pretty cool unc.


Pete was pretty good fun to watch on BB too.



(4 replies, posted in About Chordie)

very well expained Tim.



(10 replies, posted in About Chordie)

hi kupski and welcome to chordie,

This request is a good one i tihnk. So many people are asking how to add a song.
It is not very clear, especially to new members that you have to click on the resources tab then click on add song.

Hopefully Per will see this request, I am with you on this one.

I think an " ADD SONG" option should be on the homepage or everytime you click on a different artist the option is always there to click on.

I will email Per and ask him.



(12 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

thanks craig, you stole one of my favourite titles, :lol, several species.....
i dont think anyone can beat that.
And also

Allan's psycadelic breakfast.................pink floyd

and the band played waltzing matilda........eric bogle

perhaps vampires is a bit strong but...   ..........arctic monkeys



(26 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

(0)==#paranormal guitar wrote:

My influences are in order of influenialness:
1. Noel Gallagher
2. My Granddad Mick
3. Newton Faulkner
4. My Uncle Ron (some of you may have heard of him)
5. KT Tunstall

there u go smile what crappy role models i have lol

so your grandad is MR Mick Jagger and you call Ronnie your uncle as in a close family friend? What about keef? do you not count him as another uncle?
and Noel? He is heavily influenced by Lennon so are you not influenced actually by lennon and not noel?

I cant remember if I replied to this thread or not,
but my infulences right now are Roger waters, Syd Barrett, Eric Bogle, John Prine,


(8 replies, posted in Acoustic)

hi Rachael,

welcome to chordie.

The best thing to do is to look in the public songbooks and see if you can find anything. Some people title their songbooks as " easy to play" etc.

I dont really know about tabs though, I suppose there will be some tabs, but I thin kmostly is is songs with the chords.



(1 replies, posted in About Chordie)

hi jp.

afraid not.
You have to add a song from another site.
for more info go here


Chordie is a search engine for songs, no songs are directly posted on to chordie.



(9 replies, posted in Bands and artists)

another reason or partly the reason he was special if you want to describe it that way was he was a black man at the time not playing the usual blues stuff or soul. He took that guitar and made sounds that not a lot of guitarists dare try and get away with it.

even today there are not many people from the dark skinned ethnics  that play heavy rock. Only ones I can think of is Living Colour. probably a few more but none as big as Jimmy.

I know skin colour should not come into it but I remember watching a documentary on hendrix and some guy mentioned this about his colour and being out of the ordinary for this type of music. So if he thought it, others at the time must have thought it.
And I admit, I thought this of living colour when i first heard them in the late 80's. it didnt make the music any different but it made them that little bit different.



(2 replies, posted in About Chordie)


sorry to hear you are experiencing this. This should not be happening.

Is it an advert for a chordie t shirt?

either way, take a screen shot and send it to admin@chordie.com along with a link to where you were trying to do this

Per ( the owner of chordie)  will deal with this and sort it out hopefully

Sorry thats all the help I can give




(3 replies, posted in About Chordie)

Hi Bim and welcome to Chordie

It has been suggested before I think.
I do not know what the outcome was though.
If we had people voting for their favourite songbooks made up by chordie members then we would have to judge it along the lines of what is in the songbook i.e if it says country songs then you find a guns n roses song etc, also for the layout, i.e. chords or tabs. Correct chords etc. It could take ages to look into nominated songbooks. For this we would need a few judges ( that could not be entered in the competition) with a lot of spare time to look through all the books nominated and then into the songs to make sure every song was ok.

This would take a very long time.

Or is there another fair way to do it?



(5 replies, posted in Songwriting)

this once reminds me of a wee project i done with a friend years ago,

we made up a fe songs. And I really mean made up, they were made up and improvised on the press of the record button. it had quite a lot of instrumentals and a few lyrical songs.
Anyway, about what to call it.... we sat fir a while after it was done thinking what the " album" could be called, we sat and sat and thought and thought some more.
After a good 6 and a half minutes  I came up with a name. We also named one of the songs this.

" psychedelic voices in a mind full of junk"

I still love that name.

so you can call an instrumental anything you want to really. same as a song, it doesnt have to have the name of the song sang in the verses or the chorus.



(24 replies, posted in Acoustic)

sounds like your playing is more advanced than my own, meaning you could probably be able to play Eric Clapton's " tear in heaven" properly.
I have heard only one person playing this really good apart from Clapton himself. And sitting in a room with someone playing this song note for note is just a wonderful exprerience to the ear hole.

so I nominate "Tears in Heaven"

but if that is too hard then the Who's " behind blue eyes."
If you can get a copy of Pete Townshend playing it solo it is marvelous, also easy to play as I can play it.



(3 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

no idea what you are talking about,
please enlighten me withyour knowledge.
I think the three of them were great, well not all great musicians but still great people in their own right. Syd was not a musicain at all, just an effigy for a band. But Joe strummer and Curt Cobain in my eyes were superb songwriters.

So what about their shoes?



(27 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

as it has been said badeye,
sorry to hear about your mate.

( I have typed quite a few sentences here and the deleted them several times. I just dont know what to say to people in times like this)

all the best



(2 replies, posted in About Chordie)

there is no program used in chordie to do tabs.
The pages with tabs/chords are taken from other sites.

But then maybe you already know this and you are still wanting to know what people use to write down tabs?

I thought they just used word and spent ages typing all those lines out?
