
(23 replies, posted in Acoustic)

Point taken All ok. Never was mad to begin with.


(23 replies, posted in Acoustic)

zguitar wrote:

Too Much Information.

We didn't need to know about what you play with in bed.

Z, Did I ever say in bed? I said in my sleep. No one has ever fallen asleep in a chair in front of the TV?(especially when my wife has Lifetime on). Everyone took one little comment and dragged it to its lowest level. Not to play "POT AND KETTLE', I probably would have thought the same thing if one of you wrote it.


(22 replies, posted in Acoustic)

HELLO and welcome. You just made friends all over the world. You  can talk about almost anything here.


(23 replies, posted in Acoustic)

Playing guitar in my sleep. Pull your minds out of the gutter. It`s a good thing I don`t play bongo`s.

Full size piano`s would take 60 cans of krylon dino


(23 replies, posted in Acoustic)

OK I plead insanity. I`m crazy about that kind of stuff.


(23 replies, posted in Acoustic)

TMI ? what does it stand for?


(13 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

I love the old silvertones along with old kays and harmony`s. I`ve had 2 kays,2 silvertones, and 2 harmony`s and  Istill have a danelectro silvertone amp in case from the 60s. It may sound stupid but the old harmony`s are how I learned what NOT  to buy a guitar for. (caved in tops,bowed necks, siezed tuning pegs). All things I check for when I look at any acoustics. Kay`s had the problem of pin bridges pulling up and siezed tuning pegs. I turned down an old airline  because of the lessons learned from the Kay`s and harmony`s. I have gone through a lot of different guitars through the years and I still get taken every now and then. Always on harmonys and kays. When they are nice they are really nice, when they are junk,they are junk


(23 replies, posted in Acoustic)

This may sound wierd but it works for me. Sing the rythym part in your head with Dum Dum Dee Dums or Doo Doo Doo`s and strum it playing air guitar. Then you can try it on a real guitar. Plus if the air guitar is out of tune,it won`t sound so bad. It works for me.I don`t know if anyone else does this. My wife complains that I play in my sleep sometimes. Not with an actual instrument but just playing in my sleep.

Couldnt you paint the mini pickguard to match the one .you just painted?Or cut one from plexiglass. It does really distract from the look.After all,I noticed it


(6 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

It`s funny(not ha ha),when Elvis died at 42 in 1977,I was only 17. He seemed so old. So did John lennon in 1980 at 40. Now I am 51 and I say that elvis was only 42.John lennon was only 40 and whitney houston was only 48. Funny how age makes old young.

Stupid question. What is the tortoise shell spot on the pickguard? It wasn`t there before. Also, great choice on the color,It looks fantastic.


(23 replies, posted in Acoustic)

talkingrock wrote:

Thanks very much... as a newbie and starting guitar at 50 i need all the help i can get..I tried to figure the strumming out by listing to the song a thousand times... but it didn't sound right..
Any easy songs you could forward would be greatly appreciated.

It`s great to see people starting later in life. Go for it and have fun with it. There are a lot of easy guitar books you can buy at guitar  center or amazon. One that is good is" The beatles complete easy guitar". Easy to play and the songs are in large print and best of all,most songs are only on one or two pages.Ask anyone how aggravating it is to stop and turn a page. I bought the book in 1983 and I still turn to it and my daughter uses it a lot. Well worth the money.


(13 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

Two different animals. They both made guitars for sears. Harmony ceased production in the 70s. Kay was bought by Seeburg in the 60s. They do look alike..They were both built in chicago. They are both import brands now. P.S. I am not looking to start an online argument


(13 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

I`m thinking it`s a Kay or Harmony. The bridge and tailpiece say harmony,while the steel reinforced neck sticker makes me think of a kay.Harmony had a distinctive way of writing it on all their guitars. But the top caved in says harmony. The tuners can be either although they look like something on a harmony. The made in korea throws it off completely.Although I did have a korean made kay along with an american one. Probably doesnt help much.The word harmony seems to come up a lot.


(11 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

You have a better chab=nce of rowing a boat with a martin 000-15 than with  a fly rod. Just a little food for thought.


(11 replies, posted in Acoustic)

Here is where I show my age or stupidity. What is a stratabond neck? Is it made of wood or some space age material?.


(11 replies, posted in Acoustic)

I saw an ad on craigslist that has me interested. It`s for a Martin OOO-CXE composite guitar for 250.00.  I always go by the theory that if it sounds too good to be true, it probably is. A martin anything(besides a back packer) for 250.00 sounds too good to be true. Does anybody out there have any experience with one of these. I have bought some bad guitars before because they were major brands ( fender, gretsch), and I don`t want to make the same mistake 3 times. I am sure martin has made a few lemons in their time.I`m wondering if this is one of them. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks in advance

looks fantastic. Great job!!!!!


(16 replies, posted in Acoustic)

tubatooter1940 wrote:

Hey hi howdy from L.A. (Lower Alabama).

Lower Alabama. My wife is from the South Alabama area. She was born in Buffalo. South Alabama, New York. About a half hour from the canadian border


(15 replies, posted in Electric)

One of my favorites is a gretsch acoustic. AMERICANA SERIES. It looks like a toy but it looks,sounds and plays fantastic. Says "wild west sweethearts" on it. I played a country gentleman from the 60s that belonged to a cousin of mine. It was a dream. I once owned a 1967 corvette. Stay away from those. It was awful. Try one out either way, it is like buying a car, You have to take it for a test drive before you buy. Keep in mind that the electrics I played were both american ones. I have a fear of trying out guitars at stores because like stray animals, they follow me home. I`m afraid to try the gretsch`s for that reason.


(31 replies, posted in Acoustic)

5 big three ring binders full of printed tabs. A whole bunch of books from the 80s and some memory. I guess it happens to the best of us

looks good. Can`t wait to see the finished product


(275 replies, posted in Electric)

I don`t remember if I posted on this one either. But I`m 51. Also, I love being in my 50s. Playing hard rock and not caring what anyone thinks.

What was the worst guitar you ever owned? The most unplayable, awful sounding, sorry you even wasted that much money on type of guitar. The one that seemed like a good idea at the time.  Mine was a 1967 gretsch corvette. In 1984 I wanted to get a gretsch so bad that I bought the first one that I could find. It had a burns tremolo that if you breathed on too hard,it would go out of tune. The balance was awful, and it didnt sound all that  great either. It had a knob to switch between the 2 pickups instead of a switch.Almost like a balance knob on a stereo. I got very little use because it was so uncomfortable to play. It did have a great action on it. I dont miss that piece of junk one bit. My only regret is that I sold it for 175.00. I paid 350.00. Now they go for over 1000.00.