
(3 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

i so wish i could swear on here so I could tell you exactly what I tihnk of syd viscious.

He was a waste of space, not even a musician, or if he was he was very very bad. As I said before, he was only a puppet for the band that Malcolm decided to rip everyone off with , music companies, general public and his loyal fans.
If Syd was not caguht up with the sex pistols he would have probably wouldnt have been heavy or as heavily into heroin as he was. He was a young guy that got money thrown at him as long as he gave across the image he was told to. But then before that he was an idiot anyway, thats why he was picked for the band and Glen thron out.
I dont know if his mum stuck the needle in him or not but Malcolm MaClaren would have has well have done that himself.

BUt, he did act his part very well in his version of My way, what a superb version.



(4 replies, posted in Song requests)

Hi Dave
sorry for taking ages to get back.

The only version of a town called malice is the same as chordie has starting with F#m I tihnk.

I first got it from here


if you dont like the chords all you have to do is transpose them. try going -4 wit hthe chords and see what it turns out like, play about with the transposing function until you find the easiest way to play it, then if you have to, use a capo so it is easier for you to sing.



(16 replies, posted in Acoustic)

great thread,
and most of my thoughts are already answered but  iahve a few more

when you say nothing at all by ????? rowan guy or some other cowboy guy ?

two sunsets.....pink floyd.

behind blue eyes....the who not originally a strumming song but you can strum it and it is ditinctively that song

and thats all i can think of


thanks for that link,
fantastic stuff. I love that song. It is quite hard to sing and play though, especially at the break, so i dont bother.

It has made me want to download laurel and hardy, i have not seen them for years and years. I think i will try get the foreign legion one, or the piano, or the other one  that i remember that i have no idea what it was about, there were so many good ones.
also james cagney, I got to get some of his films.
ye just canny beat the old yins



(2 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

I think it is quite easy to tell the difference with the tastes of coke and pepsi.
I prefer pepsi, even more pepsi max.
A few years ago in Clydebank Shopping centre they were doing that " take the pepsi challenge" Didnt matter if you got it right or wrong you got a can of pepsi for participating.
I got asked "which one do you think tastes better"  I deliberatly pointed to the Coke. Then she asked me if I had something wrong wit hmy taste buds ,lol.
It was funny at the time. It would have made it funnier if I rejected the free can of pepsi and said it was mining but I liked it and accepted it and drank it.

Also, Coke will be bigger as it sells other soft drinks like Fanta, Dr pepper, 7up, schwepps lemonade, oasis, and many many more.
So they are bound to make more money.



(27 replies, posted in Songwriting)

A song about TEA? lol well this is the first time I have heard a song about tea...... ermmm no, not quite, there is that song " tea for two and two for tea etc etc etc"
And also the dogs d'amour sing a song called the ballad of Jack, the chorus sings " all I want is a cuppa tea" but really their tea is jack Daniels.

so a song deidcated to tea , hmmmmm.
yeah ok, I like it lol
love the lyrics as well.



(17 replies, posted in Songwriting)


I was not going to come and look at this since you wanted people too lol
but i couldnt help myself.
OK, want the truth now? I love dishing out the truth.
I think it is great!!
So, ok, it is another love song and so many love songs are repeating the same words to a different tune in a round about way, but very very good on your first song.
And I do like a good love song now and then.

well done,
now go do more.



(3 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

I would say so.


(6 replies, posted in Songwriting)

hmmm, how do I expalin? Death is what describes being dead, it is the action of dying.
, dead is what you are when you cease to live.

ok that was my description of it and thought I have never really thought about the difference. so i went to the online dictionary.

for death....... http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/death

for dead....http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/dead

as for the americans spelling things different, if I were you I would choose the real english, the UK version as I am sure that is what the international langauge uses.
I used to think the american way was just so silly, but as it has been pointed out to me it actually makes sense, i.e why have a "U" in colour when we all pronounce it color? but then why do we not spell it "Kullor"?
yep the english language is very silly indeed, but I thin kyou do exremely well in your english Lieven. You are better at english than some people I know that are british.

keep up the good work.



(16 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

Lieven, in the early 90's I could not tell you my name never mind where I was most of the time so maybe I was there? lol

people say that killing yourself is a cowards way out of life, others say it is a really hard thing to do.
Although I did not know Curt Cobain, from watching interviews etc he didnt seem much of a coward to me, but then he didnt seem to be a very brave guy either. He did take heroin, supposodly to help him with his spinal pain he had, so maybe he thought about doing it but never really meant to and the very sensitive triggger went KABOOOOB, off half his head went.
If it was a mistake I can gaurantee it is not a mistake the majority of people can do twice.

Was it was it not suicide??? well I dont think anyone will really know the truth unless courtney gets out her face on drugs and spulrts it out to someone...........we might find out in a few weeks time then lol

I think things should just be left instead of people speculating like I have been doing



(6 replies, posted in Songwriting)

I like this song Lieven.

It maybe your english has let you down though? or maybe it was meant? or maybe it is just me that thinks it would be better as DEATH cheater instead of DEAD cheater?

Apart from that very small minor point, I think it is great.



(9 replies, posted in About Chordie)

did you send Per a screenshot like I said?


(16 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

I think he probably could reach the trigger, but at the angle the catridge went through him???? na!! it must have been IN HIS MOUTH WITH HIM HOLDING IT BUT SOMEONE ELSE PULLING THE TRIGGER WHILE HE WAS OUT OF IT ON DRUGS




(9 replies, posted in About Chordie)

hi Nui,
please senf your screentshot to Per: admin@chordie.com

he is the main guy to sort all this stuff out

thank you



(13 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

(0)==#paranormal guitar wrote:

Norwiegan Can-Opening  Abilities of Albama, that's my guess hmm



(13 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

the what tournament?



(4 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

if you have followed all instructions and still getting no sound the only ting I can think of is,
is the soundcard properly fully all the way plugged in to the motherboard?
has it got one of those wee leads that come out that has to be plugged in to a socket on the mnotherboard? is it in? is it fully in is it in the correct place?

other than that, I dont know



(3 replies, posted in Bands and artists)

I am not a big fan of the bee gees and I tihnk they are or were a bit full of themselves,
but the main songwriter....Maurice was it? he was a very tallented songwriter I think.
I just could not handle all that high pitched squeeling, but that is not to say the songs were bad.
I think loads of their songs are good songs but just badly done.


ACDC  the young brothers.

but then there is THE PROCLAIMERS, the Reid twins! they are not cursed apart from not being as big as they should be.

white stripes, brother and sister white.


thanks riddler,
But Per has just posted a reply in " about chordie" saying he has enough now for the testing.

thanks to all.

It might be ready before 10th April.

It is looking very good and I am sure everyone will love it, especially the folk that look up songs a lot from certain artists and even more if they want to find songs from certain albums.



(16 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

after seeing a documentary on his death I still think it was courtney or someone she got to do it.

too many things were not examined straight away by forensics and they have admitted this.



(4 replies, posted in Acoustic)

hi oscar and welcome.

My advie apart from that that has already bean givan about practice is get a 3 chord wonder song, one you know and like well and ...... welll.......practice,lol

any questions along the wat feel free to ask at anytime about anything no matter how silly it might sem.
everyone was a beginner at one stage.



(9 replies, posted in About Chordie)

everything seems ok to me too. I see everything fine. And I am just back in from an afternoon after work in thje pub.



(12 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

you can make the same sound as the chimes of big ben on the guitar with the harmonics.

just thought i would add that in :lol


Zurf, your reply has made me laugh hale heartidly.

I hope yer surgery goes well. I dont know how long the testing will last but i know Per is trying to get all this done for the 10th April.

but even after the initial testing there might be some teething probs so all error reporting is good. Good for you, good for me, good for everyone good for the site .

I would never think of asking you to sell me some of those good drugs as I do not take drugs and that would make you a dealer if you did, but you can laways post them free of charge to me lol

to help if you can but please do not feel preasued to do so, as should no one feel preasured to do so. get in touch with Per.
