
(14 replies, posted in Acoustic)

Welcome from massachusetts. Practice practice practice. No matter what you need to know,someone here can help you.All you have to do is ask.


(1 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

Has anyone ever seen the Goodwill Auction.It`s what goodwill industries does with the higher end things they recieve.Look at some of the instruments that get donated.Strats,fender and marshall amps,vintage arch tops,martin guitars etc etc.It is very much like an ebay type auction.There is mostly junk as far as guitars go but it is amazing what people donate.Take a look and you will tell yourself that you would like to be there when these people GIVE THIS AWAY! The higher end guitars usually end up selling for what  their value is or more. If you don`t know about this you should check it out. Not to buy,just to browse and kill some time. Punch in Goodwill Auction and it will come right up. It`s no big secret.It`s just there.


(26 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

Best of luck to your daughter.Have a good trip to Nashville.That is a trip I always wanted to make.


(2 replies, posted in Guitars and accessories)

I found a pair at Union Music in Worcester.Electro harmonix that can handle 75 watts each.Since I am only running 150 watts there is no need to go extravagant.I really wanted to keep the cabinets so It will cost me more in the end.I am sure a movie projector doesnt push 150 watts.When I bought the cabinets on ebay I did it with the intention of replacing the speakers.The fact that they lasted almost 2 years without blowing was lucky.Look at bell & howell speaker cabinets on ebay and you can see why I like them.

I blew a speaker for my PA system.They are old BELL & HOWELL projector speakers.They are the newer ones from the 60s(maybe). They are self contained with a reel with the speaker cables built in.The ultimate in convenience.Each cabinet has a 12 inch speaker in it.What should I replace the speakers with? Has anyone had any experience with these type of speakers.Guitar center doesn`t sell bare speakers,only with cabinets. Any help will be appreciated.


(12 replies, posted in Electric)

Boy that`s a tough one. It could be a matter of preference.I find acoustics(except Fender) with pin bridges the easiest of acoustics to restring.Epiphones and gibson eledtrics I hate stringing.Especially pulling the bass strings through the stop tailpiece. The absolute easiest to string are my Rickenbacker 450 and danelectro silvertone. My fender strat is my utility guitar that I use the most. I dread stringing it.Pulling the strings through the body is a pain.When I buy an axe, I take these factors into account.The six in line headstock isn`t the factor for me. It`s what goes on at the tailpiece that I look at. Do you know any old timers who can teach you how to string a guitar. It never ceases to amaze me at some of the hack jobs I have seen when I restring guitars I have bought. Just because a string is a certain length,doesnt mean you have to use every inch of it. I hope that helps some.


(22 replies, posted in Acoustic)

Herco flex 50. After breaking fender picks I was turned on to these back in 1983. Have been using only these since.They have never broken and they stay in place. At 50 cents each they are worth it when you figure how long they last.They also come in different thicknesses too.I prefer the 50`s. The jim dunlops are a good quality pick too. I just never found a gauge I liked. I cheap out on strings but I use the same picks all the time


(41 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

Gee Tom.The 10 commandments are mostly common sense ways to behave. Except for believing,most are things that shouldn`t be done anyways. Whether I believe or not,I try to live by most of the commandments. I may be an atheist but it doesn`t make me a mean person or bad guy. As far as the pledge of allegiance goes, I still hold true to the under god part. If you don`t believe,just dont say under god when it comes up. If someone else believes and chooses to say under god, leave him alone and let them say it. To each his own.


(7 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

So sorry to hear about the loss of your friend.


(32 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

depending on how it may be scheduled,I may be. Even if not to play,just to meet and say hi to all of you.


(11 replies, posted in Acoustic)

Buzzwagon wrote:

Joey try a stratabond neck before you buy. I had my heart set on a Martin but couldn't justify the £'000's it was to cost so I thought I'd go for their lower end stuff but I REALLY didn't like the stratabond neck, it just felt rough to me, (that was when I bought my Guild instead).


I decided not to buy it.Today I took my daughter to Guitar center to get a sampling amp. As always we went in the acoustic room and the martin 000-cxe was right there.As soon as I picked it up, the neck felt so awful I didnt even try to play it. It wasn`t smooth at all. My best description would be a raincoat without a smooth texture. I couldn`t tell about the sound or action because I didnt even attempt to play it. It was that bad. I`m just glad I didn`t waste the gas to go look at the one in the Boston area. That would have got me mad. I see what you mean about the stratabond neck.


(41 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

Jerome, that is so true. My point is that whether you believe in God or not. The rest of the pledge is still true. Unlike some countries,we are free to believe or not believe without being killed or tortured.


(25 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

naolslager wrote:

Referring to acoustic guitars only
1. I love the sound
2. To create something
3. Fun?

Now that I`m old(er).That would hold true. Back then it would have been only electric. 1-love the sound.  2-girls thought it would look cool(hopefully). 3-4-5 -  See 2.   6- Actually,I used to like to write my own so I learned to play to put it to music. I. used to like the bohemian image that I had. Now I`m just an average guy with a normal life and a normal car. A normal house. With a  &@(*&^ awesome music room in my basement. A heated practice space.   I DONT KNOW HOW I POSTED THE SAME THING TWICE, IF I DELETE IT WILL KILL THE WHOLE SUBJECT.MY MISTAKE

Mod edit:  go ahead and delete it - only deleting the first post in the thread will kill the entire thread.  I would delete it for you, but it's good for you to try some things on your own.  wink  MKM


(25 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

naolslager wrote:

Referring to acoustic guitars only
1. I love the sound
2. To create something
3. Fun?

Now that I`m old(er).That would hold true. Back then it would have been only electric. 1-love the sound.  2-girls thought it would look cool(hopefully). 3-4-5 -  See 2.   6- Actually,I used to like to write my own so I learned to play to put it to music. I. used to like the bohemian image that I had. Now I`m just an average guy with a normal life and a normal car. A normal house. With a  &@(*&^ awesome music room in my basement. A heated practice space.


(25 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

^ I did a lot of multitasking. Evena few years after I was married. Up until 1992, been clean and sober since.


(41 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

Boy, I opened a Pandoras box. This all started because I thought that Red Skeltons telling about the pledge should be shown in schools. And if one doesn`t believe in god,keep your mouth shut when the words "under god" comes up in the pledge.


(25 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

Same here. If a girl asked what I did for fun,Playing guitar was a  more interesting answer than drinking or getting high.

On my way home yesterday,I had to stop at Wal Mart for bread and a phone card. A man fell and claims he ,hurt himself. He slipped on a pile of  S%#*. That`s right,poop,dung, manure. He started swearing and yelling and causing a scene. "I fell in DOGS@&^,look it`s DOGS*&^." I feel bad if he hurt himself but put yourselves in my place. I tried to contain myself for as long as possible along with the guy in the same line as I was in.I couldn`t stop snickering. When I got out to the parking lot I burst out laughing. Almost everyone I told thought it was funny. Give me your opinion. If he fell on a wet floor or some obstacle it wouldn`t be funny.But it is what it is. I am sure he is calling the law offices of somebody today.  Am I mean, ,sadistic or just normal. OPINIONS VALUED


(23 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

Leonaed Cohen, Marshall Crenshaw, Richard Thompson. Any Warren Zevon that doesn`t get airplay. Ben Folds. All things my bandmates don`t want to play. My radio stations in my car are mostly on the left side of the dial. 3 college stations in this area play great music.  Try the left side of your radio dial sometime. You just have to find the right stuff at the right time. My job has me in 4 different supermarkets up to 12 hours a day. So I get stuck listening to mild top 40 music all day. When I get in my work truck or car,I listen to what I want.

Louie Louie- the Kingsmen


(41 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

I have no problem with the words under god in the pledge. I .don`t push my non-belief on others.  To quote linus. 3 things you don`t discuss, Politics, religon and the great pumpkin. But I do believe that the pledge should be required in schools. Red Skelton`s description should also be played in schools to explain what it is all about. After hearing him describe it, it has a lot more meaning.

beamer wrote:
Russell_Harding wrote:

Thanks D.S. and to all who have provided hints and ideas and in restrospect concidering the total cost of time and materials if I ever do this again I am paying a pro,dont get me wrong I gained a lot from the experience to be sure and I dont think there is nothing wrong with attempting this kind of project it was harder then going on my 1st date or playing my first gig but I can think of more pleasurable activities for my time and thats the key,time but I had to do it just once unlike skydiving if you fail theres always another attempt. lol

Yep I proved that point to my wife about painting my motorcycle myself..  I spent  more than a shop would have charged me by the time I added all the sales slips for the dupli color and extras. Not to mention all my time!  AS You said, great experiance, came out good, and learned to let the pros do it while you borrow your buddies extra bike and have fun riding!

Same thing when I painted my f-150. It was still cheaper than a shop. But I also got to know a lot of my neighbors. They would stop and talk while I was doing the bodywork. That made it worth the effort. I almost hated to get it finished. I got a lot of compliments on the job too.The experience and getting to know neighbors was great.


(41 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

bswyers wrote:

Good find JJJ. You share my feelings on this. I didn't realize that under God was not in the original pledge. Here's the link  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TZBTyTWOZCM    Thanks again. I'll send this on to my son at Fort Campbell. I'm sure he'll enjoy it too.

Thank You so much for putting the link up. Also for the record, I am an atheist. I am also an american. This isn`t an argument about God and I don`t want it to turn into one.


(41 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

I don`t know if anyone has heard about the controversy over the pledge of allegiance being said in schools. Atheists have a problem with the words under god. I personally am all for the pledge being recited in schools. If you don`t believe in god, just keep your mouth shut when the under god part comes up. The rest of the pledge still holds true whether you are a believer or not.  I dont know how to put the link on but go on youtube and listen to Red Skelton recite the Pledge Of Allegiance from 1969. He tells exactly what it means and it is still relevant(now more than ever). This has nothing to do with believing in god or not. It has to do with the pledge. It`s great to know that we are a civilized group here and this will stay civil. Do yourselves a favor and listen to What Red Skelton said over 40 years ago.

Just got it yesterday and it is great. The F.Y.E. store in the Auburn mall  didnt have it when it first came out.They did yesterday. If only I could find bandmates who were into Leonard Cohen.