
(9 replies, posted in Songwriting)

Im nosey in a curious way. I like to know whats happening in life.

But mean gossip never settles right with me. It can take  good conversation into
nothingness and leave me with a sour feeling in my gut. When my wee sister died, someone started a rumour we were not speaking at the time? So So not true. My sister for a short time decided to isolate herself to come to terms with her impending death. We,who loved her understood this. We helped  her by respecting the dignity of this wish. But some peanut brained person decided to put there own slant on this  happening. Which did hurt us  deeply.

Gossip mongers take note! everything you give out comes back 3 fold.

Very powerful piece James.

Old Doll.


(6 replies, posted in Recording)

Rusell! i know im not long awake!

But your post says August ? Please tell me this month is September! lol

Have a great time  with your friends recording.

Old Doll.


(10 replies, posted in Songwriting)

I love it Jets,

Great song. I slept on a water bed in America many moons ago. Sheer Bliss it was i tell you.

I Never did think of the life therein.

Well done as always.

Old Doll.


(4 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

Hi Zurf,

Yes they removed it from the health stores here also. Along with many more products. My friend works for one of the biggest suppliers of herbal remedies. I know they don't stock either as Ive already telephoned her. She thinks they may stock it in Northern Ireland. If so i will get back to you, as i visit there frequently.

The problems not the herbs, its the foolishness of people thinking more is better. They take to much which does cause toxicity,
Sure a long nights drinking does this also to the liver, but they don't ban booze ?. I do know if your on warfarin, you have to be careful with the amount of cranberry juice you drink as they both thin the blood. Cranberry juice does  thin the blood naturally if you drink a lot but, to much mixed with warfarin can be lethal.
Here's what you do for the moment. Buy the best strongest  pomegranate juice you can.  Not the diluted stuff in the supermarkets. But a concentrate from your health store.  Its a bit scarce around these parts but,
you should have no problem in the states. Its a great antioxidant for young and old. 
You'll be like a race horse jumping over a nine bar gate in a month or 2. lol

Old Doll

Ps Stop eating cheese/ chocolate.


(12 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

Track The Hurricane.

http://www.wunderground.com/tropical/tr … ml#a_topad


(12 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)


Hows things today James. Still battoning down the hatches ? are ya!

Be safe all you People around that area. Gosh my son and his girl are heading that way next week.
Well to Mexico! Geographically i havent a clue! Maybe someone will enlighten me here. Its there is it?

Best get there insurance in order.

Old Doll.


(24 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

Yes! I to love the ones you mentioned Dino,

Add Robert Plant { Fantastic ability to adapt his voice to any song. His recordings with Alison Krauss are wow! "Great Album"

I also loved Levi Stubbs, Not so much a rocker, but what a great voice he had.


So so many, i love. Tina turner, Joplin. Annie Lennox, Amy Winehouse, Aretha Franklin. the list is endless.

Old Doll.


(11 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

Shush Now! Tubatooter1940,

Your not supposed to be ripping anything anywhere! lol
But! i admire your taste.
Maith an Fear. { Good man} or Way to go.

Old Doll.


(10 replies, posted in Songwriting)

This wee song I wrote some time ago now. My neice Tamara requested a song from me.
She lives in the Netherlands { Holland}. I decided on this one as she is young and this has a modern theme to it.
She recorded it at  home. Acapello. She can also play guitar, Concert Harp. Has a dance troup, who have won all kinds of awards in Germany and Holland. Her brother also is a very acomplished musician. Her Dad, Mam { my sister } also play acoustic guitar .
She hopes to work in theatre/Entertainment business.  Tamara Has just passed all her exams in same.
So well done my "Wee Beauty!
Roger Guppy" has very kindly  put it up on FOC for me so you can have listen. Thank You" Roger as always for all your help with this and other works of mine.
It can be heard here.  http://www.myspace.com/friendsofchordie

Google Dreamby Helena Donovan

Use these chord shapes with a capo on the 4th fret

This [G]Google they call [Bm]earth will [C]take me straight to [D]you,

You're [G]sleeping like a [Bm]baby now [C]what am I to [D]do,

Will I [G]kiss your sleeping [Bm]face, [C]Stroke your creative [D]hands?

Will I [G]whisper in your [Bm]ears, Soft like [C]feathers in your [D]hands?



Will I [G]sing a lullaby[Bm]by to [C]keep you in the [D]frame?

To [G]guide you as you [Bm]wander up[C]on the astral [D]plain,

Will I [G]climb right in be[Bm]side you, [C]Caress you as you [D]drift?

Will you [G]sense that I'd be [Bm]with you or a [C]dream inside the [D]mist?



[G]Take me to your [Bm]dreamy world your [C]mind and body [D]spirit,

[G]Chasing dreams and [Bm]all you wish am I [C]part of all that [D]in it,

[C]Your rem has [Am]shifted your [Em]lashes make the [D]change,

I [C]have enjoyed the [Am]journey but our [Em]worlds remains the [D]same.



This [G]Google they call [Bm]earth will [C]take me straight to [D]you,

Your [S]sleeping like a [Bm]baby now [C]what am [D]I to [G]do.

Old Doll

Sorry Roger! For Ruining  all your hard work!  im jinxed with this Format  lol


(4 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)


You can get Anica salt tablets in your health store. This increases the blood supply to the damaged area. so speeds up the process of healing.

Talk to them at the store  about this. My brother is a ski instructor, so, he sees all kinds of damage to the human form. he is never without Anica in his kit.      I had to study about alternative medicine as part of my massage and Aromatherapy business.
Glucosamine is another  which gives great results for bone and cartilage damage. Give it time and a speedy return of health to you.

Ps, Were you a snorer Sir? as they now link this also to  chronic bronchitis. { as well as smoking }

Old Doll.

PPS, you must always consult you doctor before taking herbal meds.


(7 replies, posted in Acoustic)

Go for it ! !

Ya Old Coot!  lol

From another Old Cootie lol


(18 replies, posted in Songwriting)

Thank You Jets,

Pat O'Briens sounds like my kind of place to be.

Old Doll.


(7 replies, posted in Acoustic)


I have his Albums from the seventies lol Yes! Vinyl long playing in my attic, along with many more.  He is a great Artist.

I think this dates me more then him!

Enjoy enjoy.

Old Doll.


(1 replies, posted in Song requests)

These were a blue Grass family group ... But Steve ?


Old Doll


(31 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

Hi Dino 48,

Have you ever seen this video? lol It can be done!


Ps. Doug_Smith,

My hats off to you ! and anyone who courageously head butts his own addiction. A great challenge to win.

Good health and peace of mind to rest easy with just being you!

Old Doll


(6 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

Heres a guy i dont often hear mentioned here.

I love the way he plays guitar. Also all the great songs he has written and sung.


Old Doll.


(31 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)



1. Innovative

2. Preliminary

3. Proliferation

4. Cinnamon



1. Specificity

2. Anti-constitutionalistically

3. Passive-aggressive disorder

4. Tran substantiate


1. No thanks, I'm married

2. Nope, no more booze for me

3. Sorry, but you're not really my type.

4. Taco Bell? No thanks, I'm not hungry.

5. Good evening, officer. Isn't it lovely out tonight?

6. Oh, I couldn't! No one wants to hear me sing karaoke.

7. I'm not interested in fighting you.

8. Thank you, but I won't make any attempt to dance, I have no
coordination. I'd hate to look like a fool!

9. Where is the nearest bathroom? I refuse to pee in this parking lot
or on the side of the road

10. I must be going home now, as I have to work in the morning



(18 replies, posted in Songwriting)

Thank You Arkady,

Sure didnt i do that me self with you! Then took you around the sites of the Emerald ! lol

Ps. Forgive me Alfred, im just remembering who you are now!  I hope life is wonderful for you.

Forever grateful to you Sir!

Old Doll.

There's 59 Countries around the globe at war at the moment!

Sanctimonious Profiteering Fear-Mongers Out!  { Shame on you all, for thinking this is the way. Your abominable greed for power
is ruining many a great people and their God given lands.

Well done James. I do remember this one. Its a great song.

Id clap you on the back if near, and pour the Guinness into you for your bravery in writing and  singing this great song.

Old Doll.


(18 replies, posted in Songwriting)

Gosh! Absolutely st800,

I am Totally Flattered that you would want to.

Grinning like a cheshire cat I am!

Thank You!

Old Doll


(21 replies, posted in Songwriting)


Alan Sheeran, your a wee divel. I absolutely would not!. But manys a time i held some sots head up as he " Hughied"
down the loo. Isnt it funny how theres always diced carrotts in this entremet ?  lol

Pooped out Old Doll.


(21 replies, posted in Songwriting)


Phil, have a look at  one of my beautiful Hounds on myspace. He is my canine soulmate lol

He also slobbers, woolfs all his food down, loves a football, and his freedom, steak is his favourite food, Hates being showered,

Nevers moans when i play guitar, always greets me with  big paw hugs. Takes up half my bed when he's let,  I alsoclean up after him,  Gives me a high 5 { which is hilarious } and he throws himself at my feet !  He's there now as i type.

Do you not think this is just like having a man around ?  lol lol lol. Animal lovers ! ah, were a large pain in the dogs biscuits.

Give me the paw now ? No !  Not you Phil,  woof woof.  Thats Ben saying hi to your Rat..

Mutt lover Old Doll.


(18 replies, posted in Songwriting)

Thank You"  both Mó Cara's

I would gladly hand it over to KT. Love to see/ hear what way she'd  sing and perform it.

Goose bumps just thinking of it.

All's well in my world.

Love from the Emerald.

Old Doll.


(18 replies, posted in Songwriting)

Thank you all as always.

Kapa yes! I hope to get around soon to some recording. I usually do  a few together.

James , your right. The universe has a flawless way of payback. The few mantis women i knew are all alone now.

lost families, homes, and Husbands. Some dont have any beauty left either inside or out.  Which is very sad.
They paid a heavy price to keep there  egoes  inflated .  We makes our choices.

Phil, Im sure they are motorbikes! But mine wasnt lol. God the image is hilarious to me. Vroom Vroom!

http://www.amb-reisemobile.de/vermietung/mietkat2.htm       This is what i meant Sir.

Old Doll.


(11 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

I agree its a great site. Ive had this in my favourites for a long time now.

So many greats on there. One of my faves is "Metrapolitan Avenue."  { a Noel Brazil song} sung by Christy Moore.

I never get tired of it.

Oiche Mhait.

Old Doll.