
(32 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

hmm, ok.
email coming your way.

attitude? lol

ahhh the wonders of human life and ignorance



(32 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

well I can disagree with you here.

I got breathing exersices and i would say they worked.

the part you say about singing  nay nay nay  me me me etc that is part of breathing exersices i got, so if you have been teaching singing half your life i think you could mabye be a bit more open minded to breathing exercises, or look more into them.
I was told all about them in great detail and what I was told I believe and it worked for me.

maybe the doctors in scotland work differently to where you are?

thanks for the rest of the advice though. looks good



(8 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

(0)==#paranormal guitar wrote:

this was something you said about "Viry's Song" that i wrote a while a go

arkady wrote:

All the right senitments for a love song nicely personalised at the end not a bad thing when writing a love song to a girl friend (Though the Name can be easily changed if required lol)

i was convinced i would never need to change it...
as of yesterday, i already have had to lol

it is now "Julia's Song", which sounds better, in my opinion tongue

ok, THIS TIME it won't change xD julia, plays guitar too, so i might get her to join chordie ^^

hi will or liam, what is it ? since you change things a bit lately lol

Julia does sound better! now you can go learn the wet wet wet song " julia says", it is probably thier best song they have wrote.
I would have got my wife to change her name to Julia so I could sing that to her but I like Lynda. lol

I wish lots of happiness for you and Julia.
And if she already plays guitar, why is she not already on here?



(14 replies, posted in Guitars and accessories)


Russell might have answered this, I dont know as I never spent the time to read ,lol ,sorry.

when you have the song on your Boss, then you have to transfer it onto pc.
You will need to download something like audiocity. or whatever it is called.

from there you connect your boss to the pc. press play and press record on the audacity thing. this will then transfer it into your pc.
It might take you a while to sort out the sound levels as you will have two outputs on your boss, a recording level on your pc as well as a recording level on the audiocity.

I would say put everything down low and start from there or everything at half way and see how the recording is.

I hope I have helped a bit in answering what you were asking.

oh yeah, ( just in case) when you put your boss to "USB" mode, this will allow you to save onto your pc but not neccesarily play it back, it will save the file though.

Try not puting it on USB mode and just have a connection from your headphone socket on BOSS to the mic connection on PC then hit record on the audicity or whatever other program you may have to record. ( when I say hit record I really mean press record because hitting it could break your pc)

ok, has that helped?

if not I will try to remember to look here again tomorrow.



(14 replies, posted in Other string instruments)

yep Rooke,
I always recommend the clip on tuners as well, I think they are great.
And not only do they tune very accurately, because they work on vibrations up the neck to the head, you can talk,sing,whistle shout while tuning, you can even tune it while you have earphones on wit hac dc blasting in yer ear drums,
now how good is that? lol



(11 replies, posted in Guitars and accessories)

I have a travelling guitar.
I got a baby ozrak. It is not bad in a bothy or a tent or small emclosed areas but if it is for playing outside and ye want people to hear you then do not get one of these.

My mate got himself a baby Yamaha guitar. It cost him about £40 ( my ozrak was £110)
His sounds louder than mine and looks more like a guitar but smaller.

But if you are walking and want a lightweght instrument then I would suggest to you to take up playing the uke. So it has not got the same sound as a guitar but it is great for strumming away and singing along to.



(7 replies, posted in About Chordie)

hi fitty,

If you go to songwriters section on this forum you will see how to do this.

the first thread ( the STICKY thread) james has gave instructions on how to do this.
However, it can only be used in chordie's songwriters section to share your own songs.

But if you mean to do it on your own computer for your own personal use then I have no idea. I would think you will need the chopro program.



(13 replies, posted in Songwriting)

Very good song Lena, and good work Phil.



(33 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

I cannot remember if I ever posted in this thread,
but today  i think my top 5 are:

in nop particular order

The who
pink floyd ( this includes roger and syd's solo stuff)
stiff little fingers
the jam

this will all change a bit next week. Instead of aerosmith I might be tempted to say R.E.M
or rolling stones or clash or alarm or geez why the top 5? too many to choose from



(5 replies, posted in About Chordie)

hi mjh,

what you ask is very possible.

When you make a second book up and name it you will see a list of your songbooks to the left.
you can choose one to open. Inside it gives you all your songs you have saved. At the bottom it gives you your options. In the options you can remove a song, move a song or copy a song.

This means you can have the same song in a few songbooks if you like, or just move it from one to the other.

Hope that helps

If that doesnt answer your question then you never made sense to me lol



(14 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

yes I agree that al lwar is bad, but if we keep interfering then no one in the world will die, apart from illness or old age or accidents.
This would mean the polulation would get bigger and the world would get too heavy and fall out of the universe.



(14 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

I dont think much of china and tibet etc and all the politics that is going wit hit. It is only getting highlighted again becasue of the games.
We ( as in the UK and USA) interfere far too much in other countries affairs. Just because we dont like what they do doesnt make them wrong ( doesnt make them right either though)

As for songs to do wit hthis subject? hmmm.

I thin kmaybe " the world is turning" by Roger Waters, although that is to with communism falling and people being free which is not really happening there but maybe that is what the song could be interpated into?

I am sure there must also be a clash song somewhere tha tcould go with this situation.

oooh oooh oohh, just thought of another that mentions Tiananmen Square and how ruthless the chinese army can be with demonstrators. "watching TV" from the " amused to death" album.


dont blame Al. It was my fault!
After I typed a reply and mentioned the alarm like Alvee did I had to tell him about a guy from the alarm. Al was only replying to me on the thread where I mentioned it.
And at least he appologised like I did.
And for you to say dont hijack the thread to Al, wit hyou doing that you hikjacked it more, just as I am doing right now......ooops

carry on folk wit hthe origianl thread.

sorry again



(115 replies, posted in Other string instruments)

hi bluetick,
thank you for that name, I looked him up on youtube. I have never seen or heard of him before and I think everyone should watch him do this song at least once!

I will be looking for more of his stuff.
I will never play like him i dont think, but still great to listen to and great to get people to shut up that think the uke is only a toy intrument.





(5 replies, posted in Bands and artists)

I am a bit lost with newer bands these days. I have heard nothing to convice me their is anything new and great.
That is not to say there isnt bands that would fill that space.
red hot chili peppers have been about since early 80's but only really got recognised after they went commercial in the mid to late 90's.

there is Oasis I suppose but i dont know if they are that big in america ( the place where you are big if you make it)
greenday are influencing younger bands but then they are the same, they were about for years and were not really noticed until they bowed down to record companies and went commercial to make money with their clean cut sound.

The arctic monkeys might get in as a new upcoming band I thought, but then they have been quite quiet after thier second album not being as big as their first.

I think because of the way the music companies dictated charts we have not had any reallybig bands like the stones, beatles, the who sex pistols, clash, metallica etc.
the 90's music industry has killed off the chance for big bands like these with thier manufactured pop nonsense.
Also with the internet taking off in a massive way in the 90's and especially in the 00's. there is so much choice for punters.

if todays bands are still about in 20 years time and getting mentioned as influences for the new bands in 20 years time then I tihnk we might get an answer for this thread.



(33 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

James McCormick wrote:

"Far From Me"  John Prine

It is a simple waltz that paints a vivid picture and tells a story in just a few well-chosen words.

Very odd . . . just checked the index and 'Far From Me' is not currently listed.  However, it is still in the first songbook I published many many months ago:
http://www.chordie.com/chord.pere?url=h … 0McCormick

this is a strange one.
But I have added it to the John Prine album it came from and it accepted the chordie address no problem. The new layout for john prine is not on mainstream viewing right now but I have added it so when it gets activated this song should show.



(24 replies, posted in Acoustic)

yes Pj ME!!

I never realised it was my guitar playing that did this until someone told me.

I repositioned my right arm ( strumming arm) to what I normally played it like and found another comfortable postion. Now it doesnt hurt.
I had this pain for about 6 months, it was not nice. I had it all day. When I picked things up it hurt, when i played it hurt.
Now I just got a sore kneee but that has nothing to do with the guitar lol


my first band I got into was ACDC in 1980 when i was 10. I had £2.50 I tihnk it was to buy an album. I liked the cover and thought Angus looked different wit hthose horns so I bought it and loved it straight away. Loved them ever since.
that led me into rock music and punk, Stiff little fingers was the band for me when I was 12 and still love all thier songs.
1983, like Alvee, I discovered the alram and loved them ever since. also from 83 - about 87 I was heavily into big country,

1987 was the very big change for me, for music and lifestyle etc.
I got heavily into Guns'n'roses, Poison, Motley Crew, dogs d'amour,hanoi rocks,faster pussycat skid row. I grew my hair, wore cowboy boots, wore hairspray to keep my hair backcombed ( think axle rose in welcome to the jungle video) I became a male slag and went clubbing into glasgow at least twice a week to the solid rock cafe, the venue, the cathouse. From 87 to 93 ( when I met the wummin I ended up marrying) those were the best years of my life I think and it was all down to the music and friends. My life was a 4 or 5 year party.
as the saying goes, all good things come to an end!! but another good part of my life started after I got married but the music part like that I had experienced had frizzled out a bit.

And Al, did you know Dave Sharp is playing an Alarm set on the 18th of this month in Rockers up the town. He has got a band together to do this. I am led to believe it is songs from Alarm albums that Teh alarm today would not normally do. The red eyes are supporting them. £10 to get in the door.
I still dont know if I am going
and sorry to highjack this thread a bit lol



(24 replies, posted in Acoustic)

Hi Anastasia,

I was going to say what Roger just said.
Superglue was invented during the Vietnam war to glue skin together for a quick fix until they got to a better place.
Flea from the red hot chili peppers glued ( or maybe still does) his fingers before and during a gig as he played that hard his fingers bled.

But then he was getting paid loads ,lol.

I think you should rest it for a few days to be honest.



(3 replies, posted in About Chordie)

hi gild.

I will answer you even though you have asked in a totally unappropriate section, this is known as highjacking a thread.
The tabs you talk about is actually showing a chord.

any more questions please open a new thread.



(11 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

great thread!! great replies!!

My first time playing in front of anyone was when I was 19 unemployed and spent a lot of afternoons getting out my face with my mate and making up songs ( think along the lines of syd barrett, very silly songs)
He had a party one night and we played our silly songs to a few friends. None of them liked us I dont think lol they left the bedroom and went into the hall I think or another bedroom.
we even apmlified ourselves in the small bedroom and had our own space that we called a stage even though it was not raised.

After that, My first time playing in a band infront of about 100 people in a pub. We had about 10 songs, all heavy rock and we played them fast and punkish as the guitarist and drummer were very nervous and bashed thru them. I was the bass player and sang about 5 songs. The other songs were sung by "guest singers" ( mates from other bands)
The crowd loved us amazingly enough. That got us all a bit big headed and wanted to do more.


I have said before and I will again, but with a slightly different attitude.

I dont think women look right playing a guitar in a rock band. women like K.T and sadny thom etc look ok with an acousitc.
I know they can play and they can play a lot better than me, I dont know what it is, I just think it does not look right. But worst of all a woman playing bass guitar!!! I think it might have something to do with women's "tender feminine" fingers playing big chunky strings.

and Lieven your comment on Women cooking in the home?????? I do most cooking in my house. I love cooking and I very good at it, better than my wife.
I think guys make better chefs and cooks!!

sorry folk, I guess I am a bit of a male chauvanist, I cannot help it. Dont hold it against me, lol
I know women can be better at things than men but I am not saying it is right lol not unless it is knitting or ironing ( but not trousers)

I just love me, I get a laugh out of being me and I can laugh at myself and know when I am wrong, but I cannot stop myself thinking the way I do.



(16 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

that is the same program I saw and I believe it, or most of it.
it highlights a lot of suspicous things that were done or were not done that are usually done or not done in these circumstances.



(3 replies, posted in Other string instruments)

hi Toby,
I also play a wee bit.

and here is another thread related, there are a few on chordie that play




(32 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

Hi Kjohnny.

I got this advice and site from Old Doll. It is very good.


I have been singing for years. Last year I discovered I had a " singers node" growing on one of my vocal cords. I went for speach theorapy that has managed to make the little thing shrink. it is still there but  iam managing much better now to sing. I just cannot get high notes like I used to and I cannot go too deep for lengthy times. Hopefully going to get it zapped out.
So dont be like me and strain your voice to get a sound, let it come naturally. I hope that site helps you a bit.
On the site, it tells you basically what James has said.

and also as James said, your voice is unique, learn to love it.

I have a mate that is bad at singing but it doesnt stop him and some songs his voice sounds spot on, especially when singing radio head songs.
