(4 replies, posted in Songwriting)

Thanks, DC.

It's up on my site now. Not real happy with it, but I'm working on it. I'll probably replace what's there soon.

Appreciate the comments.


(47 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

points well taken, UYK.

I am glad you didn't start throwing rotten to-mah-tos at me!

Maybe we should all just speak Esperanto - much less confusing. A very precise and logical language!


(4 replies, posted in Songwriting)

Hey, welder music guy... smile

There is a pretty good set of destructions here

These guys really look out for you. Can't wait to see something!


(51 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

Zurf wrote:

New Kids in the Sink - another fan of VeggieTales I see.  VeggieTales are great.  My favorite of them is Lyle the Kindly Viking.  That whole sendup of Rogers and Hammerstein is hilarious.  My wife and I have watched it when the kids were in bed.  If you get the chance and have it on DVD, you should watch Jonah with the running commentary.  Larry and Mr. Lunt provide the commentary.  The porcupines were out of work Swedes Mr. Lunt 'discovered.'  Hilarious. 

- Zurf


is that the one with the cucumber? I think he's named after me (Larry?).

My daughter had one of their movies, I think, but I'm not as intimately familiar with them as you seem to be, there, Zurfie...

Maybe someone ate too much paste as a kid?  smile

Oldnewbie rifles through his daughters movie collection looking for cucumbers and carrots


(13 replies, posted in Songwriting)

Hey, James! I stopped by your space and was surprised with this one! love the words "Either you are eating, or else you will be eat..." That's awesome.

Really cool song. love the idea, the lyrics, the music, and the playing.



(8 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

Audacity is perfect for me.

Don't need the expensive bells and whistles, and cant afford actual studio equipment, so I just play around on the PC, and, at least, I can record and replay myself, which I think is very helpful.

And you gotta love the price.

geoaguiar wrote:

At the risk of dating myself again, Cake Walk used to be "the" program. I ran it on a 386 computer back when having Prodigy was cool and the internet was a rumor!!1

That's how I remember it too, so we will both reveal our ages!

We were running a Tandy 80286!

It had a HUGE, never-to-be-filled-up 10Mg hard drive! (I think it cost like $4k)

Those were the days!


(4 replies, posted in Songwriting)

Yeah, I think that is the mental struggle this song talks about:

Whether we direct our hatred at the people or the act.

It is hard to exact vengence on an act, so people often tend to get in the way.

We are told our entire lives that it is bad to hate, and that people are people, and a bunch of other cliches that mean "turn the other cheek", but sometimes what we need to do is not "hug our brother" but punch him in the neck.

I think a lot of people are struggling with that.

When is it okay to be pissed off and act on that pissed-offedness, and when is it not?

So, instead of burning buildings and blowing up cars, I write a song. Not very heroic, but safer.


(4 replies, posted in Electric)

I had this problem with mine, que.

I found that if I loosened the truss rod (which allows the neck to be pulled more when the strings are tight) it went away.

This will raise your action some, so you need to find the right balance between no buzz and playability.

I had thought about filing a fret, but didn't have the guts. (I'm scared to do anything like that with my box, because, if I screw it up, I can't afford a new one right now).

I'm not sure you would be able to see a neck that was slightly bowed. Maybe just loosen it a little and see what happens.

Edit - I just realized this was in the "Electric" forum. Sorry for that. I was talking about my acoustic. Maybe the same for electric, I don't know. Never had one.


(51 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)


We must be kin.

My aging rotund behind has been known to cut a mean rug listening to my daughter's "Aaron Carter" and "New Kids In The Sink" CDs. (curtains drawn, doors locked, of course).

Crap,  how comfortable have I become in such a short time to share this? I guess the anonymity of text is liberating!


(47 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

upyerkilt wrote:

And why did we have to get our beloved "MARATHON " bars changed to SNICKERS to go in line with everyone else?
and not just things you eat, Oil of Ulay is now known as ???????? whatever they called it.

and I never call tomato sauce "ketchup" it is tomato sauce, always has been always will lol

and why pronounce it "to- mae- to"?  it is "to- matto" always has been always will be lol

ye even call alluminium slightly different. Is it Allumium or something like that? lol it is alluminium, always has been always .....

Okay... (so many inequities to rectify here, where do I start?) smile big_smile

First - The Marathon bar was nothing like a snickers. It was a lump of caramel covered with chocolate. Called "Marathon" because it took a long time to eat one.

Second - Ketchup is a sugary, nauseating blend of tomato (say it with me, "Toe-May-Toe") and spices. Not "tomato sauce". Tomato sauce is what is used to make spaghetti sauce and pizza. If ketchup (or Catsup) were ever used for this, the perpetrator should be drug into the street and shot.:)

Next - A-l-u-m-i-n-u-m.  That is the appropriate way to spell this word. It is pronounced "Al-oo-min-um". Your version, aluminium, is a "British Variation". smile

Also - Why must folks put unnecessary and useless letters into perfectly good words? Examples are "catalog" (why catalogue?) and "color" (not colour). This only serves to alienate and confuse the Americans (which isn't very difficult). smile

We are a simple folk. I think that we Americans have simplified our language because we realize that there is little chance the Queen might pop in for a crumpet at high tea, so why worry with all the high-sounding rhetoric? big_smile

Our biggest concerns were not dying of malnutrition or disease, and being able to communicate with the Native Americans while we weren't killing them, while the Brits were worried about soiling their ascots with a bit 'o Earl Gray, and what were those infernal colonists up to now? smile

Now that we have this all figured out, we Americans will continue to bastardize and hack up any language we can get our hands on to fit into our narrow, but accurate, view of our world! wink


We're like that, you know!

(Note: As mood, inflection, and temperment cannot be transmitted via a text post, the liberal usage of smiley faces is indicative of the jestive, humorous, and inoffensive intent of this message!)  smile big_smile smile


(10 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

Welcome from the east coast, Tone Freak!

I am sure, like I, you will find this place interesting, welcoming, and a lot of fun!


Audacity = free
free = good
Audacity = good!


Me likey.

Back in the day, I used to work for a church bell company. We had some electronic systems that played a sampled bell for those who couldn't afford our "real deal". We used a program called "Cake Walk". I thought it was pretty user friendly, and could do a lot of cool stuff. Don't know if it is still out, or how expensive it is, but maybe worth a Google?


(24 replies, posted in Guitars and accessories)

Thanks for the input, geoaguiar.

My current is a "Jasmine" by Takamine, and I think it is a good quality instrument, for the price (about $150?). The enjoyment I have gotten from it has made me look to Takamines first. 

Although, there are some other great sounding guitars out there...


(4 replies, posted in Songwriting)

Please to be posting.

music good.


(4 replies, posted in Songwriting)

Okay, I have received much pointed criticism for this song, not for the composition, or the music, but for the message.

Keep in mind, this was written (as a poem) just after 9-11.

I don't apologize for my feelings, but I am sorry that it is so long. smile

Do I Have to Hate YouFor the pilots of 9-11

[Em]Love thy neighbor says the book

On the [Am]stand by mama’s [Am7]bed

[Em]Can she know how wrong she was?

Can she [Am]know what has been [Am7]said?

[C]She didn’t know who lived next door,

She didn’t [G]see the buildings fall…

[A7]How can she tell her children

what to [B7]do when hatred calls?

[C]I don’t want to hate your diety,

I don’t [G]want to hate your kind

[C] I don’t want to hate your father, albeit he’s

the [G]one who owns your mind.

I [D]don’t want to hate your language,

But I don’t [C]want it in my head…

[A7]Do I have to hate you

[B7]just because I want you dead?

[Em]Are you the knave who wrote Mein Kampf?

Or the [Am]one who rolled the [Am7]stone?

[Em]Is there a plan that might explain

Why you’re [Am]burning down our [Am7]homes?

Did [C]Lazarus look into your eyes

When he [G]stood up from the grave?

Did [C]Saint John see your white horse

When he [G]looked on judgment day?

[A7]When you fear for your pathetic life

To [B7]which God do you pray?

[C]I don’t hate you or your diety,

[G] I don’t want to hate your mind

[C] I don’t want hatred in my heart

[G]but where else can it bind?

I [D]don’t want to hate your language,

But I don’t [C]want it in my head…

[A7]Do I have to hate you

just be-[B7]cause I want you dead?

[Em]You were the one at Bergen-Belsen,

Watching [Am]Annie writhe in [Am7]pain.

[Em]You’re the one who tolls the mission bell

While the preacher [Am]reads the [Am7]names.

Or [C]were you singing Revolution

With [G]Ringo, George, and Paul?

I [A7]thought I heard you crying

As they were [B7]tearing down your wall.

[C]I don’t hate you or your diety,

[G] I don’t want to hate your mind

[C] I don’t want hatred in my heart

[G]but where else can it bind?

I [D]don’t want to hate your language,

But I don’t [C]want it in my head…

[A7]Do I have to hate you

just be-[B7]cause I want you dead?

Do I have to [C]hate you

Just be-[G]cause I want you dead?

Do I have to [C]hate you

Just be-[G]cause I want you dead? (repeat and fade)


(25 replies, posted in Songwriting)


Got it.

I had gone to "Webfetti" before, but couldn't figure out where to put the code. The pimp site gave me very clear destructions!



(25 replies, posted in Songwriting)

Thanks, Ark...

I have been wondering how to make my space all purty-like!

I'll check it out.


(25 replies, posted in Songwriting)

Yeah, SouthPaw, that's it! Pe-chew-li; Pu-chiw-lea... dang it.  I'll get it
Do you have some beads I can borrow!? (I assume you have already picked out your wicker coffin? If not, I'm sure Old Doll knows someone!)

Thanks, Phil. I'm still fidgeting with my very modest set up. I'm going to shop for some mics this weekend. I think the software I am using has some reverb option, I will look into that. I recorded another one (Lonely Man) a while ago and used a little reverb on it. I like how that one sounds (much "bigger" sound, I think).

And despite your wanting them all to move, I'm sure it's nice to have them close by! You must have done something right with them. I know the first thing I wanted to do was move as far from my father as geographically possible! (Went to CA right out of boot camp!)


(25 replies, posted in Songwriting)

Is that like wicker?

I envision a large (very large, for me!) hand-woven dried grass box.


I guess I'll have to start growing my hair out, and wear flip-flops!.

I need to get some of that stuff that makes you smell like dirt. What is that called?

daggone hippies.



(18 replies, posted in Songwriting)

I am glad you like it! I don't know if I should be the "go to" or not, I just hit on one that I liked, and you got me started with the Em!

I would be excited to take a stab at anything you need help with!

I have noticed, though, some of the chordians questioning the posting of music-less lyrics (aka poems), so maybe you should e-mail me anything else, and, when I post it, I will give you the lyrical credit, or I can send it back to you for posting!



(25 replies, posted in Songwriting)

I didn't know if anyone actually looked at the lyrics or not. On your advice, I will post them today!

Thanks, so much, for your kind words. (Yeah, I get a little impatient!)

I'm a nightowl! I can sleep when I'm in a pine box!


(18 replies, posted in Songwriting)

it is there now.


(15 replies, posted in Songwriting)

Man. That's nice, jets.

It's cool to have someone there for you.


(18 replies, posted in Songwriting)

I have taken the liberty of recording this. It should be on my site soon.

I kind of like it...