(12 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

Well Thought Out Twinkies by Silversun Pickups.

Thanks Mixter. I'll ask around.

I just changed the strings on my Takamine yesterday and I decided to give her a little more thorough inspection than normal. I noticed that some of the frets are starting get "eroded" away or flattening out in places. It's happening on the second and third frets, primarily under the G, B, and e strings...yes I play d chords quite often.

So, am I just pressing the strings too hard or do frets eventually where out?

I'm assuming that those frets will need to be replaced (or will I need to refret the entire neck?). I've been thinking of starting to dabble in fixing guitars as I want to replace my saddle and nut to lower my action in the higher frets. Should I turn this into a project or should I take my guitar into a professional? Also, Would I be better off just getting a whole new fingerboard rather than having it refretted? Any advice would be much appreciated...

Oh yeah, while we're at it, could anyone give me advice on how to choose a repair shop if I decide to go that route?


(13 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

This might reveal how I feel about marriage, but "Dust in the Wind"! Just kidding...I sang "Everything I Do" by Bryan (Brian?) Adams at my sisters wedding at her request.


(58 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

Hey topdown! I'm from SOUTHERN Minnesota! Northern Minnesotans and North Dakotans are the ones that sound like everyone in "Fargo" (plus, they really over-did the Minnesoooodan accent in that movie, don't ya know!). sheez - I thought this was a "friendly" site~JK smile

I'm looking forward to spring...saw my first robin yesterday...I want to get out golfing again. I just saw that we're supposed to get some snow again next week! sad At least I know that spring will be here soon.


(58 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

I'm new to Chordie...fairly new to guitar. I've been playing off and on for about 10 years. I still don't think I'm an accomplished guitarist by any means, but there is a lot of great advice in the forum here that has helped alot. I like the friendly atmosphere as well.

I'll introduce myself self too. My name is Ben and I live in Southern Minnesota (which is problably still further north than most people who chat here!).  It was about 45 degrees today! The snow is finally melting! One learns to appreciate spring when you deal with -30 degrees (F) and -60 degree windchills.

It's not my birthday...but I'll turn 30 this year. Thanks oldnewbie and topdown for welcoming those of us who are new to the site.


(32 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

When I think of memorable lyrics I think of two songs: "American Pie" and "Alice's Restuarant".

My sister dubbed "No Fences" by Garth Brooks for me, which is probably still my favorite country album to this day. I went out and bought Garth Brooks self-titled album shortly after.

My favorite album of all time though is probably AC/DC "Live"...unfortunately someone borrowed it and I haven't seen it since sad

Most recent purchase was "Riot!" by Paramore...it's not a bad album at all...I'm pleasantly surprised.

What do you all think of the ipod revolution? People will just go out and buy the one or two songs that they hear on the radio and skip the rest of the album. I've found that my favorite song on an album is usually one that didn't get played on the radio. Is this bad for music as people are only listening to the songs that the record labels think have "commercial value"?


(39 replies, posted in Acoustic)

I agree with guiterpix that one should learn barre chords instead of "cheating" (I still do cheat from time to time still, especially on A shaped barre chords). One thing that I found that helped me when I learn barre chords was to actually play the same shape on the 2nd, 3rd, or 4th fret (F#, G barred, G#). It seems like it's more difficult to form the barre so close to the nut, so I built up hand stength and confidence by practicing those chords. After awhile playing F wasn't such a big deal. I also saw another thread somewhere that talked about building finger/hand strength which could help as well. Setup is important too.


(35 replies, posted in Guitars and accessories)

Wow...my first post on Chordie! I've been playing for years but I only recently found this site...IT'S AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Anyways, I've been playing with Elixers for years. They are the best...and most expensive. But you'll recoup the extra cost by not going through as many strings as they do last a lot longer. I prefer the polywebs as they last longer than the nanowebs and I've heard of and experienced breakage issues with the nanowebs (g strings seem to always break). Plus I think the polywebs sound better as well. However, the polywebs are slippery (which is kind of the point) which makes their playability a little more difficult. The nanowebs felt more like a "normal" guitar string. Give em a try...you'll probably like them.