(37 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

Carol Kaye


(37 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

Sister Rosetta Tharpe


(40 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

Returning to the UK - the monarch is also the head of the the protestant church of england, hence the church is established - but since the monarchs power is now only vestigial - limited by parliament - the churches governmental role is confined to the bishops who sat in the house of lords. The link is still there, but its sort of not got any real power.

All this stems from Henry VIIIth who for was excommunicated for divorcing a catholic lady - and effectively became a protestant for political reasons and threw out the catholic bishops - who in those days did have quite a say in government. and had piles of cash. Since that day England was effectively at war (hot and cold) with catholic Europe. Meanwhile north Europe grew a protestant movement of their own, and also ended up fighting with everyone else.

Back in the UK, the Scots were dragged into all this because the monarchs were related, and some parts of the family were catholics and some protestant and - oh well you guessed - everyone was fighting. Once some form of status quo was reached  in the UK (for protestants) paranoia set in and the protestant rulers started persecuting catholics.When it looked like the UK king was wobbling and getting a bit too catholic, his son in law King William (head guy in Holland and the kings son in law) invaded and took over the throne. He then did a bit of ethnic cleansing in Ireland .

On the fifth of November, to this day we burn a catholic in effigy on a bonfire and celebrate Guy Fawkes night - when a catholic plot to blow up parliament and kill lots of protestant bigwigs was foiled in 16??. Of course nowadays its just a night out - but the origins are quite sinister, and of course all this history still resonates today in Ireland - where King William is seen as a hero in the North, and a genocidal maniac in the South.

I' ve no idea where god (or guitars) is in this story!


(35 replies, posted in Acoustic)

I know - but I have to narrow it down to the big three or I''ll go mad trying to choose. Martin, Taylor, Gibson seem to be the big three at the moment ---- with the hummingbird out in front because I am really more poppy than folky - but I do admire the electronics on the Taylors. I thhk these are also always going to hold value.


(35 replies, posted in Acoustic)

looks like it - my work colleagues tell me to treat myself.
Let the shopping begin!


(16 replies, posted in Acoustic)

If you search youtube for "acoustic guitar cover" you'll find out what youtubers are playing. Then you can search for the original on youtube and then the chords on chordie. I find that's a good way of finding new things to play - with an instant demo!


(35 replies, posted in Acoustic)

thanks pj - I do feel the itch getting stronger - and those GH songs will sound pretty cool on one, don't you think!

glad to hear that. They stand up to any of the newer singer/songwriter output. I just wish there were more examples of George playing solo acoustic versions. While my Guitar - the Love/Anthology version is fantastic. But I don't know of any unplugged type performances of the All things must pass material.


(35 replies, posted in Acoustic)

Thanks guys
I hear a lot of good and bad about ebay - I'd rather play before I pay for an acoustic I think.
But Zurf could have a point - both about guitar shop rule 1, and luthiers. I will look into that. It would be nice to pay an individual rather than a faceless corporation! Or the tax man.


(6 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

If you learn one make it Nights in White satin, the chords are really easy, but you can give it some emotion - remember to really shout out "I Luuurrve YOUUUUUUUU! OHHHHH OHHHH" at the end of the chorus...:-} - hey and check more of those 60s and 70s standards - they are great stuff.

Today I was noodling around my old songbooks, and was reminded why I picked up a guitar in the first place all those years ago (yep it was in the 70s ). It was the Beatles and in fact George that motivated me. And you know, as it beginner it seemed almost impossible to play those songs off All Things Must Pass . Check out the key changes, the suspended chords, the minor sevenths all over the fretboard. Now its possible for me to play technically, but now with tears in my eyes because such a great guy is probably underrated musically by people who are looking for songs to learn, and I surely miss him.

All I can do is ask you to check these beautiful songs that sound so good played on the acoustic:

All things must pass (this one now kills me everytime - I'll get over it one day!)
Beware of Darkness
Run of the mill
I'd have you anytime
While my Guitar gently weeps
Here comes the sun .. and so on - George is far more complex than John or Paul - and they are great!.

What a legacy! Coldplay, Greenday, Verve etc, can all write great songs - but those 70's things still shine out when you play them. Boo Hoo!

I was at my local music shop to get an opinion on my 15 year old Fender's setup and did some browsing in the acoustic section.  The bad news - the Fender has a slightly bowed top, which means drastic surgery at the saddle end would be needed to get the action lower. So point one for you second hand guitar buyers - I can't see this bowing, it's so slight, but just a couple of millimeters means that I'm stuck with a tough action after fret 7. Oh well!

So I started looking at 500pounds/750Euro/ 1000Usd guitars. The guitar guy was really helpful and let me compare quite a few, including his own recommendation - a Taylor 110e at 770euro. I can say that this is a really good guitar - it's a budget Taylor - it has the name - it's well made, it has a case and it's got electronics that are so discrete you have to give them top marks for that! ( http://www.taylorguitars.com/Guitars/100-200/100/110e/ ). So IF that's my price point, that's the one I'd go for.

My problem is - I tried a Gibson Hummingbird. Immediately you can hear the difference between the budget guitars and the full price. Every note was balanced, rich and clear. It's not the playability - it's the tone.

So my next big decision - do I stick to the budget ones (I already have a Simon and Patrick)- or spend the once in a lifetime money! This could take some weeks!


(5 replies, posted in Electric)

hey rebel
look at this site - its got all you need


(1 replies, posted in Acoustic)

not for the faint hearted, but interesting fast picking technique ...

If anyone was wondering what Les Paul did for the guitar- watch this


(17 replies, posted in Electric)

Every guitar I own is Korean. Not by choice - but because even big names make or made them there. My 94 Epiphone Sheraton - made by Samick. Remember a Sheraton is not a copy. My 92 Fender Montara - Korean. Ibanez-Korean, My beautiful Indie Ricky 330 copy - Korean. All these guitars are spot on. I now feel Korean guitars are better quality than US made ones. And you ae just as likely to get a guitar with a big name from the same factory as the budget names. Would I buy one guitar or 2000Eur or four? Go figure!!!


(5 replies, posted in Acoustic)

congratulations on your new baby!


(0 replies, posted in About Chordie)

maybe you should have Jazz, Blues, Rock, Folk as main categories in the playing section.


(30 replies, posted in Acoustic)

quite right - some guitars fight back. It was my third acoustic (a Crafter) that became the real deal for me. My Washburn had to go! Needed monkey hands to hang on to a barre chord. Go and pester them in the guitar shop.


(17 replies, posted in Acoustic)

you forgot Wonderwall - everybody can sing that for you.
and try Waterloo Sunset as a finish ....
Radiohead could be a minority taste in the bar.


(11 replies, posted in Guitars and accessories)

VOX - sounds like the real deal


(8 replies, posted in Guitars and accessories)

shubb - simply works


(8 replies, posted in Guitars and accessories)

Well I have to admit I could never buy an ugly guitar even if it sounded like honey. Luckily if a guitar is well made it's usually well played.... so don't be snobbish about names and origins. I have an Korean Indie Ricky 330 copy that if better finished than the original. A Korean Ibanez Sz that has more abalone inlay than the pacific etc etc. I enjoy both owning and playing them. I would look at the Indie guitar range for sure.


(5 replies, posted in Acoustic)

thanks for sharing - almost made me late for work watching

I think you can learn a lot from good guitarists on youtube - and this guy - whoever he is - is the pick! And what a voice - I just had to share - he has 70+ vids!!!

