Is this about a GIBSON MONTANA GOLD?This is a super guitar.
102 2010-04-15 10:19:12
Re: The first song, AND I PLAY AGAIN (7 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)
Yes that "capo" is amazing, and 3 other guitars are in open tuning now.
Slowly the ring finger I can push already a little bit more force.
It can last 300 days before recovery, a nerve grows 1 millimeter a day.
103 2010-04-15 08:56:53
Re: Stupid songs, lyrics and memory (7 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)
That's my point.
I find it great all the people dancing on techno beat, but would you listen to it in the car?
I do know the songs you mention tuba are we speaking about melodies and/or lyrics.
104 2010-04-14 12:15:32
Topic: What is for most of you most important in a song? (23 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)
I compare it with meeting a girl. You fall for her looks, and later....the conversations. So I start always with melodies.
105 2010-04-14 12:13:09
Topic: Stupid songs, lyrics and memory (7 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)
1) Stupid songs like LOVE IS IN THE AIR, I'M TOO SEXY FOR MY SHIRT (me too) how can these songs become big hits.
2) Lyrics: the greatest band ever = THE BEATLES, started also with silly lyrics like "She loves you yeah, yeah or Baby you can drive my car....beep, beep love". Or Manfred Mann with Do Wah Diddy..., a popular song in the US army.
This putted me thinking, if you have written over 200-500 songs, how can they in God's name remember all their songs, don't tell me THE SET LIST, but "Ã la carte." Try Elton John, or The Stones, Rod Stewart.
WHAT IS THEIR TRICK: practicing, and practicing? And now a dilemma, simple lyrics like lalalala, hey, hey hey and yeah, yeah I love would be simple on the other hand.
106 2010-04-14 12:03:51
Topic: The first song, AND I PLAY AGAIN (7 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)
1)Finally, I succeeded to write a song, an instrumental with help (as producer) by my brother on a mac music program. It is still under construction, (1.30'), going up to 2 minutes and some stuff to remove and to add.
2)And I play again, now in open A, and with a silky glove on my left hand, because my 2 fingers still don't work, it's easy to play, I'M BACK IN BUSINESS.(slowly) After not touching 1 guitar since September 2009.
107 2010-04-13 13:27:38
Topic: A strange question. "ROGER" that. (4 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)
Where is the word "ROGER" used almost in every country in the world coming from, roger that.
Probably nothing to do with our friend Roger.
108 2010-04-11 11:18:44
Re: MALCOLM MC LAREN is dead what was his main influence (3 replies, posted in Bands and artists)
Alvee, he brought PUNK from the USA, just like 20 years before SAILORS brought records with blues and so the COPY-ORIGINALCAT rock started in the UK and went back by bands as Animals, Beatles, Stones (Chuck Berry songs)
FOR ME same story, but he was genial too improve punk.
109 2010-04-11 03:12:20
Topic: MALCOLM MC LAREN is dead what was his main influence (3 replies, posted in Bands and artists)
- He went to the USA ===> GOO GOO DOLLS
- He went back to the UK where he had a shop in special designed clothes
- Johnny LYDON aka ROTTEN was a customer.
The Sex Pistols (under another name where busy since 1972) so WHAT WAS MALCOLM MC LAREN s REAL INFLUENCE knowing that he knew LYDON, what with Glenn MATLOCK was he replaced by SID VICIOUS?????
SO please tell me the real influence from shop owner to manager.
111 2010-04-10 13:19:40
Re: TOO LAZY (2 replies, posted in Recording)
Yes I have a a smartphone ( I m still a lot smarter, because I can use it)but my problem has always been like that, even university, more bars and girls than study, so it is difficult to change bad habits, I didn t change since 30 years, except my disability (broken back and left leg paralysed add 30 fractures in my left foot AND I STILL TRY TO GET A LIFE even in a wheelchair or with sticks, so that is an extra factor PAIN PAIN and PAIN = REST. I don t complain I travel again around the world but it is a hell to concentrate me properly. You see.
BUT GREAT ADVISE THANKS MY FRIEND BENSOP PS I land in NY JFK on the 10th of September, going to Canada
112 2010-04-10 13:08:20
Re: GOLDEN EARRING (8 replies, posted in Bands and artists)
Yes RADAR LOVE and TWILIGHT ZONE are typical car songs
113 2010-04-10 11:32:02
Topic: TOO LAZY (2 replies, posted in Recording)
Everything I do, has to come or go WITHOUT READING BIG BOOKS. Learned all my chords easy, but DVD or CD NO. Same for recording IS THERE NO REAL SIMPLE WAY TO RECORD SONGS and put them on myspace or youtube??????????????
114 2010-04-07 09:44:59
Topic: Dubai calling (1 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)
Tired of cold rain and doing NOTHING, I went to see my youngest Bro in Dubai, he is financial manager for that famous PALMTREE project. It s d** hot here, and again I am doing nothing except writing 3 chords for a song---- THE TURKEY song, sounds of mosques coming from 2 sides, but I feel good, for once I am DR. FEELGOOD II
115 2010-04-07 09:38:51
Topic: oh why Dubai hi hi (2 replies, posted in Poems)
Drinking a triple espresso in front of me a special girl oh why
She was beautiful, but too much, make-up, I do not lie
You could write your name on her face just with your finger
I should say, go make up, make over, eyebrows 40 inches long
Eyelashes ten inches long, I had no scissors and my espresso was too strong
Some pretty women and that she was, are overdone let her stay in Dubai.
116 2010-04-06 15:50:39
Topic: capo di capi????? (1 replies, posted in Guitars and accessories)
I ordered that SPECIAL spider capo with 6 little wheels, seems great to play open chords so maybe I can play with my bad left arm and instead of doing nothing learn a different technique to play. Before my fingers will work again ==== 300 days.
117 2010-04-06 15:43:55
Topic: WHO IS FLIPSYDE? (0 replies, posted in Bands and artists)
Just discovered FLIPSYDE love the music
Are they BIG IN USA?
119 2010-04-06 12:57:44
Re: I need some GREAT "ON THE ROAD MUSIC" Do you have suggestions? (14 replies, posted in Bands and artists)
- C S N Y
120 2010-04-06 11:09:16
Topic: DIFFICULT TO RECORD (2 replies, posted in Recording)
I am busy to make a song with the PC from my bro. NOT EASY at all. Don t know the program.
121 2010-04-06 11:06:30
Re: I need some GREAT "ON THE ROAD MUSIC" Do you have suggestions? (14 replies, posted in Bands and artists)
Strange most songs are oldies. A great artist is Bob Dylan, but not for hours.
A little bit classic like IL DIVO and some METALLICA for a change.
- I have BILLBOARD TOP 100 from 1959 up to 2002 but a great compilation from an already great compilation means work.
DO THEY CHECK YOUR CD.s at the border? Even your own copies from different CD s?
122 2010-03-31 15:01:47
Re: New revolutionary capo??? SPIDER CAPO??? MIRACLE CAPO!!!??? (3 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)
I ordered one and I am sure it will help to improve my skills because of the "nature"of the capo and a different approach of playing.
123 2010-03-30 17:36:15
Topic: New revolutionary capo??? SPIDER CAPO??? MIRACLE CAPO!!!??? (3 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)
Since my left hand problem, I read good advise.
THERE SEEMS TO BE A "SPECIAL" CAPO with little wheels, on each string:
- can be used as regular capo
- the 6 little "wheels" are individually mobile, so you can use them to play in open tuning, just turn 1 or 2 wheels, and you have a chord, or open tuning..
WHO KNOWS OR HAS SUCH A CAPO, would be a great solution for me (birthday 7 December...o))
124 2010-03-30 17:30:54
Re: some pretty bad news (15 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)
There seems to be a brandnew capo, with 6 wheels???, and you can turn these wheels individually, so open G, A, E....
Ask it in topic
125 2010-03-30 17:28:27
Re: Are there DUESENBERG players? (2 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)
go to, Keith Richards, ZZ-Top are fanatic fans.
BUT: price in USA (GERMAN MADE) = 50% more expensive.