(61 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

Sorry Matty , but I'm way out of your age group so I'm struggling. Good luck with your girl big_smile


(61 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

Feel Like making love  by bad company- easy as - and nice wink

I 'd just like to be GOOD enough to be famous , Haha !


(10 replies, posted in Songwriting)

Great song , mate. I tried to play it but I cant quite work out how it should go . I would love to hear it

I really feel for you and hope your boy is okay.  I hope you dont mind if I say I am so glad I missed this current shit fight during my time in service.

Best wishes to you and your son



(37 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

Sorry sue , I know the first two intimately ( so to speak ! ) but I'm not real familiar with the others except Knoffler although Suzanne Vega rings a bell. Maybe I've heard her and not realized. I'm sure they are all pretty good. I will look them all up. Are you in the US or England ?



(21 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

Ken , please look after your voice. I had a total rebuild of my vocal chords,etc ( vocal cords were paralysed by a virus ). You would not believe the problems and the effect it has on the rest of you . I couldnt sing for ages and I am a lecturer and it nearly finished me , but I found a wonderful surgeon and he has fixed it . It will never be 100% but its bloody close ! I wouldnt wish what I went through on any body.



(37 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

Hi Sue , my ancestors were English and Irish, no Americans that I know !  I play a bit of everything but mainly Folk and stuff from '60's and 70's, Gordon Lightfoot, Johnny Cash etc etc ! What about yourself ? smile


(37 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

Hey Su Melton , wonder if we are related - not a common name where I'm from - Australia


(10 replies, posted in About Chordie)

I cant get it to work at all ! Help !!


(37 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

Billy Joe Spears - Blanket on the ground , LUV it !!

Baseball superior to cricket ??? I went to a major league game once when I was visiting with our Airforce. I love cricket and play every summer and I can see how people can say its slow , but that baseball game was 10 time worse than any cricket match and that stupid music between eeeeevery bit of play. Oh boy. Still- I do like baseball though

Methylated Spirits old chap, wont hurt your guitar. Be careful with other things because they can lock the stain whatever it is on forever !


(17 replies, posted in Acoustic)

Yep -wrong way around I reckon. Try it the other way first



(4 replies, posted in Acoustic)


It is difficult at first and it is a hard thing to teach (like throwing ! ) Strum patterns seem to cause a few people a bit of grief, but pick on songs you know REALLY well to begin with, its a bit like tapping your foot to a song, and you've got to 'feel' it. Once you master something familiar , the rest will come and flow into the new stuff. If you've got a basic sense of rhythm it will come. I learnt on Johnny Cash songs with the "Boom chicka Boom chika boom' and once that was stuck in my brain I could then throw in a few shuffles and muck around. Most songs have a similar rhythm suprisingly. Keep at it , Practise ,practise ad nauseum. You'll do it !!


(62 replies, posted in Electric)

Yeah, Ive got a Washburn EA10 acoustic /electric and it never seems to wander off tune much at all either


(21 replies, posted in Acoustic)

Hey thats great !! I'm going to play that tonight !! I reckon Johnny would enjoy that ! <img src="images/smiley_icons/icon_lol.gif" border=0 alt="Laughing">


(7 replies, posted in Acoustic)

Hi John, a question that a few people have asked me ' even more experienced players( me , a lowly 2 yr player ) the only advice I can give is that it's a bit like tapping your foot to a song , it just happens , well for me anyway.Which is ok if you know the song. I guess if you've got a basic sense of rhythm its not to bad , I dont know if there is any science to it ! They are not all easy though !

Regards , Ray


(4 replies, posted in Acoustic)

Playing for 3 months? Man , at 3 months I was ready to wrap the stupid thing around a tree ! Keep practising ,you'll get there . You may never be a guitar god ,but you'll get there. Press on .Good luck


(8 replies, posted in Acoustic)

Yeah , have to agree with the other guys, aint no REAL shortcuts, just practice ,practice practice. And thats not all that bad really is it ?