If you do a search here in the forums for "head stock separation"  you'll see how I repaired mine.  Its still holding together just fine and stays in tune.  I'm pretty sure I used Titebond II but would recommend Titebond III these days.  Some pics of what you're dealing with would be good...

Ok.. Getcha some jumbo gulf shrimp. wrap each one in half a slice of Wright's Applewood thick cut smoked bacon.  Skewer them and put the on a grill on LOW for about 30 min.  That thick bacon has to cook, so SLOW is the key.  Near the end, slather with your favorite sauce.  I like half "Sticky Fingers Habenero" and half "Jack Daniels Old Number 7 BBQ sauce". But whatever you like will be a winner.

I dunno.. I kinda like the before photo...


(25 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

Went to a wedding once where the invitations said, "If you have guitar, bring it.  You'll be in the band for the reception."  8 people and me showed up with acoustics. The wedding was out in the woods next to a creek and so was the reception.  Best wedding I've been to in years! We had dead fall trees for seats, moonshine and all the beer you could fit in your truck.  Add guitars and you've got quite a party.


(3 replies, posted in Guitars and accessories)

I just knew that the internet would be useful for something someday!

Back when the internet was only in black and white, I got an email address for Tracy and Matt. Later when that provider went away and I had to get a new email, I had to settle for tandm3 cause tandm, 1 and 2 were already taken.  I don't use that email any more but its the easiest user name for me to remember.

Out of my herd, only one has a name.  I call the Ovation - Number One.  All the rest are whatever the decal says on the headstock.  I have a black Godin that a friend calls Black Betty (bam-ba-lam) but I don't.


(14 replies, posted in Guitars and accessories)

Balladeer player here.  I use Martin SP phosphor bronze 92/8 blend. Took me years to settle on these.


(19 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

Part II.. You know when...   When the local bikers have a contest during your gig to see who's bike is louder than than the band is..


(19 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

You know...when....you've just played the best solo of your life for a song that is everyone's favorite. The crowd is cheering. You are stoked at your amazing performance when you finally realize that the home team has just scored on the big screen above the bar and that, in fact, no one is listening, or even care's that you are there...


(17 replies, posted in Acoustic)

Keep repeating to yourself, "I will do it! I will like it! and I will think it was My idea!"

Works for B and Bm as well...


(6 replies, posted in Electric)

Egnater Tweaker 40 or maybe the 30watt Rebel 2x12 combo?  I have the later and its built like a tank and sounds awesome.  It is heavy though, almost 75 lbs.


(2 replies, posted in Song requests)

I thought it went more like this...
http://www.oldielyrics.com/lyrics/jim_s … _weed.html


(18 replies, posted in Guitars and accessories)

lyrachord is my favorite back and side material.  Tiger stripe/ fiddle back maple ain't bad either...


(2 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

Oddly, there are great American guitarists that are almost unknown in the US.  I've not heard of this guy.  I never heard of Sea Sick Steve either until someone sent me a youtube.com link featuring his music on a European TV show. Europe is much more open to new or different musical styles than the US is.  Here, if you're not backed by P. Diddy, you're not getting any airplay.  As a consequence, there is a ton of talent here that is never heard.  It's sad, it's a shame, and its pathetic.  I wish I could fix it but I don't know where to start..  sad

I was in Ireland recently and had the privilege to attend Frankie Gavin's newest CD release performance.  What a treat. He's a fabulous musician.  His band is fantastic and he's unheard of in the States.  It's a shame that this Gaga nation won't allow the variety and choice that we all need.

Your guy Strauss is probably in Scotland because he or his manager is smart enough to know that he is very marketable in Europe, but couldn't get a bar gig in the US even with corporate backing..


(21 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

Welcome Gabby.  I hope your experiences here will be as good as mine.  There are some really fine people on this site and some really great advice.  Everybody here is different but there really is a civil tone on this site that is absent in many other sites.  The common thread that binds us all together here is different from other forums which is why I am here.  I wish you well, and hope you enjoy your time here.

Getting back to the original question... I spent $500 on my first guitar back in 1982.  Prior to that, my Dad had bought me a bass and I had borrowed 6 strings..  It was more money than I could afford but I still have that Ovation guitar and it sounds and plays better than ever.  It was a lot of money back then and its a lot of money now but its paid for itself many times over.   Sometimes you do get what you pay for.  My #1 is 30 years old this year.. I should throw it a party.

Awesome Det!  I knew you'd be alright once it all started.  Congrats on getting your feet wet!


(19 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

Excellent reply Ed.  I was going to use a "learning algebra" analogy but you seem to have nailed it.


(6 replies, posted in Electric)

I've said this before,  let me add I don't have one but I want one..  a Fender Tele with a Fishman piezo bridge might could solve all of my electro-acoustic problems..  I'd like to find out and soon..

Might could.. that's southern.


(2 replies, posted in Electric)

Well Joey,  I'm afraid you have a MIM Fender Stratocaster.  Enjoy.

Well.  It's 7:25 Central Time..  Guess I didn't get "taken up".... I probably didn't know the secret handshake or the correct password.  Hello?  Is there anybody out there besides me??


(16 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

where can I get one of those T shirts?

All those symptoms will go away once you start playing...Have faith Detman!


(16 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)


Good thing somebody makes both kinds! smile