Guitarpix , were you referring to AGF .
101 2009-07-13 10:27:21
Re: Acoustic Soundport Project w/pics (48 replies, posted in Guitars and accessories)
102 2009-07-12 21:56:54
Re: Acoustic Soundport Project w/pics (48 replies, posted in Guitars and accessories)
How did you decide the size of the tone-port.
103 2009-07-12 11:14:08
Re: Acoustic Soundport Project w/pics (48 replies, posted in Guitars and accessories)
I bought a guitar with twin tone-ports and it is loud. Check clearwater guitars on ebay.
104 2009-07-12 11:10:23
Re: question about an acoustic/electric (10 replies, posted in Guitars and accessories)
Take another guitar player with you for impartial advice.
105 2009-07-07 09:10:48
Re: Kilt Etiquette( Mainly for Ken) (18 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)
There is nothing worn under my everything is in fine working order.
106 2009-07-04 15:16:46
Re: Ibanez Artcore (4 replies, posted in Guitars and accessories)
I,ll let you all know when I get delivery of it, two weeks I think.
107 2009-07-03 09:33:50
Topic: Ibanez Artcore (4 replies, posted in Guitars and accessories)
Looking for advice on these guitars, I,m looking to replace my Stagg jazzer with one of the Artcore series . Which one of the cheaper models is a good buy , I,m mainly a strummer player with some melody thrown in .
109 2009-06-21 15:54:24
Re: RELATIONSHIP MUSIC & HYPNOSIS (7 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)
Strawberry Fields Forever.
110 2009-06-21 10:29:17
Re: RELATIONSHIP MUSIC & HYPNOSIS (7 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)
I would suggest mass hysteria and stupidity had a lot to do with it . What exactly did you "USE" on your clients ,.
111 2009-06-07 21:38:39
Re: Trying to pick an acoustic amp with two inputs (10 replies, posted in Guitars and accessories)
If you haven't made your purchase decision yet, please allow me to STRONGLY recommend the Marshal AS100D . I have played though several (8 or 10) different acoustic amps and even purchase a second-hand Traynor - Yorkville 100w amp. When I finally played through the Marshall, it was a world of difference. My Traynor-Yorkville sounds very good, let me make that clear, but the Marshall.... well their reputation is WELL-deserved. It sounds more full, rich, whatever.... just PLAY one. I was able to ge mine foe 20% off of the $699.99 price tag most places have them marked.
I,ve already mentioned the 100d on this thread, mainly because I use the the 50 watter, hope the poster will let us know what he goes for.
112 2009-06-02 09:51:55
Re: Think GOD for aspirin! (21 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)
Chordie for better health.
113 2009-05-29 20:25:21
Re: britain's got talent.....or has it? (16 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)
I,ll go for the sax player , played with feeling . Tonights show was pretty duff.
114 2009-05-27 11:48:56
Re: Any Ovation Players Out There? (8 replies, posted in Acoustic)
Got my Custom Balladeer last year it,s a 70s model [I think], deep bowl with black finish and p/up and fitted hard case . So far Elixir Med p/b strings are on it, plays and sounds ace.
115 2009-05-26 09:59:40
Re: Trying to pick an acoustic amp with two inputs (10 replies, posted in Guitars and accessories)
Or the Marshal AS100d .
116 2009-05-26 09:57:53
Re: PA system ?? (15 replies, posted in Guitars and accessories)
What did you order , Tony ?
117 2009-05-22 13:40:20
Re: PA system ?? (15 replies, posted in Guitars and accessories)
An acoustic amp such as a Marshal as50r or d would do for your purpose, it has plenty of volume and has an XLR mic socket. good luck,.
118 2009-05-19 22:55:23
Re: all the chords i play sound the same. (10 replies, posted in Acoustic)
The stars will shine to-night, to-morrow new strings will play over the highland glens. [anon].
119 2009-05-19 22:49:51
Re: Playing and singing (20 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)
Corrie , Prison something and Bingo.what,s all this then.
120 2009-05-10 15:55:43
Re: Backing tracks (16 replies, posted in Guitars and accessories)
Hi Tony I got the 600 recently , but I,m still finding my round it.
121 2009-05-10 10:22:39
Re: Backing tracks (16 replies, posted in Guitars and accessories)
Tony, what do you use for recording?
122 2009-05-02 18:50:51
Re: other hobbies (40 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)
My hobby is bird watching.
123 2009-05-02 18:46:16
Re: other hobbies (40 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)
My wife wishes I had a hobby like that, but mostly I watch football (St Mirren FC) and love the occasional wander through the Scottish hills.
Did,nt do to well today ,did they.
124 2009-04-28 10:37:44
Re: spell check (5 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)
I find lots of spelling errors in the site. Heard it Through the Grapevine is where I noticed it lately. The first line reads "Bet you're wondering how I knew 'bout you're plans to make me blue." It is "your plans...."
On the log-in page where you have to read those wiggly words and numbers, it reads "...pretty hard to interpretate." It should be "interprete." I'm pretty sure there is no such word as "interpretate." But maybe you did it as something humorous?
LOVE the site. Keep up the good work.
Think it should be "INTERPRET "
125 2009-03-18 15:34:24
Re: HYLARYOUS: if you are working and you have a PC.... (5 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)
found what?
A Busker.