upyerkilt wrote:

i mentioned tis song in chordies caht about the worst songs ever.lol

terrible song  but it managed to keep ultravox's Vienna of the number one spot


it was actually in this thread on my last reply I mentioned this song, not in chordies chat.

se what drink does to your memory and coordination lol


and now wishes were fishes is there, link on top post

thanks liam for the comment.
I can do better ,lol.

I still cannot see my "if wishes were fishes "up yet though. It better have worked properly in uploading, it said it did.


Well, I had a hangover this morning after a bottle of whisky seemed to find its way down my throat lastnight while friends and family were blasting out some right good songs in a session that lasted about 5 hours.

So today just when my headache cleared I thought " what will I do today". so I decided to pick up me guitar and record me doing "fields of athenry" but I have done it slightly different to what I normally play it like ( the last verse is how i usually sing it)
appologies to Old Doll and any other Irish that does not like this getting done a bit differently lol

also while that was uploading I recorded me doing an Eric Bogle song " if wishes were fishes". I love this wee song. I have not done a punked up version of this, not yet....




You should not need motivation from us, you should have plenty of that yourself.
Or you can look at it like this. Dont do it and always regret not trying hard enough to get what you wanted.
I regret a fw things that I think I should have done when i was younger, in the time of 10 years B.C ( before children). I was in a band and loving it but I let myself do other things other than music.
I cannot just go out and join a band now and try and fit things into my family life as good as I could have done years ago, but if I was doing that years ago then my family life would have worked its way around my music life and things would have been simpler.

ok, I am babbling and not even drunk or half cut!!!


good luck with it anyway


(6 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

good you got back NEla

I would have thought you could still contact admin even though not logged  in?

You have reminded me I have not deleted cookies  temp files defragged etc for months upon months.
And now I dont think I should,lol.



(1 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

hi pritch,
welcome to chordie and good luck with your guitar playing.

Chordie doesnt seem to have this song but I found it elsewhere for you

http://www.e-chords.com/guitartab.asp?i … ;keyb=true

if you want it on chordie you can add it by going to resources and follow the instructions when you click " add song"


i mentioned tis song in chordies caht about the worst songs ever.lol

terrible song  but it managed to keep ultravox's Vienna of the number one spot


terry jacks


(7 replies, posted in Songwriting)

nice lyrics daddy and true.

I smoked for 21 years, gave up nearly three years ago with the help of patches.
The good thing to know is a nicotine craving does not last long, if I rememebr right it is about 13 seconds, maybe 30 seconds.
Another thing to remember is nicotine is not addictive itself, it is the amonia the companies put in the nicotine to make it adictive, so why let them control you? this thought helped me give up.

good luck in your giving up



(2 replies, posted in About Chordie)


I just clicked on the artist tab and it went onto it without errors, also the song tab too.
I did notice though it took a bit longer to open the artist tab.

Maybe Per was doing dome work on it?

Try again, if it doesnt work I would try a few things.
refreshing the page or deleting your temp internet files and cookies ( this is what I do when things seem to happen that shouldnt and sometimes it solves the problem)

If none of this works then click on the tab again and take a screenshot and email it to admin@chordie telling him what you are using i.e. firefox, internet explorer etc

hope this helps


all songs by any manufactured girl bamnd like the spice things and sugar tarts or thopse boy bands take them and cany get west enough away from me life



from the top of my head and a god long term memory

A-ha also sang and had a hit with some other song about a TV.
-    Right Said Fred I think have reformed last year to do soem tours to rake in the money. they also had anohter top ten hit or two after that song then faded away

Dexy’s Midnight Runners sang "geno" and also "Jackie wilson says" dont think they are doing anything now, there was talk on the radio a few years ago that the lead singer Roland was doing a "normal" job and was skint.

Soft Cell were not a one hit wonder band, they had several hits, "babysitter" say hello wave goodbye" and quite a few more songs. Marc Almond went on to be gayer than he was in the early 80's and came out with some really bad solo stuff that got nowhere, he crashed his motornike a few years ago and was on deaths door. I thin kthis is another one of those "jump on the bandwagon" groups from the 80's that are doing reunion tours.

now one hit wonders......
the birdie song
grandma we love you
ah shut up a ya face

hopefully never see any of them again,lol



(29 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

I am thnking the stupidist thing i have ever done ( or one of the many, too many to remember) was when i had  a motorbike when i was 16 or 17. I had an old oil can ( a castrol gtx) I had used it to fill it wit hpetrol but once emptied I thought it would be a good idea to light it, so I did.
It never blew up into flame like I thought. I only lit a small flame on the nozzle, the kind you get when you light a meths burner or a parafin heater, that sort of flame flickering around the top of the can.
I was so disapointed in the flame I thought I would blow it out with a puff of breath from my lungs......

Well, it never blew out as the flame survived on the fumes within so I lay the 5ltr container on its side and jumped upon it while looking down WHHHHHOOOOOOOOOOSSSSSSHHHHHHH
a big flame seemed to appear from the nozzle and engulf me in this big yellow light.
I emreged from the light wit ha black face, no eye lashes, hardly any eye brows and very singed long hair.

Yep, that might be one of the stupidist things I have done.
apart from this one time at............ lol



(29 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

SouthPaw41L wrote:

Well, one time at band camp, I stuck a flute.........

lol pmsl


eagleeye5851 wrote:

Thanks to all my fellow Chordians out there for everything.
Out of all the different sights out there this, to me, is the best.

here here


(10 replies, posted in About Chordie)

you will have to post them on another site then add the song to chordie from the other site.



(14 replies, posted in Guitars and accessories)

gitaardocphil wrote:

PROBLEM = I am not allowed to earn a lousy € or $, because I can loose all my insurances. But it's to important in fact and disgusting that it's still on my PC. I am busy to make a deal with one of these companies.


There are ways round this.
Get someone you trust 200% let them use thier name to get it published and you rake in the money, but obviously give them a cut in the royalties if they want it.
Also, I dont know what the exchange rate is right now wit hthe euro against the pound sterling but I do know ye would be better with ££££'s than $$$'s .lol £500,000 will make you a millionare in the U.S



(13 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

I have used this name for years and years, before i even had a computer but I have never had this as a nickname.
I used upyerkilt as a way of signing off somthing I had written in a bothy.

In the song "wild rover" at the chorus it sings " and it's no nay never " then usually a few people will shout out " right up yer kilt" so i took that and used it.
Other places I am upyerkilt4fun or upyerkilt123.



(13 replies, posted in Acoustic)

i think every song can sound great acoustically but
redemption songs by bob marley is one of my favourites to play.

behin blue eyes b ythe who



(32 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

thanks for that old doll.

She is making out I was keeping my email to her a secret or something.
I did email her to tell her what I thought about her dictaing to people in here when she knows right. I also told her my advice was from an expert too, even though she claims to be one.
I emailed her personally so as not to start an online argument that others would not like to see.
she says she found it "ugly" ? I do not know why other than trying to make me look bad, or worse than I am,lol. If she thinks it was ugly then all I can think is not many people speak thier mind to her and she doesnt like it.
She replied to me in this thread enticing an argument, this is why I deleted her post.

before this thread gets out of hand it is getting closed.

Anymore of this creeping up elsewhere in the forum will be deleted and will result in member(s) getting a warning or a weeks ban. If they persist in this afterwards then it will be a lifetime ban.

this forum is for helping others and listening to other peoples advice. Not to dictate that they know better than anyone. If any person cannot understand that people have different opinions then maybe this is not the forum they would like to stay in.

It is not wrong for people to disagree and have words saying so in a discussion but when it is a blatent argumentative or dictating thread then administrators for chordie will have no choice but to close/delete/ban/warn , whatever is felt appropriate.

now lets get back to the nice side of things.




(9 replies, posted in Songwriting)

fantastic song there jeff,
I even found myself playing it on my guitar.

I love it



(13 replies, posted in Acoustic)

I am not a woman but have you thought of getting a thinnner guitar or playing electric?
I would think that would give more room for your arm to get in front of the guitar with more freedom to strum.



(32 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

I have deleted your post as it was just enticing an argument.
I sent you the email so others here do not have to read or put up with nonsense on the forum.

Now if you want to continue to keep posting such replies then I will have to keep deleting.

thank you for your cooperation



(1 replies, posted in Song requests)

admin note :
i moved this topic as it should be in the song requests
