
(18 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

great story Toney

I envy you a bit. I wouldnt mind being a house hubby by day and play music at night.
I know I will not do it though, so well done to you for taking that step and doing it



(15 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

Stephan Visser wrote:

someone please tell me wot a tab is

This is the second place you have asked this. I deleted your other post asking as it had nothing to do with the thread that you posted it in.
If you want to get an answer to any reasonable question then please start a new thread asking. And also can you post it in a rellevant section. Chordie's chat is rellevant but bands and artists is not.

TAb is when you see guitar wrote down in the form of lines and numbers telling you what strings to play and where.
It can also be a short name for a tablet lol



(32 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)


I thought mothers day was the same date everywhere in the world? I guess not.

We have mothers day ( also known as mothering sunday) in MArch. I think it is the last or second last Sunday of the month.

ah well, happy maws day to other mothers in the world

( Fathers day is the last sunday in June I think, in the UK)



(5 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

hi hhaus

welcome to chordie.
You are the third oldest guitarist I know that is online.

I found "Dont make me go" for you here


hope this helps,
have fun



(21 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

I love playing Kenstyle

I play folk songs kenstyle, rock songs acoutically kenstyle, I fingerpick kenstyle.

I do kenstyle as I am not very good at any other style lol

I dont really know what my style is.



(7 replies, posted in Acoustic)

I love playing this song and I dont play it anything like the great clapton.
I strum the chords along to the tune of me singing it.
The chords on chordie ( not the tabs) help a lot.

To play this anything like clapton for a beginner would be very hard and I would say dont bother trying it until you learn the guitar first.
Strum strum strum.

I should change my name to strumyerkilt.



(5 replies, posted in Bands and artists)

SouthPaw41L wrote:

This is like deja-vu man...................



(10 replies, posted in Bands and artists)

good luck cytania,
enjoy the experience, if all goes well you will be hooked. If all does not go well then do not give up, it can only get better.
looking forward to seeing the clips



(3 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

olhippy wrote:

Some songs only have the first versus of chords I realize the second third  and so on are the same chords only in in different places is there anyone who would help me via e-mail figure out the missing chords Thanks from a  newbie guitar player

hi ol hippy and welcome.

If you like to see the chords all the way thru the song, you can add them in yourself. They will be the same as the first verse. People just dont bother puting them in sometimes.
It does take time, I have done a few myself. just click on "improve this song" at the bottom of the page where the song is

hope that helps



(11 replies, posted in Acoustic)

here is a list that I often do wit hmy wife on fiddle, Mate and myself on guitar and father in law on mandolin or banjo, or whatever he picks up and plays.

Las vegas in the hills of donegal
Sunshine on Leith
Ye jacobites by name
Hush Hush
leaving of liverpool
wild rover
black velvet band
Dirty old town
willie stewart
green fields of france

and many many more



(10 replies, posted in Acoustic)

string lifting?
Is that similar to shirt lifting? lol

string lifting I can only guess at would be bending a string? but then why would anyone ask how to do that?

no idea,



(12 replies, posted in Acoustic)

Hi Crowanna,

Sounds like you are into good music!!

If they only have 3 hours per week to learn how about giving them literature on music? reading music etc, the theory of it.
I would think 3 hours per week in one session would be quite difficult to teach people, 3 one hour session would be more like it.

and to learn chords they could draw a neck of a guitar wit hthe string to get use to the finger positions. I am sure they will do woodwork in there too so when they come out they can walk into ajob, so they can make a neck of a guitar with drawn in lines to practice on, then when they get frustrated they can use the neck as a baseball bat lol

ahhhh, no easy solution



(16 replies, posted in About Chordie)

I use I.E 7 and I have not experienced any trouble at all, now or ever! well ok, had one or two troubles months ago.

I had firefox but it decided one day not to work properly so i uninstalled it all. I keep meaning to reinstal it.
Firefox is like I.E. ( internet explorer) but slightly different. It is nicer to look at I tihnk and people say there is less chance of pop ups etc.
You can have firefox and I.E on your computer. If in doubt but you think you want t otry it, then download it, but do not get rid of your I.E. try it out for a few weeks. It will seem different because of the layout i.e. the favourites and tools etc are slightlydifferent.
I tihnk that was the only difference I remember seeing before.



(3 replies, posted in Songwriting)

mojoblu wrote:

I'm trying to write my songs on my dell, can anyone tell me what program they use to make the printed song look like the  ones we get from chordie. I'm not very good with my computer yet. I waste alot of paper trying to get a song to fit on one sheet. I just want other to be able to read and sing the song as it look on paper. Help please. Thank You.

hi and welcome to chordie


will show you how to have it chordie style, but only works on the forum.



(24 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

alansheeran wrote:

"Kenneth McAlpine, first King of Scotland ( if I remember correctly ) was descended from this line of Irish Kings. Interestingly the Stone of Scone on which the Kings of England sit to be crowned was originally McAlpine's coronation stone and came originally from Ireland. We are not asking for it back, by the way.

there are many stories about the stone of scone AKA stone of destiny. I have heard it was originally from Ireland but also I have heard it was a present from an egyptian king.
There is also a rumour that when King Edward the first, hammerer of the scots decided to take this stone away to make the scottish feel like they were now powerless against him and could not crown any more kings unless it was under him, it has been said that the stone he took away is not the real stone but in fact a cover for a sewer pit, a lid for a cludgie lol and with those two handles on the top this might well be right.
Also when some students stole the stone it is also a rumour that the stone that was returned was a replica and the original one they had stolen is in a secret location near Scone. A friend of a friend of a cousin of a friend said the stone they have now has a document inside it saying it is fake.
there are so many stories about this lunp of brick I dont think anyone will really know for sure what is real and what is not.
But I do know that the lowland whisky Bladnoch 15 year old is a very excellent whisky. lol
absolutely nothing to do with Scone, lol



(5 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

thanks Russell, ok, not russell, thanks Guitarpix for the new link.
lol lol
pretty good player, doesnt sound like the normal banjo playing i am used to hearing.




(9 replies, posted in Acoustic)

coltonem wrote:

Does anyone know how to teach a beginner at the acoustic guitar to read chords? I want to play the intro to "here without you" by 3 doors down for my husband. I'm having trouble though figuring out when to strum & when to just play the note. Anyone have any ideas? Thanks!


Hi Coltonem and welcome to chordie.

to read chords you look at the diagram and put your fingers where it shows you.
As for knowing when to strum up and down etc, if you listen to the song a thousand times until the tune in implanted in your brain, it will make it much easier to know the song and the rythum of it.
Other than that you would have to study music and get the sheet music for the song, and even then it is still better to know the song you are going to cover to make it easier to learn.

Or you could know the chords to use, the rythum and do your own version. Covering a song does not mean you have to do it exactly the same way as the original.



(5 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

I couldnt watch it.
I got a message saying the video was not available in my country.

Never saw a message like this before on youtube or even on the net,



(24 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

Tahnk you Alan for that info,

I work in a printers factory where we print the labels for bushmill. Next run it is on I will read it see if it mentions this on the label, if not then it should!
We print loads upon loads of whisky labels for company's like ballantines, chivas, and the biggest Diageo. as well as a few more.
I could have a very large collection of different whisky and wine lables, but i will keep my hobby to playing the guitar.



(9 replies, posted in About Chordie)

liferowmusic wrote:

The more i browse, the more i get interested and facinated that I can improve in my music career.

Welcome to chordie



(24 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

alvee33 wrote:

Takisker is from Skye, Ken. Sorry to butt in.

geezo, Al,
I knew that ,lol. I had that many things going through my head at the time of typing. Talisker is the only malt whisky to come from Skye. but it is talisker, not takisker, lol, sorry for correcting you too, lol  ( I love typos)

And Zurf, I shall try a sour mash with ice and lime sometime.

I used to drink J.D a lot wen i was in my late teens and early 20's but when going up the hills with a heavy enough rucksack I dont like the idea of carrying extra weight such as coke to go with it. So after drinking whisky and lemonade also I had to teach my taste buds to accept that whisky and water is the best way to go. Then after maybe about a year of not drinking J.D then trying it again, it was just minging, then i tried a southern comfort, another i used to drink wit hlemonade but again too sweet and minging for my taste buds.

Now, a very good whisky liquor is Glayva!!! own its own with ice. It is sweet but a nice sweetness. Or have a "rusty nail" glayva and another whisky mixed in with ice.



(7 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

I had a dream about my wife wanting to cook a chicken's leg but it was a massive one, too big for the oven. I cant remember whwere she got it from in my dream so I cannot tel lyou where you can get one.


(24 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

I was thinking of looking this up in google and pretending to be very brainy and knowlegable, but i wont, I dont mind being wrong sometimes. I dont mind people telling me i am wrong if i am and not just in their opinion.

I am thinking whisky actually never started anywhere in the west but actually in the far east, it has however been made famous mostly from Scotland.
I think the different spellings with whisky and whiskey is something to do with scottish gaelic and irish gaelic. Whisky is a gealic word and translated into english means " the water of life"
Irish gaelic is pronounced "gay lick" where Scots gaelic is pronounced "Ga Lick"

I do like Irish whiskies, or the ones I have tried I like. But I do much prefer the scottish malts, particularly the speyside malts and highland malts. I find them easier to drink, easier than the island malts that are very peaty, smokey, strong tasting. But you can get a lot of very nice peaty malts ( I just cannot drink enough to get drunk on it, but one or two glasses is nice)

As for american whiskies or even canadian ones, I do not class these as whisky or whiskey. The ones I have tried are a far different taste from what scotland and ireland produce, they seem a lot harsher to the throat and are much better diluted wit ha fizzy drink. Also they can be very very sweet, toooooo sweet.

And another thing about whisky ,lol. Last years international whisky winner was "Tallisker" one of the songle malts from the isle of Islay ( biggest whisky producing island, and thats whith most of their distilleries closed down now), a nice tasting smokey whisky.
BUT this year is not even a scottish whisky, nor is it an Irish whiskey, and no way is it an american whisky, whiskey,bourbon,mash etc. Oh nO, this years winner is from Japan!!!!! a japanese whisky!!! Canny remember the name but it is about £80 a bottle.

What is the world coming to? a scottish whisky winning an award that should ( in my view) be scottish every year.:lol:
I think highland park won it a couple of years ago, a whisky from the shetlands. One of my favourites.

as for the ingredients, Barley,yeast and no idea what else,lol, but they ferment it like a wine i think then distill it and produce whisky lol
Apart from me loving the stuff and doing the odd whisky tour ye think I would remember more about how it is made. And not only that, I grew up for 2o years of my life with Auchentoshian distillery literally at the bottom of my garden, my fence was their fence ( with a big hole in it)
I loved the smell coming from it. Other neighbours hates it and closed their windows, I used to go to bed and open my window to let the smell whaft in.

I think  Iwill end this now lol



(6 replies, posted in Bands and artists)

Thanks Badeye, Tony and southpaw

Barber? whats that ? lol
I think the last time I was at a barbers was in 1997, round about June or July when I was getting my long hair cut to my shoulders, then after 2 days I could not stand it being a mess and uncontrollable so I got it shaved to a #4. Took me months to get used to that, now any more than a #2 and I get my shaving kit out.
I tried growing it again a few months ago. I never shaved my hair for 3 months! it got to the stage where I was waking up and having to wet my hair to keep parts down, i was wakening up with horns so off it came again to the skin.



(6 replies, posted in Bands and artists)

got lyrics?

You meaning for Dumarton's drums?

Yes i have them. Also on youtube there is a woman singing this song, an old movie clip, someone has added the lyrics http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0q53PGmI … re=related
this is the lyrics if a woman is singing.
If you want the lyrics that a guy sings minus the last verse that the woman sings but you can by changing Johnny to Jeanie
http://www.theballadeers.com/Lyrics_D3. … rton_drums
