
(17 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

Zurf wrote:
joeyjoeyjoey wrote:

I always say, There is a better chance of the Beatles getting back together than hitting the lottery

A guy told me that you have a better chance of being hit by lightning than of winning the lottery.  I told him that I've been hit three times.  "Oh!  You should definitely buy a ticket then," he said.   

- Zurf

Wow Derek, I got shocked by amps before and was thrown for a loop. I can`t imagine lightning.


(17 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

I always say, There is a better chance of the Beatles getting back together than hitting the lottery


(17 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

I got 3 of the numbers. I don`t know if that is good for anything. I still have a rotted floorboard and no tailgate.


(17 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

I would have the rotted floorboard on my 1992 f-150 fixed and buy a tailgate for it too.

I always remembered him from The Beverly Hillbillies with Lester Flatt


(8 replies, posted in Electric)

I`ll say it once and I`ll say it a bunch of times. Go to a music store and try them out until something floats your boat. The old japanese electrics or danelectro`s have some pretty thick necks on them. They also look great too. You may have to work on the pickups a bit,It`s hit or miss with those.


(38 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

Remember the Ronco commercials.Veg o matic, Trimcomb or pocket fisherman.How about K Tel records."The hits of 1973" , all sung by the same group. I still cringe thinking about my mother cutting my hair with the trimcomb (painful). Makes me happy to be bald now


(38 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

But wait, still not enough!!
We will also throw in a free Air Guitar .


(38 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

I thought I was on already.How do I tell?


(5 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

I have pandora on my roku box.I havent checked it out yet.I`m still trying to figure out all its functions


(6 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

dj, why don`t you look or put a post on craigslist.That is how I met everyone I play with. In the musicians section.It takes a few tries sometimes until you hit on the right group.The worst that can happen is nothing.Too bad you werent up here,you would be welcome to jam with me.Actually, I don`t think there is anyone here from the worcester area.


(6 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

Somehow today I managed to get some time to myself.Long story short.I forgot how good it is to just sit by myself in my music room with an acoustic guitar,no bass,singer or lead and drummer.Just me.I havent done it in a long time.I love being in a band but I also love being alone with my yamaha playing by myself.


(45 replies, posted in Guitars and accessories)

Siege of Troy wrote:
quarters wrote:

I was in a Sam Ash years ago and saw a guitar on clearance for no lie...13 dollars. It was a Carlo Robelli... well worth the money for a guitar that cheap, but you know what it was. A piece of garbage. I still have it though.

Carlos Robellis are hit and miss, I've noticed. Mine is a dream to play. Great tone, looks great, feels great, but if I go to the music store, I can pick up 2 CR's of the exact same model, and one plays great, and the other is complete garbage. Sounds like their Quality Assurance team needs to pay more attention.

For me, it was my Epi SG. Still have it, but I'm getting ready to sell it for WAY less than I paid for it. Bland tone, neck is *sticky* even after oiling to neck. Pickups get muddy fast, and the electronics are BEYOND sub par. Thinking I might trade it in for credit on an Epi Explorer I've been test playing for the last few weeks.

My daughter.(the trout). Had a Carly acoustic guitar. It was Carlo Robelli`s girls model of their regular guitars.It was bright pink, full size. Bought at Wal Mart for 120.00. She wanted a pink guitar. She really wanted  a Daisy Rock metalflake rock candy.They were expensive at the time so I thought the pink carly would shut her up.Guess what,it didn`t. The carly was actually a great guitar.great action,didn`t sound bad,played like a dream. If it wasn`t for the color,I may have kept it as a beater.It is still around. She gave it to a friend of hers who is taking lessons now. If carlo robelli`s are hit or miss.We must got the good one of the bunch. A few month`s later I got her the daisy rock she wanted(used) for her 10th birthday.She still has it.


(2 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

Alot of great songs make great covers.That is one of them. Think of Three Dog Night or Linda Rondstadt.


(11 replies, posted in Acoustic)

Why should he get mad,if you are careful and using it for it`s intended purpose. My teenage daughter is welcome to use any of my equipment whenever she wants.As long as she is careful,I don`t mind


(16 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

Hey Paul,welcome to chordie from Auburn. Vacation capitol of the world .You will get to know a lot of new people here.Almost loke an extended family sometimes.


(10 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

Some days you`re a statue. Some days you`re a pigeon. Somedays you`re a hydrant. Some days you`re a dog . You get the idea


(10 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

It still has the same tranny. My explorer is on the 3rd one. If it`s any consolation,the same explorer has been hit and run 4 times.


(3 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

I have to apologize to everyone about the abrupt hang up last night during the jam. It seems that I always catch all of you during a hectic time. Things have a knack for being hectic in my life. To sum it up. I get up for work at 3am tuesday through saturday. Jam on sunday for a few hours.Somehow manage to take my wife out on sat. or sun. I would love to get involved sometime and I will. Thanx  Joe.


(12 replies, posted in Electric)

Buzzwagon wrote:
beamer wrote:
Buzzwagon wrote:

I'd definately agree with Beamer, if you have multi effects go the tube route, once you've used a tube amp I doubt you'll go back! My recommendation would be a Blackstar HT5, more than enough for a basement http://www.blackstaramps.co.uk/products/ht-5r/

But try as many as you can


I just checked that out! Man the mini stack is the schiznizzel.  Where was that stuff when I was 16?????  The combo is kick butt also,,,,,, I will say that the Bugera was only around 140 when I got it.  It was brand new on a special deal.  Its now 190 and only has a 8 in speaker.   OH but the 8 incher can get it going! 

I need to get an external cab for it, a 12 would open it up even more.  Iwas thinking of wireing it inline to my GMX112.  It has the speaker out jack but they warn only to use audio cable and not a guitar cable.  Any thoughts on this? (sorry sorta hijacked thread.)


Blackstar were only set up a few years ago by some ex Marshall guys. I've got the HT5R and I have to say their stuff is really creating a buzz over here, from the tiny HT1, which is amazing, to the Artisan range their stuff is just awesome.


William Shakespeare probably summed it up best when it comes to amps. When he wrote the immortal words, "TUBEY OR NOT TUBEY".


(34 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

try a different cord and not having the power cord stretched out all the way.Long wires can act as antenna`s. I used to get WLS in Chicago on an old Kustom head I had.And if I put it in a different room I picked up BBC.Sad to say,nothing worked for me and I always had trouble with that amp in my house.Anywhere else it worked fine.Also try using it in a different room.Hope that helps. Keep one thing in mind. If its a faith based radio station. Maybe it`s God`s way of telling you something!!!


(49 replies, posted in Acoustic)

That is a beauty. Congrats to you Amy


(12 replies, posted in Electric)

bunbun wrote:

i would recommend staying away from modeling amps if you can. The reason? I have a Fender Mustang my wife bought me for Xmas. I asked for an Acoustic Brand 30 watt and a multi-effects pedal or a Wah.

I use my Mustang but I should have returned it. I feel that it does not make a "true" sound. It supposedly models 8 amps with many, many effects that you can use. The problem is there is no way to find a clean amp model. All of the settings seem to have one or more effects along with the model or setting you choose.

I would rather have a regular two channel amp, a wah or multi-effects with a wah, and fiddle with the treble, bass, and gain to produce my sounds.

That is true about modeling amps. When I get the urge to try a new effect, I can use the modeling amp to see if it is necessary.It seems to make every sound EXCEPT a guitar plugged into an amp.No matter what I do,there is always an echo when I stop playing


(12 replies, posted in Electric)

Beamer is right. Try it first. I have a peavey vyper.It is great to test effects before I buy.It really doesnt get regular use. My daughter (the trout) has a line 6 spider 15 and she loves it. Line 6 has a website with different settings you can use. Think toyourself. do I really need all the bells and whistles? Will it collect dust in the long run? Out of all my amps, I always end up using my Gibson Falcon I have had forever.


(45 replies, posted in Guitars and accessories)

A Gretsch Corvette. It was gretsch`s version of an SG, except the top horn stuck out a bit more. The balance was awful on it. If you didn`t hold on to it,The neck would fall down and you would be playing air guitar in an instant.T he Burns tremolo would put it out of tune if you breathed on it too hard. I wanted a Gretsch so bad I bought the first one I could find after months of searching.The 2nd was a fender coronado. Something about it just wasn`t right. I sold them both dirt cheap. 150 and 100. Today they are worth a lot more.If I knew then