
(6 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

Goodmorning Dina 48,

So it was you who woke me at 4/26 am  with all that racket Hollering and whooping!.

Have you no mercy for the sleepers  and there beauty sleep Sir ? lol.

Welcome Back, and Godbless your new abode. Be happy their.

Old Doll.


(16 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

Well for you UYK,

I remember the days well. Loved that time of year with my kids then and still do.  How things have changed present wise  for me  here.
One is gettting Facia boards and guttering for his  house which needs replacing.  lol The other a PC.  God be with the days when it was Star Wars and Transformers, He man / guitars /Bikes and music systems. I remember once getting a friend to send me "Stretch Armstrong from New york. I just not get it here at that time.
I used to arrange for a Santa to call to the house to surprise them before christmas. I knew that had to end when Santa left on his last visit, They remarked laughing. Santa's boots must be at the menders ? Cos there great Nike Air Runners he has on lol

But i have loads of wee neices and nephews that keep me buzzing for christmas..

For myself id love all the difficult chords  giftwrapped to play with beautiful clarity. Id be one happy Woman evermore.

Old Doll.


(31 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

Hi Southpaw,

God the Nella Fella must be on Hormones God Bless him lol

Natalie Merchant.  Beloved Wife.  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oqW_xKW030U

Love this Guy singing Jack L.... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1UE-tS7cqNc { love his rendition of this song }

Paddy Casey     http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_8RcT1EFqic

If you dont learn or know them Enjoy them anyway.

Hugs  to the wee man.

Old Doll.


(6 replies, posted in Songwriting)

Ah me olud Segosha,

Thats just lovely. I cannot understand how anyone with an animal would want to stray or hurt it in any way.

Gosh my own 2 dogs nearly came through the sitting room window this evening when they seen my car coming up the driveway.

You know Badeye whats the betting they { My dogs } were all curled up on my Sofa  while i was away lol which there banned from. But sure with a welcome like that how could i give out to them.
I can always  replace a sofa..

Nice song Sir.

Old Doll.


(2 replies, posted in Songwriting)

Moons are magical Daddycol,

Nothing i like more then walking on a crisp night with a full moon. While holding the hand of someone i love
makes it even more magical.

Nice one.

Old Doll.


(4 replies, posted in Songwriting)

Hi Phil,

Grow some [B7]balls and tell them they must [Am]go

I love gardening ! Never did come across the seeds for these. lol

Good  song as always Sir.

Old Doll.


(5 replies, posted in Songwriting)

Failte nmontgomery. Heres some thoughts in lyrics for you.

As the firey liquid plays its part
Im  alone to heal my broken heart
I need you now to dry these eyes
Your kisses linger in the whiskey rye.

Remember how our love was fine
the life we planned such fine designs
these changes that made you so  cold
shattered dreams inside a drink of gold.

Good luck to you Girl.

Old Doll.


(7 replies, posted in Songwriting)

Si Senor,

I tried tequila once in my life. I didn't know whether i was in New year OR New York after it.  I think i
may have met lots of bandidos that night lol.  After me money they were Daddycool ! lol lol lol

Nice one!

Old Doll.


(14 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

Ill be their! Ill bring the Jemmy and red.



(11 replies, posted in Songwriting)

Yes i reckon there must be loads of chordie members who could enter.

Somehow i feel the barriers been set to high for newbies.   "Just my thought". I know when i posted songs here
i did get great help. But it all  seems so complicated now with tracks and layovers and whatever. This is all well and good for whomever understands this procedure!
Sure i may as well be looking up a ducks Bum for all i know!  Must be an age thing i guess.  I do hate to think that some kids out their wont record without feeling the need to have piles of equipment to do so.
I do believe the first song i recorded here was with my guitar and Microphone. Then Roger simply added some more guitar.
So! it doesnt have to be equipment like the cockpit of a jet to be heard. Simple is often better.
I dont wish to sound like an old meanie here to anyone but theres thousands of chordie members, maybe others  do feel like i do.

Old Doll.


(2 replies, posted in Songwriting)

I sat for a while in Autumnal Sunshine today.

What a feeling. Love the sun.    Irish skies are completely covered by cloud for well over fifty percent of the time. This is due to our geographical position off the northwest of Europe, close to the path of Atlantic low pressure systems which tend to keep us in humid, cloudy airflows for much of the time. "1887 was our last sunniest year Daddycool I kid you not.
Now i wasnt around then lol But i remember 1987. Pregnant i was.  As Big as John Waynes horse and I walking like Robert Mitchum  lol That was one hot beautiful summer Sir.

Thank You" for the memory and the song.

Old Doll.


(20 replies, posted in Songwriting)

Aaaah Shucks its never there when i go to myspace.

Must be an Irish thing!  I love the lyrics, Yes i see what you mean about  about some people.

Kinda sad i guess. Its the ones who cant sing a note im always gobsmacked at.. Then there are people who genuinely feel
they have an eternal entitlement to life ! What planet are they on ?

Good work as always Phil.

Old Doll.

Ps, remember the Merseys . Sorrow". One of your lines reminded me of them.  A compliment Sir. Dont be offended.


(9 replies, posted in Songwriting)

OHhhhh I love looking back.

Nice song.

I had a ball, So many good memories. They out weigh the bad. Im hoping to add a lot more before i end up in the departure
lounge, with no plane, all dressed up and going nowhere lol Well!.

Carpe Diem.

Old Doll.


(4 replies, posted in Songwriting)

How romantic is this Daddycool ?

You ole honeydipper lol

Lovely stuff.   This reminds me i definitely went to the wrong dance Clubs. Never did meet anyone so romantic.

Aahhhhh well we live and learn.

Old Doll.


(5 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

Positive thoughts to you Sir,

For a brighter future, Welcome back.

Old Doll.


(21 replies, posted in Songwriting)

alansheeran  lol

I was about to ask the same question.  I know with some of the accents here this Gentleman
could be called Bush,  Boochie, Bushie, Bosca { Box in Irish } Bursh !

Yes i agree "How could he swear
over the top of his Martin!

PS. You don't have that many years on me " Mr Jim Busch " Hm mm,  So posh they named a park after you!  Ladeda! lol

Don't be bold now! There is nothing egotistical about being called an Old Fart. It conjurs up all kinds of images.
Heavens preserve me and me only after having me dinner.


Old Doll.


(21 replies, posted in Songwriting)

JimBusch wrote:

I refuse (Obama *****) to get involved in any of this political talk. I will just play my guitar.

*****edited by administration SouthPaw41L( inappropiate content)*****
Chordie is not the place to lobby for, or against votes for candidates.

I refuse ? lol   Then give an opinion ?    Oh the mighty power of the  Human Ego. 

Old Doll.


(14 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

Badeye Me Young Segosha.

Sure your only a chisler. { Kid}. Godbless ya, may you celebrate many more of them with out a crash Helmut! Just the band lol

Belated Love to you for your special day.

Old Doll.


What have you started ? I have so many places . I fall in love easily with the places i visit.

But Ireland my home place is always  top of my list. Our people reach out like lovers arms to welcome you. Always happy to meet and greet.
Heres a few i really loved.



Whale watching in Teneriffe { off the coast of Africa. I went here every year for 15 years.

Cape Cod. { Boston being my favourite City to visit and shop.

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EHXBS0hBTAI  { I visited here this year. So unspoilt. Beautiful

Amsterdam. Ive been loads of times as my Sister lives there. Such a great city to visit. Colourful to say the least.

My all abiding memories are of taking my sons for a month every year to spain. The 3 of us would head off on this great adventure. I seen them change from Boys to Men. Hormones raging, which led to holiday romances and tears when we had to leave. They did a lot of growing up in these times and i was glad to be there to see it. Difficult as it was sometimes.

Ps. This is the smallest city in the world. I visited this year. Its called " Hum"

Long winded as always,
Old Doll.


(4 replies, posted in Songwriting)

Aah Lovely Daddycool,

Yes its that time again. I was watching some wee birds yesterday checking out my nest boxes.

Always exciting to see. I also have a ton of leaves round the house to clear.  The
winds have been high here the last few days. But its bright and dry  here today its lovely, so alls good.

Its real Halloween weather. I feel.

Have a happy day.

Old Doll.


(3 replies, posted in Songwriting)

Nice one Daddycool.

Real Love just cant be beaten.

Old Doll.


(4 replies, posted in Song requests)

http://www.christianguitar.org/csongs90 … is-Chapman


(13 replies, posted in Songwriting)

How lovely to read all these again Badeye.

Are you still writing ?

Old Doll.


(9 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

Cobblelocks ! to you all you shower of Wusses. lol

Rogers "Cobblelocks"  as we call them here. i once shifted single handed 15 hundred 4 inch solids in a day on my own.

It was for a workshop i needed. Felt great i did after it. A great feeling of acomplishment. Like Nela im great at delegating" without the big A## i might add, But i had no one to delegate to .  So a womans gotta do what>>>>>> etc. have you not heard " Your only as old as the woman your with ? The post here says a lot about you all. lol

60 is the new 30 or so ive been told. All you rock and rollers taking asprin ??? God it will be horlicks next !!  Or night nurse lol   None of you would last the pace with me and the girletts. It looks like we would run rings around you all.

Roger ! they have work  protective gloves now. Ill send you a pair for your wee sore hand and some hand lotion.
Ac DC sold out there concert here in 3 minutes  recently !! I guess they never moved Moved or layed calcadas.


Badeye !   Where are ya  Segosha ?  will ya come on here and give these men a lesson in hard work lol

Old Doll.


(0 replies, posted in Songwriting)

Good Morning Weejie,

I see your song "January Sales" Was moved ?. I understand some of your chosen words are not allowed on chordie for obvious reasons.
I also believe if James McCormack wasn't so busy, He would have done as Ive seen him do before. He would have .........over the 2 offending words.        The lyrics do stand in there own merit as a song of the times we live in.
Please do this and add chords as it deserves to be a finished piece.

A word is only offensive because of the meaning we give it.

I have heard the C word used! I always thought it meant a real bad person!!!!. So! having a discussion about this word last evening i put the word into the search engine. Well! I was surprised to say the least. It originally was a street name in England in 1200 and .
after this it took on all kinds of connotations.... A shame i feel as all women's forms to me are  beautiful  without this word..

I also sent the links to my sons!  As i discuss everthing with them. I have always taught them to have the utmost respect for woman.  Well Ive had both sons talking to me over coffee this morning asking me what kind of person or  "Pervert" was i having this discussion with last night ?..   Insisting i need to be more careful whom i speak to on here.    Weejie you and your song was top of the agenda today. It made for very colourful conversation.

There ya go Weejie! thats my story for today. My sons now realize i dont as there mother know it all.  How the tables have turned.
i must have lived a very sheltered life Son.

You and your lovely Jade have a happy day.

Old Doll.