SouthPaw41L wrote:

Do you mean illegal drugs or all drugs like like, religion, caffeine, nicotine, viagra, etc....?

very good question!!

Alcohol is a drug and probably claimed more lives and illnesses than drugs.

So many song writers have probably wrote songs while under the influence of a bevy or two. I know Paul Weller wrote " that's entertainment" in a caravan while blootered oot his face. He wrote it in a very short time. This song is in the top ten of Weller's songs.

As for the illegal substances, if it was not for them what would famous songs that were wrote while drugged up sound like? would they have been written? Hendrix, Townshend, Clapton, Lennon, Barrett, Cash, and many many more, too many to mention or look up have all wrote masterpieces under the influence of illegal drugs.

In the news the other day the Scottish government ( or some of them) are wanting to legalise cannabis and give the abusers heroin free on the health service. This does not include England so if they went ahead and done this then all the addicts from England,Wales, Ireland and probably the rest of the E.U would want to come live in Scotland to get their free legal hit.
Maybe if they did this Scotland would be full of the best songwriters? lol

I am totally anti drugs.....then sometimes I am all for legalising them all after 30 years of excellent education in schools.

I have wrote a tune or two while under the influence and I still write one or two while having a whisky or 12. Problem I have with this is if I dont record it straight away then I sometimes forget how the rhythum went the next day and the lyrics become another file in the computer for a later day, and sometimes it never gets opened again.



(3 replies, posted in Bands and artists)

I got his new album the other day " home before dark" and I like it a lot. There are a few sort of dodgy songs but only a few out of 14 and they might eventually grow on me.

anyone else heard it and like or dislike the album?



(5 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

Tibernius wrote:

Have the Forum settings been changed? I thought the "[ img ]" tags were disabled?

Per has enabled them again and see how it goes with the spammers.
So far it has not been bad.



(4 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

lol Lieven


More on bagpipes,
drop kick murphys ( a punk band from boston that think they are irish) they play bagpipes on quite a few of their songs and it goes so well with the heavy punk music.

Also bagpipes on AC/DC's "rock'n'roll singer" from the TNT album

the Who from the song " postcard" uses a jews harp ( probably keith moon playing it)

then ye get the silly songs from a great artist "rolf Harris" he uses his xylophone on a few songs as well as the big board that makes those warbling sounds. and the dijeridoo

And the pogues... shane McGowan plays the frying pan and smoe other pots and pans against his head, musical instrument? hmmm debatable but he does hit his head at precise times to go along with the music so he is using it as an instrument.


alansheeran wrote:

"I always have to wonder where I fit in, playing the guitar, the piano, drums, saxophone, bass, and blues harp."

I have a friend  who charges £500 an hour to answer questions like that. I understand he has a very comfortable couch.

And what's with the persecution of bagpipes. Bodhrans, I can do without, but life without the Uilleann pipes would be a sorry place. Check out this by Davy Spillane - it's from "Riverdance" too! It'a a wonderful lament for a mythological Ulsterman.

Alan firstly can you get me a good discount from your friend? lol

and I was going to moan about the persecution of bagpipes but I noticed it was such a long time ago when it was typed. Someone decided to open a really old thread. all pipes are great!! all instrumetns are great, the people that complain about certain instruments are the people that have not got a clue about the instrument.



(6 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

i have never played in the dark like this I dont think, but sounds like a fun thing to try.
next time i go camping ( very soon) i will play in the tent with no lantern on



(6 replies, posted in Bands and artists)

you might not have got much response because the topic was covered not that long ago. Happens now and then.

I thin kgreen days later stuff from 2001 onwards is good but maybe a bit overrated as they have not got much original on their songs, but  istill like them a lot.
Their early 90's stuff is superb though I think.

Chemical romance???? not heard much of their stuff to comment, but what i have heard I liked ( only about 3 songs)

fall out boy, i dont know at all.

but I tihnk all manufactured pop idol x factor girls aloud etc all that sort of stuff is highly over rated but then they are aimed at kids and they sell to kids that do actually like the music for some reason, so who am I to say who is over rated.
But there is a good shout on bands that are under rated, or not so much under rated but do not get enough airplay. This is down to their record companies for not doing their work properly in the P.R dept. They are probably to obusy spending money on the manufactured bands  probably.



(10 replies, posted in Bands and artists)

fredluvsnirvana wrote:

The Jonas Brothers:They suck, just like Hannah Montana. Who agrees?

hi and welcome to chordie.
I have to tell you that coming into this forum does not mean you can go saying who sucks and who doesnt.

Future posts like this will be editted or deleted by moderators. this is a friendly forum with friendly people. Disagreements are allowed however enciting arguments are not.



(10 replies, posted in Acoustic)

the doors,    riders on the storm

plus many many more,
best thing is to look up some of the easy songbooks. You will probably find a lot of songs in those songbooks have those chords



(3 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

hi hawthorne,

x usually means do not play the string. ( but I think on tabs it might mean to mute?)

Sometimes with tabs you have got chords shown so you will play the chord rather than just playing single notes.

0 on tabs means to play a note open



(53 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

I cannot believe no one has mentioned
Madness' "driving in my car"

Classic song!!

I dont know how big they got in america or but what a band!!

lyrics for it … ;id=258771

and also blue oyster cult sing " last days of May" were driving in a stolen car to go get some dugs then they all got killed I think by the dealer,lol. Not heard that song in years!

other ones are ( taken from Chordie's list, i dont even know most of them)

Car....built to spill
car crash....our lady peace
car phone......roger McGinn
car underwater....armor for sleep
car wheels on a gravel....lucinda williams
car wrecks and plane crashes.. across five aprils


(2 replies, posted in Music theory)

sorry Jerome,
It was I that moved this question from ABOUT CHORDIE to here. I know it is not really theory but it was the best place for me to move it as when I went to move it a few sections were not shown for me to put it in.



(6 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

hi Dirt doc.

Welcome, enjoy and share.


glad ye enjoyed it, I am jealous!!

Sounds like the same set he done last year in Glasgow, apart from he never had a female to sing the duets with him. He sang them himself



(9 replies, posted in About Chordie)

add songs to your songbook or add songs to chordie?

I know the answer to both of those questions.

To add songs to your songbook just click" add " when you are in a song.

to add songs to chordie, go to resources and read the instructions there.



(1 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

hanx Zurf on behalf of me lol

but really this idea was brought up by tim0473. He is not a moderator or anything like that, so really hats off to him for asking for it. A few others backed the idea up wit ha suggested name to moderate it, suggested even before he knew lol the Per read it and created the section for theory.
It is a really good and very useful section. Makes ye think why was this not in here from the start? Just shows you, the most simplest things can be overlooked and it takes just one person to ask for it and a few others to back it and then for the creator to accept it then you have it.

I think this might have been asked for before tim asked for it ( might be wrong) but nothing was followed up. So i am glad tim asked when he did.

suggestions are given a lot of the times for new sections but not always follwoed through as a lot of them can be discussed in chordie chat section. But this theory really did deserve a place of it's own.



(33 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

well I am paying £1.30 per litre for deisel. Only last year it was under a quid!! and it looks like we will be paying about £1.50 per litre by september.
I have two cars in my family ( yes, we really do need them or I wouldnt have any) it is costing us a fortune and because of work and childcare times and work times we have no choice.
I was thinking of getting a glider plane and a big sling set up in the field near my house and catapult me to work. But I would need another sling at work and I dont think the council will let me do that lol

I have been doing some fuel saving exercises and they work!!
Apart from boycotting ESSO and BP garages for the past 10 years ( their prices are higher tha nanyone elses and make more profit yet the oil comes from the same place, I hate being ripped off more than I already am)

so, in a 30 miles per hour road I will drive up to about 35 - 40 depending on the road then put my foot on the clutch and free wheel until it gets to 30 then back up to 35-40 free wheel  on a 50 MPH road I go up to 55-60, on a 70 MPH road i got up to 80ish etc etc, by doing this for 5 days on my way to work and back I saved about a gallon and a half ( 7 litres or thereabouts) so thats a saving of £9.75 per 5 days.
I also tried this yesterday and today when going up north camping. In 80 miles I used nearly 2 gallons of deisel, I was not freewheeling. Today on the way home I used 0.9 gallons. The digital thing in my car was telling me I was getting an average of 63MPH instead of my usual 45-48mph.

It is difficult to keep this up for long journeys but worth trying. It is easier to do on your own than with someone sitting in the passagnger seat asking " is there something wrong wit hyour car". Also if you dont like being overtaken then dont do this, you will only get annoyed.



(20 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

get back   beatles


(7 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

great story Kap54


(8 replies, posted in Songwriting)

i think  i like this.
Are you going to record it?



(8 replies, posted in Songwriting)

Put together well , well done

just two bits of critisism from me on it and that is you have "carry the union jack"
The union jack is only flown at sea, when it is not at sea it is called the uniion flag or flag of the union.
Also The union flag is British not englaish, you are after all singing about england.

I like your other songs better,lol.

I was alsways told as a boy " if ye have nothing good to say then keep quiet"
Really good advice and I should listen to myself sometimes.



(20 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

welcome back Lieven,
hope ye enjoyed yer holiday and had a good rest.

Im off tomorrow for a few days camping with the weans ( kids) do a bit of bushcrafting, strumming at the fire and the cerimonial drinking of a good malt whisky at the fire as the sun goes down.


snirp88 wrote:

Can i post tab to song i know to chordie?

what Zurf says is correct. Chordie gets all songs from other sites. The songs here are directed here from other sites. To know more on how to post a song go to "resources" the nclick "add song"
you will have to add an address to where a song is.

if it is your own work and would like to share then go to the songwriters section and read the "sticky" that JAmes has posted, all is explained there




(23 replies, posted in About Chordie)

thank you to Per for the new section for theory.
And good Luck Jerome in moderating it.



(23 replies, posted in About Chordie)

we are going on about Jerome and he not even been asked, and Per has not even added this section in and might never lol

But remember if there is to be a section like this the moderator for the section is not a " Mr ask him and get an answer" Moderators moderate. Anything else they do like replying and answering etc is totally down to the moderator.
I just thought jerome because he would know more if a question/thread was to do with theory or not. I wouldnt expect Any individual to feel pressured into thinking they would have to reply to every question that popped up in a section
