
(4 replies, posted in Songwriting)

Lovely daddycool,

You ole rosiemantic ! as we say here. lol

Old Doll.


(6 replies, posted in Songwriting)

Oh! I love this piece.

Cant wait to hear the melody,

Well done,

Old Doll.

Love that song G S E.

ThanK You" for reminding me of it.      http://ie.youtube.com/watch?v=zqUUQElQ8kM

Tubatooter, how right your woman is! My son bought me Israel Kamakawiwo'ole ~  music 2 years ago now
great Sound. easy joyful listening.

Russell, I soppose a loan is out of the question ? lol

Weedjie! It did! id never seen this vid before. splendid stuff.

Sorry only answering this post now, I havent time to bless meself this weather im so busy.

Old Doll.


(15 replies, posted in Songwriting)

Thank You" Roger Guppy,

for taking my lyrics and adding music to them. I thought youd like doing this song
as you like romantic themes.

To  Russell and Ark, a great big "Thank You" Also.   Your all so kind to take this on board to completion..

Its a lovely recording of an old Fashioned song and love story.

Ken! This was something i read some time ago now while researching something else. The romance
of it totally appealed to me, so i tried to get into the senders thoughts of that time when writing the lyrics.

Yes ! The ring he sent is still in the safe of "Tom Smiths" Christmas Cracker company, 81 years later.

Blessings on all of you.

Old Doll.


(4 replies, posted in Song requests)

Hi Adnam 74,

Ive just sent the lyrics privately to you as i was given no link to them
so they cannot be posted here.  Ok. Have a blast.

Old Doll.


(5 replies, posted in Songwriting)

Oh This is lovely!

Cant wait to see the chords and hear the melody.

Well done and Welcome on board .

Old Doll.


(275 replies, posted in Electric)

Happy Birthday to you !

Heres a wee bit of advice for you as your so young.


Bunches of coloured Balloons to you to celebrate.

Old Doll.

Bensonp Thank You"

I ll see you in my dreams is an old but  great song. Did you know it was 1 of George Harrisons favourites, It was played at his memorial service.


06sc500 - Loved the Song for life".

Ps.  Southpaw! So pleased for you and yours.

So much better to start my day with all this great music.

Your all wee Seodas.  { Diamonds  and Gems}.

Believe me Chordians, i know so well how blessed i am. I thank God everyday as soon as i waken for all my blessings.
The last few days ive heard people on the radio here actually crying
about losing there business, Closeing there doors, losing there homes, having breakdowns.
Many years ago i was hustled out of a very large amount of money, business wise, By a Man i considered a friend.
I remember the feelings that went with all of that at that time. The disbelief
that i could lose all and he didnt give a Hoot. But! i learned a big lesson. I now own  the premises where i  do my work so havent got the banks  at my heels.  I am my own boss... Security is a good feeling. But i cannot help but feel compassionate for these other folk. They have worked as hard as i , im sure.

So after all that Tubatooter "your a wee darlin" Absolutely loved all thoses links..... My feet were a tappin and my bum was seat dancing..  I also  want the fella with the wee black parasol  at the New Orleans funeral at my departure.  He was waving that brolly around like snuff at a wake.! Just great stuff.
Terrific links Tubatooter / Badeye, Thank YOU" there all now in my favourites.

Thank you all.

Ps . I really am a very happy person.

The news is all doom and gloom around our globe today.

Has any chordian some good news to share here ?.


  I prefer BB Kings / Irma Thomas version of this song, but it aint on youtube.

Old Doll.


(24 replies, posted in Recording)


Sorry I'm only getting back to you now!. Id like to thank you all so much for all the  time you have given so generously. I love the music Ark had added. Whooooooooooooo, it really suits the piece.

All of the narrations are excellent.

Doug! i apologise to you"  as i havent a email address for you but Arkady
did sent me your message. Thank You" also for taking the time.
May i ask you Doug ! " When you recorded this line,

From the paupers resting weeds I hear the Wee "Tee Hees"

Did you change "Tee Hees" as i cant quite make out whats recorded
Sir. Maybe you can enlighten me ?.

Kap 54!! Where are youoooooooooooooooo : lol:

Badeye! have your petals wilted ?

A gracious Thank You" to all. I shall have it all sorted soon.

Angels round all your Doors.

Ark !!! Are you taking the Mick ??   lol It brought it all to life ???

God i nearly busted meself laughing at that one!

Old Doll.


(11 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

Hi Arkady;

Ive just listened to this new piece from you.  Its awesome Sir.  Conjurs up all kind of images. Well done.  Im Looking forward to hearing the next  section to this piece.

"Afghanistan Deployment" is the first part of a larger piece of music that will be added in the future. In this part I have tried to convey the alien landscape of the desert on the deployment of the troops.... I have the greatest repect for all the troops fighting and dying there.

Chordians can listen here at Arks link.


Old Doll.


(16 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

Indeed ! I agree,

LMAO, myself. Headcase can  now sleep like a baby. Sure he hasn't a worry in the world. lol

Remember those little nodding dogs in the backs of cars { Your probably to young } Well im gonna get  me one of them to keep time and  amuse me as i keep playing !.

Old Doll.


(16 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

Hi Docs,

I had  only ever known Scots to wear the kilt !  But! It has become fashionable here  now to wear a kilt for Stags parties,
Or weddings.

My sons have worn them at Scottish weddings. They Just hire them for the day. I reckon a true blue Scot would own one with his  own familyTartan. They are all different depending on the Clan your from!

UYK, is the one to ask, he'd know best on this one..

Old Doll.


(4 replies, posted in Song requests)

Im sorry i cannot help with chords.

But Phillip Donnelly { A good Irish Entertainer } I have heard sing  and play this over the years.



Old Doll


(16 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

Sometimes all we need is a nod of the head and a secure Nappy { Diaper } lol


Old Doll.


(12 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

I wouldnt consider these wars,

But so great all the same.



Mind your backs now! lol

Old Doll.


(9 replies, posted in Songwriting)

Lovely nostalgic song Phil,

Reminded me of my own lovely aunts i was blessed to have in life.

I could also cry at the thoughts of them not being around. But i am an aunt now to many, so i try to be there for all of them.

Ps i only got the chance today to listen to your other song!

"I tried to run away" great stuff Phil.

Thank You"

Old Doll.


(7 replies, posted in Acoustic)

One week away on Holidays,
or 3 solid days of floristry like ive just had. Hands always moist from cutting and clipping Flowers
just dont help.

Im then back to square one.  but i dont ever feel the soreness i used to when i first started.
I often get that peeling thing Nela gets. But mine are wee lady ones lol The Nela fella's only bragging again!
I only get it on some fingers. Strange that!

Old Doll.

Ps Lifes to short  for you to be  cleaning ovens. Have you no mother in law  or best friends ? lol
Play guitar instead, much more relaxing Girl.


(16 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

In a nutshell.

One big egotistical trip.. Oh Lordy lord if we all had the making of ourselves Sure we'd all be perfect!.

I know great guitarist who never took a lesson, or studied anything to do with music. But!  they  played with the Guitar endlessly
learning all the time. Just by using  there God given fingers or feet { in some cases} Also there  sense of rhythm and sound is often enough to be the best.

I never did believe because someone was charging me for something "Either they or there product was the best".
The bigger the ego the bigger the price.

Old Doll.

Being unchristian, but honest.


(24 replies, posted in Recording)

Whoo Hoo,

To think i posted this for fun. "Well death can be to serious!    I do love cemeteries, reading all thats written on there.   I have been to many over the last few years. I heard a woman say once years ago " I wonder where they bury all the B#####ds!! lol
I did ask my Mam about this ? My Mam said " She { This woman}  had a very abusive Husband !! so that might explain her remark.

But i have noticed this change in them. { Cemetaries .. My own Dad was embalmed and is buried in a tomb rather then earth,

Long long story.

Now Badeye, i love Chris Deburg. I used to sing "Country Churchyard" at weddings. So im eager to hear your take on it.

Arkady! Thank You" you know  already i love your music   {Rope them all in lol

I have already heard Roger Narrating this piece. Lovely idea also. So strange to hear  his voice. I look forward to hearing more.

And now kap. Brill. i cannot wait for all this work. Spoiled i am.

No pressure now lads lol in your own time.

Jeez i think ill have a wee Bacardi to celebrate! Anyone one for a drink ?

Slainte to all.

Old Doll.


(24 replies, posted in Recording)

Death and Paupers.    Helena Donovan.

It’s quiet, but very strange, when I ramble through the range
Of the places where loved ones are laid to rest,
There’s all kinds of pretty things showing, great big urns and things
Adoration to the person laid in death.

You may have some granite stone, Swedish marble to surround
Your photo, cherubs and some statuettes,
Yes I have seen the change in the rambling of some graves
There’s a snobbery now even with our death.

There’s no harm in symbolism, but some graves they look like prisons
Keeping in what we know just can’t break out,
Even dead among the crowd, there's no pockets in a shroud
So enjoy it while you're living, spend it proud.

In a hundred years from now, When your line it has died out,
Your only light in life is solar powered,
From the paupers resting weeds I hear the Wee "Tee Hees"
Cos your earthy home's no different to his.

Memorials to the masses has snobbery in the classes,
Lived a lifetime but your choices still remained,
In life you had it all, but when God he makes the call
We're all paupers, back to dust is our refrain?.


Phill Williams added this last verse,  { Great as always phill }

{My question was ! What kind of music would chordians put to these lyrics ? lol lol lol.}

Well the lol was soon wiped off my face! when so many took an interest in this piece! and offered to work on it to bring it to fruition

So now tonight i have a link here to allow all chordians see and hear just what can be achieved here on chordie.

To each and everyone here who took the time to contribute, May all your lives be filled with Blessings.

My gracious "Thank YOU" as always. everyone did a splendid job.

Old Doll



(6 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

Yes indeed Kapa,

Inspiration personified,

Thank You"

Old Doll.


(5 replies, posted in Songwriting)

Yabbadabadoo Midget It Did !!!

lol lol


(10 replies, posted in Songwriting)

Good work as always Russell.

I dont find anything wrong with religious songs.  When the pupils are ready the teacher is always there.

in all aspects of life.

Old Doll.