
(33 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

Nope Kap,
never got that rough groughy sound back unfortunatly, when i try to I can feel my wee nodule starting to go and when that does I lose my voice so i have to settle for the softer sort of singing, well apart from whsky in the jar, irish rover, wild rover etc, they just cannot and were not meant to be sung softly so I dont, I will risk the nodule for them ,lol



(33 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)


I smoked for 21 years, now stopped for nearly 3 years.
I have found that I can sing better, but I did get a nodule after I stopped smoking. maybe I was trying to get the rough sound back wit hno smoke?
Anyway I find my singing has improved a lot and I am getting into tune better than I did before.

I loved smoking but the reasons I gave up were better reasons than just I loved to smoke. Reasons I wanted to smoke: Made me relaxed, made me less grumpy, sociable with friends.

Reasons for stopping: Found it harder to get my tobacco for £4 rather than in the shops at £9.60, I was waking up some mornings wheezing, I didnt like the idea of tobacco firms lacing the nicotine with amonia to make it addictive ( nicotine alone is not addicive it is what they put in the nicotine) I could not smoke in the house due to the kids and had to go outside so I thought stuff it, I am giving up. And because I really wanted to i manged fine with the aide of patches for 12 weeks.
Stopping was one of the best achievements I have done in the past 10 years


Hi Dekker
and welcome to Chordie.

What you like to listen to might be completely different to what you will play, although if making your own songs up you could be influenced a lot by what you listen to but not all the time. It is what you are comfortable playing. I love listening to heavy rock but I play a lot of folk music.
I play acoustic guitar, but i do play some heavy acoustic rock songs my own way.

As for the large hands part are they large as in big and lanky hands or large dumpy hands?
Large lanky hands mean skinny long fingers which I would think is excellent to play any guitar. Large and dumpy is more of a problem, I have what I would call large dumpy hands, but you get used to it. Everything or anything you start of doing is a new thing for your hands/fingers to get used to so it might take time to get used to the feeling of holding a guitar, especially at the neck.
I like to have a thin nexk so my hands can get right round to the strings but then it makes it harder to play the chords properly. Too thick a neck can make it easier to place your fingers on the strings but you have to move your hand more underneath to get yer hands at the strings causing more strain to the wrist.

You will have to be patient and take your time when chosing a guitar ( says me that rushes out and buys one on the same day all the time i decide i need a new one) Once you have it, practice practice all the time. Too much practice will hurt your fingers and hands. So moderate your prcatice time and try not to get too frustrated. It can come quicker to some than it does for others so dont let a week or two of getting frustrated and not being able to play something get you down. One day it will all come together.

I am sure the two of you will come to a compromise. something like some fast rock songs that she likes and you like.

good luck



(8 replies, posted in About Chordie)

Scenics wrote:

I found the best way is to click on "View/Print Songbook" - this creates a formatted webpage of your songbook, with an index page. Then from that window click - "File - Save As" and choose 'Webpage Archive' and give it a name. This will save your entire songbook as a single file which can be viewed or printed without having Internet access. I use this to distribute songbooks to family members for our family reunions - campfire singalongs.

Give it a try - works for me.

thanks for this useful reply Scenics even though I never asked.
I did not have a clue you could do this.




(4 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

Kinda thing I would love to go to but since I live in Scotland.......

It is getting near the folk festival season here. July to end of September. Usually always a folk festival weekend somewhere within these months. I got a few lined up so far.



(30 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

If you cannot spend $54 on the lettoery then how about sepnding $9? 5 +4 =

or just 1 dollar 5-4 =

or 20 dolla 4X5 =

I only believe in fate when things go right for me ,lol.

My favourite football team CELTIC were established in 1888. when they were in the final of the uefa cup I was seeing 1888 all week. I saw it on files, I saw it on my ranking in Yahoo pool, I saw it on registration plate on a car, I had £18.88 left in my gambling account online.

So I spent the rest of the £18.88 on them to win.....they didnt!!!!

fate???? na!!!

but go for it



(10 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

I was going to put this thread elsewhere but decided here as it is only chit chat I am posting.

I was wondering why people ask for strumming patterns for songs.
Is it so they can play it the exact way a song was recorded?

I have never asked or looked to find out any strumming patterns for any songs. I dont even know if I do the same strumming patterns as original songs, maybe I do and it comes naturally or maybe I am just making my own up, either way I like what I strum.

Do others here look for strumming patterns for a song or would you just know how the song goes and play it?

I couldnt be bothered with reading  this up down up up down  down down up up down mallargy.




and make all your songs about other people



(16 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

top 3 songs from 1970 are

1. Bridge Over Troubled Water, Simon and Garfunkel
2. (They Long To Be) Close To You, Carpenters
3. American Woman/No Sugar Tonight, The Guess Who

Number one when i was born was

Edison Lighthouse 'Love Grows (Where My Rosemary Goes)'



(11 replies, posted in About Chordie)

If you go onto the artist you like and click on " improve this page" where you see the list of songs, this will start you up as an editor. You will get an email soon after and just follow the instructions


Like Zurf said LONDON.
The London scene in the 60's was a really significant place to be for bands.
And Although Roger mentions Liverpool which quite rightly should get mentioned it was down in London that the beatles and gerry and the pacemakers etc hung about, recorded and pulled in the crowds to get noticed ( ok the beatles were noticed in liverpool first but still hung about london for the music scene)
The 60's london scene would be the place that has heavily influenced loads and loads of bands through the decades and they are still influencing bands today.
The beatles, the  who, pink floyd, rolling stones, cream, small faces, led zep, and many more.

also Manchester. It has produced many bands that seem to make it big.



(8 replies, posted in Bands and artists)

cheers for that.
i still learn new things everyday lol
Amazing how when someone is told something and you have no reason to disbelieve it that you take it as being true, then when someone comes across and tells you different you dont believe or dont want to.

Ah well,

cheers for the info.



(11 replies, posted in About Chordie)

this can be done already but chordie relies on more people becoming editors for artists.

When you are an editor you can cut down the amount of albums so there are not so many repeat songs. You can also make it so there is only one version of the chords and lyrics available or you can have all of them.

So for instance if you were to become the editor for QUEEN you could make this possible for this band.
you can also become joint editor wit hsomeone and together you can both improve an artists page.
After it is all cleaned up and duplicate songs are taken away as well as duplicate albums and best of album etc, you are left with a list of albums. Then you can go through the albums and make chordie show only one version of a song.



(11 replies, posted in About Chordie)

ahhh right, with you now.

hmmmm. I personally think it is ok the way it is, but thats just my opinion.



(8 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

I quite like to hear a band playing a song the exact way it is on the album, it can show how tight they are if it sounds the exact same.
But saying that, I do love hearing variations of a song rather than hearing what ye listen to all the time. 
I like both but mostly I would want to hear something a bit different.

Living Colour never play the same solo on the guitar, it might sound the same but there will always be big differences in it. and not just the solos, wit hthe song "love rears its ugly head" I have heard so many different variations of this from them. So if someone did want to cover this song, there is no "real" way to cover it unless you go wit hthe first version that came out on thier album, but then that is not to say they wrote it this way to start with. This version could be and probably will be just another variation of what they originally wrote.

And there was Roger Waters' Concert in Berlin. He redone THE WALL with all the wee sound effects the same as the album and also thinking about it he does the same when playing any songs with sound effects. This makes it a bit better I think in this case, hearing the voices,bells etc the same way as you hear in the album.


(8 replies, posted in Bands and artists)

I love playing their "hotel yorba" song. it is so easy and people that have never heard it always say it is a good tune.

I didnt realise they were once married though. I was told they were brother and sister.



(11 replies, posted in About Chordie)

Hi zd

the thing you ask for in seeing tabs only or chords only can happen just now.

When you click on artists and then the tab for what the artist starts with there is an option at the right to change what you see. You can list chord format or tab format and I tihnk there might be a lyric only as well????

But there are stil la few errors here I have seen. If where it comes from originally has anything in chropro format and it has anything like [A] etc it will list this as a chorded song but when you open it it is tab. but most of the time as far as I can see it is fine.
I just list all the songs then look for the songs with Chords only down a big list.



(10 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

james you song was so funny i had to try it out

well done!!!!



(11 replies, posted in About Chordie)

I meant t oreply in here earlier.
I managed to log out and in and out and now back in.

I do keep my settings to keep me logged in when i visit the site but i can still log out. It only keeps you logged in if you tell it to and do not log out...i tihnk.



(10 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

this thread remindds me when i was younger.
While driving about as a passenger in my mates car a few of us would start annoying each other in the back. 3 of us ended up getting a shoe thrown out the window by the other two. The driver did not stop so we lost 3 trainers between us.
And I bet someone walked passed and thought " why would one training shoe be here on its own" lol



(9 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

I am wanting Spain to win euro. only because I have them in a sweepstake and will win 80 quid,lol.
I still think there is a lot of interst in this tourny though, still very good teams and some excellent games like the one last night with Turkey and the czechs.
It is also good to see teams like Italy get thrashed and france to draw to lesses teams than themselves. I love underdogs winning.

Although I will not win 80, I would like to see Portugal win



(9 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

Since he left Manchester UTD i have no interest in him. I think he is pretty muc han average player but his reputation is bigger than his footy abilities.



(9 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

hi Kap,
there is no world cup footy this year. This year is european championship. At the end of this year til about March next year I tihnk, it is the qualifying matches for world cup 2010 being held in South Africa.
Not looking too good for Scotland just now since we have Holland in our table and I am thinking they will make it through to the finals of the euro cup wit hthe way they are playing just now.
Ah well theres always a chance I suppose lol it is good being scottish , we dont expect to win anything anymore, anything we do win is a bonus but still we will turn out in our thousands for the games,bevy and banter,



(3 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

Got out of bed this morning to hear scuffles. BACK TO BED!!!!! said my daughter. Then I remembered what day it was. It is the only day of the year I am told to get back to bed.
Stale bread toasted ( will have to remember to throw out old bread as soon as a new loaf is opened) with a glass of apple juice ( I'm not too keen on apple juice, it reminds me of cider too much)
It was lovely of my son and daughter to do this for me though. And later on they are taking me to the pictures to see the hulk, yes!! this is my son's idea ,lol. I told him he can pay everything for me and he agrees, but I will not let him spend all his money on this, he can buy the popcorn lol

So to all you fathers out there HAPPY FATHERS DAY to you.

and to all you kids out there, why are you on the computer reading this? you should be away spoiling yer dad. Or ye can stay on here and keep out his way if he is wanting peace and quiet for a change lol



(3 replies, posted in Bands and artists)

Hi Lieven
I have the Robert Plant and Alison Frauss album too. It is not bad!
I tihnk it is a bit over produced though. I dont like the sound that you hear now and again like on the first song the way the guitar sounds and the vocals , sort of waving in and out a wee bit.

I am really enjoying the Diamond album though, I am listening to it a lot in the car.

Also got the new Paul Weller album " 22 dreams" I know you dont like him much and I wouldnt say go listen to it as it is a typical Weller album so ye probably wont like it either, but it has quite a few good songs in my opinion that I know Weller critics will not like.
