Thanks lots southpaw Thats really interesting the bass strings on his guitar, never thought about it before but I bet that opens all kinds of doors to new sounds and combinations....
I noticed on the youtube video 'ball and a biscuit' he had one that I didn't recognize, the body shape kind of reminded me of one of muddy waters' old gretsch guitars, and the solo was awesome.
Thanks again,
You are very welcome Last Rebel. And by the way i like your post on Language. Very inciteful for such a youngster!!!
Re: About LANGUAGEHi yall I've been out for a while but I just came in and HAD to throw in my two cents on this one....
Its interesting to me how much music seems to play a role in behavior these days. I think maybe the attention shift from sound to visual brought on by MTV and etc.s (not that vudeos are the only culprit I'm sure there are plenty of other factors) has helped start an infactuation with the lifestyle and persona that music portrays, and not so much an interest in music for music's sake. Personally (and mainly simply because of the profanity used) I don't care for rap music., but the whole "Gangsta" fad is a cultural phase that has far outgrown any kind of musical movement, even to the extent that people without any real passion for rap music itself tack the gangster label to thier forehead.
That being said, when you have a strong set of morals, and know what you believe is right and wrong, there's nothing wrong with appreciating any form of music FOR THE MUSIC'S SAKE. The difference is the T.V and radio didn't raise you, your parents did, and you have sense enough to realize a good song is still justa good song, not neccesarily a guidebook to life.
Good stuff.
Peace and Guitars,