
(16 replies, posted in Songwriting)

i think these lyrics are brilliant Phil,
well done on yer china doll song.

I know a song about a wee china pig which was a hot water bottle sort of thing to take to bed at night. Eric bogle wrote it and funny lyrics .

When ye get the chords please post them .



(10 replies, posted in Music theory)

I like this wheel thing a lot.
I am not very good at doing sort of solo stuff, but I am sure this could help. Might ake a while but in my head I know this will help.



(32 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

I might be wrong but i think you asked this before a while ago and got a lot of responses wit hages. If you find it you could get a rough average.

but if we are starting this again.

i am 38
Ilike listening to ....Punk, heavy rock, soft rock, folk, traditional scottish and irish. I like 60's music pop/chart scene to any other chart stuff in any era.

I like to play on my acoustic guitar in order

Folk, rock songs done acoustically and sometimes with the aid of knowing the chords I play along to my wife with her fiddle for scottish reels.



(6 replies, posted in About Chordie)

well, one way I know you could do it is try and get your own songs onto another website then direct chordie to it.
But as for signing up into chordie as an artist? I dont think this is an option as far as I am aware



(6 replies, posted in About Chordie)

Hi getfiddle,

Sorry no one answered you a few days ago. I would have done if I saw the question.

Ok, here is an answer lol maybe not the one you want to hear but it is not that bad either.

This has been asked a few times and I think there are a lot of people would like to see this. I am sure Per knows about this request and was looking into it. If it is possible to do then I am sure we could see one, how long though is another story. It might take a while!

so the answer is mibee aye mibees naw.



(42 replies, posted in Acoustic)


LEarn the song, get the rythum and it will come easy to you on how much to strum and how to strum. Think in your heaad there is a wee drum beat going, that might help.



(16 replies, posted in Acoustic)

hi madmax,

Apart from what has been suggested, you could try keeping the same chords for songs but change the structure of it so you are singing it the way suits your voice better.
Or never mind what people think and sing whatever way you want.
The more practice the better you will become

there is also a site that old doll sent me a link on breathing techniques for singing and it was very useful, here it is

good luck



(26 replies, posted in About Chordie)

I understand why you mention metallica but the reason they started court measures against the old napster was because less people bought their records/cds, which meant they were getting less royalties and I can understand that. Napster was allowing folk to steal the music and share it with other thieves.
But Chordie does not steal anything that would make the artists money.
This is, like Roger said a copyright issue that probably most of the bands do not have power over.

I would think that artists would not mind their songs and lyrics being advertised here, all advertisement is good, even bad advertisement is good!

I bet the record companies dont mind folk in chordie talking about the latest album from metallica or Neil Diamond etc, it is good for them, it makes them money. Word of mouth is the strongest tool in advertising and they know it so they would not complain about us mentioning a bands name. It is when it comes to them seeing another opportunity to make even more money than they do that they will persue it.

It stinks, but thats life.



(31 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

Paul Macca with the sex pistols


(17 replies, posted in Acoustic)


I used to be the same, I hated my voice and to some degree I still do.
I dont really know how I got over it, I started singing infront of mates while drunk in my mates bedroom. I must have got a few compliments? I cant remember.
I think i was kind of forced to sing in front of people when I was the bassist for a band and we had a gig but no singer. Since I done a little bit of mumble backing singing I got opted to sing. When the crowd clapped and cheered I think it was then I thought I cant be that bad after all.

It is all about confindence. Get a few drinks in you when you have friends round and get it out. One thing though, belt your voice out. It will not sound too good if you are shy about your voice and people cannot hear you. I have a few mates that would not sing but they have pretty good voices, they just lack the confidence too.

As for playing with a songbook, I do it all the time! even big stars have used books or autocues for their own songs while singing to thousands and they get away with it so why cant we?
I have been told before using a book is cheating or it doesnt sound like you are singing from the heart while having a book in front of you but I disagree.
memorising a song though probably will make you more confident singing it.
Your voice is an instrument and so is a violin. Violinists use sheet music to play, all we are doing is using words to play.


thanks for that link.
I skiped through a few minutes of it but since you posted that I ahve been watching most of it.

What a fantastic video that is, 87 minutes long thuogh???? I got things to do,lol. I will however rewatch it all in full. I got a few songs he done on it though like " hell oin there", it is good to hear how he made that song up ( although he may have said in concert? i canny remember)
Influenced by John Lennon's " across the universe" and though about the hollow sound getting shouted down a hallway, lol, super!!!
His voice after his throat cancer you can tell is a bit....ok... a lot hoarser than it was before but I love his voice the way it is just now, the gruffness of it makes a very unique gruff voice that goes so well with the songs he sings. I know many a people that would love to sound like that when singing, me included.
I dont know if he played "PAradise" or not? I know he talked about it quite a bit, it is good to hear the odd story or two getting told again, just like its a big old goofy world.

Thanks again for this link, i watched it in full screen on the computer and in perfect quality.




(10 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

to all you lucky americans that managed to break free from The british government all those years ago, have a great day.



(7 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

NELA wrote:

Hello, SunnyGirl. I'm pretty too but I been here for a while. You will like it here as we can treat you so many different ways you gotta like some of them. Just NEVER ask Upyerkilt whats Upyerkilt.


lol lol

Nothing is the answer!!

Welcome sunnygirl,
as been said a few times, friendly folk here all helping each other or just helping others or getting help from others or not learning anything, just here for the chat, but preferably here to feed off others on music.



(15 replies, posted in Acoustic)

cheers Al,

I didnt know this as my informer is at work and I am off on holiday.
I will be looking into this and getting tickets and not eating a massive chinese meal followed by a pint of lager. I will get to watch them this time ,lol



(15 replies, posted in Acoustic)

alvee33 wrote:

Folk are probably fed hearing me rave about my Yamaha APX500. Love it.

Al, Ye make it sound like a motor bike lol

I am not fed up hearing you say it. It only reminds me when I go for another one to look at this model



(7 replies, posted in About Chordie)

yep Zoe,
i think that is what getfiddle means.

it has been brought up before and a few people would like to see this, but nt everything is as easy as it sounds I dont think.



(2 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

I hope this does not turn into a preaching thread .

How about calling yourselves "the bible bashers"



(3 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

gitaardocphil wrote:


numbers in britain are also dropping.

I watched a program on CHannel 4 a few months ago ( accidentally) about churches or religion in the UK, not too sure what it was about really but I remember the wee guy on the tv saying a few reasons for the dwindiling numbers.
In the past 100 years we have learnt so much about space, the earth, other planets etc, People are now not needing to have a reason for life as they are getting taught how the planet and how humans evolved from teeny weeny creatures from the sea.
Also, few people although still believing have lost faith in the churches. i.e. the paedo priests and the churches protecting them ( or they did not that long ago when they knew what certain men of the cloth were up to)
Work also stops people going, years ago, or not so long ago Sunday was a day of rest. Now it is another day for companies to rake in more profit.
I am not religious in any way but I like this idea of a day for rest, keep all shops shut, even pubs. Only to be opened if there is an open mic night for a folk session to get people together.

The guy gave a few other reasons but  icannot remember everything as I was not 100% into watching it.



(1 replies, posted in About Chordie)

Hi trainer,

Since Chordie is a search engine for the songs it shows No one can put any songs directly onto the site. But if you go to resources it will tell you how to direct chordie to a particular song.

If you cannot find a song or artist you are looking for in Chordie all you have to do is use a search engine like google and type in "XXXXX chords lyrics"  this should direct you to a site.



(7 replies, posted in About Chordie)

hello zoethebard and welcome to chordie,
And what a fantastic first post from yourself.

I tihnk it is a great idea. It might take time if it is going to happen. Per the creator of chorie is a bit busy at the moment but i do know he does read posts like these and does consider them.



(26 replies, posted in About Chordie)

getfiddle wrote:

Big corporations are ruining the world,
and that's a fact!!! I hate seeing these big corporations screwing everyone they can.

very true!! and not only with big corporations, even health services demand money before you get help in most countries.
money is the root of all evil as well as politicians and greedy human beings. I may be a human but I hate the human race most of the time, we are bacteria on this planet screwing each other one way or another, either through money or power or copyrights!!



(2 replies, posted in Guitars and accessories)

Well if you pull the plug out the amp lol

Are you sitting next to the amp? facing the amp?

Maybe a longer lead ( if you are using a short one) and face away from thre amp might help?



(26 replies, posted in About Chordie)

I can still get coldplay songs.



(7 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

well nothing to do with harleys but my sis in laws ex bofriend had a silly wee car that had a big exhaust on it. It never done much for the car apart from make it sound louder like a double barrelled chainsaw. I asked him why he changed the exhaust, his reply was it made the car sound good.
This I think is the mentallity of young boy racers in cars. Carse that have not really got power but they can make them sound noisy and it makes peoples heads turn to them
I say drivers like these, including harley drivers are just looking for attention. they love people to look at them when they are on the road.



(8 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

Hi Bud
My advice would be to go to a few open mic nights first and see how you get on.
You will get such a buzz from doing it, it will make you want to do more pubs etc if you know you are good enough.
Also I would say  keep being yourself, however you do it in your livingroom and sound good doing it, do the same when performing. Maybe smile a bit more than you would do in your livingroom. This makes the audience see you are having fun in what you are doing. This is something i lack in doing. When I put on a smile I feel fake, but I am told this works, if an audience think you are happy doing what you do they will like you more, if you look unhappy, even if you are not they will think you are a miserable git.
but more of the experienced players that gig a lot more and gig for a living will be able to confirm this.
