Been watching my "number of posts" counter recently, as this milestone has approached. I thought I might say something eloquent to commemorate the event, but what I really want to say is a big "Thank-you!"
I joined Chordie a little over 5 years ago, and this has become one of the highlights of each day. All of you have answered questions, shared your individual expertise, encouraged, provided advice / feedback, and been that "panel of expert consultants" that anyone learning anything can grow with.
The paramount element of Chordie is the courteous and positive culture which each of you contribute to. Chordians come from all over the planet, like different music styles, and are at varying skill levels. Yet no one is ever made to feel unwelcome or put down. Whatever Per and our Mods have done to build this culture deserves a huge round of applause ... I'm proud and grateful to be a Chordian.
Rick "Tenement Funster" Morse