
(6 replies, posted in Acoustic)

Saturday, while at the Moxie Festival. I picked up a YAMAHA SCF04 at a flea market for 70.00. It plays and sounds good(predictable with most yamahas). Has gold tuning pegs. An older style headstock, tortoise shell pickguard. Now the good part. While in Maine (5 hours away). I ended up being rushed to the hospital with kidney stones. My wife  didnt know any better and put the guitar in the trunk of her dark blue Impala. No case or wrapping of any kind.Also it has been in the high 90s and humid even way up their. 3 days later, I pulled it out of the hot trunk. It was hot to the touch but undamaged.All the glue held and the wood didn`t warp or crack. After all that time in the hot trunk, I was expecting the worst. So now I have 4 yamaha acoustics. The price was probably inline with it`s value, but it plays and sounds good.


(5 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

bunbun wrote:

Don't know if it is the guitar or not but it is sad that it spent so much time in an attic. The way some people treat guitars is shameful.

That is so true. A friend of mine can`t play a note, yet he has a REAL Les Paul and vintage Fender amp left to him by his father. It sits doing nothing. It should be played. He should take lessons or sell it to someone who will appreciate it. Especially an old amp, nothing is worse for a vintage amp than sitting doing nothing. Filters and caps die from sitting. Then you end up with an awful sounding amp that does nothing but buzzes. (voice of experience)


(5 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

I am a Dylan fan. It does make you wonder how many of that same guitar are around. Not that people are lying,they were told they have it. Everyone would love to have something like that. Would Fender have any record of the original sale. I have had good luck with their customer service when it comes to authenticity and dating guitars


(13 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

Miss Jane always had the best cars. The 62 plymouth convertible in the beginning, right up to the Dodge Challenger convertible in the end. They were all red and always had the top down. The other 2 were Dodge Coronets, 65 and 68 or 69.


(13 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

Does anyone remember the "Bodina-phone". Jethro invented it on the Beverly Hillbillies. When he went to demonstrate it to Miss Jane. He got an electric shock.


(2 replies, posted in Acoustic)

Anyone remember Kent Guitars. A japanese brand. I just paid 40.00 for one at a pawn shop. Blue and white sunburst. White pickguard and fretboard. Action is a bit high, but the top isn`t caved in like you find on kay`s, Harmonys, Checkmates etc etc. I have seen them but know nothing about them. Anyone know?


(31 replies, posted in Acoustic)

beamer wrote:

Bun, J3 may not like the GHS, but the boomers have been my Go to string for ever. I have used 9s and 10s.  Acoustic,,, Diadairo is usually the winner and the 11s.  I have used EB also for both types.  I also hated a set from Musicians friend,  sorta like the Rounds J3 mentioned.  they were a musicians special or something similar. total crap.

It`s funny Scott, I always say I can`t tell the difference between electric strings. I cant. But I think everyone can agree with this one.  All good or decent strings may be the same to me. But anyone that gets stuck with crappy strings( and I am sure we all have at one time or another), can tell the difference right away


(0 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

Any chordians in the Lisbon,Maine area.Are you hitting the Moxie Festival or have ever attended. I am taking the trout and her friend to it this year. I have never been able to get the time off to attend. This year I can. In case anyone is wondering what Moxie is, it is the greatest beverage ever made. So great that it has a festival. When have you ever saw a Pepsi festival?


(31 replies, posted in Acoustic)

I always hear about ELIXERS. What`s up with them? Are they as great as I hear about? I tend to look in the discount bins when I buy strings. Every now and then I will live life in the fast lane and buy name brand strings. Elixers make me think of formula 44.


(16 replies, posted in Electric)

Go to a music store or Barnes and Noble. Look at the music books or a fake book of whatever types of music floats your boat. Buy one. It may give you something new to try. Chordie is great but the songs have to come to mind for you to find them. If you look at a book already made, you may say to yourself " Golly gee, I havent heard that song for a long time, or a song you forgot ever existed may pop in your head and you will want to play it". Give it a try. The worst that could happen is nothing. Or go to guitar center and try out a few guitars. It may give you the jump start you need.


(31 replies, posted in Acoustic)

On my acoustic, I use Ernie Ball Earthwood lights (11s) or Martin silk and steels. I shy away from the Martins because of the new way they bag the strings. For my electrics I use "Whatever is cheapest, as long as they start with a 10". People will disagree, I really cant find any difference on electric strings. The only one`s I really didn`t like were GHS boomers or this brand called Rounds. I bought the Rounds at a flea market for 2.00 a set. 3 sets. I used them for a week, took them off and threw the rest away. If you ever see a brand called Rounds, stay away. Unless they pay you to take them. Then take them, throw them out and use the money to buy some real strings.


(8 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

dino48 wrote:

Thank you for the birthday wishes,today I really thought about the beatles song when Im 64,it hit home,I can still remember hearing it as a young teen.

HAPPY BIRTHDAY  Dino. I still have 12 years to go for when I`m 64. But, you were born the same year as my brother. Hope your birthday was a good one.


(8 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

Happy Birthday Dino. And thank you and everyone else for the birthday wishes. Worked 13 hours today. One more day tomorrow and the next week off. Once again, thank you so much for the birthday wishes.


(23 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

It hasn`t been too bad here.It`s hot but not 100. Of course my electric bill will be outrageous this month. The back of my truck gets hot, but it hasn`t killed me. All I have to do is think of how hot it is for everybody else. Hope everyone is getting through it ok. Look at it this way. In Anchorage, they are still turning the snow mountain from all the snow they had. I think I would prefer heat.


(8 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

Does anybody remember the movies Savages and Pray for the wildcats.They were both ABC movies of the week.(remember those).They were TV movies in the 70s. 1974 or 1975.Either way Andy Griffith was the bad guy in each of those. He killed people in both movies.One trying to cover up a hunting accident.The other,putting an ax in the radiator of two kids truck in the desert. Maybe he was trying to change his image for a bit.He will always be Andy Taylor to me. RIP


(11 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

Congrats on 43 years


(20 replies, posted in Acoustic)

topdown wrote:

The rhythm matters, the beat matters, the feel and tempo matters. Strumming patterns don't mean a hill of beans. You can oftentimes play the same song in numerous patterns and each sound as good as the other. You can even vary strumming patterns in the same song.  That's why I hate "what is the strumming pattern to this song" questions - there ain't no such thing - strum what feels and sounds good for the moment, then change it when the feeling moves you. If it sounds good it is good.

I wish lead singers shared that thought. My thought is, if you want to hear a song exactly like it is done, buy the disc. If I were Leonard Cohen, then I could sound like Leonard Cohen. I`m not. So I will never sound like that. So I try to play what sounds best at the time.


(16 replies, posted in Guitars and accessories)

beamer wrote:
Baldguitardude wrote:

I just threw away my adapters.... Even though 9vs are a pain I found they power pedals better somehow....

were you using the one spot?  I have seen the adaptor boxes that have the plug that acts like a semi drained battery for that really fuzzy sound you can get.

Since I do not have to worry about giging, I have a cool set up at home for a pedal board, I think I have Posted it here b4, and finally got a onespot to power everything.  I love just turning on one switch to fire everything up. Well I keep the amp off  and use its switch, but I can leave everything patched up. 

I think if I did travel a lot, I would probably just use 3 stomps and my RP, but still keep the Onespot big_smile

I have a digitech pedal board too, also a bone to hold all my pedals. For some reason, I always end up gpoing back to my single overdrive pedal. The digitech seems to have more controls than the space shuttle


(16 replies, posted in Guitars and accessories)

I prefer an overdrive over a distortion pedal. I have an MXR distortion and an overdrive. My daughter likes a death metal pedal. A bit much for me. Try before you buy and make your own decison.


(16 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

Playing guitar .That`s my outlet. I work 12 hours a day, get very little time to myself. In that little time, I like to play guitar. Whether with a band or by myself. Yard work is work, I`m not one to go washing and polishing my cars. Playing is what I do for myself.


(18 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

Is it just cosmetic? Is the price right? Does it play good?You will be amazed at what a good setup can do.


(8 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

Same over here too.


(6 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

I don`t know if a whole cd counts but how about Matthew Sweets - Girlfriend

that was amazing. I`m very chordally challenged myself.I will get use out of it.


(7 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

Got me beat too.Congrats and have a great anniversary.