
(7 replies, posted in Poems)

Hi Docs,

I hope you enjoyed my lovely "Baile Athá Cliath" . { means town of the Hurdle Ford}

Dublin. { Dubh Linn  means Black Hole/ or pool.    3 Entrances to a Pub  Doc ?  lol were
not known as the Mad irish for nothing ya know.. We're a wiley lot . lol  Your lucky you found a way out..
Theres magnets in all our pubs.. "Ceól / Caint, agus Craíc". { music- conversation- fun } I was in one of my favourites today in the city.. Lovely food and the best company.. Sure what more could a body ask for.. This is one of my favourite Pubs in our city.

  I used to work beside this when it was a church and wee graveyard.. Now if your in the back section you can still see the old headstones resting against the walls.. My friends usually tell me ive to many spirits ! Consumed that is :lol.  Ya know docs, there probably right Sir..

Health around you.


Old Doll.


(1 replies, posted in Poems)

lol lol lol

Indeed i was a young woman once Docs , Ive a picture in myspace pics to prove it lol

So long ago now it feels like one of them  fairy Tales of Ireland..  Im not complaining, i had an absolute blast
of a time. I shall continue to do so.. Its my right to life.. Whoohoo..

Thank You,

Old Doll


Heres a link to the last one i posted here.. probably my strangest piece lol..  Its a long story but, it did end up on you tube as a callaboration piece from members of chordie... Just put " Deaths and paupers in the youtube search engine.

Oiche Mhait"

Old Doll.

Ooops Sorry, sure the link is attached to the thread.. forgive me.


(13 replies, posted in Songwriting)

Great stuff Phill,

I had flashes of the film " Cold Mountain reading this.. Full of imagery as always..

Very well done sir.

Old Doll.

Ps.. Ive been Head hunted to help out with a huge project which will take up large  amounts of my time.. Its to long a story to explain.here . So suffice to say " I will dip in here when time and my tired ole eyes allows..

In the meantime "Thank You" to all for the pleasure i had this evening.. Hopefully i will get around to those i missed..

Oiche Mhait  { Goodnight }

Old Doll.


(15 replies, posted in Songwriting)

How Beautiful is this piece?

I was with a dear friend many years ago as her baby was taken for adoption.. I was also
with her 22 years later on the day they were reunited.. You are so right Mike,

You are with them untill the day shes dies.

lovely lovely piece..

Old Doll.


(7 replies, posted in Songwriting)

Hows My sweet Daddycool ?

I love reading about frieght trains as to how they were long ago... All the Hoboes..

Some great storytelling there i bet.. Try listen to Mary Goshay" Last of the Hoboe Kings.. Its about king
of the hoboes "Steamtrain Maurey" Great song also..

Its a great insight to there world..

Thank You daddy cool..

Old Doll.


(10 replies, posted in Poems)

Stong but honest writing here Sir.

Indeed we lived through  some very dark times here.. Images of  innocents injured are  a absolute heartache to me..

I was in the north of Ireland many years ago, when a bomb went off.. To this day i hear the crys and feel the terror in my heart.

God must get real tired being called upon  to support both sides in war.

Old Doll.


(7 replies, posted in Poems)

Good ole docs,

ya havent lost it yet.. Hope life is good to you and pain free..

Love from the Emerald to you Sir.

Old Doll.


(6 replies, posted in Poems)

Alan Sheeran !

Ya wee dark horse ! When i had loads of time to be here, you never wrote anything like this to my knowlege.

This is also very very good..

Well done you.

Old Doll.


(5 replies, posted in Poems)

Its very simple Resprod,

We are made to love and be loved.. This would be a real nice  song.

Old Doll.


(7 replies, posted in Poems)

Good Sir ! I like it a lot.

Old Doll.


(6 replies, posted in Poems)

Hmmmmmm  What kinda pie ? Apple ? peach ?  cherry ? or just boring  pi ?

lol  Nice one !

Old Doll.


(8 replies, posted in Poems)

lol lol lol

Well Phil, beside my family  loo i have a wee sign for the lads !

" Move closer boys ! it aint as big as you think ! lol

Enough said!.

Old Doll.


(4 replies, posted in Poems)

Well done " me ould segosha"

As we say here " Ya can be let out "  Nothing like the education from the "University of Life.

Love to you my friend.. { also Gem}.

Old Doll


(8 replies, posted in Poems)


Love love it.. Very well done Mr Sheeran.

Old Doll.

Well if what we read and hear is true about this place..!

Then in years to come we may be reading lots more like this, from those who survive mentally to reveal.

Old Doll.

Good work here Sir,

I like this piece, a lot.. Conjurs up all kinds of images for me.

Old Doll..


(8 replies, posted in Other string instruments)

Thank you all so much for your help on this one !

You will be pleased to know "I DID GET IT IN TUNE ! whoohoo!  Tedious i must say! youd need the patience of a saint lol, But it does sound fab !. So thank  you , thank you.  oh! and i didnt break a string lol.

Tubatooter ! I love wallet and Glasses.. Its me to a tee..   

While im scooting quickly through here, I'd like to Wish  all a very bountiful and Happy new Year.

Gods Blessings for 2009.


Old Doll.


(18 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

Merry christmas All.

Its late i know here but thats what we Irish do.. Chat sing and have good times..

My clan have just gone home.  I will take this spare minute to ""Wish you all a very Merry Christmas".

Heres something you all know but! sung in my native language of which im very proud.


Oiche Mhait { Good Night }

From the Emerald Isle.

Old doll.


(8 replies, posted in Other string instruments)

Thank You all,

Yes! thats it. My problem is One of my younger woman friends hails from Navada.

She has been home recently, and brought one back with her. she has given it to me to tune ??? well i can only hear 2 strings
out of tune. But im scared ill break the strings. She thought i could use my guitar tuner ? I dont know. if i can ?
her children are young and go to the "Steiner School "near us here. For those who dont know the Steiner System. Heres a link.
Its a fantastic way to teach kids. { wish id had it for my own } She wants to learn herself, so she can play this with her 4 year old.
I must admit i have already played it. Its fantastic.  Im gonna buy one for myself... Its like a wee zitar, its a  lovely sound.

Old Doll..


(28 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)


You keep doing what your doing if you enjoy it, "To Hell or Connaght" with the begrugers.

Your not looking for there approval. Don't even reply ! you will feed there deflated ego. They just need
to get a real life..

Alvee ! youd have been so proud of my backing to your singing lol. My friends in Rostrevor " the 2 Gerry's  and Deirdra
always finish the session on that song. Everyone there stands , clasps hands with the person next to them. Its always one big collective group singing. brilliant !   Only one thing missing ! No bacardi and coke to toast you Sir. lol

Very well done to you all.

Old Doll.


(8 replies, posted in Other string instruments)

Hi ,

Anyone here on chordie know anything about OR play a melody Harp  ? .

Thanking You,

Old Doll.


(4 replies, posted in Song requests)

Here you go,  Merry Christmas.


Old Doll.


(11 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

Afghanistan Deployment" 2/3/4.

Arkady!   Its   "  FANTASTIC  "  SIR.  i hope you had as much pleasure working on this piece
as i have had listening to it.. God its so good. Talk about been taken on a journey.  Wow!


Take a very big bow sir.

Old Doll.

I play anything i can get my fingers around chord wise!

I do love picking  songs. At the moment im trying to learn to play Gerry Garcia's song,  Ripple" Properly..

I can play it, but i'm trying to get around what i call "The fancy Bits" lol  I hope to play it in Portugal next june at my sons wedding. If the nerves allow..

Heres me Fella { well My favourite bashful man } Playing it.
I so want to meet this man!. ever since the first time i seen him on youtube.


Old Doll.