sorry headcase, I didnt mean to imply you actually said it was him personally. I read what you typed and then had to remember ( instead of copy and pasting)

but what a great thread eh?


I am glad I started this thread it has been a great read to get lots of opinions, some agreeing in some sort of way, other disagreeing and saying why. A true debate!!! One that has not led to moaning and griping etc.

But now I have read a lot and loved reading all responses so far and hope to read more, I am agreeing with the last post from NELA.
I think it would have been the record producers!! They dictate what is in the charts and when.
So I dont think we can blame poor wee garth ( or mega rich garth) for killing off anything.

But if more people have more opinions then please keep them coming. As I said when I started this I dont know much about garth  and I know little of Country music as a genre, but I do like quite a few country singers/bands, mostly old ones. So it is good to read all this.


hmmmm, Lieven You really do come up with some hard questions sometimes lol
I will have a jab at this.
Caster to cast out, as in casting out a fishing  line.... it might be from this?

To cast a line, to make it go out away from you.....telecaster.....the music casts out from you when playing???

Sounds good to me



This topic was from what headcase said in another thread.
He said some think Garth killed old time country, and he may well have done so. I have no idea!!
so I am asking the country fans what you think.

I think and believe that nothing lasts forever, sad I know but I believe this to be true even in music.

Maybe the grand ol oprey knew this and made garth a lifetime member because either they knew he was  going to be popular forever, wanted him to be popular forever or they are going with the flow at the time.

I like a couple of his songs ( to be honest, I ahve probably only heard a few, the ones that have entered the british charts and got airplay on some terrible radio station like BBC)
But I do not know enough about him or his music or the country scene to comment anymore.



(11 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

I used to like playing golf, dont anymore though sad

I live 5 minte drive away from Loch Lomond course and I am glad that one is finished as the traffic down here was a bit too much.
Been to glen eagles a few times for lunch but never played on the fabulous course.

But I cannot watch golf on the tv. Only good thing about it is they have very good camera men that can seem to follow that wee white ball as it flies through the air at about 70 mph.
respect to the camera man!! lol

Oh yeah and I always want Monty to do well.



(5 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

very true indeed geo.
I dont know how I left that out my short list as this album is probably in my top three for debut albums from any band.
It is timeless! play it to someone that has no clue who van halen are and they would think it is new music for today.



(5 replies, posted in Acoustic)

hi Mark and welcome.

Hope you have fun here and can get help if needed and also help others that need.



(8 replies, posted in Songwriting)

good funny song james.
Wasnt playing it on the guitar but sitting here singing away with it.
This would be a hard one to memorise I tihnk.

Good work



(5 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

few i can think of

Rolling stones......... begggars banquet,,,,, let it bleed
ac dc......................highway to hell,,, back in black
guns n roses,...........appetite for destruction
pink floyd....piper at the gates of dawn    ( this influenced the beatles after they heard it)


(11 replies, posted in Songwriting)

i should really make a point of reading things before going and playing.
I thought the lyrics and song was great. But I never played it as a ballad,lol, I strummed fast on this.

As Lena says about Irishmen still in london and never made it back, as well as irish scots too, and not just there but more apt to the song I know of people that have gone to america to fullfill their dreams but came back with nothing.
Also year ago when the english were shipping the scots and irish off to the new land, promising them so much and got nothing.

Great song.



(19 replies, posted in Songwriting)

brilliant song.
Wasnt sure at first about starting in F but once I got the melody I like it a lot



(23 replies, posted in Songwriting)

superb song. superb lyircs, and the way I played it it sounds great too.
But I want to hear the way it is meant to be played.
I might knick this song and sing it to my daughter



(9 replies, posted in Songwriting)

i just sat and played this right thru, I love it

cool song




(12 replies, posted in Acoustic)

what I think your guitar was, was not tuned an octave higher ( just like roger said) I tihnk it would be called tuned a key higher, like one note higher.

I never read Roger's reply to you thoroughly so he might already have said this.
In the shop it probably was not tuned with a tuner, the strings were probably all tuned into each other but not in concert pitch.

Some groups I think tune up, like yours was. And I know certainly bands such as Guns'n;roses  jimmy hendrix tune down ( tning a key or note down) so the E string ends up playing the note D or maybe D# ( thats the bit I am not too sure about)



(3 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

I dont see any of it as "metal" with subdivisions, I see it all as ROCK with subdivisions.
MEtal to me is a subdivision of ROCK.

( I am liking this word " SUBDIVISION" good name for a band)

I hate sepatura as well, too fast to hear actual notes from anything. drums have no beat as such, just a rumble.
Iron maiden I would class as METAL along with judas priest, black sabbath, dio and the likes.

The I would class acdc as heavy rock
Chili peppers as funk rock
tom petty folk rock
eagles country rock
supertramp ,,, soft rock
sex pistols   punk rock
metallica ( old stuff Thrash metal, wit hmetal being a subdivison of rock) getting confusing now
neil diamond   easy listening rock
guns n roses.... sleaze rock
slade.....glam rock
the who.....ROCk,,, just Rock
gary newman......electronic rock
nirvana....grunge rock
cant think who for progressive rock

gee whiz man, lots of rocks there, so many you could build a house.



(14 replies, posted in Songwriting)

great song KAP.

Good work



(9 replies, posted in Other string instruments)


Like I said in the other reply, I bought mine last year.
It took ages ( or seemed like ages) before the strings settled.
Istarted doing what I do with my guitar strings, I over tighten them slightly over night and tune it the next day. It might just be my imagination but I tihnk the strings settle quicker this way.



(3 replies, posted in Other string instruments)

Hi Billiesgirl and like james said Welcome.

I bought a Uke last year and I love it ( not played it in a while though). I have that site saved on my favourites too, it is a great site. BUT I tend to look up songs in Chordie and just change the instrument to UKE then it gives you the chords for the uke rather than guitar.
Some songs I would never think of playing on the guitar I can play on the uke.

Good luck with it, it is fun even if others think it is a toy instrument and laugh when they see the size of it. I have had all jibes thrown at me when I pull it out.



(11 replies, posted in Acoustic)

well my bit on this is mostly what has been said, practice practice practice

Try just going from the chord A to D and D to A. Dont try any other until you can do it.

Or G to D   D to G.

Then move on to chords like C to D  D toC   etc etc etc.

Once your fingers learn to make the shape you will wonder how you had trouble to start with, it will eventually come like it did with other chords.

I still have trouble sometimes changing onto Bm7 from any chord apart from D. I should follow my own advice and practice a bit more.



(21 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

I get mail like this all the time. I sometimes reply back saying how sorry i feel for them but if they send me THEIR bank details and give me £50 I will in return reward them with £100 in 20 years time. Or sometimes I reply back saying how I would love to but I have to pay for a private medical surgeon to cure my 90 year old gran from some sort of mystery illness and ask them if they can help financially since they have so much money.
Needless to say I never get a reply.

I never get any mail like this on my main e mail address since I never use that address anywhere online. Instead I created a Hotmail address and a Gmail address and use mostly my hotmail address for when I have to enter an e mail address online. This way after all spammers manage to get your address they send all spam to an email address that does not get used for friends etc.
My gmail is a bit mixed with emails from here and from spammers ( but not a lot)



(5 replies, posted in About Chordie)

I am wondering..
When you say redirecting, are you using your "back" button to go back or are you clicking on "artists" and still seeing yourself as logged off?
Also, when you go back and see you are not logged in, have you tried clicking on your songbook or forum to see if you are actually logged off?

Other than this I would have no idea. sorry



(8 replies, posted in Songwriting)

nice song Daddy.

Hope you dont mind but I went in and made it into this format. You forgot to do [song] before it. For somereason your [song] was in the title of the topic. I also changed the chords from lower case to upper case.



(8 replies, posted in Bands and artists)

13 albums in such a short time is quiet an achievement.

They probably had so many due to the pressure they had from the record company, the fans and the manager. All wanted more for either money or more music to listen to, so with them being so popular it is no suprise they had so many. It is a good thing that John and Paul wrote so much that they had enough to fill so many albums in so little time. Lots of their songs did not even make it onto any of their own records.

It is said in a book I read " lost in the woods" a biography on Syd Barrett that it was the beatles that started telling the record companies what the band wanted and not bowing down to every command from the record companies. The book says the record company were wanting the beatles to have one of their albums ( I tihnk either sergeant pepper or the white album) in about a week or two. They turned round and told the record company they would have it finished when they were done. They were recording it the same time Pink Floyd were recording Piper at the gate of dawn in abbey road at the same time. Syd and the beatles shared a few drugs and recorded an awful song together ( I have a copy of it).

So if it were not for the beatles telling the record company they were taking their time, I wonder how long it would have been before another band could have said that to a record company. Back then all or most artists doen everything they were told just for the sake of getting airplay and getting noticed.


I got a fw favourites and dont even know some of the names,

A few james cagney films, Bugsy being one.

The shining

and monty pythons Holy Grail and Life of Brian

And any laural and hardy, they were geniuses of comedy for that time.

Old dracula films and frankenstein



(3 replies, posted in Acoustic)

Pretty amazing grace is one of his new songs, 2nd song on the album.
I find it hard to chose between " if I dont see you again" and "pretty amazing grace" for which is the best.
I love the first 7 songs on the album.
