Buzzwagon wrote:
joeyjoeyjoey wrote:
Buzzwagon wrote:

I understand that the reason they've pulled the IPO is that they now realise their bottom line is tied in with their customers and Guitar Centre are apparently into Fender for $48mm which kind of canes the market valuation and marks down the share price.

And Jx3 Leo Fender started out repairing radios, the guitars came a little later. I'm not sure they own Takamine but certainly Guild and Gretsch as well as Jackson, Charvel, Tacoma, DeArmond and of course not forgetting Squier.


Leo Fender started out repairing radio`s. Fender was always a musical instrument company. Never a radio repair co.

Sorry Jx3, Fender was originally a radio repair company, I guess you could argue that it was music related!

The company began as Fender's Radio Service in late 1938 in Fullerton, California, USA. As a qualified electronics technician, Leo Fender had been asked to repair not only radios, but phonograph players, home audio amplifiers, public address systems and musical instrument amplifiers. (At the time, most of these were just variations on a few simple vacuum-tube circuits.) All designs were based on research developed and released to the public domain by Western Electric in the '30s, and used vacuum tubes for amplification. The business also sidelined in carrying records for sale and the rental of self-designed-and-built PA systems. Leo became intrigued by design flaws in current musical instrument amplifiers, and he began custom-building a few amplifiers based on his own designs or modifications to designs.


If I am wrong I am wrong. I guess I am wrong.

Buzzwagon wrote:

I understand that the reason they've pulled the IPO is that they now realise their bottom line is tied in with their customers and Guitar Centre are apparently into Fender for $48mm which kind of canes the market valuation and marks down the share price.

And Jx3 Leo Fender started out repairing radios, the guitars came a little later. I'm not sure they own Takamine but certainly Guild and Gretsch as well as Jackson, Charvel, Tacoma, DeArmond and of course not forgetting Squier.


Leo Fender started out repairing radio`s. Fender was always a musical instrument company. Never a radio repair co.


(8 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

I guess you could say it has a Fisherman pickup. I couldn`t resist that one

dino48 wrote:

Looks like Fender has alot of the guitar market wrapped up.

True, almost like the GM of musical instruments. The 3 names I rattled off were just what I remembered off the top of my head.The article had more. They did start out as a musical instrument company.(unlike mitsubishi, a tuna fish company, 3 diamonds). At least it stays true to itself in that respect.

Fender will remain a private company. They will not sell shares of stock. It was on the MSN website news. In case anyone was worried or wondering if this was going to happen or not, you can sleep at night now. In the article, it does tell the other companies they own. Gretsch, Takamine, Guild, that I can remember. Wow, I really do have too much time on my hands.


(4 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

thnx dino

Funny dino. I had a car stolen in 2005. The police caught the 2 kids at 1am parked in it the next street over. The worcester police called me at 1am asking if I knew where the car was. It was stolen from the shop where it was being fixed. All I could figure is that they were trying to figure out how to put the top down.Or they were incredibly stupid or both. One street away. If you stole a car, wouldnt take it far away before stopping on the side of the road for any reason?


(3 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

Congratulations on that. 4 weeks away must seem like forever..So glad your son was picked for the program.

I never knew npr had such a site. Thnx. I will visit that more often.


(2 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

This is a great place, isn`t it. We can talk about anything (within reason) without it turning into a fight.


(4 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

I never thought I would say this. I can`t wait to get back to work. This being an invalid isn`t for me. An extra week off is awful if it can`t be enjoyed. My wife won`t let me do anything. Confession, She didn`t take the keys to my pickup so I do sneak out just to get away from the house for a bit. Even worse, I got a guitar in Maine last week and I can`t even play it yet Monday, I should get cleared to get back to work. Wish me luck


(18 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

Ever try a flip camera? I bought one for 80.00 in a clearence section at Wal Mart. It works great. Easy to use as an instamatic, And tiny. You may want to look into one of those

When I got beat and robbed.I didn`t even report it. It wasn`t even 20.00 and I did not even want to see the guys ever again. I knew who stole from me also, but couldn`t prove it. Toolbox, battery to a boat I had. Garage jack. Still I didnt report it.Just kept things locked up.(IN MY OWN CELLAR). Another time, found my car window smashed and all my casettes stolen and the car ransacked.  Ask me why the guy who stole the guitar should be shot.


(18 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

Those are two painful words for me this week lol


(18 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

If you dress in green. It will look like you have no body.Just a head and hands


(5 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

The interview with the robber was the best. Maybe he should think it through before making a bad decison. Boo Hoo, he wasn`t going to shoot anybody, and he didn`t. It`s hard to feel sorry for someone who gets shot while trying to hurt others. when I was young I heard an expression that stuck with me." IT ONLY TAKES ONE SECOND TO MAKE A DECISON YOU WILL REGRET FOR THE REST OF YOUR LIFE"


(38 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

Greatbigdave wrote:
joeyjoeyjoey wrote:

Remember the Ronco commercials.Veg o matic, Trimcomb or pocket fisherman.How about K Tel records."The hits of 1973" , all sung by the same group. I still cringe thinking about my mother cutting my hair with the trimcomb (painful). Makes me happy to be bald now

Off topic but I remember being assaulted with the Trimcomb by my mother!! I have gone through life thinking that I was the only victim. Thanks JJJ it's nice to know I am not alone. Boy they were painful.

Maybe there should be a support group for people that were victims of the trimcomb. How many would step up?

My original point was that I think the thief should be shot.Not just that thief,but anyone who does that to anyone for any reason. Not just a guitar. Since this is a guitar forum, The link is relevant. Also that anyone that plays has more respect for an instrument than to treat one badly like two teenage boys did at a flea market. I also do take offense (almost personally) when things like that happen. And I am not going to take back or apologize for my original post. One question, Have you ever had anything you worked hard for stolen? Have you ever taken any punches for a few dollars that you had on you? Answer that, then put things in perspective. P.S.  I have


(5 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

Good for him. I`ll bet they think twice before trying that again.

zguitar wrote:

Here's the story: … 83246.html

I would have beat that guy until the cops got there. Why are people so stupid? Frustrates me to no end.

Thanx for putting the link up z

Being unable to do anything for a few days. I have all this time on my hands to look at news and go online. I don`t know how to put the link on, and the story is on my facebook page. Either way, the channel 7 news in San Diego has a story of a man who went to audition for a band. Another went up to him saying he liked his guitar and offered to buy it. When he said it wasn`t for sale, The man took it from him and said "now it`s my guitar". He was caught and the ax was recovered, that is not the point. I personally don`t take kindly to anyone treating someone elses guitar or any instrument in a disrespectful manner. Example: at a flea market. An overpriced Kent electric was there. These two teenage boys took it and started acting stupid with it. I told my daughter that they didn`t play, because nobody that played would treat someone elses guitar like that. I asked her if she would do that, or would she like it if two idiots did that to one of her guitars. She saw my way of thinking. I am sure that nobody will disagree with me on this one. I think I have too much time on my hands this week.


(18 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

My axiom is that everyone should have a brother like you.


(6 replies, posted in Acoustic)

Whenever I see a Yamaha Acoustic for sale, I am drawn to it like Moth`s to a light. No matter how I am feeling. A Yamaha electric, Does nothing for me. Truthfully, I do not like them. I bought one a few years back and hated it. My reasoning was. If there acoustics are that great, imagine how their electrics are. Oh and thanx again for the well wishes


(37 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

The absolute best song ever. As far as words and meaning goes is "BURNING BRIDGES" By "the Mike Curb Congregation". A lot more of you have heard this than you think.At the end of the movie "Kelly`s Heroes". It is played. I don`t  think it ever was on the radio. If you havent heard it, you should go on youtube and give it a listen.


(6 replies, posted in Acoustic)

zguitar wrote:

Good score J3!!!!!

I'll bet the kidney stones didn't have you thinking about the hot car very much. Glad to hear that the guitar was ok. I have 3 Yamahas and I agree, they make some good stuff.

Do you have to pass the stones on your own or did they do something for ya at the hospital?

No, it took surgery. The thing wouldnt budge. Now it hurts to play the guitar I just got for now. Actually I was worried about the hot trunk. Shows where the priorities are of a guitarist. I was in pain when I tried it out. Like a moron, I was driving back from the festival with my daughter and her friend. I always say i`m very lucky. Oh and thanx for the good wishes pete and z