AHAHAHAHAHAHHHAHA,  Daddycool ! i wonder why the word Farting , always makes me laugh ?

Its a natural body function, But one of my friends could fart for England !  God bless her...
Plenty of people in cemetery's wish they could perform this body function. lol   Good funny song.

Blazing Saddles came to mind.. Just glad its not smelly vision lol


Old Doll.


(13 replies, posted in Poems)

So many of Jimmys recipes are delish.

But, tiger prawns cooked in  his larger batter, are sooooooooooooooooo good.

Hmmmm, getting hungry now. lol

Old Doll


(13 replies, posted in Poems)

Tiger prawns and Calamares

with a beautiful salad i had tonight.. In an Italian Restaurant ??. Even the chef came out to see who ordered
such a dish.. lol None to pleased his fresh pasta wasnt ordered..

Meat ! Very hard to digest i find.. I maybe need UYKs incisors.

Or buvvys servents to chew it for me..

Old Doll


(4 replies, posted in Poems)

lol lol lol

I said " Id be back to read this piece.  Earl Grey Tea ! was once only for the gentry.  Now Buvvy
im sorry to disappoint you, but earl grey is in every cafe /diner/ restaurant/ or greasy spoon you can imagine.

i dont know to many who like the stuff, Its nearly as common as "The Earl of Dishwater " lol

C'mon Buvvy, ill make you a nice cup of cha.. I prefer Lyons Tea, but Barrys is a good seller here ! I do
believe its the power of there marketing team.

Have a listen to this promotion of theres.


Thank You"

Old Doll.


(12 replies, posted in Songwriting)

Hi ken,

It takes greater courage to travel this road..  We sometimes have to get ill to find ourselves..

Makes it all sound simple don't it ? You and I know the truth here..

Your song is wonderful, writing is just one of your other strengths.. Know this, use it, but most of all enjoy it..

Peace in abundance to you .

Ill be in touch soon.

Old Doll.


(9 replies, posted in Songwriting)

Delighted your not censored Jeff,

insightful as always, you are with your songs.

We were hounded with censorship on this wee island..  I must admit Ive lived to see big changes , thankfully.

But it goes on all around the world..

http://www.tjmcintyre.com/2009/01/thai- … -news.html

Old Doll.


(7 replies, posted in Songwriting)

A great song which transported me back many years..

I remembered all the feeling you express in this song.. Hard times indeed.. Looking at my young kids , wondering would i ever see them as men..

But some survive, thankfully i was one also.. 5 years is a long wait to be given a clean bill of heath.

Im now struggling with the news of my 30 year old niece, diagonosed 3 weeks ago....

I was at the body world exhibits tonight with my son.. Its fantastic.  We really dont appreciate  how miraculous
we are..

Thought provoking  ! Like your song.

Well done Alan, Good health always to you.

Old Doll.


(12 replies, posted in Songwriting)

Nice song Phill,

Your not only in love with your chosen one, but a man in touch with his feminine side..

Love the lyrics as always .. ya never lost the touch Sir..

Old Doll.


(27 replies, posted in Songwriting)


So its my apple pie and cream ya want ! Ok...

We had soft  rain today for the first time in a while.. You know the type ? its misty, refreshing, but soaks..  Buvvy, take all ya need as we get far to much, i tell you..

Well for you sweltering in sunshine.. Now eat your pie quick !as the cream not used to blistering  heat.

Ill pop back to read you poem..

Old Doll.


(27 replies, posted in Songwriting)

Buvvy !

Love ? Moi ? or Tea lol Gosh i was getting carried away there..

I love tea like this bunny loves his carrots.




(27 replies, posted in Songwriting)

Russell !

Its a special colour for tea drinkers. lol


(27 replies, posted in Songwriting)

Hi Badeye,

When i seen this  in my post this evening, i thought ! has my old segosha been on the wacky backy lol

Then, i reread  the thread,          DELETED ?  I ASK YA ?  How could they !   Per! I know i dont have the time to be here as of late but ,  Deleting my segosha's Song..... Me heart near broke for him when i read this lol

C'mon over here till i mind ya pet.. You sing your song and ill make the Cha...  Would ya care for some home made apple pie with it ?.. and lashings of pure irish fresh cream. ?.. Ill remove all the calories for ya..:lol:

Gosh ! How good am i ? im only back a few seconds, and im wining and dining lol

Love to you and Gem," Thanks for all the correspondance. Its much appreciated..


Old Doll.

Love also to all who remember Old Doll.


(7 replies, posted in Songwriting)

Hello you sweet daddycool,

Ive been reading your songs but alas dont have the time like i used to to comment..

Daddcool im not sure whether this song is a personal one ? if so !
can  i say this to you ? In your own strength, you find  personal honour and integrity. Nurture  and maintain all that you hold dear to you family wise.  Maintain your  own digity. As Fickle natured people have a harder road to plough in life. Its not your problem !
dont take it on..

Love in abundance to you and yours.

Old Doll.


(7 replies, posted in Poems)

I hope to try the real thing at the end of this year. Sounds yummy.

not the veggie one now !  UYK, i never did like the square sausage
when in Scotland.. Spoiled with the beauties we eat here i guess.

Good poem Son.

Old Doll.


(11 replies, posted in Songwriting)

Lovely as always Jeff,

Hows the beautiful new grand daughter doing then ?.. Spoiled rotton i bet ?..

Love to you and yours

Old doll.


(6 replies, posted in Songwriting)

I do hope they give him the time he needs to get some changes in place..

Young man with  big worldly demands  on him .   Senator George Mitchell, Good move i feel to have him work  for the middle east...

Did anyone ever tell you  "You  have a lovely way of expressing your  emotions and thoughts in words ?" Well you have !

So keep writing..

Old doll.


(16 replies, posted in Songwriting)

Marcalan told me about this song today,

Said " I must go listen " i did Phill . he was right
a very catchy little tune, enjoyed it very much as always.. While there ive had your other songs playing,,

Silence of soldiers" is so good also.

Old Doll


(14 replies, posted in Songwriting)

Complex but beautiful Ken,

Are you going to record this soon ? Im looking forward to hearing this ken.

Great stuff, my kanuky Friend.

Old Doll.


(1 replies, posted in Poems)

So Good young man. Captured from the innocence of a child..

I to remembered the fear of being stopped and searched. i was much older. Even though you knew you were doing nothing wrong.. My heart would clang away like the clappers.. I spent a lot of time in the North and still do.. Just 8 years ago, i stopped in a wee town to stroll and buy some gifts.. I was told in no uncertain fashion to get my Effin freestate car out of there town while i could still drive it...  I was also told another time " I was on the wrong side of the street ?..
I was back recently to the very same town with not a problem at all..
Black faces, as in painted, Commando green, guns, intimidation, i hated it all.... The predominant factor for me was always fear.

I Thank  the Lord for peace and freedom to move around this country as i wish.

Well done again to you.

Old doll.


(4 replies, posted in Poems)

Thank you Both"

very much for taking the time   to comment..  Its always appreciated..

Phill ! There is absolutely nothing shallow about your writing.
Dust off that dream catcher ! Dust is known as stagnant energy in the Feng Shui World.

Alansheeran !. Cryptic i would say !  But ya know what ? I get the message lol

Sun and seashells to you both.

Old Doll.


(5 replies, posted in Poems)

Great Stuff Alansheeran,

I watched it all today.. Then watched a programme about his life..   Fantastic Story" .

I do hope his thoughts and dreams are realized.. Blessings in abundance to him and his cabinet.

Old Doll.


(4 replies, posted in Poems)

Something i read here on the forum tonight reminded me of this piece i wrote
quite some time ago now.

I hope you dont mind my breezin back in here tonight ? I finally found  a spare hour to browse before beddybyes lol

Taunted Dreams.

Real emotions feel the pain
like  your  uncovered  in the rain
Every drop just makes them sting
Pierces heart , love ,everything.

Pandora fills your heart and  soul
Tries to take from you your goals,
Believing this, your everything
No thoughts left for people things.

Your pain  howlling deep inside
Scattered thoughts  has no  pride
Or, peace  for you in nightly sleep
Still   taunted   with your dreams.

Your failing now an open  plight
Touch Unhinged , rejected choice
Mindless  chatter,  it  has no voice
just   loneliness in  sight.

Now, Where are you of promised things?
Banded with some fine gold rings
Social kid , oh  so  smart !
  Broke the laws of God and hearts.

i liked your Poem,

I like this even better.

ts o.k its the inside and not the out,
no one ever hears you, you can shout and shout and shout.

I call this my silent scream.....but usually smile as i do so lol

Old Doll

Thank You"   tubatooter,

That was pure magic Sir.

Old Doll.


(13 replies, posted in Songwriting)

Ive listened Phill to your 2 new songs.

There both great  songs and recordings.. Well done Russell as always.. great stuff..

Old Doll..