(44 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

NELA wrote:

Ok, so ya'll don't like people using cell phones. Why? Where will it stop?

Gotta go and buy some stock in the hand free accessories market.

Hi  Nela,

firstly I agree on the seat belt law with you. It is your own safety if you do not wear one but the reason they did introduce it was so doctors and hospitals did not have to deal wit hso many serious injuries. It is a proven fact that seat belts reduce the amount of head smashing through the window. They also cause a lot more chest problems too!

now, cell phones! well, if you are talking to someone on a phone while driving your full attention is not on the driving, this too has been proven. Even if talking to a passanger in the car it can put you off driving but wit ha passanger in the car they can see why you are keeping quiet sometimes to consentrate more on the road. A person a the end of a phone cannot see what you are doing. And even if you say hold on a minute to the person at the other end so you can do something needing done quickly, you have a phone in your hand which will limit to what your hands can do at the steering wheel.
I am all for banning phones in cars, even hands free. in fact I would just ban all mobile phones and get back to the good days when we never had any, give me a CB radio anyday.

Now another question....where will it stop??? good question! I would ban smoking from cars, I would ban make up from cars, Noisy kids from cars, people that go 20% over any speed limit, ( yep, im banning myself here lol ) dogs that run about the seats should also be banned.

Cars can be very dangerous things and if all these were cut out they would be safer for the driver other drivers, cyclists and pedestrains.



(44 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

would be a very good time to write a song Kap.
maybe start it before court and finish it after the case. then you will have all your feeling wrote down while going through it all.

I have a thing about drink driving. I have seen many people harmed by it, and some were just over the limit and no more. Was it the drink to blame though? no one could say for sure. Sober people have bad accidents too, some a lot worse than a drink driver would do with speeding at 120mph and causing huge pile ups.

I used to have 2, sometimes 3 pints and drive an hour or so after it, i felt ok to drive but i bet i have probably been over the limit once or twice. In the past 5 years I will not drink anything at all if driving because sometimes when I drink a pint I can feel the effect of alcohol, I may be under the limit and fit to drive but I tihnk if someone feels the effect of anything in the slightest then they shouldnt. Oh how my mind changes the older I get, changing for the good though I think, or changing for the safer

A few folk I know still have a few pints and drive, some in ireland. they live that far away from the pub that it costs too much for a taxi and they are on quiet country roads so they think it is ok.

but good luck to you in court, I am sure we have all done what you have done sometime without even realising you were ( in the eyes of the law) not fit to drive.


appologies Tom,

i am seeing what you are seeing now. I never use this feature and misunderstood at first what you meant.
Sure when you click on individual songs it is ok but viewed as a songbook it is a bit messed up.

Per should be able to sort this sometime, maybe not soon and maybe but I am sure he will.


I went to your songbook and the songs you mention.
I only saw the words italicised on the chorus on all the songs. The rest of the lyrics looked fine



(10 replies, posted in Songwriting)

i find this hard to play ,lol. and I am sober!!!! lol

But I love the lyrics James.
good work


i never have washed my hands before playing, or i would not wash them for the purpose of playing.
After I play I put it back on it's stand.

I give the guitar a good servicing with a duster when i change the strings every 3 months or so. If I have not picked the guitar up in over a week then i might give it a rub down with my grubby hands.

I bet no one wishes to lend me their guitar now lol



(4 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

If tomorrow was yesterday and today was tomorrow, what day would it be the day after next friday?




(2 replies, posted in About Chordie)

nope it is not possible to hear the song through chordie, .

BUt i have a question for you.

If you have never heard some of them how can you say you like them?



(30 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

Poplar as in the tree "poplar" or do you mean popular?
Poplar heights?
hmmm, might get confused with popular heights as not everyone knows that poplar is a tree.

popular heights? hmmm, yeah not bad.



(30 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

well if someone wants to make fun of the band if they dont like you, you will give them a head start by calling yourself "lost cause".



(7 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

as Lena told me when I went over to Cork in march, there are internet cafes everywhere there and she was right ,so no excuse.
And, she is only about a half hour drive away from Cork,lol. she could have went and back in a day.

I am sure she will just be busy with her flowers and stems and vases and petals and things lol



(19 replies, posted in Bands and artists)

I used to go in the stiff little fingers forum a lot. Jake Burns the singer,guitarist and song writer pops in very frequently ( since his wife runs the forum)
He was saying how he and Bruce Foxton or might have been steve grantely the drummer write music for video games in their spare time.  I am probably wrong but they have tunes on the burnout games as well as a few more.
He said he done it for extra income, just like a wee sideline.
I see nothing wrong with bands doing this if they want to, especially the likes of Stiff Little Fingers that are not mega mega  big and loaded.
So is it only wrong that bands do this if they are succsseful? Or is it just wrong full stop for any musician to sell their music to the likes of gaming and advertising etc.

Led Zep probably have said no because they have got enough money, but I would put a bet on if they were in the same situation as jake Burns and having to still to annual tours to the same loyal fans, they would not hesitate to sell their songs.



They are not really needed as such as 99% of the time everyone is fine and there is no offensive language etc.
It was headcase that brought this up. He was looking for rules of the forum or website as most other sites do. I went looking and seen there were no guidelines so I suggested that we should make them up for anyone that would like to see rules/guidelines. And also if anyone in the future does say anything out of line they can get directed to these to read for themselves.

So it is not something that was urgently needing done in chordie but we thought better to have them than not to.



(8 replies, posted in Bands and artists)

if the heavy rock bands done nothing but heavy fast songs they would not be able to rest their vocal cords much at a gig, so they do a ballad or two lol

another reason is:

they have to play ballads in a gig so they can see all those lighters getting lit and waving them about  inthe air. This lets the band see who all the smokers are so they can scrounge some cigarettes.

another reason:

they have planned this so the parents of the younger fans will think it is ok for their offspring to go see them since they do such a lovely song or two.

and the other reason which has been said. Girls love love songs and guy love girls.



(10 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

thanks toppy

maybe i am a complete numpty right now but i still cannot access videos through that link

anyone else in the uk having probs?



(2 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

i am guessing here but I dont tink these songs have any copyrights unless they are done in a certain way by a known artist.
as far as i know there songs areclassed as tradition and will not cause anyone any trouble if they play them and make money from them

but this is a total guess



(6 replies, posted in About Chordie)


like toppy just said, you can see all by clicking on the option on the right to see all versions.

I understand your disgruntlement as the exact same happened to me tonight with green day's good riddance. My sis in laws boy friend was wanting the chords and I told him to look up chordie. When i looked it up for him there was only TAB version of the song. So I clicked on "all versions" and all versions just like the tab says lol and he 3as happy. He was even hapier when I clicked on the scroll tab. He told me he had seen chordie but he never reaised what facilties it actually had. I thin khe will be hooked to this site sooon

It might have a few flaws ( but easily sorted one way or another) but it is still the best guitar site online in my opinion



(10 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

I could not get to see anything on that link apart from an advert for hair conditioner or shampoo or something.
I even tried the list at the left but the screen kept saying then that the video was unaccessable

Maybe something wrong with that site...I wil try later



(3 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)


Great wee thing but not had time lately to do much.



(2 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

yeah dino,
I would think that maybe is.
If the words to Knocking on heavens door were longer and more forgetful like american pie then that could be high on the list also.

I would think this is because apart from easy to play ( I think) they have it mostly for the lyrics as they are so long.



(2 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

Well Folks,
it is that time of year in Scotland again for the folk festivals for the next 3 month.
And starting today for 3 days is the balloch folk festival, situated next to loch lomond ( im sure you all know the song)

So I am starting tonight by leaving in half hour to go to a curry karaeoke first in glasgow then back here to balloch for the folktivities. I should sober up Monday. lol
Sunday is the all day bender from 12:30 ( when the pubs open) to dunno, I have never been able to remember the time at night when it stops for some reason lol

jamming session in the pubs on sunday afternoon, great organised bands in the pubs too from about 4pm ( full steam ahead, great band, play every year in the tullie)

so if you are within travelling distance jump a train and come down.
You might recognise me, I will be the one in the gutter at night slurring my words, trying to sing.

Hmmm, then again that sounds like another few hundred folk there.


wlbaye wrote:

Hey Ken,

I have a problem finding a list of rules also, I have been going to motorcycle rallies for 30 years and i always see signs with,
"HD Rules"  but no one I ask has a list of the rules maybe you can help?

Later Wayne P

think it might be in the pipeline


Doug_Smith wrote:

This is a "family forum" and I'm trying to avoid expletives.  Haven't been here long enough to know all the rules.

I was going to post a link to the rules, but thinking of it, I dont know if there are any page with a list of rules for the forum.

BUT I can say.

no swearing ( cursing)
No bullying
No deliberatly anoying folk
No posting artists songs on the forum unless you are the writer.
be friendly
Accept telling offs from moderators/admin if you need a telling off lol
Just be nice and treat people the way you would like to be treated yourself.
try not to open threads in irrellevant sections.



(16 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

fantastic question lol

Behind blue eyes....the who
wish you were here.....pink floyd
if wishes were fishes......eric bogle



(7 replies, posted in Acoustic)

well I honestly have not heard of this make but then I probably have not heard of a thousand makes.
going with the description and review on it, it seems fine but like Zurf says, try it out before you buy it.
And do not go on looks alone, make sure you play a few tunes on it.
If you just go wit hit after playing a few chords you might regret it later but you will not want to admit it. ( I have went through all this before)
So no matter how embaressed you think you are going to get play to your hearts content first with it.

I am saying all this but I will have to do what I say next time i buy a good guitar. lol

good luck with your buy, hopw everything is what you expect it to be no matter what you end up getting
