(0 replies, posted in Songwriting)

well the mic on my lap top has stopped working so its gopro and you tube for awhile i guess.
any way here is a video of my latest effort  hope these links work i have not done a lot with you tube . 


(5 replies, posted in Songwriting)

lol truer statement was never made 
Delivery’s late so we start yelling
Can’t wait for all that they’re selling
love that line     


(6 replies, posted in Songwriting)

cast your net wide , probably a song it that some to     


(6 replies, posted in Songwriting)

first line threw me off for the rest of the song but figured out where it was going soon enough.  catchy line just another card in the pack     

oh great now i want one     

just wondering if any one knows anything about or has entered a song in the international song writing competition?
i am considering entering  couple  of songs just for sH*@s and grins, its $35 a song to enter them. 

that second line brought back some memories from way back. lol didnt fix my writers block but sent me back to about 1968ish. the cats and fridge totally unrelated but both are vivid memories from childhood. let me explain . first the cat fighting, the house i grew up in was pier and beam , one night having the sh#t scared out of a 8 year old as two tom cats scream and thump the floor under his bed as they fight it out. at the time i had no idea what it was other than some monsters from the under world coming to get me. that was a very long night only years later did i figure out what it actualy was but to this day i remember it like it was yesterday. ahh the fridge running, at 5 AM the only noise in the kitchen my dad drinking coffee at the kitchen table before we head out on a fishing trip. funny the things we remember. but i remember the sound of that fridge in the early morning hours

thanks jim for bringing that memory back i havnt thought about that  for a long time , and thats what makes a great song     


(9 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

Jim that is a catchy line , i study and watch a lot of history shows i will keep and eye for lines from now on.

i am sending a couple to an organization called Woodsong. you can look them up on the net for information that one is free but the odds are million to one to get on the show but they claim to listen to every entry they get.  there some other places that can get expensive. i am waiting on input from the guy who owns the recording studio before i start writing checks. Dana has been involved in several country and gospel hit records , he has a copy and said he would give a listen and let know what he thinks.
you have heard all the songs they are all on sound cloud 

TIGLJK wrote:

What works for me is to read accounts of history. There are so many amazing events and people - seems there s always a catch line or something that I find to be inspiring.
Sometimes it's something someone says in the news.

an example - I was reading about abolitionist leader and newspaper owner William Lloyd Garrison and his fight for the freedom of slaves in America.
When people tried to silence him - his response was " I will be heard !"    or Sojourner Truth's " ain't I a woman" line in speaking of women's rights.

Both of those phrases have the ability to inspire a song to me - not necessarily about slavery or freedom - but you could adopt them to any modern situation.
Another thing I find inspring is just walking around and observing nature.

Hope this helps - it works for me but who knows - everyone's candle doesn't burn the same flame.
(LOL - I just made that line  up and thought - that's a pretty good phrase for a chorus in some song  " everyone's candle doesn't burn the same flame"  smile  smile  smile  !


Congrats on the recording of the CD  -  I'd like to hear it.
Where do you send them to to get publicized ?



(9 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

easybeat wrote:


lol oddly enough that is my go to cure     


(9 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

havnt been around much, went back in the studio a few weeks ago and recorded nine originals with the intent to send the CD,s to different places. for some reason after working on that for a month getting ready to record practicing the songs getting them down pat i am in a slump now. sat down to write some , and nothing , tried to come up with something for Bills request , nothing.

how do you guys break out of slumps? 


(9 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

TIGLJK wrote:


they touring with out him buy the tickets

That's too bad !!
Just yesterday I almost bought tickets to a ZZTOP show that's coming near my town next month.
Now I wonder if they will still play.




(30 replies, posted in Songwriting)

a little to the party but looks like ya,ll have it covered. good luck with it Bill hope it turns out good     


(9 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

TIGLJK wrote:

they are carrying on with out him
That's too bad !!
Just yesterday I almost bought tickets to a ZZTOP show that's coming near my town next month.
Now I wonder if they will still play.




(9 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

well lost another one , RIP Dusty

as a side note , three years ago on my way to work flying out of Houston and laying over in Paris sat three seats back of Dusty and Frank going over for their European tour . closest i ever got to any one that famous 


(6 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

well i dont have my grand kids on my picks but what i have is well i wish i knew how to post a pic here. my daughter talked me into getting a matching tattoo with her of my bill lawrence electric guitar ( my first electric) that her and her friends would sneak into my room and play with while i was away offshore in the gulf of Mexico working. i was reluctant but agreed to my one and only tattoo , around the guitar i had whole notes one for each grandchild  and one half note for one that never made it to see this world. you can thank Jack for this little insight
side note i am not that attached to my picks but pretty particular about who plays my guitars     

welcome back buddy, dont need to ask for my permission     


(10 replies, posted in Poems)

Peatle Jville wrote:

Cheers Jim and Phill , Thank you for your feedback. With all these cyber attacks and reliance on computers and the internet for  all sorts of things I wonder how safe the net is. I have a friend who has worked in banking for years he tells me that the banks are getting rid of branches and people to save money. Their trying to get people to do everything on line so they don’t have to pay for business real estate space also have less staff. I recently had to get something sorted with the bank as our local branch has been closed. I was made to phone the call center which took me nearly an hour as I had to wait for my call to be taken.  I had to listen to awful music and a voice every so often saying your call is value and we will be with you soon. I had to phone to make an appointment to talk to someone at the bank in the city. It was only  a few  years back you could just walk into the bank and talk to someone. Many of my friends use to pay their bills at post offices which are slowly been closed down around the country. Many of my friends don’t have computers so they have to pay an extra fee because they get their statements through the mail. Today many outfits here charge an extra fee if you want your invoice mailed out where as before everyone got their invoices in the mail without  an extra fee.  Maybe it is a weird theory of mine the over reliance on the internet could backfire in a big way with the cyber wars going on at the moment. The Kindergartens and some hospitals  here have had to go back to pen and paper while the computer experts try and sort out a mess caused by ransom ware and hackers.
To me it is a bad form of social engineering and a form of discriminations for the elderly. For my one hundred year old Mum banking and bill paying has become a nightmare for her.

dont get me started on the subject lol     

well since i retired last year the choice is easy for me

still the redskins to me but stopped watching last season they call them what ever they want     


(13 replies, posted in Songwriting)

easybeat wrote:

Pete,while i dont think this is fantastic,but it is interesting which is not to be dismissed.
interesting has merit,great to see you trying stuff other than tried and true.
an artist i think is very interesting is Bill Callahan i like what  he does
but i cant get into it.but i keep going back because  hes different.
hope this makes some kinda sense.

like easy trying to make my mind up on this one, like the story behind it would loved to been able to hear her play. reminds me a of an old dude years ago on bourbon street playing the blues on guitar my crew left me on the side walk listening to him while they went on bar hopping. all ways amazes me how people with that much talent never get a break and the crap that makes on the radio today     


(5 replies, posted in Poems)

there once was a man from Nantucket
with guitar and he liked to pluck  pluck it 
he said with a grin
as he wiped of his chin
if  i were a king
it would have golden strings     


(6 replies, posted in Poems)

nice work , cool accent to     


(5 replies, posted in Songwriting)

making faces like SRV or Jimmy when it gets good     


(10 replies, posted in Songwriting)

beamer wrote:

I said this in the sound cloud but  LOVE IT.  I kept waiting to hear  you somehow quote:

"You know you always have the Lord by your side, And I was so pleased to be informed of this that I ran Twenty red lights in his honor."  A'la Mick and the boys.
It has that same feel big_smile     https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VyK1bZZ7E-s

lol thanks for that have not heard that in for ever. i suppose that and the ballad of the uneasy rider are where this song came from     


(9 replies, posted in Poems)

easybeat wrote:
mojo01 wrote:

which one is which ?

depends on if you`re woke or not,which is which

guess i am still sound asleep     


(9 replies, posted in Poems)

which one is which ?