(29 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

Thanks Bill, for getting the info for me, and for this thread.  Thanks so much Doug for the link as well.  sad  He was a really nice guy.  We had some private chats via email a few times, he he truly cared for the people here.  Never was mean to anyone, always a kind word.  Even when he didn't know an answer, if he saw a thread ignored he'd post on it so people didn't feel like they were being ignored.  Despite his comments all the time that he couldn't sing, I still wish he'd have put a recording up... or could have made it to the East coast for one of the gatherings as he so badly wanted to join in on. 

RIP Vince.  You'll be missed here by your Chordie Family.

I have listened to them all, and posted on your sound clouds.  This was a GREAT way for me to wake up with my coffee this lovely Saturday morning (instead of with work for a change)!  AWESOME job everyone!  Thank you so much for sharing these with everyone.

I have to say, if this was a competition, it would be so difficult to choose a winner!  Everyone has done a little something different with each version of their covers to make it their own, and make it work.  I just love it!  smile

BGD - you are one brave soul to cover Jack and Diane!  I've been TRYING, but just can't get down a strum pattern that works!  GAAHHH!  You've got some mad skills, sir!


(21 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

Late to the party as always, I am.  Welcome back Bill!  I've been working non-stop it feels and have probably missed out on a lot of posts, emails, facebook stuff and more.  I'm around though here and there. Glad to see you here!  smile

MKD has wanted The Weight as FSOTM for a while now.  I may have to serve him a few drinks then secretly record though!  Lol!  I wanted to try Jack and Diane myself but it's not working too well so far. sad I haven't entirely given up yet!

Zurf wrote:

I am changing my 90's song recommendation.  It is Nanci Griffith's "From A Distance."  And I am going to be fully open here - this is entirely because I want to hear Amy sing it with her family backing her. 

For those who thought it was a Bette Midler vehicle... shame on you.

Julie Gold was apparently the actual writer. I've listened to them all performing it. It's a beautiful song, and each has done a beautiful version.  Bette did make it famous though. wink

If it is chosen, I would love to hear some guys on this song. It would make for a great cover to be done various ways.  I bet Beamer could even find a way to rock it out!

BGD, Amie was a featured song not too long ago.  tongue I am pretty sure you covered it too!

1970's - Jim Croce!  Anything really, but how about "Next Time, This Time"

1990s - "Little Black Backpack", and I'll second Zurf's suggestion as well!!


(9 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

Sure wish something like that were a bit closer.  Sounds like a good way to spend a weekend!


(19 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

Welcome to Chordie Marshel!  Any friend of UJB, is a friend of ours!  Hopefully this means we'll get to meet you either at the gathering we hold in NY or the one Joe does in PA!  By the time one or the other comes around, you should be healed up well by then and back at the strings!  smile

I haven't had surgery - but I know the beginnings of that evilness.  I had some problems at one point as I type - A LOT.  I was also working as a cosmetologist, so lots of repetitive hand movements.  I was using two hands to carry my coffee cup to prevent dropping them on the floor, I was wearing wrist splints at night, and compression sleeves during the day.  The numbness and pain was nerve wracking.  I found that better ergonomics made a lot of it go away, along with learning certain massage techniques in the hands to relieve pressure.  Now a days, it's a "so far, so good" type of deal - I don't have too many issues now.  However, it's probably only a matter of time before the issues begin again and I'll need the surgery as well because ergonomics can only go so far for hand related issues.  Thus far, it hasn't seemed to affect me when playing the guitar, my hands are more bothered by typing than anything else I do.  Every time it tries to start back up, I reassess my ergonomics and change a few things around.

My mother was a waitress from the 70's through the last few years.  You don't see it so often now, but up through the 90's when I was too a waitress it was no biggie to carry 8 plates on a big ole tray supported by your shoulder and wrist.  Or at a diner, to carry for plates balanced on one arm, wrist and hand!  She had surgery, at one point, took it easy with the trays and plates for about a year, and then went right back into carrying trays like she used to (maybe without the full 8 plates though on the big tray - that's a LOT of weight).  It worked wonders for her. 

Sounds like you'll be picking up your instruments soon enough!  Glad to have you aboard!

Baldguitardude wrote:

Here's my try at Blame it on the Rain. I am sick and losing my voice, don't know if I'm going to be able to do the Floyd tune before my throat heals. But I'm darn sure going to try.

As others have noted, the song is viewed by many as less than spectacular, so I re-wrote it. Hope you enjoy.


That was pretty darn good BGD!  I don't think very many of the songs that were put under their name would be easy to do acoustic, and I sure wouldn't be able to pull that off!  Very good job!  Jim and I were both impressed! 

It brought back memories for sure!  One of the kids was in the room, so when it was over I pulled up a video of the original.  I told her, as it was playing, this is what they sounded like when I heard them.  In fact, this is EXACTLY what they sounded like - note for note, word for word, IN concert!  I'd told the terrible story several times in the past, so we all had a good laugh over that.

I've been so busy with work the past few months, I haven't had much time to pop into Chordie.  What a pleasant surprise to see a few songs up here that I know and love!  Perhaps when I get a little more time at some point this month I can try them out! 

Kudos to Jan for taking the lead on creating these threads and keeping up with everything in here while I've been so busy!


(8 replies, posted in About Chordie)

Hey guys!  This sounds like an expired cookie!  This may be a setting related to your browser accepting cookies, or you may simply need to remove all old cookies related to Chordie and download new ones.  If you let me know what browser you're using, I may be able to help further.  There's a bunch of info over on this thread though as well, and I'll link you to the location where I share about cookies:  http://www.chordie.com/forum/viewtopic. … 68#p170968


(8 replies, posted in Songwriting)

My first baby turns 21 today.  I must say, your lyrics hit right in the feels as usual!  Nicely written, Jim.

Baldguitardude wrote:
mekidsmom wrote:

Gosh, I'd just have to say pretty much ANY concert would be nice.  LOL!  I've led a sheltered life.  I only saw Milli Vanilli (sad huh?), 4 Non-Blondes, and Billy Joel ... I was under 20 years of age for all three concerts.

My early vote for March SOTM is that we nominate based upon our favorite shows we've seen live and in person. smile

OMG!!!!!!!!!!!  Thank you for reminding me!  Thread is up:  http://www.chordie.com/forum/viewtopic. … 84#p181584 

UJB - SIXTY EIGHT TIMES!  Um... uh... well... no comment.  LOL!


(5 replies, posted in Featured Song of the Month)


Why didn't anybody call me out on NOT getting one of these up?  THANK YOU BGD... for your super subtle way of letting me know. Please feel free to hollar at me next time!

I like BGD's idea, so we're gonna roll with it!  He suggested, in another thread, that for MARCH everyone give song suggestions based on shows they've seen LIVE in concert!  What a neat idea!

So this thread over here is all about concerts people WISH they had seen, and some have posted about concerts they actually HAVE seen: http://www.chordie.com/forum/viewtopic.php?id=31554

Please, add your suggestions for the March Featured Song of the Month below, based on songs played at concerts you've seen live in person!  (I promise, no Milli Vanilli songs will be chosen.  While I did SEE them in person, I obviously did not hear them live in person!  ha ha ha ha ha!)

Gosh, I'd just have to say pretty much ANY concert would be nice.  LOL!  I've led a sheltered life.  I only saw Milli Vanilli (sad huh?), 4 Non-Blondes, and Billy Joel ... I was under 20 years of age for all three concerts.

AWESOME everyone!!!!


(16 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

MKD snowblowing last week.  The very next day, I removed the same amount of snow.  Then, half of it melted.  We now have another fresh drop of about 4 inches.  I'm not complaining too much, since I don't really ever HAVE to leave the house and MKD has a 4x4.  I'd rather a little more warmth though.  I'm thankful we don't live in the true snowbelt.  The worst area nearby got about 10 feet in a week's time.

When I snowblow "the driveway" I travel about 2 miles by foot, according to my fitness tracker.  Of course, this includes going all the way from the Pole Barn to the driveway, looping up to the chicken coop, clearing an area for the dogs, and back to the pole barn.  Considering I could use the exercise, I oddly kind of enjoy doing this.  LOL!


(16 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

EVERYTHING they all said! 

I don't know much about much, but I think all the above sounds like really solid advise from folks that have been there or watched others be there... where ever that is.  You've had a rough couple years, and lots of reason to try to force your brain to relax and stop thinking.  I hope you can find a safer alternative while you work through things.  Find a way to let the music move you, take some voice lessons to go along with your guitar knowledge, go try something different like a goofy craft or something (I bet Chris would adore that). 

You got this, and you've got a whole corner of the world supporting you!  Who knows, maybe we WILL see you this summer after all!  Best wishes in the job hunt, after you take some time to unwind and de-stress of course!

I went back to listen, and find the heartbeats... I think what happened is that they were so "faint" compared to the guitar that they were difficult to hear.  Of course, I can't listen to metal too loud so my volume wasn't turned up.  I had to turn it up purposely to hear the heartbeats.  I also wasn't wearing headphones.  I think maybe if you put that clip in to start toward the end of the guitar - louder - while fading the guitar out quickly, it would work!  smile  I like what you were aiming at with it!

I also commented on both songs, but I think the heavy one may not have gone through.  The heavy feels like it needs drums to be more complete, but the acoustic feels complete as is.  I personally enjoyed the acoustic more, but I like how the heavier versions lyrics flow better (like Zurf said above).  smile  I still WILL at some point get to my pitiful version.  LOL!  I PROMISE!!!

Zurf - my co-mods left me (Jan's been on Holiday and is busy with some family obligations, UJB is busy playing his guitar), I've been inundated with new work stuff, and so, since you jumped in with words that made sense,  I just went with it.  LOL!  It's as good as pulling something out of a hat for me!  wink 

Yeah, I saw that vid - Gill actually did a little bit of lead singing for PPL!  I had no clue until I was searching around and saw that.

Graham - I hope your throat issues get straightened out soon.  It sounds like this may be more than just a cold.  Though, I've had laryngitis last for a month or so in the past seeming like it would never completely go away.  Its super difficult to deal with, but sure preferable to something more serious.  Thinking of you!

TIGLJK - Ha ha ha ha!  Amieeeeeeee, what'ca wanna do?  Take me hooooooome to West Virginiaaaaa.  LOL... I can hear a mash up song in there.

Scott - Hopefully you can do better than I did last month.  I promise, I will STILL get to those two songs at some point!

For February, we put it to a vote!  While, I'm not 1000% sure if Country Roads was a clear winner, Zurf says it was and I don't argue with big guys!  big_smile  Amie was a clear winner, and frankly I'm glad I get to listen to everyone sing to me now (even if it is spelled differently).

Take Me Home, Country Roads
Here's a possible chord page to use:  http://www.chordie.com/chord.pere/www.l … _roads.pro
From Wikipedia:  "Take Me Home, Country Roads" is a song written by Bill Danoff, Taffy Nivert and John Denver that was derived from a poem written in a letter to them by their friend, John Albert Fitzgerald who was residing in West Virginia at the time. It was first recorded by John Denver and included on his 1971 breakout album, Poems, Prayers & Promises."
wiki link

Some possible chords to use (there's got to be a better version somewhere, I'm sure!):  http://www.chordie.com/chord.pere/www.l … e/amie.crd
From Wikipedia:  ""Amie" is a song recorded by the American soft rock group Pure Prairie League. It was released in 1973 as their debut single, but did not chart on the Billboard Hot 100 until 1975."
wiki link
Did you know?
This song was covered by Lonestar, Travis Tritt, Wesley Willis, Brent Anderson (with Craig Fuller and Vince Gill), Counting Crows, and Garth Brooks!

NOW - it's your turn!  Try one, try both!  Make 'em your own, record, upload somewhere, and put the link here!

Ready?  Set?  GO!!!!

Zurf wrote:

Well it's the fifth.  I'm going with Amie and Country Road (not sure if this is meant to be John Denver's Take Me Home Country Roads or James Taylor's Country Road - so I'll try both) until told otherwise. 

Amie because it got the most votes, and the Country Roads songs because I already know the James Taylor version pretty well and worked on the John Denver a while back and have half a chance at it. 

If "the hat" disagrees with me, I will abide by decisions of "the hat."

In before the BELL!  And with that - I'll say Zurf has given a final vote bringing Amie up to 3 votes as a clear winner!
Since I don't know for sure either on the Country Roads... I'm going with John Denver.  big_smile 

And now to make the new thread...


(1 replies, posted in About Chordie)

I replied to your other post on the same topic over here:  http://www.chordie.com/forum/viewtopic.php?id=31375


(1 replies, posted in About Chordie)

Hey breezy123, sorry to hear about the difficulties you're having.  It sounds like you're missing a session cookie.  Can you please clear your cookies, and make sure your browser will allow new cookies?  You can clear just those related to Chordie, and even put Chordie on an allowed list if you don't want to open your browser up to cookies from other sites.

There's more information on how to clear cookies available here:  http://www.wikihow.com/Clear-Your-Browser%27s-Cookies
If you need help on clearing specific cookies, and allowing specific cookies, please let me know what browser you're using and I'll be happy to help further!


(8 replies, posted in About Chordie)

Sorry I didn't get back to you sooner! 

I'm not sure quite how the admin chooses to index songs, to be honest with you!  He may use an algorithm that includes songs that have gone through the rendering process, and if so, then I suppose your songs could eventually be indexed.  He may not though.  It would be a good idea to send out an email to admin@chordie.com and ask if you'd like more clarification on that one!  smile

One thing you CAN do though, is to put all the songs into one chordie songbook (when viewing the song through Chordie's rendering, click on "add to songbook") - and then publicly share the songbook.  It would then - in a way - be indexed.  People would be able to find the songbook and view the songs within Chordie.  The individual songs wouldn't necessarily show in song search results though... I don't think.

Yes, I think using the {st} is a good idea as a location for author - that stands for "subtitle" fyi.  smile 

While Chordie may not read all possible chod pro formatting, here's a page that provides some additional information and links to other informational pages describing the formatting and how you can use some of it:  http://blossomassociates.net/Music/chopro.html

As I mentioned before, if you have any issues or would like additional help, feel free to send me an email.  I'll be happy to help.  Email info is on that site I mentioned as my own.  Happy writing and geeky computering!  wink


(9 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

Jim and I have been thinking of you since seeing this.  If you're making some sort of change for the better, and someone else can't support that, then they sure aren't a friend.