Falling whilst rock climbing!!

I fell 12ft while climbing today and cut my head when i hit it off a rock so now i hate falling whilst rock climbing!

Got another little thing that i hate...

The Human Metabolic Rate.

If i so much as look at a burger i put on weight (which is awful when i'm trying to get my fitness up for the new football season) whereas one of my friends can eat til his hearts content and not put on the slightest bit of rate

Also, Exercise...I just hate it, but its necessary

Here's one for you all to consider. Concussions!!

I've had one since Sunday and its good but bad at the same time.


Strangely my guitar playing has sped up and my technique better too, i'm also more able to comprehend the more complex riffs.
I am inadvertantly funnier now (and flirtier) with my concussion
Had the last week off work


Speech is slurred
Not allowed to drink
Eyesight is blurred
Photo-sensitivity (sensitivity to bright lights for those who do not know)
Concentration is awful
Sleepiness (since monday i've slept on average 16 hours a day)
Memory loss

The list really could go on.

So i now dislike concussions on the basis of the above but I also embrace the positive things i've gained from it..just as long as it stays because if i recover from this concussion and my guitar playing goes awful again i will not be pleased.

Kraml. This is "Chordies Chat Corner" which means you can start threads on absolutely ANYTHING you want really. Like Paranormal Will who was banging on about how Paranormal investigation...well i fell asleep after Paranormal investigation if i'm honest but anyway. That is why it is on a guitar website Kraml


(50 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

I dont need therapy my friend. My father and mother are both Psychiatrists and i'm certified sane.

I'll start us off...



(50 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

You know what it is Krhoades? I'm from Northern England, and we 'oop North know what we like. But when we dislike something then by heck we HATE it! Like Marmite, I bloody HATE the stuff!

I think i better start another thread on the things we hate coz i could go for days (and cause some controversy)


(50 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

Why do i crack you up Krhoades? Like I said, i'm not going to dismiss others' musical tastes and opinions as these bands/artists i said i hate wouldn't be multi-millionaires if they didn't have a fanbase would they?

However, much like i said i hate the "Goat Slaughter" type of bands (Goat Slaughter means bands that play nothing but power chords and scream over the top etc. IE the Slipknot sorta thing but I don't particularly hate Slipknot for some reason which still beggars me to understand)


(50 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

Sorry Gitaardocphil but i really have got to ask...Do you like Jazz music?

I was watching a Bill Bailey DVD the other day and he was going on about the Belgians loving Jazz and was wondering if that is true or an urban myth


(50 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

krhoades wrote:

Are you kidding??????
Lenny Kravitz
David Gray
Arcade Fire
Pink Floyd

No i'm not kidding at all, Krhoades.

Radiohead - Depressive meaningless drivel
Lenny Kravitz - Hendrix wannabe, awful
David Gray - Don't get me wrong, good singer/songwriter. However much like Coldplay its whiney drivel
Arcade Fire - Overhyped, nothing special at all
U2 - I think i explained why i don't like U2 quite well.
Pink Floyd - I've tried to get the whole Pink Floyd thing but couldn't. Couldn't get what they were about or where they were coming from at all. But don't get me wrong, Another Brick In The Wall is a very good song. However 95%+ of the Pink Floyd appeal I just don't get.

Like i said, that is MY opinion and its going to differ from others, yourself included. However I have at least explained WHY I don't like said bands


(50 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

Bands i DO like:-

Guns N Roses
Lynrd Skynrd
Arctic Monkeys
Alice Cooper
Black Sabbath
Bob Dylan
Bruce Springsteen
Bullet for my Valentine
Deep Purple
Drowning Pool
Eric Clapton
Foo Fighters
Funeral For A Friend
Iron Maiden
Jimi Hendrix
Rolling Stones
Roy Orbison
T Rex
Van Halen
Velvet Revolver
White Stripes
ZZ Top

Thats off top of my head but that is a shorter list lol

V 9.03 so i think so yes. Just can't quite suss out the setup to record

I currently strum away on a Westfield Goldtop Les Paul Replica and a Bell & Head Extreme Headless model with Floyd Rose. I Also own (but will not play because i'm too scared to play it until i am worthy of playing it) a Cherry Burst Gibson Les Paul that my dad currently fiddles about with up in Scotland and a Gretsch TW100 signed by all the members of the Travelling Wilbury's.


Hi, i just downloaded some recording software called Cakewalk and I seriously can not suss out how to use it and the help section is about as much use as a chocolate fireguard!!

Has anyone used this before and does anyone know how to set it up to record???


(50 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

And now shall begin the list of crap artists/bands. Best to copy, paste, and add to the list when you find a new one you hate.

Celine Dion
Whitney houston
Christina Aguilera
Britney Spears
Justin Timberlake
Enrique (The Mole) Iglesias
Ordinary Boys
Culture Club
Boy George
George Michael
Nirvana (I just didn't get that whole Grunge "i'm going to kill myself my life is awful because I AM A BLOODY MILLIONAIRE!!" sort of thing)
Biffy Clyro (Again, a poor man's Foo Fighters)
Puffy Piddly Widdly Diddly Big Daddy Giant Haystacks Hulk Hogan Puff (Or whatever his name is now)
Kanye West
Mariah Carey
Goat Slayer Bands (IE - Bands that just play lots of power chords and scream over the top)
Crowded House
Lionel Ritchie
Phil Collins (Just something about him makes me want to slap him)
Rick Astley
Rod Stewart
Calvin Harris
David Guetta
Erik Morillo
Just Jack
Jamiroquai (Although mucho respecto to Jay Kay's car collection)
Chemical Brothers
Jack Johnson
The Kooks
COLDPLAY!!!! I HATE CHRIS MARTIN!!! Jumped up little ****
Lily Bloody Allen
Amy Wine-o...I mean Winehouse
David Gray
Craig David
James Blunt
Shakira (Although i most definitely would)
Jose Gonzalez
Nelly Furtado (Although again, I would)
Robbie Williams
Take That
No Doubt
Scissor Sisters
Pink Floyd (Sorry to the Floyd fans but i really dont get it, maybe i'm too young to get it just now)
Snoopy Doggy Woof Woof
The Fray (Whiney horribe little scrotes)
U2...Total garbage their later stuff, earlier stuff ie - Joshua Tree is good but when Bono got mega politically up himself i started HATING them. Plus i think "The Edge" (What a tit) is not that good and is just and effects pedal freak. Imagine a catastrophic effects cock-up at a U2 concert?! You'd just hear Edgey Boy playing Jingle Bells
The Feeling
Arcade Fire
The Automatic
Bon Jovi
Box Car Racer
Franz Ferdinand
Fallout Boy
Il Divo
Good Charlotte
Ian Dury and the Blockheads
Justin Hawkins
The Darkness
Limp Bizkit (Wes Borland - Good...Fred Durst - BAD)
Lenny Kravitz - Jimi Hendrix wannabe
Pete Doherty
Maximo Park
Panic! At The Disco
Steve Vai - Now don't get me wrong, immensely talented and gifted but such a big-head! Some, no, 99% of the stuff he plays is just dross of the worst kind. He just plays the most far-out crap he can peddle and hopes to get away with it. At Least Paul Gilbert could play in bands and work around lyrics. Vai can't be trusted to just play something simple. However i do have massive respect for the man.

Anyway thats only my opinion


(2 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

Ah yes, Will the Paranormal Investigator... A mate of mine who i often dual the banjo's with, Besti, posts on here and was showing some of the garbage that lad spoke and i took an instant dislike.

On another note, again on a bit of a random note a friend of mine at work introduced me to Prince and his fret-abusing prowess and frankly i'm impressed by the sheer amount of funk he can produce for a smarmy little midget with a silly name and even sillier hair. I have a new found respect for the symbol.

And also, I went to the Stockton Riverside Festival on Friday and it helped to confirm something to me. The Ordinary Boys are absolute garbage. I was willing to give them the "live benefit of the doubt" as i put it, in respect of the fact that some bands sound much better live than on record. IE - Muse, sound good on record but to see Matt Bellamy supremely fret-wank live is an awe inspiring experience.

However Preston and his fake-mod cronies are awful


(2 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

By Dual subject matter i don't mean the subject matter is about Duals...apologies to any knights i may have offended...

1 - To start i'll say hello, my first post and i've already offended the Knights

2 - I just been messing around and played Star Spangled Banner (Jimi Hendrix version) and God Save The Queen (Brian May Version) and was wondering how many other National Anthems have been given the Axe Treatment? And also, has anyone else noticed that the guitar can transform a dreary load of old turd like God Save the Queen for Example into a half decent tune?

Anyway, i'll go and leave it up to you guys. At least on my first post i didn't start spouting some crap about paranormal investigation and how it can improve your guitar playing.......