(35 replies, posted in Acoustic)

Absolutely right !! I remember when I first started I thought " How the bloody hell do you sing and play this thing at the same time ?????" But after a while you cant play without singing along. Lots of people say" Oh  I cant sing !" Any one can sing ,you have to train your voice just like you had to train your fingers. Sure some will be better than others, but you pick your songs ,ay ? My doctor actually said something like 'It's hardwired into our brain to sing and any one can ! " (even me  LOL smile I picked up a virus some years ago that paralysed my right hand vocal cords , the doctors said that's it for you mate forever ( I sounded like Marge Simpson !!) but one guy said I can fix that and he did and the point being is I had to learn all over again and it was hard work .It wil never be as good as it was but very close luckily. To never be able to sing and enjoy playing my guitar again would have been soul destroying. Sorry to ramble on folks, but LOOK AFTER YOUR VOICES !!!! : )


(53 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

Maybelline by Chuck Berry , thats a cracker, Blue Chevrolet Ballerina by Ross Ryan, beautiful song.....


(19 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

topdown wrote:

I have an easy solution for the low hanging pants thing. A few years ago (when this "fashon" started becoming popular), I told my now 16 y.o. son that if I ever see him with his pants hanging below his boxers, I will take all of his underwear away!

It's worked so far (at least when he's anywhere around me).

Perfect !!! Must try that . This low pants thing drives me nuts . Surely it cant be comfortable ? Then again it's all image isnt it ?


(19 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

Sad that kids cant get clothes to fit them !!! What a bizzarre culture this gang mentality is !!! I will never get my head around it......


(9 replies, posted in Songwriting)

Great song. Very close to home I'm afraid. I will try this song out .....if I have any strength left after RIDING MY BICYCLE TO WORK from now on because I cant afford to drive my bloody car !!!! I could sling the old guitar over my shoulder I spose...... : )


(9 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

Two cannibals eating a clown and one says to the other "Does this taste funny to you ??"  Arrrghh ! Sorry.....:lol


(10 replies, posted in Acoustic)

Is this a recognised pastime in Scotland ?? :lol

upyerkilt wrote:

string lifting?
Is that similar to shirt lifting? lol

string lifting I can only guess at would be bending a string? but then why would anyone ask how to do that?

no idea,


How about " Byte This "  ?? yikes


(51 replies, posted in Bands and artists)

Exploding White Mice ! They werent bad either 1


(44 replies, posted in Acoustic)

Gordon Lightfoot stuff " Wreck of the Edmund Fitzgerald" will send shivers down your spine with its eeriness


(21 replies, posted in Acoustic)

You are on exactly the right track !! Keep going !! It's tough but it gets exponentially better and you will be amazed, but Practice , Practice blah blah ad nauseum, you'll be fine !! smile


(10 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

They banned  'Six months in a leaky boat" by Split Enz in England during the Falklands War !! So they just played Cliff Richards ' Wer'e all going on a Summer Holiday" instead if I remember correctly


(13 replies, posted in About Chordie)

I havent had anything like that on Chordie but heaps on the other sites. Yes , I have visited other sites and been unfaithfull. Will you forgive me my infidelity Chordie ??


(8 replies, posted in Song requests)

Hi Ajcap
Smokie sang this song back in the late '70s, beatiful song too . Try under Smokie smile

ajcap wrote:

to a song that has been done numerous times by many artists but I can't seem to find it.  Maybe I'm using the wrong title to search but it has been done by Bonnie Raitt, Johnny Reid and even Tom Jones.  Starts out....Darlin', I'm feeling kind of lonesome,
I'd call you on the phone some,
but I ain't got a dime....

Sound familiar to anyone..??


(10 replies, posted in Song requests)

Hi Hopeful,
I play it all the time and I play it the same as Gordon lightfoot which is the best version. It's slightly quick strum ,G, G6, D, A and is nice on a 12 string. I think Gordons version is on youtube, pretty sure I saw it there smile

hopeful wrote:

Does anyone play this, if so how? Can anyone tell me what time it's in? Saw it being played on youtube by Peter, Paul and Mary in a fast picking pattern.


(57 replies, posted in Acoustic)

Yes Russ, its called practicing with the desperation of age !!I started in my 40's and I'm glad I did because you do have more focus and a huge amount of songs in your memory to choose from !

Russell_Harding wrote:

southpaw i think the focus is greater with the older students because they have a understanding of mortality when your young you can never grow old (thats what i thought) as i grew older my focus kinda did an about face and as long as your kickin you can learn pickin


(54 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

Hi Southpaw,
Your story reminds me of my Airforce buddy's wife looking at a billboard for a Natural Gas ad and it said at the end " ask us about our video" and she says " I didn't know they made gas powered vcr's!!" He said " ...and they let you vote??...." True story smile


(26 replies, posted in Songwriting)

Johnny Cash did a great job of using a bible passage and story with "Belshazzah"

I broke my left ring finger badly playing cricket, steel pins in it etc to fix it so now it doesnt bend at the first joint, so no barre chords, well a very ordinary B is about it, but fortunately all the music I like uses open chords so fine by me. As Clint Eastwood said- " Improvise , Adapt , Overcome !" smile

G'day Daddycool. Salting the roads at 3 am ??? I am so glad it doesn't snow here in Australia ! Well this part anyway ! Safe Xmas , mate !

Look forward to hearing it James. Had a thought , yesterday and fiddled with variation on one of your verses. Trying to get the old "No such thing as Gravity , the earth just sucks ! " line in there. What do you reckon.? You are probably better at it than me.

Damn fine song James ! I love stuff like that. I think I have the melody right, but what the hell if it sounds ok it is ok i guess, and a catchy little melody it is. Is it meant for picking or a strum pattern ?

Bryan Ferry's  " A hard rain " is brilliant Far better than Bob's im afraid

gitaardocphil wrote:

UYK, I know a lot of Dylan covers, how many artists covered Blowin' in the wind? It is on a café/bar in New York that he played 2 verses, AND telling people this was NOT a protestsong, but now it is considered as best "protestsong" ever. Who determines this? CRITICS? I believe in critics, but now these days you can hear, find, listen to every song. In stead of throwing with mud and claiming that album X is the worst, and more idiot, THEY know what the lyrics mean. If I write: I was eating an apple o so red, that the maggot in it felt on my head, baby, oh baby what a nice maggot. This is a silly example, and, let's say I play in a famous band or alone, I say the truth, just some words, but critics are busy and get a headache, to analyse the lyrics, to link it with Freud, Jung.
Some covers are fantastic, much better than the original.

ShadyWilbury wrote:

I don't remember whose 'Everybody's Talking'

Fred Neill wrote it- don't know that he ever recorded it, though.

Harry Nillson did it


(8 replies, posted in Other string instruments)

I try to but I didn't want to admit it !! LOL smile